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1743 Homann Heirs Map of West Africa ( Slave Trade references ) 'Guinea'

Guinea Propria, Nec Non Nigritiae Vel Terrae Nigorum…Aethiopia Inferior…1743. - Main View

1743 Homann Heirs Map of West Africa ( Slave Trade references ) 'Guinea'



Guinea Propria, Nec Non Nigritiae Vel Terrae Nigorum…Aethiopia Inferior…1743.
  1743     19 x 23 in (48.26 x 58.42 cm)


One of the finest maps of west Africa to appear in the mid 17th century. Details West Africa from Cape Blanc and Senegal to Guinea Inferior and the Cacongo and Barbela Rivers. Extends inland to including Ghana Lake on the Niger River as far as Regio Auri. The coast is highly detailed with numerous notation s in lation regarding the peoples and tribes of the region. The detail extends inland along some river valleys, most specifically the Niger, however, the map becomes quite vague the farther the river flows inland. Features an elaborate enbraving in the lower left depicting ivory, Africa tribespeople and a small village.


Homann Heirs (1730 - 1848) were a map publishing house based in Nurenburg, Germany, in the middle to late 18th century. After the great mapmaker Johann Baptist Homann's (1664 - 1724) death in 1724, management of the firm passed to his son Johann Christoph Homann (1703 - 1730). J. C. Homann, perhaps realizing that he would not long survive his father, stipulated in his will that the company would be inherited by his two head managers, Johann Georg Ebersberger (1695 - 1760) and Johann Michael Franz (1700 - 1761), and that it would publish only under the name 'Homann Heirs'. This designation, in various forms (Homannsche Heirs, Heritiers de Homann, Lat Homannianos Herod, Homannschen Erben, etc..) appears on maps from about 1731 onwards. The firm continued to publish maps in ever diminishing quantities until the death of its last owner, Christoph Franz Fembo (1781 - 1848). More by this mapmaker...


Fine or perfect condition. Blank on verso.