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1867 Mitchell Map of Alaska

North Western America, Showing the Territory Ceded by Russia to the United States. - Main View

1867 Mitchell Map of Alaska


Map of Alaska from the year it was ceded by Russia to the United States.


North Western America, Showing the Territory Ceded by Russia to the United States.
  1867 (dated)     12.5 x 15 in (31.75 x 38.1 cm)     1 : 13000000


This is a beautiful 1867 Samuel Augustus Mitchell Jr. map of Alaska. The map depicts the entire state of Alaska (which had only been ceded to the United States by Russia that year) along with eastern Siberia across the Bering Strait from Alaska, western Canada, and the Pacific coast of North America as far south as Vancouver Island and the Washington Territory. Numerous towns and villages are labeled in Alaska, including a Russian Village, as are several forts in the Yukon Territory and British Columbia. Islands are identified throughout, including the individual islands in the Aleutians, as are several mountains. The whole is surrounded by the vine motif border that was characteristic of Mitchell maps between 1865-1880.

Issued in 1867, the same year Alaska was purchased by the United States from Russia, this is one of the first map to depict the United States territory. Prepared for inclusion as plate 58 in the 1867 issue of Mitchell's New General Atlas. Dated and copyrighted, 'Entered according to Act of Congress in the Year 1867 by S. Augustus Mitchell Jr. in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the U.S. for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.


Samuel Augustus Mitchell (March 20, 1792 - December 20, 1868) began his map publishing career in the early 1830s. Mitchell was born in Bristol, Connecticut. He relocated to Philadelphia in 1821. Having worked as a school teacher and a geographical writer, Mitchell was frustrated with the low quality and inaccuracy of school texts of the period. His first maps were an attempt to rectify this problem. In the next 20 years Mitchell would become the most prominent American map publisher of the mid-19th century. Mitchell worked with prominent engravers J. H. Young, H. S. Tanner, and H. N. Burroughs before attaining the full copyright on his maps in 1847. In 1849 Mitchell either partnered with or sold his plates to Thomas, Cowperthwait and Company who continued to publish the Mitchell's Universal Atlas. By about 1856 most of the Mitchell plates and copyrights were acquired by Charles Desilver who continued to publish the maps, many with modified borders and color schemes, until Mitchell's son, Samuel Augustus Mitchell Junior, entered the picture. In 1859, S.A. Mitchell Jr. purchased most of the plates back from Desilver and introduced his own floral motif border. From 1860 on, he published his own editions of the New General Atlas. The younger Mitchell became as prominent as his father, publishing maps and atlases until 1887, when most of the copyrights were again sold and the Mitchell firm closed its doors for the final time. More by this mapmaker...


Mitchell's New General Atlas, containing maps of the various countries of the World, plans of cities, etc., (1867 edition).    


Very good. Some foxing throughout. Minor edge wear. Light creasing.


Rumsey 0579.045 (1868 edition).