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1888 Usher Map of Belize or British Honduras
BelizeBritishHonduras-usher-1888Contract for construction of railways on Land Grant System. The Crown Agents for the Colonies, on behalf of the Government of British Honduras, are prepared to receive Tenders for construction, equipment, maintenance, and working of (1) A railway on the land grant system from the town of Belize to the western frontier of the colony a distance of about 90 miles, the general route and direction of which is to be approved by the Colonial Government; and (2) a railway landing pier at the terminus of the railway at Belize. …The promotion goes on to offer generous terms, including land grants, subsidies, and a sum of £60,000. Nonetheless, this was not sufficient to draw contractors and the dreamed-of railroad never appeared.
The contractor whose tender is accepted, will be required, subject to the conditions of the contract, to obtain a concession from the Government of Guatemala, empowering him to extend the railway form the frontier of the colony into the territory of Guatemala.
S. Cockburn to Lieutenant Governor Pointing out the arrival in the Colony of two American adventurers in search of hidden treasure, the place of which has been disclosed to them by the last of the pirates concerned with it before he expired. The place (on Turneffe) has been discovered but no success gained in recovering the treasure. The Americans have left for the States, better to equip and prepare themselves for carrying out the excavations, local persons who had advanced money on the venture not being prepared to risk more. Suggests that the Government authorize him to proceed to Turneffe to reconnoiter and if appearance confirm the report, then to take measures to discover and secure the treasure.Although Turneffe fits all of the criteria of a pirate haven, with narrow hidden ship passages and toponymy like 'Deadman's Caye', we have found no record of actual pirate treasuring being unearthed there.
Alfred Usher (1836 - August 6, 1906) was a British land surveyor and cartographer active in Belize, in the mid to late 19th century. Usher was born in Belize, at the time British Honduras. The Usher family had a long history in British Honduras, being present from at least 1786 and part of the old settler elite. Alfred Usher's father, John Usher was born on St. Georges's Caye (April 15, 1793). Alfred was involved with attempts to build a railroad from Belize City to Guatemala City. Later helped to establish Birchington Township, a plan real-estate development on the Southern Lagoon near Gales Point. Nothing remains of this development, so we assume it was a failure despite aggressive promotions in prominent North American newspapers. He was a fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. His brother, Edward Potts Usher (1824 - 1868) was the Assistant Crown Surveyor for British Honduras. More by this mapmaker...
Francis Sidney Weller (April 1849 - 1910) was an English engraver, lithographer, map publisher, and cartographer based in London. He was the son of Edward Weller (July 1, 1819 - 1884) and is named after another important map publisher, Sidney Hall. F. S. Weller took over his father's printing business in 1884. This is the same business that was founded by John Thomson, passed to Sidney Hall, who managed it from 1814 to 1831, then to his widow Selina Price Hall, who ran it to 1853, when it was taken over by his nephew Edward Weller, who rat it until 1884. Weller passed it to his son, Frances Sidney Weller. Learn More...
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