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1912 Escalante City Map or Plan of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Nuevo Plano de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Parte del Partido de Avellaneda. - Main View

1912 Escalante City Map or Plan of Buenos Aires, Argentina


A detailed city plan of Buenos Aires.


Nuevo Plano de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Parte del Partido de Avellaneda.
  1912 (undated0     27 x 27 in (68.58 x 68.58 cm)     1 : 32000


This is a 1912 Ernesto Escalante city map or plan of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The map depicts the city from the Partido de Avellaneda and the Villa Riachuelo to the Rio de la Plata and from the Avenida General Paz to the Rio de la Plata. Highly detailed, myriad streets are illustrated and labeled throughout the city, along with hospitals, public buildings, parks, and cemeteries. A key situated in the upper left corner explains the various different colors used and what they denote. Names of neighborhoods are overprinted, giving some idea of how the city is organized.
Census and Publication History
This map was published by Ernesto Escalante in 1912. It is rare, with only three known examples in institutional collections at the University of Toronto, the Biblioteca Nacional de España, and the Cleveland Public Library.


Very good. Full professional restoration including fresh linen backing. Even overall toning.


OCLC 977986858.