1843 Wyld Map of Southeast Asia: Burma, Thailand, Malaya, Singapore, Vietnam

Map of the Burman Empire Including also Siam, Cochin-China, Ton-king and Malaya from Calcutta to Hong-Kong. - Main View

1843 Wyld Map of Southeast Asia: Burma, Thailand, Malaya, Singapore, Vietnam


Dawn of the British China Trade - Calcutta to Hong Kong.


Map of the Burman Empire Including also Siam, Cochin-China, Ton-king and Malaya from Calcutta to Hong-Kong.
  1843 (dated)     17.5 x 15.5 in (44.45 x 39.37 cm)     1 : 7900000


This 1843 James Wyld map of Southeast Asia highlights the rivalries between colonial and indigenous powers that defined Southeast Asia for most of the 19th century. The map follows shortly after the First Opium War (1839 - 1842), the founding of Hong Kong, and the beginning of the British China Trade in earnest. It thus underscores Southeast Asia's significance to the British Empire's 19th-century global trade network known as the 'Maritime Silk Road.' Although Wyld intended the map to capitalize on the 'news' of East Asia, this map can also be read as a blueprint for further British Colonial conquest.
A Closer Look
Coverage embraces from Calcutta to Hong Kong and from Darjeeling to Singapore, Sumatra, and Borneo - thus defining Southeast Asia as the primary obstacle to the maritime China Trade. Although the map illustrates a host of regional powers, its focus is on three rival empires: Britain (red), Burma (green), and Siam (blue). Burma suffered massive territorial losses in the First Anglo-Burmese War (1824 - 1826) - which we can see here: Chittagong, Aracan, and Tenasserim have become British. Some of these territories, particularly the Isthmus of Kra, were simultaneously claimed by Siam, but the advocacy here is clearly supportive of British authority.

Other than the maritime province of Tenasserim, Siam, Vietnam, and Cambodia maintained their independence. This was largely because, as this map shows, Siam (Thailand), Cochin-China (South Vietnam), Ton-king (North Vietnam), and Cambodia were bypassed on the last leg of China Trade voyages, where navigators would make a direct line from Singapore to Hong Kong. French colonial armies moved into what would become Vietnam in the late 1850s. Much of Malay also remained independent sultanates. The British did, however, control territory in Penang, Dindings, Malacca, and Singapore and had close relations with most of the Sultanates, particularly the powerful Sultanate of Johor.
Singapore and Hong Kong
During the 19th century, Singapore and Hong Kong experienced similar evolutions. Both cities flourished under British dominion, growing from small, sparsely populated islands into bustling international trade hubs. Singapore acted as a link between India and the recently opened China market. Hong Kong provided a gateway to Chinese markets and a natural transfer point for products moving in and out of China. Neither Singapore nor Hong Kong produced their own products. However, both created environments conducive to internationalism and the blending of cultures.
Publication History and Census
Wyld first issued this map in 1825 to illustrate the theater of the First Anglo-Burmese War. It was updated regularly to reflect changing political conditions through the 1870s. The present example was published in 1843. Despite a long print run and many editions, the map is rare in all states. In OCLC, we see only about 25 holdings of editions from 1825 to 1879 and no examples of the current 1843 edition.


James Wyld I (1790 - 1836) and his son James Wyld II (November 20, 1812 - 1887) were the principles of an English mapmaking dynasty active in London during much of the 19th century. The elder Wyld was a map publisher under William Faden and did considerable work on the Ordinance Survey. On Faden's retirement, Wyld took over Faden's workshop, acquiring many of his plates. Wyld's work can often be distinguished from his son's maps through his imprint, which he signed as 'Successor to Faden'. Following in his father's footsteps, the younger Wyld joined the Royal Geographical Society in 1830 at the tender age of 18. When his father died in 1836, James Wyld II was prepared to fully take over and expand his father's considerable cartographic enterprise. Like his father and Faden, Wyld II held the title of official Geographer to the Crown, in this case, Queen Victoria. In 1852, he moved operations from William Faden's old office at Charing Cross East (1837 - 1852) to a new, larger space at 475 Strand. Wyld II also chose to remove Faden's name from all of his updated map plates. Wyld II continued to update and republish both his father's work and the work of William Faden well into the late 1880s. One of Wyld's most eccentric and notable achievements is his 1851 construction of a globe 19 meters (60 feet) in diameter in the heart of Leicester Square, London. In the 1840s, Wyld also embarked upon a political career, being elected to parliament in 1847 and again in 1857. He died in 1887 following a prolific and distinguished career. After Wyld II's death, the family business was briefly taken over by James John Cooper Wyld (1844 - 1907), his son, who ran it from 1887 to 1893 before selling the business to Edward Stanford. All three Wylds are notable for producing, in addition to their atlas maps, short-run maps expounding upon important historical events - illustrating history as it was happening - among them are maps related to the California Gold Rush, the New South Wales Gold Rush, the Scramble for Africa, the Oregon Question, and more. More by this mapmaker...


Very good. Some toning. Dissected and laid on original linen with original slipcase.


OCLC 277142537.