1799 Vancouver Map of Sitka, Alaska, and Environs

Cote Nord-Ouest de L'Amérique Reconnue par le Cape. Vancouver. Ve. Partie. - Main View

1799 Vancouver Map of Sitka, Alaska, and Environs


First scientific survey of the Alexander Archipelago.


Cote Nord-Ouest de L'Amérique Reconnue par le Cape. Vancouver. Ve. Partie.
  1799 (undated)     25 x 31 in (63.5 x 78.74 cm)


This is George Vancouver's 1799 map of the southern Alaskan coast in the vicinity of Sitka. It is considered the first scientific survey of the southern Alaska panhandle and would remain so for nearly 90 years.
A Closer Look
Coverage embraces from modern-day Yakutat Bay (Baie de Beering) to the Alexander Archipelago (Archipel du Roi George III). Vancouver surveyed this coast in 1793 and 1794, carefully charting its complex network of fjords, inlets, and islands. He spent considerable time in the region, as reflected by the detail of this chart. The chart may also have benefited from Vancouver's respectful and mostly peaceable interactions with Russian fur traders, who, though they had not yet established an official settlement at Stika (1799), were beginning to penetrate the region. His expedition route is noted along the west coast, but does not fully reflect the comprehensiveness of his work.
Publication History and Census
This particular example was published as Plate No. V in the 1799 French edition of Vancouver's Atlas - a work admired for its superior engraving, exceptional paper quality, and heightened level of detail compared to the 1798 English edition.


George Vancouver (June 22, 1750 - May 10, 1798) was a British naval officer and explorer active in the late 18th century. Vancouver was the last of the great naval explores of the 18th century and, along with Captain James Cook and Perouse, is credited with the first accurate mapping of the Northwest Coast of America. Vancouver was born in King's Lynn, England and joined the Royal Navy at age 13 as a seaman. While little is known of Vancouver's early life, he first appears in the annals of history as a midshipmen aboard the HMS Resolution of Captain Cook's second voyage in search of Terra Australis. On this expedition Vancouver claimed to have "been nearer the south pole than any other man" (after climbing the bowsprit before the ship turned back in the face of mountains of Antarctic ice). He also accompanied the third Cook expedition as a midshipman on the HMS Discovery where he witnessed the discovery of the Hawaiian Islands as well as Cooks tragic death on those same islands. Returning to England under Cook's second, Captain Clerke recommended Vancouver for promotion to Lieutenant. Under his new commission he spent several years learning surveying in the Caribbean aboard the HMS Martin, where he also distinguished himself in a number of military altercations with the French. In 1790 Vancouver received an appointment as the Captain of the HMS Discovery and was commissioned to complete the exploration of American's Northwest Coast begun by Cook and Perouse. Between 1791 and 1795 Vancouver's remarkable diligence and attention to detail created the first truly accurate cartographic picture of the American Coast between San Francisco Bay and California. Vancouver was the first to map countless rivers and inlets and to identify Vancouver Island. During his four years of exploration he also spent three winters in Hawaii, creating in the process the first accurate map of the islands. Unlike many earlier explorers Vancouver generally maintained good and respectful relations with the indigenous peoples he encountered. In Hawaii Vancouver allegedly negotiated the cession of Hawaii to England as well as introduced beneficial flora and fauna to the archipelago. Vancouver returned to England in 1795 where he immediately ran afoul of the powers that be. During his voyages Vancouver excited the ire of more than one crew member, including the well-connected naturalist Archibald Menzies, the sailing master Joseph Whidbey, and Thomas Pitt, the powerful Baron of Camelford. Slandered and assaulted by these influential enemies, one of Britian's greatest explorers fell into obscurity. He died shortly after in 1798 and was buried in an unremarkable grave at St. Peter's Churchyard, Petersham, Surrey, England. The journals of Vancouver's expedition, as well as his all-important maps, were published posthumously in the same year as his death. Robin Fisher, the academic Vice President of Mount Royal University in Calgary and author of two books on Vancouver, writes:

He [Vancouver] put the northwest coast on the map...He drew up a map of the north-west coast that was accurate to the 'nth degree,' to the point it was still being used into the modern day as a navigational aid. That's unusual for a map from that early a time.
Today Vancouver is memorialized by Vancouver Island, which he discovered, the Hudson Bay Company's Fort Vancouver, the city of Vancouver, Vancouver Peninsula Australia, Mount Vancouver, the 8th highest mountain in Canada, Vancouver Bay in Jervis Inlet, and the Vancouver Maritime Museum. For his 250th birthday, the Canada Post issued a special postage stamp in his honor. More by this mapmaker...


Baker, J., and Vancouver, G., Voyage de decouvertes a l'ocean Pacifique du Nord, et autour du monde, (Paris: Imprimerie de la République) 1799.    




Rumsey 0233.009 (1828 edition). Falk, M.W. Alaskan maps, 1799-4 (1799 ed.).