A scarce Meiji 8, 1875 Japanese issue map of Southeast Asia and the East Indies. The map was issued to illustrate a little-known Japanese voyage to Southeast Asia.
A Closer Look
Centered on the Mekong River, this map covers from Taiwan to Java and from Pegu (Burma) to the Philippines, including all of modern-day Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Sumatra, Borneo, and the Philippines, as well as parts of Burma and China. Inland detail is primarily restricted to political borders, often ill-defined, and riverways, but major cities, such as Bangkok, Guangzhou, and Rangoon, are noted. Vivid color coding identifies various polities: China, British Burma, Independent Burma, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaya, Malacca, British Borneo, and the Philippines. At the top-right, the Ryukyu Islands are outlined but not color-coded, perhaps because of their uncertain status at this point. (Japan would annex them in 1879).Publication History and Census
This map was prepared to illustrate an extremely rare Meiji Era Japanese travelogue describing a voyage to Thailand or Siam. We have identified only two other examples of this map, which are located in the archives of the Waseda University Library, Tokyo, and the Kyoto University Library, Kyoto.
Siamese Kikouzu (暹羅紀行図 ), (Tokyo: Kōbush) 1875.
Very good. Worm-holing throughout. Laid down on archival paper.
OCLC 838714642. Waseda University Library, 292.37038 njb / 8. Kyoto University Library, 1960818789.