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Copyright © 2025 Geographicus Rare Antique Maps
1705 Renneville Map of the East Indies: Malaya, Java, Borneo, Singapore
EastIndies-renneville-1705Voici une Carte des Isles Moluques & de Botton, que moi Jean Cornelisz de Moye ai dessinee avec toute I'exactitude possible, pendant les diverses navigations que j'y ai faites, sur tout dans le detroit de BottonAuguste Constantin de Renneville published this map in the 1705 first edition of Recueil des voiages qui ont servi a l'establissement et aux progres de la Compagnie des Indes Orientales formee dans les Provinces-Unies des Pais-Bas. Rennevelle's book was published in several editions, the first edition being notably superior for its production quality. The map's from this edition, like the present example, are thus superior, often unfolded, and issued on heavier stock. Our example also benefits from being an exceptionally early strike of the plate, hence very a crisp impression.
Here is a Map of Molucca Isles and Button, as I Jean Cornelisz de Moye describe with all possible exactitude, during various voyages I have made to the Button Strait. [our own translation].
René Auguste Constantin de Renneville (October 9, 1650 - March 13, 1723), was a French Protestant scholar and historian. He was born at Caen, but because of his Protestant faith, Renneville fled France for the more tolerant Netherlands in 1699. On his return three years later he was denounced as a spy and imprisoned in the Bastille, where he remained until 1713. Renneville was freed through the intercession of Queen Anne, and made his way to England. There he wrote his Histoire de la Bastille, most likely his most significant work. From a cartographic perspective, however, his other important work, Recueil des voyages qui ont servi a l'etablissement de la Compagnie des Indes Orientales aux Provinces Unies is far more significant. At the time of his death in 1723 Renneville was a major of artillery in the service of the elector of Hesse. More by this mapmaker...
Willem Cornelisz Schouten (c. 1567 - 1625) was a Dutch navigator and explorer active in the early 17th century. Schouten was born in Hoorn, Holland. In 1615 Willem Cornelisz Schouten and Jacob le Maire sailed from Texel in the Netherlands, in command of an expedition sponsored by Isaac Le Maire and his Australische Compagnie in equal shares with Schouten. A main purpose of the voyage was to search for the apocryphal southern continent of Terra Australis. A further objective was to evade the trade restrictions of the Dutch East India Company (VOC) by discovering a new route to the Moluccas or Spice Islands. In 1616 Schouten rounded Cape Horn, which he named for his birthplace, the Dutch city of Hoorn. He followed the north coasts of New Ireland and New Guinea and visited adjacent islands, naming some the Schouten Islands. Although Schouten did in fact discover a new and previously unknown trade route, the ever jealous VOC claimed infringement of its monopoly of trade to the Spice Islands. Schouten was arrested (and later released) and his ship confiscated in Java. Jacob le Maire's wealthy father lobbied for their cause and Schouten was eventually freed. On his release he would sail to the Indies, this time for the VOC, where he fought several naval battles with other colonial powers over trade rights in the region. During one such battle was killed off the coast of Madagascar in 1625. Schouten's journals were published in 1618 and 1619 by Willem Jansz Blaeu. Learn More...
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