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Details 1950 Orange Blossom Trail Association Highway Map of Florida
1950 (undated) $150.00

1984 Travel Graphics Pictorial Cartoon Map of Florida

Florida. - Main View

1984 Travel Graphics Pictorial Cartoon Map of Florida


Fun pictorial!


  1984 (dated)     27.75 x 21.75 in (70.485 x 55.245 cm)


An attractive 1984 pictorial map of Florida produced by the Minnesota based firm Travel Graphics International. The map encompasses all of Florida, with numerous cartoonish vignettes illustrations promoting Florida's flora, fauna, and recreational life. Textual annotations surrounding the map references historical events, ranging from Ponce de Leon's landing in 1513 to the development of the Kennedy Space Center. Stylistically the map gives nods to the work of Jo Mora and Ernest Dudley Chase in the mid-20th century.
20th Century Pictorial Cartography
Pictorial qualities have been common in cartography from at least from the 16th century, when publishers like Braun and Hogenberg incorporated view-like qualities and other pictorial elements into their famous city plans. Braun and Hogenberg, and similar cartographers, issued their town books to express, not necessarily the geography their subjects, but rather the 'essence' of the town/city. As mathematics and surveying principles became more advanced, travel increased, and the ability to translate 2 dimensional cartographic perspectives into an understanding of the actual world became commonplace, maps themselves transformed. This trend is a recognizable progression that evolved cartographic conventions from the 17th to the 19th centuries. By the late 19th century most maps had become geographical tools that illustrated the region cartographically, but failed in the original raison d'ĂȘtre as expressed by Braun and Hogenberg, to illustrate a place's 'essence'. So, where a city map of 19th century Paris might provide a completely navigable presentation of the city, one could glean almost nothing of Paris' character from it. In the late 18th century, the first modern 'pictorial' style maps developed. These maps, like Tomas Lopez's 1788 map of Seville attempted to provide both cartographic accuracy and pictorial elements that might convey the character of the city. In that case, Lopez incorporated pictorial vignettes to illustrate important buildings and monuments. This style became increasingly commonly throughout the 19th century and early 20th centuries, particularly for centers of commerce like London, Paris, and Rome, where they are often mass produced and referred to as 'monumental' maps. The style further evolved in the early to mid-20th century, when revolutionary cartographers and illustrators like MacDonald Gill, Jo Mora, Frank Dorn, Ernest Dudley Chase, and many others, combined vignette style illustrations, modern printing techniques, inspiration from Japanese printmaking and manga, and from clever satirical cartographers/artists like Fred Rose, to produce maps that once again focused on revealing the essence a place, usually, but not always, at the sacrifice of cartographic precision.
Publication History and Census
This map was published in 1984 by Travel Graphics International. While presumably issued in considerable quantities, we have not isolated another example.


Good. Minor marginal tear, bottom border, reparied on verso.