1980 Darrel Millsap Original Mansucript Illustration of the Fossil Fuel Industry

Fuel Sources Fossil Fuels. - Main View

1980 Darrel Millsap Original Mansucript Illustration of the Fossil Fuel Industry


Environmental Movement - Earth Day.


Fuel Sources Fossil Fuels.
  1980 (undated)     27.5 x 20 in (69.85 x 50.8 cm)


This is the c. 1970 original art for Darrel Millsap's unpublished illustration of the global fossil fuel industry. The image is a harsh criticism of global waste and energy consumption, issued at the beginning of the U.S. environmentalism movement, most likely associated with the 1970 launch of Earth Day.
A Closer Look
The image begins with a pair of hands wringing the Earth dry of its precious fuel resources - in this case, oil - which drops into an enormous funnel. The funnel feeds into an agglomeration of images representing transportation (25.2%), industrial (41.2%), commercial (14.4%), and residential (19.2%) fuel consumption. We see an array of machinery, a San Francisco style Victorian home, a variety of aircraft, and recreational vehicles, all of which compose the body of an enormous oil tanker / tank.
Publication History and Census
This is Millsap's original hand-drawn art. It does not appear that the piece was published. It is undated, but we have dated it c. 1970 based on Millsap's period of greatest activity and the image's likely association with the first Earth Day. Unique.


Darrel Wayne 'Bunky' Millsap (May 9, 1931 - April 11, 2012) was an American artist. Born in Ontario, California, Millsap began showing artistic talent early, drawing portraits and pictures of animals on paper and brown bags he found in his childhood home. He served in the U.S. Navy and was honorably discharged in 1953. After being discharged, he enrolled at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California and graduated in 1956 with a degree in Commercial Illustration. After graduating, Millsap began his career at Fred Kopp Studios in Los Angeles working for Hector Huerta. Only a few years later, Millsap moved to San Diego and found work with Frye and Smith. He soon opted to start his own firm with Robert Kinyon called Millsap/Kinyon Illustration. Millsap and Kinyon worked together until Kinyon died of cancer. After Kinyon's death, Millsap worked alone under the name Darrel Millsap Illustration until he retired in 1999. Millsap suffered a stroke a few years before his death and died in 2012 of complications arising from the stroke as well as diabetes and Parkinson's disease. Millsap married his wife Janice in 1959 and had three children. More by this mapmaker...


Very good. Original hand drawn manuscript art. On glossy paper.