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1959 Garfield Map of Harvard University and Radcliffe College

A Scott-Map of Harvard University and of Radcliffe College Cambridge, Massachusetts. - Main View

1959 Garfield Map of Harvard University and Radcliffe College


Wonderful whimsical pictorial cartoon map of Harvard University and Radcliffe College.


A Scott-Map of Harvard University and of Radcliffe College Cambridge, Massachusetts.
  1959 (dated)     32.5 x 24 in (82.55 x 60.96 cm)


A delightfully whimiscal 1959 Alva Scott Garfield pictorial map Harvard University and Radcliffe College, Cambridge, Massachusetts (Boston). Centered on Harvard Square and presented from an acute 'view' perspective, this map covers Cambridge in the vicinity of Harvard and parts of adjacent Alston. Iconic Harvard buildings are identified throughout, including Radcliffe Dormitories, Physics Laboratories, Law School, Graduate School of Business Administration, Stadium, Lowell House and Memorial Hall. There are also numerous fascinating annotations, such as commentary in the lower left describing the history of intercollegiate rugby, baseball, and hockey - often boasting of Harvard victories. A vignette in the upper right, based upon a drawing by Paul Revere, reveals how Harvard appeared during the American Revolutionary War. Surrounding the map are armorial crests identifying the founding fathers of Boston. The crests of the various colleges are shown, and the University Veritas crest and pilgrim hats decorate the border.
Publication History and Census
This map was copyrighted and printed in Madison, New Hampshire in 1959 by late 1927 Radcliffe alumna Alva Scott Garfield. Some have suggested that the presence of the Leverett Towers, in the lower right, indicate a print date later than the copyright date, but there is no evidence of this in the form of known edition variations. More likely Garfield was merely proactive in including buildings then under construction. An example of this map is part of the David Rumsey Map Collection. An empty OCLC reference exists for this map, suggesting that an institution that was once affiliated with the OCLC but no longer is created the entry.


Alva Scott Garfield (1902 – 1993), a.k.a. Alva Scott Mitchell, was a New England based writer, academic, and artist active in the middle part of the 20th century. Garfield graduated from Wellesley College. She also attended Radcliffe College in the late 1920s. Her first map appears to have been the Newe Mapp of Wellesley, published in 1926, and described as 'so delightful that every Wellesley and Dana girl will surely want one.' From about 1949, Garfield produced a series of whimsical pictorial maps, referred to collectively as 'Scott-Maps,' of various Mid-Atlantic and New England locations, including Harvard, Boston, Concord, Salem, Cape Code, Maine, and New Jersey. More by this mapmaker...


Very good. Blank on verso. Margins narrow with some very minor chiping at corners and bottom edge.


Rumsey 8777.000.