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1860 Valentine Map the Hudson Valley, New York

[untitled]. - Main View

1860 Valentine Map the Hudson Valley, New York


A charming map of British New York from Manhattan to Lake Ontario.


  1860 (dated)     13 x 10.5 in (33.02 x 26.67 cm)


A charming map of British New York from Manhattan to Lake Ontario, featuring the British Crest, a hunter shooting a deer, British soldiers in battle formation, towns along the Hudson River and the Mohawk River, all the way to Lake Ontario. It is unclear if the unnamed waterway to Lake Ontario is a combination of the eerie and Oswego Canals, the shortest water route from New York City to Lake Ontario, as it is unnamed. Drawn by George Hayward of 171 Pearl Street for the 1860 edition of D. T. Valentine's Manual.


David T. (Thomas) Valentine (1801 - 1869) served as the Clerk of the Common Council of New York City. He edited and published a series of New York City almanacs and fact books entitled Manual of the Corporation of The City of New York. Valentine's Manual, as it came to be called, included facts about the City of New York, City Council information, city history, and reported on the progress of public works such as Central Park. The production of this annual manual was the responsibility of the Clerk of the City of New York, a position held at different times by D. Valentine and by Joseph Shannon (fl. c. 1850 - 1869), who also produced a similar manual. Valentine used his manual to reproduce some of the rarest and most important maps of New York City ever created. More by this mapmaker...


Valentine, D. T., Manual of the Corporation of the City of New-York, 1860.    


Very good. Minor wear along fold lines. Offsetting throughout.