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1993 - 1997 Toye Prophetic Doomsday Maps of the United States and World

I Am America. - Main View

1993 - 1997 Toye Prophetic Doomsday Maps of the United States and World


Cataclysm and redemption.


I Am America.
  1996 (dated)     34.5 x 52.5 in (87.63 x 133.35 cm)


This is a set of two futuristic doomsday maps and a corresponding newsletter outlining the c. 1983 - 1994 Earth Charge prophecies of Lorie Adaile Toye, generally titled 'I Am America'. Toye's prophecies harken to the work of earlier 'Earth Change' prophets Gordon Michael Scallion, Edgar Cayce, and Helena Blavatsky, to which she introduces elements of New Age spiritualism, cleansing redemption, 19th-century esoterism, patriotism, and naivete.
Toye's Prophecies
In the spirit of the Scallion, Toye predicts a series of cataclysmic events, including earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and flooding, that will reshape continents and create new land masses. Also, like Scallion, her work focuses on the United States, which she argues is 'a great focus of light for the Earth.' The specifics of her prophecies resemble but do not exactly mirror those of Scallion, but both suggest that Denver, Colorado, will become an important seaport.

Unlike Scallion, Toye introduces aspects of cleansing and redemption within the context of her predictions. Dirty, crime-ridden dens of vice (New York, Los Angeles, Chicago), regions (California, New England), and even whole countries (Russia) are wiped from the Earth. But don't worry, San Diego will be saved, and the 'movie stars will move' there - as if it would be habitable or there would be a movie industry after western North America is submerged in a global cataclysm.

She tempers cataclysm with cultural and spiritual renewal through the emergence of a series of energy-attuned 'Golden Cities' comprised of 'pyramids encased in pure gold'. Five of these appear in the United States alone, although others appear throughout the world. Africa, for its size and population, is curiously bereft, boasting only four such centers (though Iceland has its own). These cities, she argued, will foster a new golden age of enlightenment and prosperity for those who have survived the Earth Change trails.

Toye's prophetic visions began in 1983, when spiritual 'Ascended Masters' visited her dreams and unveiled these maps. The Ascended Masters, Saint Germain (an 18th-century con artist who claimed to be an immortal alchemist), Sananda (proposed by theosophist Joshua David Stone as the ascended form of Jesus), El Morya (proposed in the 19th century by Theosophical Society founder Helena P. Blavatsky), and Kuthumi (also from Blavatsky), where enlightened beings who remained on Earth to help guide humanity.

After some experimentation, Toye found she could also communicate with the masters via mediation, so she recruited artist Douglas Schoeffler to help her commit her Earth Change visions to paper. This came in the form of several maps, all titled 'I Am America', despite one depicting the world. Apparently, there were six intended maps, of which only two, possibly three, emerged.

Toye is still alive and promoting her visions.
I Am America: United States
Map measures 22 x 28 inches. First issued in 1988, here in its 1993 edition, this is mostly likely Toye's first map. Coverage focuses on the United States but includes adjacent parts of Canada and Mexico. The map details the catastrophic terraforming of the Earth associated with a series of volcanos and earthquakes. These include the sinking of most of the United States west of the Rocky Mountains (except San Diego, where the 'Movie Stars will move', New England, Southern Florida, and much of the Midwest. Annotations explain the prophecies and hint at redemption and a better future. Five glowing crosses indicate the sites of new Golden Cities, which, it is supposed, will be the foundation of a new, enlightened society. The whole is dotted with curious factoids, most of which are not at all factual.
I Am America: Freedom Star
Map measures 34.5 x 52.5 inches. First issued in 1988, here in its 1994 edition. The map details the catastrophic terraforming of the Earth associated with a series of volcanos and earthquakes. The map expands upon her United States Map to encompass the totality of the Earth. Dramatic changes include the sinking of most of Russia and Siberia, about half of Africa, much of the Middle East, and northern Europe. India emerges mostly unscathed save for a partial sinking of the Himilayas, but China is fully submerged. Lost Lumeria rises in the Pacific, and parts of Atlantis emerge in the West Indies.

Dozens of new Golden Cities are also identified. There seems to be a bit of unfairness here, as Africa, for its size, has only 4, South America only 3, while both North America and Europe boast 5 each. The Ascended Masters seem not to mind the cold, as Iceland, Greenland, and Antarctica each have their own golden city. Annotations throughout and along the bottom explain Toye's prophecies. The whole is dotted with curious factoids, most of which are not at all factual.
I Am America: Prophecy Newsletter
The front cover measures 10.5 x 8 inches. It is 'Newsletter and Catalogue No. 5', suggesting that others are likely, but we have found no examples online. It comprises 12 newsprint pages outlining Toye's prophecies and encouraging readers to purchase her maps via a mail-order coupon integrated into the back page. The newsletter features articles and announcements, many written in weighty ritualistic language likely intended to invoke a religious ceremony or possibly prophetic trance. It also includes a disclaimer, stating that 'prophecy is a spiritual teaching, not an inevitability', and underscoring that the teachings of the Ascended Masters should perhaps not be taken literally.
Publication History and Census
The maps were dictated by Toye and drawn by Douglas Schoeffler. The United States Map first appeared in 1988 and was reissued in 1989, 1990, and (this example) 1993. The world map also first appeared in 1988 and was reissued in 1988, 1990, 1991, 1992, and (as here) 1994. Likely, there are later editions of both maps. The booklet, part of a series of newsletters promoting Toye's futuristic visions titled 'I Am America: Prophecy' was published in 1997.


Very good. Some surface abraison on maps. Measurement is for largest map - all other measurements are in description.