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1622 Colijn Map of America - first map to show California as an Island
IndiaeOccidentalis-colijn-1622Know, that on the right hand of the Indies there is an island called California very close to the side of the Terrestrial Paradise; and it is peopled by black women, without any man among them, for they live in the manner of Amazons.Baja California was subsequently discovered in 1533 by Fortun Ximenez, who had been sent to the area by Hernan Cortez. When Cortez himself traveled to Baja, he must have had Montalvo's novel in mind, for he immediately claimed the 'Island of California' for the Spanish King. By the late 16th and early 17th centuries, ample evidence had been amassed, through explorations of Francisco de Ulloa, Hernando de Alarcon, and others, that California was a peninsula. Nonetheless, by this time other factors were in play. Francis Drake had sailed north and claimed Nova Albion, modern day Washington or Vancouver, for England. The Spanish, fearing that the English had discovered the Northwest Passage and the Strait of Anian, thus needed to promote Cortez's claim on the 'Island of California' to preempt English claims on the western coast of North America. The significant influence of the Spanish crown on European cartographers spurred the popularity of the Insular California theory.
From the top of the Gulf of California, Ascension's map shows a long narrow sea passage reaching northward and emerging into a broader opening behind a great square headland clearly resembling the Olympic Peninsula, except that it is placed a little below its true latitude. Undoubtedly this was the arm of sea described by Morera, and also the origin of Spanish fears that the English had found a way into the Gulf of California from the north; hence Vizcaino's first expedition of 1594, on which de Fuca appears to have served as pilot.Bwalf goes on to speculate that Morera's report was copied by both Ascension and the Greek pilot who worked with the Spanish, Juan de Fuca (Apostolos Valerianos). At least one copy of Morera's account and map, the Ascension copy, made it to Spain. Another Ascension copy was seized by a Dutch ship, where the concept of insular California was introduced to Dutch cartographers. Another report was apparently recorded by De Fuca, who returned to Greece, but attempted to convince the British crown to sponsor an expedition under his command to complete Drake's Northwest Passage discovery. Political changes temporarily ended British interest in the Pacific Northwest and Drake's discoveries. By the time the British were again interested in the region, De Fuca had long since passed.
At 49 degrees Morera evidently drew a river - obviously the Fraser - although either he or Ascension omitted the island of Nova Albion and the Queen Charlotte Islands. At 55 degrees, however, Morera evidently drew a long, southward-pointing headland that would be Prince of Wales Island, and there running northward from the headland to a juncture with the northwest passage is Drake's Strait of Anian, albeit somewhat simplified. Clearly Morera had been with Drake when he discovered the strait, and the Spanish had heard about the voyage, or at least what Morera had been persuaded to tell them, sometime around 1584. (Bawlf, S., The Secret Voyage of Sir Francis Drake, 1577 - 1580, [New York: Walker and Co] page 331.)
Michiel Colijn (October 29, 1584 - September 23, 1637) was a Dutch printer and publisher active in Amsterdam during the late 16th through the early 17th centuries. Most of his work was issued between 1608 and 1635. Colijn was a student and employee of the printer, publisher, and bookseller, Cornelius Claesz (1560-1609). After Claesz died in 1609, his printing plates and other professional affects were sold at auction in 1610. Most of these were acquired by Colijn, who used them as the basis of his own publishing house. More by this mapmaker...
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