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1855 Griffith Railroad Commision Wall Map of Ireland

A General Map of Ireland to Accompany the Report of the Railway Commissioners shewing the Principal Physical Features and Geological Structure of the Country. - Main View

1855 Griffith Railroad Commision Wall Map of Ireland


Enormous map of Ireland.


A General Map of Ireland to Accompany the Report of the Railway Commissioners shewing the Principal Physical Features and Geological Structure of the Country.
  1855 (dated)     77 x 60.5 in (195.58 x 153.67 cm)


This is Richard Griffith's expansive geological map of Ireland, first unveiled in Dublin in 1839, here in its 1855 state. The map was Commissioned by the National Railway Commission and captures nearly 25 years of dedicated and relentless survey and compilation work.
A Closer Look
This 1855 edition underwent considerable re-engraving to enhance the geological data. It offers added cross-sections and a list of fossils indigenous to the region. The map's intricacy is impressive, with topographical features, towns, lakes, roadways, and much more illustrated at a granular scale. Moreover, it highlights mining sites. Towards the country's west coast, the map exhibits additional reference boxes designed for manual coloring.
Publication History and Census
Prepared by Richard Griffith for the National Railway Commission of Ireland. First issued in 1839, here in its 1855 state. All examples are rare, with the OCLC noting just 9 institutional holdings.

