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1870 Baur and Bromme Map of the World on Mercator Projection
NeuesteKartederErde-baur-1870Carl Fredrich Baur (fl. c. 1850 - 1900) was a German map publisher active in Stuttgart during the mid to late 19th century. Baur was little known outside of Germany but nonetheless produced a number of important map most of which had a thematic or historic context. His most notable work is most likely the 1857 Atlas fur Handel und Industrie fur Kaufleute, Fabrikanten und Gewerbetreibende, one of the first industrial and commercial atlases of the 19th century. More by this mapmaker...
Traugott Bromme (1802 - December 4, 1865) was born in Anger Germany. In 1820 he relocated to the United States where he traveled extensively. As an immigrant to the United States he faced many of the challenges that modern immigrants face to this day, language issues, lack of jobs, and strange rules and customs. Nonetheless Bromme prospered, having many adventures including working as a surgeon on a Columbian war-schooner, cruising the West Indies, and being imprisoned in Haiti. In overcoming many of these issues Bromme composed what is most likely his most important work, a handbook for German emigrants, Hand-und Reisebuch fur Auswanderer nach den Vereinigten Staaten von Nord Amerika, Texas, Ober- und Under-Canada, Neu-Braunschweig, Neu Schottland, Santo Homans in Guatemala und de Mosquitokusten. Upon his return to Germany in the late 1840s he became a book and map publisher with a small but important corpus of work. Learn More...
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