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1945 Air Express Pictorial Map of an American Town during World War II
PostWarTown-railwayexpress-1945This is probably a different kind of map than you ever saw before. It doesn't show you how to go anywhere. It isn't even a map of any real town. But don't be discouraged, or go off writing letters to Mr. Rand and Mr. McNally.
Postwar Town could be your town or city. It could be in upstate Maine or New York or the foothills of the Rockies. The point is, Postwar town is populated with people whose business and personal needs demand, quite frequently, that they get something in a hurry or send something somewhere in a hurry.
The Heavens CAN Help You!
Now, this is an Air Express map - and if you examine it carefully you'll see how all these people use Air Express to help them in their business and daily living. For Air Express is no longer a novelty…over 1,559,495 shipments totaling 31,066,414 pounds were shipped by air in 1943, and even more in 1944. This is the method of shipping that you will be using increasingly as the air age goes on.
And because Air Express is coordinated with Railway Express Agency service, towns without airports can still get the benefit of 3 mile-a-minute air speed on the long stretches. Three hundred and seventy-five cities in this country now receive direct air service, and this number will be greatly increased at war's end.
More 'Freedom of the Air' for Non-War Shipments
It's true, of course, that the urgencies of war have demanded that priority shipments fly first - with non-priority shipments going on a 'space available' basis. Even in the thick of war, and on this basis, relatively few non-priority shipments have failed to find room., At the same time, it's important, and heartening, to know that the government has found it possible to make more airliner equipment available.
That's why you'll see more and more dresses, fresh vegetables, flowers, and dozens of other non-priority items, flying by air. Oysters fresh with the salt of the Atlantic, posies still glistening with the dew of a California morning, will find their place beside crankshafts and cannon with increasing frequency.
So instead of assuming that there's no space for your package, check first with your local Railway Express Agency office. They can tell you - or put you in touch with your local Priority Control Office, if there's any doubt.
When you're shipping by air, remember that no special or extra protection is needed. Pack lightly, pack compactly, pack in small units wherever possible…this way you conserve weight and space, lower the cost for yourself, and give the other fellow a break. Finally, to get extra speed, extra early delivery, ship when ready!
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Copyright © 2025 Geographicus Rare Antique Maps