This is a 1686 Pierre Paul Sevin and Cornelius Vermeulen vignette map of the boats of the King of Siam (Thailand). The vignette depicts the procession of royal boats on the Chao Phraya River taking the French ambassador and other honored guests to a celebration given by the King of Siam. The vignette is highly detailed and shows the boats in procession as well as people lining the river and glorious golden palaces and temples of the Thai palace in the background.
This vignette was drawn by Pierre Paul Sevin and engraved by Cornelius Vermeulen. It was included at the beginning of Book IV of Guy Trachard's book, Voyage de Siam des Peres Jesuites, Envoyez par le Roy aux Indes et à la Chine. Avec leurs observations astronomiques, et leurs remarques de physique, de géographie, d'hydrographie, et d'histoire. in 1686. The book was published by Arnould Seneuze and Daniel Horthemels in Paris in 1686.
Pierre Paul Sevin (1646-c.1710) was born in Tournon, France. The son of an artist, Sevin was encouraged by his father to enter his profession and Sevin continued after his father's death in 1658. Sevin developed a reputation as an illustrator, although he is not as well-known as some of his contemporaries. Due to his Jesuit upbringing, Sevin dedicated much of his time to illustrating private Jesuit books.
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Cornelius Vermeulen (1644-1708) was a famous Flemish painter and engraver. He is known for his portraits.
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Tachard, G., Voyage de Siam des Peres Jesuites, Envoyez par le Roy aux Indes et à la Chine. Avec leurs observations astronomiques, et leurs remarques de physique, de géographie, d'hydrographie, et d'histoire. (Paris: Seneuze and Horthemels), 1686.
Very good. French text on verso.
OCLC 715746062.