James Harvey Rollin Caughey (February 22, 1851 - November 17, 1925) was an artist and viewmaker active in California and Oregon in the late 19th and early 20th century. Born in Ohio, Caughey ran away from home to enlist as a drummer boy in the Union Army at the age of 13 and served in the U.S. Civil War. After the conflict, he settled in Philadelphia and worked with the historian Major Evarts. Other details of his life and work at this time are scant, but either through self-training or formal training he acquired skills as an artist at this time. In 1884-1885, Caughey sketched a series of New Hampshire landmarks. In 1889, he moved across the country and established himself in San Francisco. He worked as an artist for multiple local newspapers until landing a job as the staff artist for the San Jose Mercury. Around the year 1900, he relocated to Oregon and became staff artist for the Telegram. Caughey may have also spent time in Los Angeles, but he ultimately settled in Portland and died there in 1925. A highlight of his later career was the 1909 'Authorized Bird's-eye View of the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition' for the world's fair held in Seattle that year.