1564 Camocio and Forlani Map of Crete, Greece
10.5 x 15 in
1611 Bongars / Vesconte Crusader Plan of Jerusalem
10.25 x 7.75 in
1668 Belgrano / Rostagno Plan of Candia, Crete during the Great Siege of the City
17.5 x 19.5 in
1611 Bongars / Vesconte Map of the Middle East
10.25 x 12.5 in
1996 FAMA Pictorial Map of Sarajevo During the Siege of Sarajevo
27.25 x 39.25 in
1884 Kiepert Topographic Map of Greece and the Balkans
52.5 x 61.75 in
1922 Erkan-ı Harbiye-i Umumiye Matbaası Map of Dardanelles Fortifications
19 x 22 in
1685 Cantelli-Rossi Map of Crete, the Aegean Sea, and Greek Islands
21.75 x 17.75 in
1906 Dagistani Ottoman Map of the Balkans
25 x 34.75 in
1717 Van Keulen Nautical Map of the Northern Aegean Sea and Bosphorus
20 x 42.5 in
1603 Ortelius Map of Crete w/ Greek Islands (Vrients Edition)
13.25 x 19 in
1751 Daniele Farlati Map of Ancient Salona (Solin, Croatia)
13.25 x 18.5 in
1664 / 1698 Levanto / Coronelli Nautical Chart of Crete and its Neighboring Islands
15.75 x 20.25 in
1935 Huber Pictorial Map of Rhodes, Greece
26.5 x 18.5 in
1855 Read View of the Battle of Sebastopol, Ukraine (Crimean War)
21 x 28.5 in
1854 Longuet Map of the Eastern Balkans and Black Sea During the Crimean War
33 x 23 in
1854 Wyld Map of the Eastern Balkans and Black Sea During the Crimean War
31.75 x 20.75 in
1590 / 1603 Ortelius View of The Paradise of Tempe at the foot of Mount Olympus
14 x 18.75 in
1674 Bouttats Map of Crete after Boschini
8.75 x 26.5 in
1710 Map of Crete and the Greek Islands
19 x 22.5 in
1677 Visscher Map of the Frontiers of Turkey in Europe
22.75 x 18 in
1636 Hondius/ Jansson Map of Turkey and Cyprus in an Apparent Appendix Issue
15 x 19.5 in
1917 Greek Political Broadside - Likely a World War I Recruiting Poster
27 x 19.5 in
1928 Petrov Bulgarian-French Map of Sofia, Celebrating 50 Years since Liberation
19.75 x 28.25 in
1561 / 1574 Ruscelli Holy Land / Israel / Palestine
7.25 x 9.5 in
1538 Münster Map of Greece, Asia Minor and the Black Sea
10.5 x 11.5 in
1638 Matthias Merian Views of Ragusa (Dubrovnik) and Negroponte (Chalcis)
8 x 12 in
1573 Ortelius Maps of Southern Austria, Croatia, and Slavonia
13 x 19 in
1710 Homann Map of the Kingdom of Hungary
20.5 x 23.5 in
1719 Chatelain Map of the Empires of Turkey and Persia
19.5 x 22.75 in
1994 Lardie Pictorial Postcards Denouncing the Bosnian War (Set of 7 cards)
4 x 6 in
1710 Homann Map of Greece and the Balkans
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