Heinrich Khunrath (c. 1560 - September 9, 1605) was a German physician, alchemist, philosopher, and theologian. Born in Dresden, the details of his life are somewhat unclear due to his use of multiple names throughout his lifetime (including Henricus Conrad Lips and Henricus Künraht). In any event, his older brother Conrad (c. 1555 - 1612) was, like him, an alchemist and physician. Heinrich earned his medical degree at the University of Basel in 1588, where he encountered the work of physician and alchemist Paracelsus (c. 1493 - 1541). Khunrath travelled widely and crossed paths with English alchemist, astronomer, and court astronomer John Dee, and his associate Edward Kelley, while in Prague. In 1591, Khunrath took a post as court physician to Count Rosemberk in Třeboň. In 1595, Khunrath published his Ampitheatrum Sapientiae Aeternae, an influential work reflecting an astonishing breadth of knowledge and philosophical speculation rooted in Hermeticism, alchemy, and the developing methods of natural philosophy, based on experience and observation.