Leon William Larson (April 5, 1902 - June 21, 1986) was an American cartographer and map publisher. Born in Bloomer, Wisconsin, Larson appears in the 1933 Miami, Florida, city directory as a student and married to his wife, Esther. A copyright notice for 'Larson's street map and guide of the city of Coral Gables Fla. and vicinity' appears in 1940 under the name L. W. Larson. In the 1930s and 1940s, Larson appeared in Miami city directories as a radio technician and the president of a radio company. He founded the Larson Map Company in 1947 when the first copyright for a map of Coral Gables by Larson's Enterprises Unlimited appeared in the Copyright Office. It is unclear when Larson stopped making maps.

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