Francesco Maria Levanto (fl. 1640 - 1664) was a Genoese sea captain and cartographer. Virtually nothing is known of the man beyond the work he produced: a set of manuscript charts circa 1661-1662, and his extremely rare 1664 nautical atlas, Prima parte dello specchio del mare, nel quale si descrivono tutti li porti, spiaggie, baye, isole, scogli e seccagni del Mediterraneo. This work, a translation of Pieter Goos’s 1662 ‘Zee-spiegel’ of 1662, was produced in at least two further editions: one further Genoese edition of 1676, followed by the atlas' inclusion by Vincenzo Coronelli in his Atlante Veneto in 1698. In the forward to his 1664 Specchio del Mare, Levanto claimed to have had twenty years of experience as a navigator. There, also, Levanto announced that he was working on a second part to his atlas (focusing on the ocean beyond the Mediterranean) and planned yet a third, for the East Indies. Neither of these works have survived, if they were ever completed at all.