1862 Currier and Ives View of the Civil War Battle of the 'Monitor' and 'Merrimac'
19.5 x 25 in
1780 Bowles / Lewis Evans Map of the Middle British Colonies
21 x 27 in
1742 William Mount and Thomas Page Nautical Chart of Chesapeake Bay
19.75 x 31.25 in
1861 Ensign Pro-Union Broadside; Start of the U.S. Civil War, Fort Sumter
25.5 x 16 in
1787 Soules Map of Rochambeau's Revolutionary War March: Boston to Virginia
12.25 x 38.75 in
1793 Vaugondy / Fry / Jefferson Map of Virginia, Maryland and Delaware
19 x 25.5 in
1861 Schaus 'View' Map of the Sea of the Civil War: Maryland, Delaware, Virginia
22.25 x 29.75 in
1862 Nicholson Civil War Map of Virginia and Maryland
24.75 x 19 in
1755 / 1794 Lewis Evans Map of the Ohio River Valley / Mid-Atlantic States
19 x 26 in
1868 Eldridge Nautical Chart or Map of the Chesapeake Bay
57.25 x 33 in
1776 Lotter Map of the United States at the Outbreak of the Revolutionary War
24 x 19.5 in
1862 Colton Map of Virginia, Maryland, and the Chesapeake Bay
26.5 x 19.5 in
1952 Richard Yardley Pictorial Map of the Chesapeake Bay (Maryland)
20.5 x 29.5 in
1817 Thomson Map of the Southeastern United States: Georgia, Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky
20 x 23.5 in
1834 Depot de la Marine Nautical Chart or Map of the United States East Coast
24.5 x 35 in
1931 Edwin Tunis Historical Pictorial Map of Maryland
26 x 39 in
1831 Wetherall Schoolgirl or Schoolboy Map of Delaware
11.5 x 8.75 in
1935 Yardley Satirical Pictorial Map of Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, Maryland
13.25 x 10.25 in
1935 Yardley Pictorial Map of Baltimore County, Maryland
19.25 x 15.25 in
1795 Carey / Lewis Map of Maryland, with the 'City of Washington'
11 x 16 in
1801 Tardieu Map of the Northeastern United States w/Military Tracts
14 x 20 in
1795 Carey / Barker Map of Delaware
16 x 9 in
1862 U.S. Coast Survey Nautical Chart / Map of the Potomac River, Maryland and Virginia
23.75 x 30.5 in
1937 Foster and Reynolds Map or Plan of Washington D.C.
24 x 19 in
1935 Maryland Realty Investment Map of Cobb Island
10.5 x 16 in
1817 Thomson Map of the United States: Mid-Atlantic, New England
24.75 x 20 in
1846 Bradford Map of Maryland
12 x 15 in
1838 Bradford Map of Delaware
15 x 12 in
1877 U.S.C.S. Nautical Chart or Maritime Map of Part of the Potomac River
24 x 30.5 in
1890 Vorzet Map of Virginia (incl. West Virginia) and Maryland, U.S. Civil War
14.25 x 20.25 in
1846 Bradford City Plan of Baltimore, Maryland
1879 Corps of Engineers Map of the Civil War Battle of Funkstown, Maryland
37 x 35 in
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