Otto Martin Müller (March 16, 1913 - November 30, 2002) was a Swiss artist and graphic designer. Müller was born and grew up in Zurich, Switzerland. He apprenticed as a lithographer from 1928 to 1929. Afterwards he matriculated at the Art Institut Orell Füssli where he was exposed to German Expressionism and the Bauhaus Dessau. Müller started working as a freelance graphic designer in Zurich in 1934, and in 1937 he received commissions from the Swiss Traffic Center. Among these works was a pictorial map of Switzerland, which was published in 1941. This map was his first major success. Afterwards, he designed several other pictorial maps of Zurich, Graubündchen, and Ticino. He also created title pages and illustrations for books. His most well-known piece is his 'Cheese Map of Switzerland' issued for the Schweizer Käseunion, published in various editions from 1967 to 1994. Müller died in Affoltern am Albis on November 30, 2002.