1743 / 1771 Catesby Map of the American Southeast: Florida, Georgia and the Bahamas
17 x 23.75 in
1777 Le Rouge / Mitchell Map of the Colonial Era United States
53.25 x 77.25 in
1864 Moore Geographical Atlas for Confederate Children, published in Raleigh, S.C.
8 x 7 in
1676 John Speed Map of Carolina w/ Lederer geography
15 x 20 in
1763 Mount and Page 'English Pilot' Chart or Map of South Carolina
18 x 22 in
1700 Pierre Mortier Nautical Map of the British Colonies in America
25 x 37.5 in
1824 Melish / Klinckowström Map of the Florida and the Southeastern United States
16 x 21 in
1715 Homann Map of North America and the West Indies
19.5 x 23 in
1574 Ruscelli Map of New England and the Maritimes (Norumbega)
7.5 x 10.5 in
1861 Schaus 'View' Map of the Sea of the Civil War: Maryland, Delaware, Virginia
22.25 x 29.75 in
1644 Jansson Map of Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Virginia
15.25 x 20 in
1907 Richard Rummell Bird's-Eye View of the University of North Carolina
15.25 x 28 in
1639 / 1694 Jansson / Valk / Schenk Map of Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Virginia
15 x 19.5 in
1787 Picquet Map of Charleston illustrating the Siege of Charleston
14.25 x 11.5 in
1776 Lotter Map of the United States at the Outbreak of the Revolutionary War
24 x 19.5 in
1777 First Edition Separate Issue Revolutionary War Map of the United States
19.5 x 27.5 in
1801 Italian Map of the Carolinas, Eastern Seaboard
14.5 x 20 in
1868 Dirección de Hidrografía Chart of Georgia, South Carolina Coast
27 x 40.5 in
1862 U.S. Coast Survey Map of the Savannah River and Wassaw Sound
32 x 35 in
1795 Carey / Lewis Map of South Carolina
11.5 x 18 in
1817 Thomson Map of the Southeastern United States: Georgia, Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky
20 x 23.5 in
1834 Depot de la Marine Nautical Chart or Map of the United States East Coast
24.5 x 35 in
1885 J. H. Brown View of Union Attack on Fort Sumter, U.S. Civil War
17.25 x 43 in
1885 Matthews Northrup Map of Virginia and Kentucky: Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad
15.75 x 27.5 in
1801 Tardieu Map of the Carolinas, Kentucky, and Tennessee w/ Georgia
1866 Bien Map of Union Army Military Railroads During the American Civil War
25.25 x 38.5 in
1969 Smyrl Pictorial Map of South Carolina
19.5 x 24.25 in
1981 Jack Smyrl Signed Limited Edition Map of Holden Beach, North Carolina
15 x 18 in
1942 Geisberg Pictorial Map of South Carolina
16.5 x 22 in
1890 Vorzet Map of Charleston and Charleston Harbor, South Carolina
10.5 x 13.75 in
1849 Greenleaf Map of North and South Carolina
11 x 13 in
1882 U.S.C.G.S. Nautical Chart of the North Landing River, North Carolina
22.5 x 18 in
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