Gregorio Hombrados Oñativia (March 12, 1902 - August 18, 1978) was a Basque painter, art critic, and historian whose work mainly dealt with his native Basque Country. Oñativia was born in Gipuzkoa, and as a young man moved to Bayonne to study art, where he was a student of Louis Dupuis at the Municipal Academy of Fine Arts. Afterwards, he moved to Paris to continue his studies under other Basque members of the 'Bayonne School,' Leon Bonnat, Henri Zo, and Denys Etcheverry. His works primarily dealt with Basque history and culture, and he published two large, heavily-researched works rich with illustrations, a history and a dictionary of Basque art, the latter work spanning to twenty volumes. He also wrote extensively on art and art criticism, especially in the newspaper El Diario Vasco.