Suharaya Ichibei (須原屋市兵衛; c. 1762 - 1823) was a Japanese publisher of the Edo period particularly well-known for publishing works of the Rangaku (Dutch Learning) School and other controversial publications. Ichibei's eponymous publishing firm was an offshoot branch (norenwake) of the very prominent publisher Suharaya Mohē. Ichibei's publications included a c. 1785 geographical text by Hayashi Shihei (Sangoku Tsuran Zusetsu) which was banned by the shogunate, with the woodblocks confiscated and Ichibei heavily fined. The firm also suffered heavy damage in the 1806 Great Bunka Fire, from which it never fully recovered. From 1811, it only published in collaboration with other publishing houses, and ceased operation with the death of the founder's grandson in 1823.