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Henry (Harry) Lodowick (Louis) Broenner (Brönner) (December 21, 1702 - May 25, 1769) was a German book and printseller established in Frankfurt am Main. Virtually nothing is known of his youth or history, outside of his published works. In 1752 he published an edition of Crespel's popular account of his voyages in Canada; in 1777 he published an edition of Marmontel's account of the destruction by the Spanish of the Peruvian Empire. He produced a large number of maps pertaining to the European theatre of the Seven Years' War, most of which focused on the campaigns participated in by the mercenary forces of Hesse-Cassel (after all, Frankfurt is in Hesse.) These were predominantly not original publications - his source for most were the works of the French cartographer Beaurain. But what his maps lacked in originality they had in topicality and timeliness. He produced no atlas, and it is probable that his maps were separate issues intended for sale at the Frankfort messe, the international fair which descended upon Frankfort-am-Main twice a year. Such maps were a popular seller, being crucial in the spread of news of current political affairs: an important aspect of the messe.
After his death in 1769, his sons Heinrich Remigius Brönner (d.1798) and Johann Carl Brönner (d. 1812) continued to operate the business, Brönnersche Buchhandlung und Druckerei, apparently continuing to use their father's imprint. It is almost certainly in the same vein of their father's newsworthy maps that the younger Brönners produced their 1777 copy of the Holland/ Pownall map of New York and New Jersey: not just the timeliness of the news, but its relevance to German and particularly to Hessian interests. (The British were employing a large number of Hessian mercenaries in the conflict.)
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