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Antique Maps of North Carolina and South Carolina
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Antique Maps of Turkey and the Ottoman Empire
Middle East
French Wine & Cheese Maps
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Manuscript Maps
One-of-a-Kind Maps
Pictorial Maps
Persuasive Cartography
Hotan, Zuda Rokashi (1654 - 1728)
Bellin, Jacques-Nicolas (1703 - 1772)
American Baptist Missionary Union (AMBU; 1814 - present)
Adams, Sebastian C. (1825 - 1898)
British Admiralty (1795 - present)
Adney, Edwin Tappan (July 13, 1868 - October 10, 1950)
Adrichem, Christian Kruik van (February 13, 1533 - June 20, 1585)
Aikman, George (December 28, 1788 - October 16, 1865)
Akrell, Carl Fredrik (January 13, 1779 - December 11, 1868)
Albrizzi, Giambattista (1698 - 1777)
Alden, James, Jr. (March 31, 1810 - February 6, 1877)
Alden, Albert (1812 - 1883)
Analectic Magazine (1813 - 1820)
Anderson, Hugh (c. 1790 - 1854, fl. 1811 - 1854)
Anderson, Oliver Phelps (August 1859 - April 15, 1941)
Andrews, Israel de Wolf (fl. 1851 - 1854)
Andriveau-Goujon (fl. 1805 - 1894)
Anson, George (April 23, 1697 - June 6, 1762)
Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d' (1697 - 1782)
Appleton, D. (fl. 1830 - 1873)
Montanus, Benedict Arias (1527 - 1598)
Service Geographique de L'Armee (fl. 1887 - 1940)
Arrowsmith Family (fl. c. 1750 - c. 1873)
Artaria and Company (1765 - c. 1890)
Asher and Adams (fl. c. 1860 - c. 1900)
Ashmore, Samuel (August 5, 1787 - March 31, 1858)
War Maps
Fantasy Maps
Colton, Joseph Hutchins (July 5, 1800 - July 29, 1893)
Stiles, Samuel (July 15, 1796 - April 3, 1861)
Schenk, Petrus (Pieter Schenck) the Elder (December 26, 1660 - 1711)
Abernethie, Thomas (fl. c. 1783 - August 20, 1795)
Albertype Company (1890 - 1952)
Archer, Joshua (c. 1792 - 1863)
Arnoldi, Fiamengo Arnoldo di (15?? - 1602)
Asahi Shimbun (January 25, 1879 - present)
Askevold, Anders Madsen (January 16, 1842 - August 16, 1901)
Aspin, Jehoshaphat (fl. c. 1805 - c. 1832)
Atwood, John M. (1817 - October 12, 1884)
Atwood, Mary Hall (1894 - 1950)
Chappe d'Auteroche, Jean-Baptiste (March 23, 1722 - August 1, 1769)
Automobile Club of America (fl. 1899 -??)
Aveelen, Jan van den (1655 - May 18, 1727)
Bache, Alexander Dallas (July 19, 1806 - February 17, 1867)
Bachelder, John Badger (September 29, 1825 - December 22, 1894)
Bacon, George Washington (1830 - 1922)
Baker, Joseph (1767 - 1817)
Robert Baldwin and Cradock (fl. c. 1820 - 1890)
Baldwin, H. A. (fl. c. 1865 - c. 1869)
Baldwin, Richard (December, 1724 - January, 1770)
Bancroft Company (1852 - present)
Litografía B. Baño (fl. c. 1930 - c. 1960)
Bardi, Giuseppe (fl. c. 1790 - 1810)
Barnes, Rufus L. (fl. c. 1840 - 1867)
Bartholomew Family (fl. c. 1810 - 1920)
Basilicata, Francesco (???? - c. 1640)
Basset, André (or Bassett) (fl. 1768 - 1784)
Basset, Thomas (1637 - 1699) and Richard Chiswell (January 4, 1640 - May 3, 1711)
Basset, Paul-André (1785 - 1819)
Baur, Carl Fredrich (fl. c. 1850 - 1900)
Bayne, E. Byron (fl. c. 1912 - c. 1913)
Beck and Pauli (fl. c. 1878 - 1889)
Beers Family (Fredrick, Silas, James and Daniel; fl. c. 1850 - 1886)
Belcher, Sir Edward (February 27, 1799 - March 18, 1877)
Belin (fl. 1777 - present)
Bell Brothers (fl. c. 1870 - 1910)
Benton, Henry (fl. 1824 - 1863)
Berchem, Nicolaes (1620 - 1683)
Berger, Gottfried Daniel (October 25, 1744 - November 17, 1825)
Berger, Friedrich Gottlieb (1713 - c. 1797)
Berkenrode, Florentio a (fl. c. 1650 - 1680)
Berniere, Henry de (17?? - 1800)
Bernizet, Gérard Sébastien (March 2, 1760 - May, 1788)
Bertuch, Friedrich Johann Justin (September 30, 1747 - April 3, 1822)
Bien, Joseph R. (fl. c. 1850 - 1895)
Bien, Julius (Julien) (September 27, 1826 - December 21, 1909)
Bingley, James (1796 - 1869)
Biorck, Tobias E. (1668 - 1740)
Bishop, William (fl. c. 1855 - 1877)
Blachford, Robert (1775 - c. 1852)
Black, Charles and Adam (fl. 1807 - present)
Blackie and Sons (fl. 1807 - 1991)
Blackwood and Sons (fl. 1804 - c. 1900)
Blake, William Phipps (June 1, 1826 - May 22, 1910)
Blome, Richard (1635 - 1705)
Bloodgood, Donald Newman (October 21, 1896/7 - February 6, 1989)
Blumner, Frederick (fl c. 1856 - c. 1865)
Blunt, Edmund March (June 20, 1770 - 1862)
Barbie du Bocage, Jean Denis (1760 - 1825)
Böckler, Georg Andreas (1644 - 1698)
Bode, Johann Elert (January 19, 1747 - November 23, 1826)
Bohn, Christoph Heinrich (1755 - 1785)
Boisseau, Jean (fl. c. 1631 - 1657)
Boitard, Louis-Philippe (c. 1750 - 1758)
Bollmann, Herman (1911 - 19??)
Bonne, Rigobert (October 6, 1727 - September 2, 1794)
Booth, William (April 10, 1829 - August 20,1912)
Bormeester, Joachim (16?? - 1702)
Boschini, Marco (1602 - 1681)
Bossuet, Jacques-Bénigne (September 27, 1627 - April 12, 1704)
Boucher, Lucien (1889 - 1971)
Boudet, Antoine (c. 1715 - 1787)
Boulton, Solomon (fl. c. 1750 - 1775)
Bova, Antonio (1688 - 1775)
Bowen, Emanuel (1694 - May 8, 1767)
Bowles Family (fl. c. 1714 - 1832)
Bowles III, Samuel (February 9, 1826 - January 16, 1878)
Boynton, George Washington (fl. c. 1830 - 1850)
Bradford, Thomas Gamaliel (1802 - 1887)
Bradley, Garretson and Co. (fl. c. 1880 - 1900)
Bradley Jr., Abraham (1767 - 1838)
Branger, Jacques (fl. c. 1932 - 1954)
Braun, George (1541 - March 10, 1622)
Brederode, James Johannes van (1847 - 1883)
Breinholt, Floyd Emil (1915 - 1997)
Bretez, Louis (fl. 1700 - 1740)
Brett’s Pharmacy (fl. c. 1910 - 1923)
Brewer, H. W. (1836 - 1903)
Brewster, Charles Warren (September 13, 1802 - August 3, 1868)
Bridges, William (fl. c. 1800 - 1820)
Brieva, Simón (1742 - 1795)
Briquet et Fils (fl. 1840 - 1940)
Britton, Joseph (1825 - 1901) and Jacques Joseph Rey (1820 - 1892)
Brock, Reginald Walter (1874 - 1935)
Bromme, Traugott (1802 - December 4, 1865)
Browne, Christopher (fl. c. 1688 - 1712)
Brown, Grafton Tyler (February 1841 - March 2, 1918)
Bruce, James (December 14, 1730 - April 27, 1794)
Brué, Adrien-Hubert (1786 - July 16, 1832)
Bruijin, Cornelius de (1652 - 1727)
Brunson, Benjamin W. (1823 - 1898)
Buache, Phillipe (February 7, 1700 - January 24, 1773)
Buache de Neuville, Jean-Nicholas (February, 15 1741 - November 21, 1825)
Buek, Gustav H. (August 20 1850 - c. 1927)
Bufford, John Henry (July 27, 1810 - October 8, 1870)
Bullock, Leslie George (March 12, 1895 - November 29, 1971)
Bundaiken Uhei (fl. 1680 - 1720)
Buquet, Narcisse-Alexandre (May 19, 1825 - 1894)
Burleigh, Lucian Rinaldo (February 6, 1853 - July 30, 1923)
Burr, David Hugh (August 18, 1803 - December 25, 1875)
Burritt, Elijah Hinsdale (April 20, 1794 - January 3, 1838)
Burroughs, Horatio Nelson (June 28, 1812 - August 23, 1896)
Busch, Georg Paul (???? - 1756)
Bussemacher, Johann (fl. c. 1580 - 1613)
Butler, Samuel (January 30, 1774 - December 4, 1839)
Calmet, Antoine Augustin (February 26, 1672 - October 25, 1757)
Campbell, Duncan (fl. 1750 - 1800)
Camy, Edward (1904 - 1958)
Candrian, Hermon Anton (March 28, 1852 - November 28, 1928)
Canu, Jean Dominique Etienne (1768 - 18??)
Carey, Matthew (January 28, 1760 - September 16, 1839)
Carez, J. (fl. c. 1815 - 1850)
Carrigain, Philip (February 20, 1772 - March 16, 1842)
Cary, John (1754 - 1835)
Caspar, Charles Nicholas (October, 1854 - 1928)
Cassell, John (January 23, 1817 - April 2, 1865)
Cassini, Giovanni Maria (1745 - 1824)
Cauchon, Joseph-Édouard (December 31, 1816 - February 23, 1885)
Cellarius, Christoph (November 22, 1638 - June 4, 1707)
Cellarius, Andreas (1596 - 1665)
Cerri, Carlo (fl. c. 1840 - 1860)
Hall, Charles Francis (1821 - November 8, 1871)
Chambers, William (April 16, 1800 - May 20, 1883) and Robert Chambers (July 10, 1802 - March 17, 187
Chapin, William (1802 - 1888)
Chapman, Silas (1813 - 1899)
Chapman and Hall (fl. 1830 - present)
Chardon, Charles (1832 - May 24, 1896)
Charle, Jean Baptiste-Louis (fl. c. 1800 - 1850)
Chase, Ernest Dudley (July 26, 1878 - August 25, 1966)
Chatelain, Henri Abraham (1684 - 1743)
Chevalier, August (1871 - November 29, 1934)
Chicago Artisan (1872 - 1889)
Chodowiecki, Daniel Nicholas (October 16, 1726 - February 7, 1801)
Clark, Richard (fl. c. 1850 - 1865)
Clason, George Samuel (November 7, 1874 - April 5, 1957)
Clerot, Victor (fl. 1855 - 1890)
Cloppenburgh, Johannes (fl. c. 1610 - 1644)
Clouet, Jean Baptiste Louis (c. 1730 - 1790)
Clüver, Philipp (1580 - December 31, 1622)
Coello de Portugal y Quesada, Francisco (1822 - September 30, 1898)
Colby, George N. (fl. c. 1880 - 1890)
Collier, Peter Fenelon (1849 - 1909)
Collins, Henry George (January 17, 1808 - c. 1871)
Collinson, Richard (November 7, 811 - September 13, 1883)
Collot, Georges Henri Victor (March 21, 1750 - May 15, 1805)
Columbian Novelty Company (October, 1891 - 1909)
Commelin, Isaac (October 19, 1598 - January 13, 1676)
Commercial Press (1897 - present)
Conder, Thomas (1747 - June 1831)
Cook, James (November 7, 1728 - February 14, 1779)
Copley, Charles (1800 - November 17, 1880)
Coronelli, Vincenzo Maria (August 16, 1650 - December 9, 1718)
Covens and Mortier (1721 - c. 1862)
Cowley, John Lodge (1719 - 1797)
Cram, George Franklin (May 20, 1842 - 1928)
Crépy, Jean-Baptiste (fl. c. 1730 - 1780)
Creutz, Johann Andreas von (June 17, 1689 - December 29, 1747)
Crow, Carl (1884 - 1945)
Cruchley, George Frederick (April 23, 1797 - June 16, 1880)
Cruikshank, George (September 27, 1792 - February 1, 1873)
Cruttwell, Clement (1743 - 1808)
Cuadra, Ramon Gil de (1775 - 1860)
Curzon, George Nathaniel (1859 - 1925)
Dance, George (the Younger) (April 1, 1741 - January 14, 1825)
Danckerts Family (fl. 1628 - 1717)
Danet, Guillaume (1670 - 1732)
Darby, William (August, 14 1775 - 1854)
Darton, William (February 2, 1781 - July 28, 1854)
Dass, Chandy Charan (1947 - present)
Davidson, James Wheeler (June 14, 1872 - July 18, 1933)
Davies, Benjamin Rees (1789 - December 16, 1872)
Davies, Bryer, and Company (fl. 1866 - 1872)
Davis, Theodore R. (July 22, 1841 - November 10, 1894)
Dearborn, Nathaniel (1786 - November 7, 1852)
Bry, Theodore de (1528 - March 27, 1598)
Fer, Nicholas de (1646 - October 25, 1720)
Fonte, Bartholomew de (fl. c. 1639 - 1641)
Laet, Johannes de (1581 - December 15, 1649)
Delahaye, Guillaume-Nicholas (1725 - February 24, 1802)
Delamarche, Charles-François (August 1740 - October 31, 1817)
Delarochette, Louis Stanislaw d'Arcy (1731 - 1802)
Brion de la Tour, Louis (1743 - 1803)
De L'Isle Family (Delisle) (fl. c. 1700 - c. 1760)
Denis, Louis (1725 - 1794)
Denoyer-Geppert Company (1916 - 1984)
Dépôt des Cartes et plans de la Marine (fl. 1720 - present)
Depot de Guerre (1688 - 1887)
Putter, Abraham De (fl. c. 1700 - 1740)
Derveaux, Daniel-Louis (August 26, 1914 - November 14, 2010)
Des Barres, Joseph Frederick Wallet (1721 - 1824)
Desilver, Charles (fl. c. 1850 - 1862)
Desnos, Louis Charles (1725 - April 18, 1805)
Desobry, Prosper (fl. 1824 - 1844)
Veer, Gerhardo de (c. 1560 - 1620)
Devine, Thomas (1818 - November 14, 1888)
Wit, Frederik de (1629 - 1706)
Dezauche, Jean-Claude (fl. c. 1780 - 1838)
Diderot, Denis (October 5, 1713 - July 31, 1784)
Disturnell, John (1801 - 1877)
Djurberg, Daniel (June 3, 1744 - October 2, 1834)
Dobson, Thomas (1751 - 1823)
Dobson, R. W. (fl. c. 1870 - 1888)
Dodge, Jacob Richard (September 28, 1923 - c. 1890)
Doncker, Hendrick (1626 - 1699)
Donn, Benjamin (1729 - 1798)
Doolittle, Amos (May 18, 1754 - February 2, 1832)
Dorn, Frank 'Pinky' (June 25, 1901 - July 26, 1981)
Doughty, Samuel Stillwell (1810 - July, 1888)
Dower, John James (June 1, 1825 - 1901)
Dower, John Crane (1791 - February 20, 1847)
Drentwett, Abraham (1647 - 1729)
Drew, Columbus (January 6, 1820 - July 8, 1891)
Drew, Charles H. (January 25, 1855 -????)
Drioux, Abbé Claude-Joseph (1820 - 1898)
Dripps, Matthew (1812 - April 9, 1896)
Drummond, Alexander (?? - August 9, 1769)
Duffour-Dubergier, Lodi-Martin (fl. c. 1842 - c. 1902)
Dudley, Robert (7 August 1573 - 6 September 1649)
Dufour, Adolphe Hippolyte (1795 - 1865)
Dumaine, Julien (1843 - 1880)
Dunn, Samuel (1723 - January 1794)
Perron, Abraham-Hyacinthe Anquetil Du (December 7, 1731 - January 17, 1805)
Duquenoy, R. (fl. c. 1850 - 1900)
Dury, Andrew (fl. 1742 - 1778)
Dutton, Clarence Edward (May 15, 1841 - January 4, 1912)
Duval, Pierre du (May 19, 1619 - September 29, 1683)
Duval, Peter Stephen (1804 - February 8, 1886)
Duvotenay, Thunot (1796 - 1875)
Alexander, William DeWitt (1833 - 1913)
Dye, John H. (September 9, 1833 - 19??)
Dyonnet, Charles (fl. c. 1822 - c. 1880)
Eagle Lithographing Company (August 29, 1936 - present)
Ebert, Frederick J. (January 17, 1822 - May 3, 1888)
Eddy, John H. (1784 - December 22, 1817)
Edwards, Bryan (May 21, 1743 - July 15 or 16, 1800)
Edwards, Parker (1911 - September 17, 1987)
Efendi, Rāif Maḥmūd (c. 1760 - 1807)
Eldridge, George (November 27, 1821 - August 23, 1900)
Emmons, Ebenezer (1799 - 1863)
Emrik and Binger (fl. 1857 - 1927)
Endicott and Company (fl. c. 1828 - 1891)
Engel, Samuel (1702 - 1784)
Engelbrecht, Martin (1684 - 1756)
Ensign, Edward Hooker (August 18, 1818 - July 10, 1871)
Edwin R. Blackwell (fl. c. 1835 - c. 1880)
Schièble, Georges Erhard (1823 - November 23, 1880)
Erno, Jenes (1898 - November 12, 1956)
Esnauts and Rapilly (fl. c. 1775 - 1811)
Evans, Lewis (1700 - June 11, 1756)
Evening Star (fl. 1852 - 1981)
Everts, Louis Humphrey (April 14, 1836 - January 26, 1924)
Ewer, Ferdinand Cartwright (1826 - 1883)
Faden, William (July 11, 1749 - March 21, 1836)
Fairchild, Sherman Mills (April 7, 1896 - March 28, 1971)
Fan Company (fl. 1878 - c. 1940)
Feher, Joseph (1908 - 1987)
Findlay, Alexander George (January 6, 1812 - May 3, 1875)
Finley, Anthony (August 25, 1784 - June 9, 1836)
Fireside Game Company (fl. 1895 - 1900)
Fischgrund, Eugenio (fl. C. 1930 - 1960)
Flachmann, Charles Randall (June 21, 1913 - 1963)
Flemming, Carl (fl. c. 1840 - c. 1879)
Florimi, Matteo (1540 - April 13, 1615)
Federated Malay States Survey (FMS) (1922 - 1945)
Foot, Thomas (fl. 1790 - 1825)
Fornari, Augusto (fl. c. 1853 - 1866)
Fourdrinier, Paul (December 20, 1698 - February, 1758)
Fremin, A. R. (fl. c. 1810 - c. 1860)
Fries, Lorenz (c. 1490 - 1531)
Fuller, Thomas (1608 - August, 16, 1661)
Fullerton, Archibald (fl. c. 1809 - 1868)
Funck, David (1642 - 1709)
Fürst, Paul (1608 - September 11, 1666)
Gabriel, Ralph Henry (1890 - 1987)
Galiano, Dionisio Alcalá (October 8, 1760 - October 21, 1805)
Galignani, Giovanni Antonio (1757 - 1821)
Gall and Inglis (1810 - 1960)
Gamoneda, Francisco J. de (fl. c. 1898 - 1913)
Gannett, Henry (1846 - 1914)
Gardner, William R. (fl. c. 1810 - c. 1850)
Garfield, Alva Scott (1902 - 1993)
Garnier Frères (1833 - June, 1983)
Gast, August (c. 1892 - 1900)
Gastaldi, Giocomo (c. 1500 - October, 1566)
Gemelli Careri, Giovanni Francesco (1651 - 1725)
General Land Office (GLO) (1812 - 1946)
Gentleman's Magazine (fl. c. 1731 - 1922)
Geographia, Ltd. (fl. c 1910 - 1985)
Geographischen Institutes Weimar (fl. 1804 - c. 1903)
United States Geological Survey (1878 - present)
Gerdes, Ferdinand H. (September 15, 1809 - June 27, 1884)
Germain, Louis (1733 - c. 1791)
Gerritsz, Hessel (1581 - September 4, 1632)
Rossi, Giovanni Giacomo de (1627 - 1691)
Gibbes, Charles Drayton (1813 - May 25, 1893)
Gibson, John (1724 - 1773)
Gifford, Charles Braddock (1829 - November 17, 1888)
Gratton and Gilbert (fl.c. 1820 - 1850)
Gilbert, James (fl. c. 1839 - 1850)
Gillman, Clement (November 26, 1882 - 1946)
Gillray, James (August 13, 1757- June 1, 1815)
Gilpin, William (1813 - 1894)
Ginty, John (fl. c. 1910 - c. 1925)
Gleason, Frederick (c. 1817 - November 6, 1896)
Godwin, William Harrison (March 21, 1899 - January 11, 1984)
Gomboust, Jacques (fl. c. 1650 - 1670)
Goldman, Charles Sydney (Goldmann) (April 28, 1868 - April 7, 1958)
Medina, Miguel Gómez (fl. c. 1930 - 1960)
Goos, Abraham (1590 - 1643)
Gordon, Charles George (January 28, 1833 - January 26, 1885)
Gordon, Thomas (September 23, 1778 - 1848)
Graham, Andrew B. (1845 - September 9, 1909)
Graham, James Duncan (April 4, 1799 - December 28, 1865)
Graphic (1869 - 1932)
Gray, Ormando Wyllis (March 3, 1829 - July 6, 1912)
Gray, Andrew Belcher (July 6, 1820 - April 16, 1862)
Greenleaf, Jeremiah (1791 - 1864)
Grierson, George (1680 - October 27, 1753)
Grund, Georg Christian (July 11, 1695 - February 10, 1758)
Dépôt de la Guerre (fl. 1750 - 1887)
Guesnu, Marie-Hilaire (January 10, 1820 - November 11, 1868)
Guignes, Chretien-Louis-Joseph de (1758 - 1845)
Jacot-Guillarmod, Charles (1868 - August 14, 1925)
Guilmin, L. (fl. c. 1890 - c. 1933)
Haas, Johann Matthias (January 14, 1684 - September 24, 1742)
Haas, Jonas Carl Frederik Washer (1720 - April 10, 1775)
Habermann, Franz Xaver (1721 - 1796)
Hachette and Company (fl. 1826 - present)
Hadol, Paul-Joseph (February 26, 1835 - November 26, 1875)
Haffner, Melchior II (1660- November 1, 1704)
Hague, Arnold (December 13, 1840 - May 14, 1917)
Hales, John Groves (1785 - May 20, 1832)
Hall, Sidney (1788 - 1831)
Hammond, Caleb Stillson (1862 - 1929)
Handtke, Friedrich (December 7, 1815 - January 25, 1879)
Hansen, Jules André (February 8, 1849 - March 27, 1931)
Hardy, John (September 19, 1835 - December 9, 1913)
Harper and Brothers (1917 - present)
Harris, Joseph Smith (April 29, 1836 - June 1, 1910)
Harris, John (c. 1666 - September 7, 1719)
Harris, John (fl. 1686 - 1730)
Harrison, Richard Edes (1902 - January 5, 1994)
Harris, Thaddeus Mason (July 7, 1768 - April 3, 1842)
Hart, Albert Bushnell (July 1, 1854 - July 16, 1943)
Hassenstein, Bruno (1839 - 1902)
Haven, John (fl. c. 1846 - 1850)
Hawkesworth, John (c. 1715 - November 16, 1773)
Hayward, John (fl. c. 1840 - 1860)
Heather, William (1793 - 1812)
Hederichs, Benjamin (December 12, 1675 - July 18, 1748)
Hennepin, Antoine Louis (May 12, 1626 - December 5, 1704)
Henriot, J. N. (fl. c. 1849 - 1871)
Herbert, William (November 29, 1718 - March 18, 1795)
Hérisson, Eustache (1759 - 1818)
Hesse, Johann Friedrich (November 24, 1792 - 1853)
Hess, Jaro (1889 - 1977)
Hevelius, Johannes (January 28, 1611 - January 28, 1687)
Hewitt, Nathaniel Rogers (July 19, 1783 - 1841)
Heymann, Ignaz (1765 - 1815)
Direccion Hidrografica (1787 - 1927)
Hill, John William (January 13, 1812 - September 24, 1879)
Hinton, John (November 13, 1716 - May 11, 1781)
Hobbs, John Stratton (January 1, 1813 - December 19, 1874)
Yubin Hochi Shimbun (1872 - 1942) (Mail Reporting News)
Hoen, August (fl. c. 1840 - 1981)
Hogenberg, Franz (1535 - 1590)
Hogg, Alexander (fl. c. 1778 - 1824)
Hole, William (fl. c. 1601 - 1624)
Holland, Samuel (1728 - December 28, 1801)
Holmes, John Bute (March 31, 1822 - May 21, 1887)
Holt, Warren (fl. 1861 - 1881)
Homann, Johann Baptist (March 20, 1664 - July 1, 1724)
Homann Heirs (fl. 1730- 1848)
Hondius, Jodocus (October, 14 1563 - February 12, 1612)
Hooghe, Romeyn de (Septemer 10, 1645 - June 10, 1708)
Hooker, William (fl. c. 1811 - 1846)
Hoover, Joseph (December 29, 1830 - August 7, 1913)
Horn, Georg (1620 - 1670)
Horsburgh, James (September 28 1762 - May 14, 1836)
Horsley, John (1685 - 1732)
Huang Qianren (黃千人, 1694 - 1771)
Hubner, Johannes (1668 - 1731)
Huddart, Joseph (1741 - 1816)
Hughes, William (c. 1818 - May 21, 1876)
Humboldt, Alexander von (September 14, 1769 - May 6, 1859)
Hutchins, Thomas (1730 - April 18, 1789)
Hyde and Company (fl. c. 1880 - 1920) (a.k.a. E. Belcher Hyde Map Company)
Hydrographic Office United States Navy (1866 - 1962)
Illman, Thomas (fl. c. 1824 - 1858)
Imray, James (May 16, 1803 - November 15, 1870)
Inger, Christian (1814 - c. 1895)
Ino Tadataka (February 11, 1745 - May 17, 1818)
Inselin, Charles (fl. c. 1700 - 1730)
Irving, Washington (April 3, 1783 - November 28, 1859)
Jacotin, Pierre (April 11, 1765 - 1827)
Jagen, Jan van (1709 - 1800)
Jaillot, Alexis-Hubert (c. 1632- 1712)
James, Henry (1803 - 1877)
Janssonius, Jan Jansson or Johannes (1588 - 1664)
Janvier, Jean Denis (fl. 1746 - 1776)
Hydrographic Department of Japan (1871 - present)
Tardieu, Jean Baptiste Pierre (1746 - 1816)
Craig, James (October 31, 1739 - June 23, 1795)
Jean, Pierre (1754 - 1829)
Jefferys, Thomas (1695 - November 20, 1771)
Jeppe, Friedrich Heidrich (1834- July 17, 1898)
Miller, John and Henry (fl. c. 1847 - 1861)
Jilek, August von (August 28, 1819 - November 8, 1898)
Buache de La Neuville, Jean-Nicolas (1741 - 1825)
Johnson, Alvin Jewett (September 23, 1827 - April 22, 1884)
Johnson, David Griffing (1808 - April 9, 1863)
Johnston, Alexander Keith (December 28, 1804 - July 9, 1871)
Justh, Quirot and Company (fl. 1851 - 1853)
Kaneko Tsunemitsu (金子常光; fl. c. 1930 - 1960)
Keefer, Thomas C. (fl. 1821 - 1914)
Keeler, William J. (fl. c. 1856 - 1868)
Keere, Pieter van den (1571 - c. 1646)
Keller, Heinrich (October 11, 1776 - September 18, 1862)
Kellner and Company (fl. c. 1870 - 1900)
Kemble, William (1813 - c. 1870)
Kemp, William (fl. c. 1824 - 1830)
Keschedt, Petrus (fl. c. 1596 - 1598)
King, Phillip Parker (December 13, 1791 - February 26, 1856)
Kino, Eusebio Francisco (August 10, 1645 - March 15, 1711)
Kircher, Athanasius (c. 1601 - 1680)
Kirkwood, Robert (December 8, 1774 - November 14, 1818)
Kishida Ginkaku or Goshika Kishida or Kishida Ginkō (岸田吟香, June 15, 1833 - June 7, 1905)
Kitchell, William (April 21, 1827 - December 29, 1861)
Kitchin, Thomas (1718 - 1784)
Klinckowström, Axel Leonhard (February 25, 1775 - June 7, 1837
Knight, Charles (March 15, 1791 - March 9, 1873)
Koch, Augustus (October 15, 1834 - 1901)
Kordig, K. I. (fl. c. 1880)
Krašeninnikov, Stepan Petrovič (October 31, 1711 - November 11, 1755)
Krebs, Adolph K. (1831 - September 15, 1884)
Kretzschmar, Eduard (March 21, 1806 - July 7, 1858)
Krusenstern, Adam Johann Ritter von (November 19, 1770 - August 24, 1846)
Feuille, Daniel de La (1640 - 1709)
Lahontan, Louis Armand Baron de (June, 9 1666 - 1715)
Lallemand, Armand Joseph (c. 1810 - 1871)
Lamb, Francis (fl. 1667 - 1701)
Landis and Alsop (fl. c. 1899 - 1934)
General Land Office (1812 - 1946)
Langdon, John (fl. c. 1790 - 1840)
Lang and Laing (fl. c. 1855 - 1861)
Langonnet et Langlet (fl. 1885 - 1903)
Lapie, Pierre M. (fl. 1779 - 1850) and son Alexandre Emile Lapie (fl. 1809 - 1850)
Lattré, Jean (17?? - 178?)
Laurie and Whittle (fl. 1794 - 1858)
Laval, Antoine Jean de (1664 - 1728)
Lavoisne, C. V. (fl. 1795 - 1850)
Le Clerc, Jean (1560 - 1621)
Leconte, A. (fl. 1880 - 1930)
Lederer, John (1644 - c. 1671)
Ledot Freres (fl. c. 1850 - 1870)
Lee, Robert E. (Jan 19, 1807 - October 12, 1870)
Lefevre, Theodore (fl. c. 1875 - c. 1910)
Le Gendre, Charles William (Guillaum) Joseph Émile (August 26, 1830 - September 1, 1899)
Lehnert and Landrock (fl c. 1910 - c. 1940)
Le Moyne de Morgues, Jacques (c. 1533 - 1588)
Le Rouge, Georges-Louis (c. 1707 - c. 1790)
Leroy, Charles (fl. c. 1835 - c. 1890)
Lesueur, Charles Alexandre (January 1, 1778 - December 12, 1846)
Levasseur, Victor (1800 - 1870)
Isaac Don Levine (January 19, 1892 - February 15, 1981)
Lewis, Samuel (June 2, 1782 - February 28, 1865)
Lewis, Samuel (c. 1754 - 1822)
Lindenkohl, Adolph (March 6, 1833 - June 22, 1904)
Lindgren Brothers (1928 - 1971)
Lindrooth, J. H. (September 9, 1840 - October 12, 1912)
Linton, Samuel Benton (1838 - August 28, 1927)
Lippincott, Joshua Ballinger (1816 - 1886)
Lipszky, Janos (April 10, 1766 - May 2, 1826)
Lissac, Pierre-Marie-Joseph (March 19, 1878 - 1955)
Lizars, William (1788 - 1859) and Daniel (1793 - 1875)
H.H. Lloyd and Company (fl. 1860 - 1890)
Lloyd, J. T. (fl. c. 1852 - 1865)
Lodge, John (1735 - 1796)
Loewenberg, Julius (1800 - December 12, 1893)
Logerot, Auguste (fl. c. 1839 - c. 1880)
Illustrated London News (1842 - 1971)
Long Island Railroad (1834 - present)
Longman (fl. c. 1720 - present)
López, Pedro Martín de (fl. c. 1825 - 1847)
López Rubio, Francisco (1895 - 1965)
López de Vargas Machuca, Tomás (1730 - 1802)
Lossing, Benson John (February 12, 1813 - June 3, 1891)
Lotter, Tobias Conrad (1717 - 1777)
Loudan, Robert (fl. 1855 - 1895)
Lowry, Joseph Wilson (October 7, 1803 - June 15, 1879)
Lucas Jr., Fielding (September 3, 1781 - March 12, 1854)
Lucini, Antonio Francesco (January 1, 1610 - 1661)
Ludlow, William (November 27, 1843, - August 30, 1901)
Luffman, John (fl. c. 1776 - 1820)
MacDonald, John (1759 - 1831)
MacLeod, Alexander Samuel (1888 - 1956)
MacLure, MacDonald and Company (fl. 1835 - 1992)
Maeda Torakichi (前田虎吉, fl. c. 1880 - 1890)
Magini, Giovanni Antonio (June 13, 1555 - February 11, 1617)
Magnus, Charles (1826 - 1900)
Maillet, Gaston (c. 1910 - c. 1955)
Maison Basset (fl. 1819 - 1860)
Major, John (fl. c. 1835 - 1854)
Malby, Thomas (fl. 1810 - present)
Mallet, Alain Manesson (1630 - 1706)
Malte-Brun, Conrad (August 12, 1755 - December 14, 1826)
Mangin, Joseph-Francois (June 10, 1758 - 1818)
Mannert, Conrad (April 17, 1756 - September 27, 1834)
Mannevillette, Jean-Baptiste d'Après de (February 11, 1707 - March 1, 1780)
Manning, F. E. (fl. c. 1940 - 1945)
Mann, Samuel Eleazer (April 10, 1853 - September 14, 1930)
Mariette, Pierre (1569 - 1657)
Marshall, John (September 24, 1755 - July 6, 1835)
Martineau Du Plessis (fl. c. 1700)
Martini, Martino (September 20, 1614 - June 6, 1661)
Mast, Crowell, and Kirkpatrick Publishers (fl. 1877 - 1973)
Mather, William W. (May 24, 1804 - February 26, 1859)
Mathews, Alfred Edward (June 24, 1831 - October 30, 1874)
Matthews-Northrup Works (fl. c. 1900 - 1930)
Maury, Matthew Fontaine (January 14, 1806 - February 1, 1873)
Maverick, Peter (October 22, 1780 - June 7, 1831)
Maverick, Peter Rushton (April 11, 1755 - December 12, 1811)
Mawman, Joseph (fl. 1797 - 1827)
Maw, Samuel Herbert (September 12, 1881 - 1952)
Mayer, Ferdinand (c. 1817 - c. 1877)
Mayer, Tobias (17 February 1723 - 20 February 1762)
McCloskey, Henry (fl. c. 1863 - 1867)
Mead, Braddock (c. 1688 - 1757)
Meaulle, Fortune Louis (April 11, 1844 - 1901)
Melantrich, Nakladatelství (1897 - 1999)
Melish, John (June 13, 1771 - 1822)
Memhardt, Johann Gregor (1607 - 1678)
Mentelle, Edme (October 11, 1730 - April 28, 1816)
Menzies, John (fl. c. 1792 - 1851)
Mercator, Gerard (March 5, 1512 - December 2, 1594)
Merian, Matthäus (September 22, 1593 - June 19, 1650)
Merrill, Phinehas (1767 - March 31, 1815)
Messageries Maritimes (1852 - 1977)
Meurs, Jacob van (c. 1620 - 1680)
Meyer, Joseph (May 9, 1796 - June 27, 1856)
Migeon, J. (fl. c. 1855 - 1899)
Millroy and Hayes (fl. c. 1899)
Ming Sun Press (fl. 1940 - 1982)
Mitchell, Samuel Augustus (March 20, 1792 - December 20, 1868)
Mogg, Edward (fl. 1803 - 1860)
Molini, Giuseppe (1772 - 1856)
Moll, Herman (1654 - 1732)
Mollo, Tranquillo Maria Laurentio Mollo (August 10, 1767 - March 29, 1837)
Monaldini, Venanzio (fl. c. 1765 - 1819)
Mondhare, Louis-Joseph (fl. c. 1750 - 1790)
Monin, Charles V. (1830 - 1880)
Monk, Jacob (August 25, 1805 - October 8, 1893)
Montanus, Arnoldus (c. 1625 - 1683)
Moore, John Hamilton (1738 - 1807)
Mora, Joseph 'Jo' Jancito (October 22, 1876 - 1947)
Morden, Robert (c. 1650 - 1703)
Morris, William Ellis (January 29, 1812 - October 15, 1875)
Morrison, W. H. (fl. c. 1880 - 1910)
Morse, Jedidiah (August 23, 1761 - June 9, 1826)
Mortier, Pierre (January 26, 1661 - February 18, 1711)
Mottram, Charles (1807 - August 30, 1876)
Moule, Thomas (1784 - 1851)
Mount and Page (fl. 1701 - 1760)
Muller, Johann Sebastian (1715 - June, 1792)
Münster, Sebastian (January 20, 1488 - May 26 1552)
Murdock, William Edwards (fl. 1880 - 1910)
Murphy, John F. (fl. c. 1880 - 1920)
Sekisui Nagakubo (長久保玄珠, December 8, 1717 - August 31, 1801)
Navarro, Angel Laborde y (August 2, 1772 - April 4, 1834)
Neal, Daniel (December 14, 1678 - April 4, 1743)
Neele, Samuel John (July 29, 1758 - May 13, 1824)
Niebuhr, Carsten (March 17, 1733 - April 26, 1815)
New England Street Railway Club (July, 1900 - c. 1925)
Nieuhof, Johan (1618 - 1672)
Noguera, Juan (fl. c. 1835 - 1870)
Nolin, Jean-Baptiste (1657 - 1725)
Norie, John William (June 3, 1772 - December 24, 1843)
Norris, George E. (1855 - 1926)
Ogilby, John (November 17, 1600 - 1676)
Old Corner Book Store (1828 - 1950)
Ondarza Lara, Juan (May 17, 1827 - January 7, 1875)
British Ordnance Survey (1791 - present)
Orell Fussli (1519 - present)
Ortelius, Abraham (April 14, 1527 - June 28, 1598)
Osaka Mainichi Shimbun (毎日新聞; 1876 - 1942)
Otis, Elwell Stephen (March 25, 1838 - October 21, 1909)
O'Toole, Larry (1909 - April 10, 1951)
Ottens, Joachim (1663 - 1719)
Overton, John (1640 - 1708)
Owen, David Dale (1807 - 1860)
Owen, Frederick D. (1871 - January 28, 1931)
Owen, William Fitzwilliam (September 17, 1774 - November 3, 1857)
Tomigorō Ozaki (1822 - 1893)
Pacific Railroad Surveys (1853 - 1855)
Stars and Stripes, Pacific Editions (1945 - 1963)
Pantoja y Arriaga, Juan (fl. c. 1779 - 1792)
Patterson, Carlile Pollock (August 24, 1816 - August 15, 1881)
Patton, William Baird (October 14, 1860 - November 29, 1923)
Payne, John (fl. c. 1780 - c. 1800)
Pearsall Smith, Robert (February 1, 1827 - April 17, 1898)
Peiyang Press (fl. c. 1928 - 1949)
Pelton, Cale (1811 - September 12, 1853)
Pendleton's Lithography (1825 - 1836)
Percy, Ruben and Sholto (1821 - 1828)
Perley, Henry F. (1831 - July 15, 1897)
Galaup, Jean François de, Comte de La Pérouse (August 23, 1741 - 1788)
Perrot, Aristide Michel (1793 - 1879)
Perrot, Ferdinand Victor (1808 - 1841)
Perthes, Justus (1749 - 1812)
Petermann, Augustus Heinrich (1822 - 1878)
Peters, Gustav Sigismund (1793 - 1847)
Peters, Norris (c. 1834 - July 15, 1889)
Peterson, C. C. (fl. c. 1940 - 1950)
Petri, Heinrich (1508 - 1579)
Petruccelli, Antonio (1907 - 1994)
Peyrounin, Abraham (c. 1620 - c. 1666)
Pharoah, J. B. (fl. c. 1838 - 1869)
Phelippeaux, Rene (1748 - 1784)
Phelps, Humphrey (1799 - 1875)
Philip, George (1800 - 1882)
Phillips, Luther Savage (May 10, 1891 - 1960)
Picquet, Charles (April 15, 1771 - January 15, 1827)
Pierotti, Ermete (fl. c. 1840 - 1875)
Tardieu, Pierre Alexander (1756 - 1844)
Pigot, James (fl. 1795 - 1843)
Pinkerton, John (February 17, 1758 - March 10, 1826)
Piranesi, Giovanni Battista (October 4, 1720 - November 9, 1778)
Playfair, James (1738 - 1819)
Poole Brothers (fl. c. 1880 - 1968)
Pope, John (March 16, 1822 - September 23, 1892)
Poplar Island Press (杨树岛, fl. c. 1930 - c. 1950)
Popple, Henry (16?? - 1743)
Porcacchi Castilione, Tomaso (1530 - 1585)
Porro, Girolamo (1520 - 1604)
Postlethwayt, Malachy (c. 1707 - 1767)
Powell, John Wesley (March 24, 1834 - September 23, 1902)
Pownall, Thomas (1722 - February 5, 1805)
Prang, Louis (March 12, 1824 - September 14, 1909)
Pratt, Newton (fl. c. 1930 - 1960)
Pretot, Etienne Andre Philippe de (1710 - March 6, 1787)
Preuss, Charles (1803- 1854)
Progressive Map Service (fl. c. 1910 - c. 1945)
Ptolemy, Claudius (83 - 161 AD)
von Pufendorf, Samuel (January 8, 1632 - October 13, 1694)
Punderson, Lemuel Swift (18?? - c. 1903)
Purdy, John (August 14, 1773 - January 29, 1843)
Putnam, Rufus (April 9, 1738 - May 4, 1824)
Quackenbush, Eugene (1869 - c. 1919)
Quad, Matthias (1557 - October 29, 1613)
New England Railway Publishing Company (fl. c. 1900 - 1920)
Raleigh, Walter (1554 - October 28, 1618)
Ramusio, Giovanni Battista (July 20, 1485 - July 10, 1557)
Rand, J. B. (fl. c. 1840 - 1880)
Rand McNally (fl. 1856 - present)
Ratelband, Johannes (1715 - 1793)
Ratzer, Bernard (aka Bernhard, aka Ratzen) (fl. 1756 - 1782)
Raynal, Guillaume Thomas (April 12, 1711 - March 6, 1796)
Howell, Reading (1743 - 1827)
Read, Mary (fl. c. 1850 - 1865)
Reed, John William (1826 - November 18, 1873)
Reichard, Christian Gottleib (June 6, 1758 - September 11, 1837)
Reichert, Arthur Joseph (February 15, 1889 - August 19, 1963)
Reid, George A. (fl. c. 1900 - 1940)
Reid, John (fl. c. 1775 - c. 1800)
von Reilly, Franz Johann Joseph (August 18, 1766 - July 6, 1820)
Remondini (fl. c. 1657 - 1861)
Renault, E. (fl. c. 1860 - c. 1890)
Rennell, James (1742 - 1830)
Renneville, Rene Auguste Constantin de (October 9, 1650 - March 13, 1723)
Rentschler, Fred (fl. c. 1920 - c. 1943)
Reuterdahl, Henry (1870 - 1925)
Reynolds, James (1817 - 1876)
Rhode, Johann Christoph (1713 - 1786)
Riccioli, Giovanni Battista (April 17, 1598 - June 25, 1671)
Richter and Company (1842 - 1930)
Riegel Jr., Jacob (October 26, 1889 - June 13, 1959)
Ritter, Franz (15?? - 1641)
Ritz, Philip (1827 - 1889)
Roberts, Charles (1739 - 1825)
Robinson, Edward (1794 - 1863)
Rochefort, Albert Jouvin de (c. 1640 - c. 1710)
Rock, William Henry (fl. c. 1840 - 1860)
Rocque, John (c. 1704 - 1762)
Rogers, William C. (fl. c. 1860 - 1873)
Root and Tinker (fl. c. 1870 - c. 1896)
Rose, Frederic William (November 12, 1849 - January 3, 1915)
Rossell, William Trent (October 11, 1849 - October 11, 1919)
Rossi, Giovanni Giacomo de (1627 - 1691)
Ross, John (1744 - 1809)
Royal Geographical Society (fl. 1830 - present)
Rude, R. Klegston (1910 - c. 1973)
Ruep, Joseph (April 10, 1886 - 1940)
Ruga, Pietro (c. 1772 - 1850)
Ruggieri, Ferdinando (1691 - 1741)
Rummell, Richard W. (1848 - June 4, 1924)
Ruscelli, Girolamo (1500 - 1566)
Russell, John (c. 1750 - 1829)
Ruyter, Baltasar (fl. c. 1680 - 1710)
Sadahide Hashimoto (橋本貞秀) (1807 - 1878)
Sahab, Abbas (1921 - April 2, 2000)
Sales, Jean-Baptiste-Claude Delisle de Sales (Jean-Baptiste Isoard de Lisle; 1741 - 1816)
Salt, Henry (June 14, 1780 - October 30, 1827)
Sampson, George (fl. c. 1858 - c. 1930)
Sampson, Mary Otis (fl. 1880 - 1910)
von Sandrart, Jacob (1630 - 1708)
Sanson, Nicolas (December 20, 1600 - July 7, 1667)
Santini, Francois [Francesco] (fl. 1776 - 1784)
Sargent, Charles Sprague (1841 - 1927)
Sarg, Anthony Frederick (April 21, 1880 - February 17, 1942)
Sarony, Napoleon (March 9, 1821 - November 9, 1896)
Sartine, Antoine de (July 12, 1729 - September 7, 1801)
Saussine, Léon (18?? - 1896)
Sauthier, Claude Joseph (November 10, 1736 - 1802)
Savage, Charles Roscoe (August 16, 1832 - 1909)
Sayer, Robert (1725 - January 29, 1794)
Schaus, Carl Wilhelm Friederich (July 4, 1821 - December, 29 1892)
Schley, Jacob van der (1715 - 1779)
Schneider und Weigel, Adam Gottlieb (fl. 1794 - 1805)
Schnell, Edward (c. 1834 - c. 1890)
Schnitzer, Lucas (c. 1600 - 1671)
Schouten, Willem Cornelisz (c. 1567 - 1625)
Schrämbl, Franz Anton (Schraembl; 1751 - December 13, 1803)
Schropp, Simon (fl. c. 1742 - present)
Scientific American (1845 - present)
Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (1826 - 1848)
Seale, Richard William (December 1703 - May 25, 1762)
Senefelder Lithography (1828 - 1830)
Senex, John (1678 - 1740)
Seutter, Matthäus (1678 - 1757)
Sevin, Pierre Paul (164 - c.1710)
Sewall, John Kirk (fl. c. 1928 - 1949)
Shaffner, Taliaferro Preston (1811 - 1881)
Shannon, Josepn (fl. c. 1850 - 1869)
Sherman and Smith (fl. c. 1829 - 1855)
Shields, F. W. (fl. c. 1840 - 1860)
Shihei Hayashi (林子平; August 6, 1738 - July 28, 1793)
Keizo Shimada (島田 啓三; May 3, 1900 - 1973)
Shinagawa Tadamichi (品川忠道; December 19, 1841 - 1891)
Sibert, William Luther (October 12, 1860 - October 16, 1935)
Silfverling, Jonas (June 14, 1703 - 1760)
Sleigh, Bernard (1852 - 1954)
Smith, Charles (1768 - 1854)
Smith, Benjamin Franklin (1830 - 1927)
Smith, John Calvin (c. 1809 - June 11, 1890)
Smith, Courtland (1907 - 2005)
Smith, Eli (1801 - 1857)
Smith, Jedediah (January 6, 1799 or June 24, 1798 - May 27, 1831)
Smith, John Thomas (1766 - 1833)
Smith, Xanthus Russell (February 26, 1839 - December 2, 1929)
Somer, Jean (fl. 1650 - 1663)
Sonnin, Ernst Georg (June 10, 1713 - July 8, 1794)
Sower, Christopher (1693 - 1758)
Speed, John (1542 - 1629)
Spence, Joseph (April 28, 1699 - August 20, 1748)
Spofforth, Robert (fl. 1700 - 1707)
Spruner, Karl von (November 15, 1803 - August 24, 1892)
Stanford, Edward (May 27, 1827 - November 3, 1904)
Stansbury, Howard (February 8, 1806 - April 13, 1863)
Starckman, Pieter (March 1655 - c. 1730)
Stedman, Wilfred (1892 - 1950)
Stephenson, John (fl. c. 1790 - 1836)
Stevens, Benjamin Franklin (February 19, 1833 - March 5, 1902)
Stieler, Adolf (1775 - 1836)
Stockdale, John (March 25, 1750 - June 21, 1814)
Stoddard, Seneca Ray (May 13, 1844 - 1917)
Stöcklein, Joseph [Stoecklein] (July 30, 1676 - December 28, 1733)
Stokes, John Lort (August 1, 1811 - June 11, 1885)
Stoner, Joseph John (December 21 1829 - May, 1917)
Stone, William J. (c. 1800 - 1865)
Stoopendaal, Daniel (1672 - 1726)
Stow, John (c. 1525 - April 6, 1605)
Strype, John (November 1, 1634 - December 11, 1737)
Sulman, Thomas (c. 1834 - 1900)
Sun Sun Company / 新新公司 (1926 - 1950)
Swett, Moses (1804 - December 20, 1838)
Symonds, John Frederick Anthony (c. 1815 - 1852)
Tackabury, Robert M. and George N. Tackabury (1828 - 1894)
Taiwan Nichi Nichi Shinpō (May 1898 - March 1944)
Talcott, George (December 6, 1786 - April 25, 1862)
Tallis, John Tallis and Company (1838 - 1851)
Tanner, Henry Schenck (1786 - May 18, 1858)
Tanner, Benjamin (March 27, 1775 - c. 1846)
Tardieu, Ambroise (1788 - 1841)
Tardieu, Pierre Francois (1711 - 1771)
Taride, Alphonse (fl. c. 1850 - 1918)
Tavernier, Daniel (c. 1610 - September 10, 1648)
Tavernier, Jean-Baptiste (1605 - 1689)
Taylor, Benjamin (1746 - 1832)
Teesdale, Henry (December 1776 - January 1856)
Terreni, Giuseppe Maria (1739 - 1811)
Tessan, Urban Dortet de (August 25, 1804 - September 30, 1879)
Thaxter, Samuel and Son (fl. 1792 - 1916)
Thayer, Horace (1811 - c. 1874)
Thomas, Henry Atwell (1834 - 1904)
Thompson, George (June 17, 1758 - February 15, 1826)
Thompson, J. C. (fl. c. 1860 - 1890)
Thomson, John (1777 - 1837)
Thornton, John (October 8, 1641 - January 23, 1708)
Thrall, Willis (1800 - 1884)
Tiddeman, Mark (fl. c. 1724 - c. 1760)
Tiefenthaler, Joseph (August 27, 1710 - July 5, 1785)
Tillemont, Jean-Nicolas de (fl. c. 1640 - 1720)
Times of India (fl. November 3, 1898 - present)
Tirini, Jacobi (1580 - 1636)
Tirion, Isaak (1705 - 1765)
Tofiño de San Miguel, Vincente (September 6, 1732 - 1795)
Tokyo Nichi Nichi Shimbun / (東京日日新聞, 1872 - 1943)
Tokyo Shimbun (東京新聞, 1888 - present)
Toms, William Henry (1701 - 1765)
Topographical Engineers, Army Corps of (fl.1838 - 1863)
Toudy, Henry J. (fl. c. 1857 - c. 1877)
Towsley, Christopher W. (fl. c. 1880 - c. 1914)
Transcontinental Cartographers Limited (fl. c. 1971 - 1972)
Troeschel, Peter (f. c. 1590 - 1640)
Steele, Thomas Sedgwick (June 11, 1845 - September 9, 1903)
Tuckey, James Hingston (August 1776 - October 4, 1816)
Tunis, Edwin Burdette (December 8, 1897 - 1973)
Tunison, Henry (fl. c. 1886 - 1909)
Turgot, Michel-Étienne (1690 - 1751)
Turner, Stanley Francis (1883 - 1953)
Tyler, James Gale (1855 - 1931)
Tyng, Griswold (1883 - 1960)
Umemura Mihaku (fl. c. 1680 - 1690)
Union News Company (fl. c. 1890 - 1969)
Upham, William Phineas (January 19, 1836 - November 23, 1905)
United States Coast Survey (USCS; 1807 - present)
U.S. Geodetic Survey (Formerly USCS) (1807 - present)
Valdés y Flores Bazán, Cayetano (1767 - 1835)
Valdés y Fernández Bazán, Antonio (1744 - April 4, 1816)
Valentijn, Francois (April 17, 1666 - August 6, 1727)
Valentine, David T. (Thomas) (1801 - 1869)
Valk, Gerard (September 30, 1652 - October 21, 1726)
Vallance, John (1770 - 1823)
Vancouver, George (June 22, 1750 - May 10, 1798)
Van der Aa, Pieter (1659 - 1733)
Vandermaelen, Philippe Marie Guillaume (December 23, 1795 - May 29, 1869)
Van Keulen, Johannes (1654 - 1715)
Van Loon, Harmanus (fl. c. 1690 - c. 1725)
Van Verden, Carl (fl. c. 1718 - 1730)
Varin, Raoul (1865 - 1943)
Varlé, Peter Charles (also known as Charles Peter Varlé (c. 1770 - 1835))
Vaugondy, Gilles (1688 - 1766) and Didier (c. 1723 - 1786) Robert de
Vaux, Calvert (1824 - 1895)
Vermeulen, Cornelius (1644 - 1708)
Vertue, George (1684 - 1756)
Victoria, Guadalupe (September 29, 1786 - March 21, 1843)
Vidal, Alexander Thomas Emeric (1792 - February 5, 1863)
Vielé, Egbert Ludovicus (June 17, 1825 - April 22, 1902)
Vierge, Daniel (March 5, 1851 - May 10, 1904)
Cantelli da Vignola, Giacomo (February 22, 1643 - November 30, 1695)
Villee, Herman W. (1789 - 1842)
Visscher, Claes Jansz (1587 - 1652)
Vooght, Claes Jansz (1638 - 1696)
Vouillemont, Estienne (fl. c. 1650 - c. 1670)
Vuillemin, Alexandre Aimé (1812 - 1880)
Wagner, Johann Christoph (1640 - c. 1701)
Wagner, Thomas S. Wagner and M'Guigan (fl. 1846 - 1858)
Walker, George H. (January 4, 1852 - 19??)
Walker, Edward (1804 - 1879)
Walker, John (1787 - April 19, 1873)
Walling, Henry Francis (June 11, 1825 - April 8, 1889)
Wallingford, Daniel Kirkwood (September 12, 1890 - January 11, 1964)
Wallis, John (1745 - 1818)
Wáng Jūnfǔ (王君甫, fl. c. 1650 - 1680)
Ward, Keith (1906 - 2000)
Warner, Benjamin (fl. c. 1800 - 1830)
Warner, Joseph (fl. c. 1876 - c. 1908)
Warren, Asa Coolidge (A. C.) (1819 - 1904)
Waugh, Frederick Coulton (March 10, 1896 - May 23, 1973)
Weber, Johann Jacob (April 3, 1803 - March 1880)
Webster, James (fl. early 19th Century)
Weigel, Christoph (November 9, 1654 - February 5, 1725)
Weiland, Carl Ferdinand (1782 - 1847)
Welcke, Robert A. (November 24, 1848 - January 27, 1936)
Weller, Edward (July 1, 1819 - 1884)
Wellge, Henry (1850 - 1923)
Wells, Edward (1667 - 1727)
Wells and Coverly (fl. c. 1890 - 1970)
Wellstood, William (1819 - 1900)
Werner, Friedrich Bernhard (1690 - 1778)
Westcott, Linn Hanson (July 13, 1913 - September 8, 1980)
Wheatley, Samuel (fl. c. 1744 - 1763)
Whitbread, Josiah (fl. c. 1864 - 1879)
Whiteford, R. (fl. c. 1849 - 1856)
White, Ruth D. Taylor (March 1896 - 20??)
Wilkes, Charles (April 3, 1798 - February 8, 1877)
Wilkinson, Robert (fl. c. 1758 - 1825)
Wilkinson, William Cumberland (1756 - January 6, 1802)
Williams, C. S. (fl. c. 1845 - 1846)
Williams, William G. (1801 - 1846)
Wilson, Charles (1807 - May 16, 1882)
Witsen, Nicolaes (May 8, 1641 - August 10, 1717)
Bradley, William M. (fl. 1880 - 1900)
Mitchell, William (December 20, 1791 - April 19, 1868)
Woodford, Edgar Maurice (April 15, 1824 - October 1, 1862)
Harman, Clifford B. (July 1, 1866 - June 25, 1945)
Wren, Christopher (October 20, 1632 - February 25, 1723)
Wyld I, James (1790 - 1836) and James Wyld II (1812 - 1887)
Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford Co. (fl. c. 1895 - 1925)
Wytfliet, Cornelius van (1555 - 1597)
Yeager, Joseph (1792 - 1859)
Yoshida Hatsu Saburo (吉田 初三郎, March 4, 1884 - August 16, 1955)
Yoshida Hiroshi (吉田 博, September 19, 1876 - April 5, 1950)
Young, James H. (1792 - c. 1864)
Young, William Mark (March 18, 1881 - January 1, 1946)
Zahn, Johann (1641 - 1707)
Zannoni, Giovanni Antonio Bartolomeo Rizzi (September 2, 1736 - May 20, 1814)
Zatta, Antonio (1775 - April 2, 1797)
Zeese, Alexander (1827 - January 10, 1898)
Zürner, Adam Friedrich (1679 - 1742)
Zurner, Georg Adam (1756 - 1809)
Aldrich, Edward (December 30, 1802 - November 23, 1857)
Behncke, Nile Jurgen (June 6, 1892 - October 11, 1954)
Jannot, J. B. (fl. c. 1940 - 1970)
Colortext Publications (c. 1933 - 1950)
Bülow, Oscar (fl. c. 1918 - 1919)
Croisey, P. (fl. c. 1765 - c. 1800)
Loon, Johannes van (c. 1611 - 1686)
Waghenaer, Lucas Janszoon (c. 1533 - 1606)
Dilly, Charles (1739 - 1807)
Foldex (1934 - present)
Morookaya Ihei (fl. c. 1850 - c. 1880)
Voix du Nord (1941 - present)
Carless, Thomas Greer (1806 - December 16, 1848)
Petit Parisien (October 15, 1876 - August 17, 1944)
Smith, Edwin (fl. 1831 - 1871)
Basire IV, James (March 1796 - May 17, 1869)
Bayle, Luc-Marie (January 30, 1914 - October 11, 2000)
Bergheim, Max (1849 - 1935)
Hansard, Luke (July 5, 1752 - October 29, 1828)
Kroll Map Company (1911 - present)
Williams, Caroline (November 10, 1908 - 1988)
Burgheim, Max (1849 - 1935)
Afro American Newspapers (1892 - present)
American Lithographic Company (1892 - 1929)
Gauthey, Émiland Marie (December 3, 1732 - July 14, 1806)
Grisot, Henri (1919 - 2014)
Hood, Washington (February 2, 1808 - July 17, 1840)
Laing, Joseph P. (1828 - 1905)
Lang and Cooper (fl. August 16, 1862 - May 2, 1864)
Monnier, Louis-Gabriel (1733 - 1804)
Peirce, Benjamin (April 4, 1809 - October 6, 1880)
Pourcher, François (17?? - 1786)
Courtier, L. (fl. 1890 - 1910)
Fusazō Sugie (杉江房造; fl. c. 1910 - 1950)
Kizaki Jun'ichi (木崎純一, fl. c. 1925 - 1941)
Klockhoff, Hendrik (fl. c. 1777 - 1798)
Riemer, Walter (1896 - 19??)
Tryon, Rolla M. (Milton) (1875 - 1954)
Wood, Stacy H. (November 25, 1887 - June, 1942)
Heath, William (1795 - 1840)
McLean, Thomas (1788 - 1875)
Champlain, Samuel de (August 13, 1574 - December 25, 1635)
Maaskamp, Evert (1769 - January 31, 1834)
Pluth, Franz (1800 - 1871)
Soares, António (September, 1894 - July, 1978)
Taintor, Joseph Lord (September 21, 1835 - September 1, 1881)
Tavernier, Melchior, I (1564 - 1641)
Tavernier, Melchior, II (1594 - May, 1665)
Voltz, Johann Michael (October 16, 1784 - April 17, 1858)
Shanghai Municipal Council (July 11, 1854 - 1943)
Southard, Frank Randolph (1886 - 1958)
Waterlow and Sons (1810 - 1961)
Held, Jr., John (January 10 1889 - March 2, 1958)
Dapper, Olfert (1636 - December 29, 1689)
Smith, David William (September 4, 1764 - May 9, 1837)
Symons, Jr., Thomas William (1849 - 1920)
Berka, Johann (July 20, 1759 - July 7, 1838)
Girard, Xavier (fl. c. 1820 - 1844)
Hardin, Bayless Evans (January 3, 1912 - April 15, 1956)
Chapin Jr., Robert M. (fl. 1933 - 1970)
Jones, Lowell E. (fl. c. 1935 - 1957)
Kautzky, Theodore ‘Ted’ (1896 - 1953)
Christopher Murphy Jr. (December 28, 1902 - October 20, 1973)
Royal Danish Chart Archive (1784 - 1973)
Godard, Pierre-François (January 21, 1768 - July 22, 1838)
Hagstrom, Andrew Gunnar (1890 - September 24, 1977)
Imbert, J. Leopold (fl. c. 1777 - 1778)
MacCoun, Townsend (1845 - September 10, 1932)
Pâris, Louis-Michel (September 29, 1740 - June 16, 1806)
Salathé, Friedrich (January 11, 1793 - May 12, 1858)
Sébron, Hippolyte Victor Valentin (August 21, 1801 - September 1, 1879)
Tilp, Frederick (1908 - 1988)
Albert Richard (c. 1927 - c. 1955)
Cheeseman, F. E. (fl. c. 1938 - 1941)
Sidney, James Charles (1819 - April 27, 1881)
Newell Convers Wyeth (October 22, 1882 - October 19, 1945)
Andrews, Louis Elizabeth (1901 - 1974)
Colles, Christopher (May 9, 1739 - 1816)
Colles, Eliza (1775 - 1799)
Gillican, Lucile Reynolds (April 7, 1884 - May, 1976)
Kummer, Paul Gothelf (December 29, 1750 - February 25, 1835)
Le Roy, Henry (1579 - November 20, 1651)
Michel van Lochom (April 28, 1601 - January 23, 1647)
Murray, John (1737 - 1793)
Rogers, Henry Darwin (August 1, 1808 - May 26, 1866)
J. W. Sheehy and Company (fl. c. 1881)
Tiebout, Cornelius (1773 - 1830)
Direccion Hidrografia (1787 - 1927)
Knoch, August Wilhelm (June 8, 1742 - June 2, 1818)
Marianus, Joseph (1738 - 1788)
Nishizawa Taro (fl. c. 1931 - 1940)
Noguera, Clemente (fl. c. 1850 - 1860)
Zimmermann, Eberhard August Wilhelm von (August 17, 1743 - July 4, 1815)
Annand, George (June 9, 1890 - September, 1980)
Baker, William Emerson (May, 1828 - January 5, 1888)
Berthault, Pierre-Gabriel (December 16, 1737 - March 3 1831)
Eustache de Saint-Far, Jean Far (1746 - 1822)
Forbes, William H. (1836 - February 3, 1915)
Houckgeest, Andreas Everardus van Braam (November 1, 1739 - July 8, 1801)
Kendrick, Eleazer Porter (September 15, 1790 - April 30, 1885
Perronet, Jean-Rodolphe (October 25, 1708 - February 27, 1794)
Société des transports en commun de la région parisienne (1921 - 1941)
Crofutt, George Andrews (1827 - January 27, 1907)
T'ou-sè-wè (fl. c. 1900 - 1939)
Waldseemüller, Martin (September 11, 1470 - March 16, 1520)
Converse, Sherman (April 17, 1790 - December 10, 1873)
Jocelyn, Nathaniel (January 31, 1796 - January 13, 1881)
Jocelyn, Simeon Smith (November 21, 1799 - August 17, 1879)
Maekawa Senpan (前川千帆, October 5, 1888 - 1960)
Ogawa Jihei (小川治平, 1887 - 1925)
Toshiaki Ishihara (石原俊明, January 21, 1888 - January 17, 1973)
Taiwan Times (January 8, 1919 - March, 1945)
Boulanger, Charles-Pierre (January 30, 1772 - December 29, 1813)
Boulanger, Nicolas-Antoine (November 11, 1722 - September 16, 1759)
Bowden, James (1811 - March 1887)
Clark, H. (fl. c. 1840 - 1850)
Edmond (Edmund) Halley (November 8, 1656 - January 25, 1742)
Hiraoka Flag Store (平岡国旗店, 1887 - present)
Poirson, Jean-Baptiste (March 6, 1761 - February 12, 1831)
Shope, Irvin 'Shorty' (1900 - November 22, 1977)
Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization (1958 - 1973)
Seth Eastman (January 24, 1808 - August 31, 1875)
Haynes, Jack Ellis (1884 - 1962)
Roe, Frederick B. (1845 - April, 1905)
Stansbury, Arthur Joseph (1781 - September 27, 1865)
Edsall, David A. (fl. c. 1877 - c. 1878)
Espinosa y Tello, José (March 25, 1763 - September 8, 1815)
Jones, Edward (fl. c. 1799 - 1818)
Sims, Joseph Patterson (January 6, 1890 - March 30, 1953)
Smith, Benjamin (1774 - 1817)
Whitaker and Ray (1895 - c. 1915)
Yaggy, Levi Walter (July 16, 1848 - October 18, 1912)
David Steel, Senior (1734 - 1799)
Bertius, Petrus (November 14, 1565 - October 12, 1629)
Ellicott, Andrew (January 24, 1754 - August 28, 1820)
Kobbé, Gustav (March 4, 1857 - July 27, 1918)
Hungarian River and Sea Shipping Company (M.F.T.R.) (1895 - 1950)
Minneapolis Tribune (1867 - present)
Owens, Charles Hamilton (Feb 16, 1881 - March 3, 1958)
Thackara, James (March 12, 1767 - August 15, 1848)
Tupaia (c. 1725 - December 26, 1770)
Deasy, Henry Hugh Peter (1866 - February 1947)
Heathcote, John Norman (June 21, 1863 - July 16, 1946)
Snyder and Black (1845 - c. 1968)
Wisner, William H. (1894 - December 11, 1963)
Bailey, Oakley Hoopes (June 14, 1843 - August 13, 1947)
Barritt, Leon (November 5, 1852 - February 2, 1938)
Barrow, John (June 19, 1764 - November 23, 1848)
Buchon, Jean Alexandre (May 21, 1791 - August 29, 1849)
Carver, Jonathan (April 13, 1710 - January 31, 1780)
Dickerhoff, Jr., Samuel Calvin (November 19, 1894 - September 5, 1974)
Haley, Sr., John Williams (1897 - 1963)
Knauber, Jacob (1846 - 1905)
Montross and Clarke Company (fl. c. 1907 - 1934)
Mortimer Milligan, Carina Eaglesfield (March 19, 1890 - September 12, 1978)
Nugent, John Strachan (August 11, 1850 - April 10, 1920)
Plancius, Petrus (1522 - May 15, 1622)
Salvador Carmona, Juan Antonio (February 7, 1740 - January 20, 1805)
Serviss, Garrett Putnam (March 24, 1851 - May 25, 1929)
Stiles, Samuel Edward (August 26, 1844 - October 9, 1901)
Vogt, Charles H. (1823 - 1895)
Yoklisch, Paul (1904 - 1952)
Calderini, Emma (February 13, 1899 - March 5, 1975)
Carey, Edward L. (April 7, 1805 - June 16, 1845)
Hart, Abraham (December 15, 1810 - July 22, 1885)
Kemlein and Johnson (fl. c. 1906 - c. 1928)
Krause, Elmer O. C. (1907 - August 12, 1940)
Dimitri Vasilievich Nalivkin (Дми́трий Васи́льевич Нали́вкин August 13 (
Steimatzky (1920 - present)
Symonds, Henry Delahoy (fl. 1791 - 1816)
Zimelli, Umberto (May 4, 1898 - November 6, 1972)
Algue, Jose Maria (December 29, 1856 - May 27, 1930)
Edvard Amundsen (January 27, 1873 - December 21, 1928)
Gillam, Frederick Victor (c. 1858 - January 29, 1920)
Holdich, Thomas Hungerford (1843 - 1929)
William Olsen (fl. c. 1920 - 1925)
Planetary Society (1980 - present)
Pritchett, Henry Smith (April 16, 1857 - August 28, 1939)
Arnold, Oren (July 20, 1900 - 1980)
Hilgard, Julius Erasmus (January 7, 1825 - May 9, 1890)
Ramsay, David (April 2, 1749 - May 8, 1815)
Duflot de Mofras, Eugène (July 5, 1810 - January 30, 1884)
Pitchner, Wilhelm (fl. 1930 - 1960)
Sotzmann, Daniel Friedrich (April 13, 1754 - August 3, 1840)
Torre, José María de la (September 1, 1815 - December 23, 1873)
Van Keulen, Gerard (1678 - 1726)
Becher, Alexander Bridport (June 12, 1796 - 1876)
Dutton, Thomas Goldsworthy (1820 - 1891)
Harris, Moses (April 15, 1730 - c. 1788)
Hase, Johann Matthias (January 14, 1684 - September 24, 1742)
LeSourd, Gilbert Quinn (February 1, 1887 - June 22, 1962)
Suvorin, Aleksei Sergeyevich (September 11, 1834 - August 11, 1912)
Tanaka Ryozo (田中良三, January 16, 1874 - July 1, 1946)
Thomas Brothers (1915 - 1999)
Van Keulen, Gerard Hulst (1733 - January 1801)
Weidler, Johann Friedrich (April 23, 1691 - December 30, 1755)
Chanlaire, Pierre-Gilles (June 21, 1758 - March 8, 1817)
Ellsbury, George H. (November 29,1840 - September 3, 1900)
Green, Vernon (fl. c. 1860 - 1880)
Hacq, Jacques-Marie (September 22, 1785 - 18??)
Las Cases, Emmanuel, comte de (June 21, 1766 - May 15, 1842)
Laurie, Richard Holmes (December 2, 1777 - January 19, 1858)
Moisy, Alexandre (1763 - c. 1827)
Robert Mylne (January 4, 1733 - May 5, 1811)
Renouard, Paul (1803 - 1871)
Shober, Charles (February 1831 - 190?)
Berghaus, Hermann (November 16, 1828 - December 3, 1890)
Bryant y Galiano, Tomás (fl. c. 1858 - 1879)
Jacobs, Stanislas Joseph (18?? - July 5, 1867)
Jefferson, Louise E. (1908 - 2002)
Rodriguez, Manuel (fl. c. 1857 - 1880)
Teodoro e Frigè, L., (1911 - 1912)
Linschoten, Jan Huyghen van (1563 - February 8, 1611)
Snow, Edward Rowe (August 22, 1902 - April 10, 1982)
Town Crier Shop (c. 1935 - c. 1965)
War Office (1857 - 1964)
Bulla, François (fl. c. 1814 - 1855)
Medau, Carl Wilhelm (Karel Vilém) Medau (1791 - February 16, 1866)
Knight, John (February 21, 1747 - June 16, 1831)
Landis, Thomas J. Shepherd (1861 - December 26, 1939)
O'Dea, Thomas (c. 1849 - March 18, 1926)
Roche-Poncié, Ferdinand Antoine Jules de la (August 19, 1810 - March 30, 1881)
Seibert, Henry (May 17, 1833 - c. 1902)
Williams, Wellington (1814 - July 8, 1875)
Blaeu, Johannes (September 23, 1596 - December 21, 1673)
Blaeu, Willem Janszoon (1571 - October 18, 1638)
Chung Hwa Book Company (January 1, 1912 - present)
Cordier, Robert (16?? - c. 1673)
Singapore Chinese Booksellers Association ( 1947 - present)
Yasutarō Satō (March 5, 1893 - March 7, 1977)
Blankensteiner, Johan Georg (February 22, 1753 - May 8, 1835)
Condet, Claas (1685 - 1725)
Condet Gerard (1715 - 1764)
Reyna, Rudy de (fl. c. 1955 - 1980)
General Drafting Corporation (1909 - 1992)
Bateman, John (fl. 1804 - 1825)
Kettlewell, Frank 'Ket' (December 5, 1889 - June 11, 1969)
Thomas Cook and Son (1841 - 2002)
Comstock, Cyrus Ballou (February 3, 1831 - May 29, 1910)
Graphic Company (1872 - 1890)
Jenney, William LeBaron (September 25, 1832 - June 14, 1907)
Kossak, William (fl. c. 1860 - 1863)
Kurz and Allison (1880 - c. 1905)
Schedler, Joseph (April 22 1813 - December 12, 1887)
Spangenberg, Charles L. (fl. c. 1862 - 1872)
Weyss, John E. (1820 - June 24, 1903)
Margedant, William C. (November 15, 1835 - January 12, 1900)
Mathews, Dennis Owen (February 21, 1901 - 197?)
Matz, Otto H. (March 8, 1830 - March 8, 1919)
Merrill, William Emery (October 11, 1837 - December 14, 1891)
Powell, Walter Angelo (January 6, 1829 - May 21, 1911)
Raynolds, William Franklin (March 17, 1820 - October 18, 1894)
Ruger, Edward (September 16, 1834 - May 18, 1918)
Wright, Horatio Gouverneur (March 6, 1820 - July 2, 1889)
Archer, John Wykeham (1808 - May 25, 1864)
Amateur Radio Relay League (ARRL) (April 6, 1914 - present)
Dirwald[t], Joseph (fl. c. 1807 - 1825)
Poe, Orlando Metcalfe (March 7, 1832 - October 2, 1895)
Ross, Daniel (November 11, 1780 - October 29, 1849)
Smith, William Farrar (February 17, 1824 - February 28, 1903)
White, Charles A. White (1830 - 1898)
Curtis, Nathaniel Cortlandt (1881 - 1953)
Tittmann, Otto Hilgard (August 20, 1850 - August 21, 1938)
Bates, Waldron (November 24, 1856 - February 9, 1909)
Carrigen, Thomas Graham (February 20, 1896 - January 2, 1967)
Dulfer, Alexander (1877 - 1946)
Jaques, Herbert (January 23, 1857 - December 21, 1916)
Little, John T. (fl. c. 1849 - 1860)
Peterson, Eric Frank (1862 - c. 1939)
Rand, Edward Lothrop (August 22, 1859 - October 9, 1924)
Smith, Robert Pearsall (February 1, 1827 - April 17, 1898)
Wells, Samuel Robert (1820 - April 13, 1875)
Bes, A. and F. Dubreuil (fl. c. 1844 - 1880)
Enthoffer, Joseph (1818 - April 6, 1909)
Institut Géographique National (1940 - present)
London Missionary Society Press (1842 - 1889)
Tardieu, Jean Baptiste (1768 - December 24, 1837)
Tien Wah Press (1939 - present)
Tongwen Shu (1882 - 1899)
Atwood, Mary Hall (February 20, 1894 - October 4, 1950)
Bond, Frank (1856 - 1940)
Brett, Alphonse (1823 - August 18, 1889)
Silbereisen, Andreas (1713 - 1751)
Tardieu, Pierre Antoine-François (February 17, 1757 - January 14, 1822)
Tardieu, Nicolas (c. 1650 - c. 1700)
Tardieu, Nicolas-Henry (January 18, 1674 - January 27, 1749)
Tardieu, Pierre-Alexandre (March 2 1756 - August 3, 1844)
Cole, Benjamin (1697 - June 15, 1783)
Cowie, Henry Edward Colvin (December 17, 1872 - 1963)
Ferguson, Harley Bascom 'Fergie' (August 14, 1875 - August 29, 1968)
Leonard, Donald Warren (April 7, 1903 - February 21, 1950)
Thompson, Lorin (1911 - 1997)
Thrasher, Frederic Milton (1892 - March 24, 1962)
Bayly, John Abraham (c. 1730 - c. 1794)
Beadle, Erastus Flavel (September 9, 1821 - December 18, 1894)
Dutton, Edward Payson (January 4, 1831 - September 6, 1923)
Fee, Charles S. (September 24, 1843 - September 25, 1923)
Turner, William (January 7, 1832 - February 15, 1916)
Dagosta, Andy (1923 - 2009)
Linscott Clarke, Dorothy (April 29, 1903 - May 17, 1992)
Matthews, George E. (March 17, 1855 - June 11, 1911)
Rand, Avery, and Company (1851 - 1886)
Sink, John (fl. c. 1947 - 1950s)
American Automobile Association (March 4, 1902 - present)
Cole II, James (fl. 1754 - 1800)
Dayes, Edward (1763 - 1804)
Lincoln Highway Association (1913 - 1927 ; 1992 - present)
Redding, George W. (fl. c. 1840 - c. 1859)
Stanley, Henry Morton (January 28, 1841 - May 10, 1904)
Williams, Alexander (August 24, 1818 - January 11, 1900)
Basire II, James (1730 - September 6, 1802)
Basire II, James (1730 - September 6, 1802)
Beckley-Cardy Company (c. 1900 - 1998)
Elms, Francis Raymond (1906 - 19??)
Linscott, Mellon C. (fl. c. 1930 - 1970)
National Printing and Engraving Company (fl. c. 1870 - 1920)
Abbot, Henry Larcom (August 13, 1831 - October 1, 1927)
Buel, John (c. 1768 - 1800)
Dougal, William Henry (January 30, 1822 - October 17, 1895)
Keppler, Joseph Ferdinand (February 1, 1838 - February 19, 1894)
Kilp, Anton (18?? - 1876)
Michler, Nathaniel (September 13, 1827 - July 17, 1881)
Tallis, John (November 7, 1817 - June 3, 1876)
Babbage, Edward Frederick (March 20, 1840 - June 23, 1891)
Ramsdell, George Durell (March 1850 - January 15, 1912)
Rapkin, John (July 18, 1813 - June 20, 1899)
Hamilton, Grant E. (1862 - 1926)
Pitt, Moses (c. 1631 - 1697)
Pouchot de Maupas, Pierre (April 8, 1712 - May 8, 1769)
Renard, Louis (1678 - 1746)
Phillips, Richard (December 13, 1767 - April 2, 1840)
Catesby, Mark (March 24, 1683 - December 23, 1749)
Bonner, John (1643 - January 30, 1726)
Smith, George Girdler (September 8, 1795 - December 18, 1878)
Sydney Harbour Trust (November 1, 1900 - 1936)
Wilson, William Hardy (February 14, 1881 - December 16, 1955)
Alken, Henry Thomas (October 12, 1784 - April 7, 1851)
Legrand, Augustin (fl. c. 1800 - 1835)
Pease, Richard H. (1813 - 1869)
Sage, John (1805 - April, 1894)
Heinrich Scherer (1628 - 1704)
Garnier, F.A. (1803 - 1863)
Bouvard, Alexis (June 27, 1767 - June 7, 1843)
Deutscher Alpenverein (German Alpine Club; 1869 - 1945 ; 1952 - present)
Dien Jr., Charles (February 9, 1800 - 1870)
Hubbard, Lucius Lee (August 7, 1849 - August 3, 1933)
Österreichischer Alpenverein (OAV) (Austrian Alpine Club) (1862 - 1938 ; 1945 - present)
Schneider, Erwin Hermann Manfred (April 13, 1906 - August 18, 1987)
James, Henry (fl. 1850 - 1890)
Henshall, Josiah (c. 1801 - 1869)
Sudo Katsuzō (c. 1848 - c. 1874)
Robert Glaubke (fl. c. 1935 - 1970)
Penfield, Thomas (fl. c. 1955 - 1990)
Chapal, C. et E. (1832 - 1932)
Crocker, Henry Smith (January 31, 1832 - July 18, 1904)
Faller, Leo (April 19, 1902 - December 15, 1969)
Graves, Thomas (1802 - August 28, 1856)
Karacsay, Fedor von (1787 - 1859)
Morshead, Henry Triese (November 23, 1882 - May 17, 1931)
Sears, David II (1787 - 1871)
Seller, John (December 29, 1632 - May 1697)
Spratt, Thomas Abel Brimage (May 11, 1811 - March 12, 1888)
Steen, Enoch (February 22, 1800 - January 22, 1880)
Wickwar,,A. J. (fl. 1897 - 1927)
Zaidenberg, Arthur (1902 - April 16, 1990)
Hayden, Emmett (fl c. 1925 - 1960s)
Baillieul, Gaspard (16?? - 1744)
Borremans, F. (fl.c. 1900 - 1910)
Chudjakov, Efim Maksimovič (1748 - 1822)
Hall, Jon (February 23, 1915 - December 13, 1979)
Leavitt, Franklin (1824 - 1898)
Locher, Felix Maurice (July 16, 1882 - March 13, 1969)
Mathew, Felton (1801 - November 26, 1847)
Nolli, Giambattista (April 9, 1701 - July 1, 1756)
Sanyo Shimbun (山陽新聞, January 4, 1879 - present)
Emory, William Hemsley (September 7, 1811 - December 1, 1887)
Hardcastle, Edmund La Fayette (October 18, 1824 - August 11, 1899)
Nyman and Schultz (1861 - present)
Köllner, Augustus Theodore Frederick (1812 - December 10, 1906) (1812 - December 10, 1906)
Pemberton, John Clifford (August 10, 1814 - July 13, 1881)
Bianconi, F. (fl. c. 1870 - 1900)
Green, Hiram Harold (1865 - 1930)
Wander Company (1917 - 1988)
Bengtsons Lithografiska (fl. c. 1949 - 1971)
Elliot, Robert James (1790 - April 30, 1849)
Glynn, James (June 28, 1801 - March 13, 1871)
Grashow, James 'Jimmy' (born January 16, 1942)
Haas, Philip (1808 - c. 186?)
Kopač, Vlasto (June 3, 1913 - April 27, 2006)
Neerland, Oliver (March 5, 1881 - November 2, 1960)
Norstedt, Per Adolf (January 28, 1763 - September 20, 1840)
Garden Club of North Carolina (GCNC) (1925 - present)
Hall, James (September 12, 1811 - August 7, 1898)
Illman, Grace Belknap (April 22, 1918 - February 11, 2014)
Irving Trust (1851 - 1988)
Lewis, Nelson Peter (1856 - 1924)
Redfield-Kendrick-Odell Company (fl. c. 1913 - 1933)
Garbutt, Paul E. (1919 - 2008)
Granville 'Hosken', Charles (c. 1867 - c. 1930)
Southern Publishing (1885 - 1891)
Thorn, Frank Manly (December 7, 1836 - 1907)
Jackson, Philip (September 24, 1802 - 1879)
Bill, Henry (May 18, 1824 - August 14, 1891)
Bridgman, Edward Clark (October 28, 1849 - 19??)
Bridgman, Erastus Clark (October 31, 1817 - August 25, 1870)
Case, Tiffany, and Company (fl. c. 1837 - fl. c. 1857)
Collins, Truman Doud (March 7, 1831 - April 16, 1914)
Ely, William Watson (April 30, 1812 - March 27, 1879)
Fanning, Thomas Colt (August 2, 1805 - November 21, 1873)
Grossi, Augusto (September 23, 1835 - 1919)
Himes, Joshua Vaughan (May 19, 1805 - July 27, 1895)
Johnson, Theodore Taylor (b. 1818 fl. c. 1849 - 1866)
Maunder, Samuel (1785 - 1849)
McCandlish, Edward Gerstell (March 10, 1887 - December 4, 1946)
Neele, Josiah (March 30, 1804 - March 22, 1876)
Sinclair, Thomas S. (c. 1805 - 1881)
Thayer, Benjamin W. (1814 - December 17, 1875)
Vandermeren (fl. c. 1838 - 1851)
Seaton, Robert (fl. c. 1835 - 1836)
Smart, T. L. (fl. c. 1870 - 1883)
Breese, Samuel (September 27, 1802 - October 14, 1873)
Carey, Henry Charles (December 15, 1793 - October 13, 1879)
Childs, Orville Whitmore (December 29, 1803 - September 6, 1870)
Hoffman, Abraham J. (1834 - 18??)
Hoffman, Knickerbocker and Co. (1856 - 1862)
Hortigosa, Pedro (1811 - 1870)
Lea, Isaac (March 4, 1792 - December 8, 1886)
Martín de López, Pedro (fl. c. 1835 - 1856)
Morse, Sidney Edwards (February 7, 1794 - December 24, 1871)
Smith, Charles William (1893 - 1987)
Treadwell, John B. (April 13, 1846 - November 5, 1931)
Westermann, Georg (George) (February 23, 1810 - September 7, 1879)
Bohrod, Aaron (November 21, 1907 - April 3, 1992)
Britton, Joseph (1825 - July 18, 1901)
Imprimerie Chaix (1845 - 1965)
China Cartographic Publishing House (中国地图出版社, 1954 - present)
Hansell, Nils Birger (November 15, 1909 - January 6, 1989)
Mann, Adin (October 12, 1816 - April 2, 1903)
Milbourne, Charles Cotton (fl. c. 1799 - 1840)
Nitsche, Erik (September 7, 1908 - November 10, 1998)
Rey, Jacques Joseph (1820 - 1892)
Robinson, Henry R. (fl. c. 1831 - 1850)
Swenningsen, Jack (1916 - June 3, 2017)
Bowen, John T. (b. c. 1801 - 1856)
Bruff, Joseph Goldsborough (October 2, 1804 - April 14, 1889)
Kelly and Walsh (1876 - present)
McClelland, David (1820 - 1899)
Rice, G. Jay (1816 - 1904)
Salloch, Henry Emil (December 31, 1908 - August, 1985)
Stark, James Henry (July 6, 1846 - August 30, 1919)
Wilson, Joseph Shields (c. 1806 - June 23, 1874)
Woodward, William Henry (December 11, 1834 - November 30, 1904)
Bradshaw, George (July 29, 1801 - September 6, 1853)
Chan, Bob (fl. c. 1964 - 1968)
Jin-A-Graphics Printing Company (1967 - 1969)
Knapp, Joseph Fairchild (July 1, 1832 - September 14, 1891)
Major, Henry Brougham (February 17, 1820 - August 28, 1887)
Major, Richard C. (18?? - May 18, 1894)
Schmidt Weichsel, Teodoro (July 5, 1834 - July 29, 1924)
Tichnor Brothers, Inc. (1908 - 1987)
Whitchurch, William (April 1748 - February 1794)
Ask Mr. Foster (1888 - 1991)
Herder, Hermann (November 14, 1864 - October 19, 1937)
Burgess, Byrel William (April 5, 1914 - March 21, 1983)
Edwards, Richard M. (1864 - June 11, 1942)
E.P. Noll and Company (fl. c. 1890 - 1910)
Farmer, John (February 9, 1798 - March 24, 1859)
Lee and Walker (1848 - 1875)
Petri, Girolamo (1806 - 1871)
Piranesi, Francesco (c. 1758 - January 23, 1810)
Staehlin, Jacob von (May 9, 1709 - June 25, 1785)
Duvivier, Jeanne-Louise-Françoise (Tardieu) (c. 1733 - April 6, 1762)
American Bank Note Company (1795 - present)
Associated Map Company (fl. c. 1926 - 1928)
Avi-Yonah, Michael (September 26, 1904 - March 26, 1974)
Brown, Lew (December 10, 1893 - February 5, 1958)
Cash, John (17?? - 18??)
Gauer, Bernhard (May 19, 1882 - 1955)
Hankow Daily News (March 15, 1906 - c. 1912)
Holt, Renfrew, and Company (1837 - present)
McCarron, Charles R. (1891 - 1919)
Pool, Robert (17?? - 18??)
Tilzer, Albert von (March 29, 1878 - October 1, 1956)
Toppan Printing Company (凸版印刷株式會社, 1900 - present)
Jean Anscombre (fl. c. 1940 - 1960)
Ash, Joshua W. (July 3, 1802 - February 26, 1879)
Bowen, Thomas (b. c. 1733 - March 1790)
Kramm, Gustavus (September 1, 1808 - August 15, 1864)
Mayer, Merkel and Ottmann (1869 - 1901)
Randolph, John Hayward (1908 - 1972)
Revenson, Maxwell (January 2, 1926 - November 2, 1966)
Yedioth Ahronoth (1939 - present)
Watson, Gaylord (September 23, 1833 - October 10, 1896)
Gadbois, Robert William (fl. c. 1940 - 1960)
Gessner, Ingeborg (1904 - 1970)
McCaffrey, Frank (1894 - 1985)
Pickering, James H. (August 29, 1904 - June 28, 1969)
Pontault de Beaulieu, Sébastien (1612 - 1674)
Rheault, Jean-Louis (fl. c. 1980 - present)
Ritter. Theodore J. (fl. c. 1940 - 1950)
Whitehead, Edward (fl. 1864 - 1897)
Wijga, Jan (December 13, 1902 - December 10, 1978)
Clegg, Ernest (1876 - December 7, 1954)
Yves et Barret (fl. c. 1870 - 1890)
Arnout, Jules (June 1, 1814 - 1868)
Bonar, Thomas (1820 - May 19, 1891)
Chapuy, Nicolas-Marie-Joseph (1790 - July 23, 1858)
Jeannin, Henri Jules (fl. 1829 - 1854)
Lemercier, Rose-Joseph (June 29, 1803 - 1887)
Rose, Carl (1903 - 1971)
Jeannin, Henri Jules (fl. 1829 - 1854)
Mazoujian, Charles John 'Chuck' (August 24, 1917 - January 14, 2011)
National Committee for the Restoration of Greece (fl. c. 1942 - 1944)
Zell-Breier, Robert (July 26, 1947 - April 7, 2010)
Crabb, Earl (September 6, 1941 - February 20, 2015)
Fichot, Michel Charles (June 6, 1817 - July 7, 1903)
Nicholson, Francis (fl. c. 1838 - 1848)
Shubb, Richard 'Rick' (January 11, 1945 -????)
Wilson, Oliver Whitwell (1902 - March 30, 1978)
Clark, Blake Everett (June 22, 1900 - January 17, 1979)
Labouche Frères (1848 - 1960)
Olsen, Edwin Birger (1902 - 1996)
Ali Şeref Paşa (18?? - 1907)
Britton, Louise Esther (Weibel) (1900 - 1988)
Britton, Sydney William (February 24, 1892 - 19??)
Ék, Sándor (August 27, 1902 - January 15, 1975)
Flinders, Matthew (March 16, 1774 - July 19, 1840)
Garden City Lithographic Press (c. 1869 - 1872)
Solomon, Saul (May 25, 1817 - October 16, 1892)
Vielé, Herman Knickerbocker (January 31, 1856 - December 14, 1908)
Whitefield Pennie, Edwin (September 22, 1816 - December 26, 1892)
Maps of Havana and Cuba
Black, William Murray (December 8, 1855 - September 24, 1933)
Blanchard, Rufus (March 7, 1821 - January 3, 1904)
Colijn, Michiel (October 29, 1584 - September 23, 1637)
Grosvenor, Gilbert Hovey (October 28, 1875 - February 4, 1966)
Guthrie, William (1708 - March 9, 1770)
Pichardo y Tapia, Esteban (December 26, 1799 - August 26, 1879)
Terré, Nathan (1938 - present)
Ulke, Julius (May 1833 - July 31, 1910)
Coninck, Louis de (February 24, 1788 - January 28, 1840)
Bénard, Robert (1734 - c. 1785)
Corsi, Charles Angelo (August 18, 1921 - October 30, 1960)
Corsi, Wadad Catherine (November 15, 1923 - December 9, 1992)
Loeches, José (fl. c. 1940 - 1960)
Maharjan, Madhab Lal (1950 - )
Moss, Ira (fl. c. 1954 - 1956)
Savage, Edward (November 26, 1761 - July 6, 1817)
Selchow, Roger Hoffman (February 13, 1911 - 1995)
Besly, Elbert (fl. c. 1875 - c. 1907)
Bond, Fred (June 30, 1856 - August 14, 1903)
Holt, George L. (fl. c. 1867 - c. 1910)
Jernigan, Orman L. (1872 - March 23, 1951)
McMillin, Elizabeth L. (1909 - 19??)
McMillin, Helen Frances (June 9, 1896 - June 6, 1987)
Miller, F. J. (1930 - 2014)
Nell, Louis Max (January 3, 1842 - January 2, 1908)
Shurtleff, Elizabeth (September 3, 1890 - December 7, 1968)
Smith, John L. (March 19, 1846 - April 1, 1921)
Thornton, Samuel (1665 - October, 1715)
Tudor Press (fl. 1910 - 1967)
Christiansen, Carl J. (c. 1910 - 1975)
Goerck, Casimir Theodor (c. 1755 - November 19 / December 11, 1798)
Maroc-Presse (fl. c. 1930 - 1960)
Nishimura Torajirō (西村天囚, September 12, 1865 - July 29,1924)
Yardley, Richard Quincy (March 11, 1903 - November 24, 1979)
Berthrong, Ithamar Parsons (February 26, 1853 - July 29, 1936)
Bregante y Orbay, Francisco (fl. 1840 - 1867)
Burrard, Sidney Gerald (August 12, 1860 - March 16, 1943)
Clark, Estra (March 13, 1904 - 1993)
Dollfus, Auguste (March 30, 1840 - July 3, 1869)
Espejo Y Carré, José (fl. c. 1829 - 1857)
Estruch, Juan (1820 - 1883)
Giraldos, Manuel (fl. c. 1830 - 1850)
Hayward, George (fl. c. 1850 - 1870)
McCorquodale, George (May 10, 1817 - 1895)
Mingjie Liu (1857 - 1911) (刘明杰)
Montserrat, Eugène de (September 14, 1840 - March 21, 1917)
PORAM (fl. c. 1940 - 1962)
Root, Myron A. (May, 1857 - October 28, 1924)
Survey of India (1767 - present)
Colburn, Henry (1784 - August 16, 1855)
Fisher, Joshua (1707 - January 31, 1783)
Hayward, George (fl. c. 1850 - 1870)
Maire, Francois Joseph (1738 - c. 1800)
Sparks, John B. (1886 - December 22, 1949)
Sundberg, Edwin L. (1898 - 1978)
Benedicti, Heironymus (c. 1756 - c. 1809)
Bremner, D. (fl. c. 1870 - 1890)
Carter, Hosea B. (September 5, 1834 - March 31, 1900)
Hage, Aece (fl. c. 1890 - 1900)
Heuberger, Helmut (January 8,1923 - November 16, 2011)
Hudson Map Company (1892 - present)
Parsons, Charles (1821 - November 9, 1910)
Ruger, Albert (August 29, 1828 - November 12, 1899)
Bauzá y Cañas, Felipe (February 17, 1764 - March 3, 1834)
Carrafa, Juan (1787 - June 19, 1869
Department of Lands and Survey (1876 - 1987)
Gangoiti, Juan de (July 12, 1816 - February 8, 1878)
Gangoiti, Nicolás de (September 30, 1801 - January 6, 1857)
Hornung, Clarence Pearson (June 12, 1899 - January 2, 1997)
Moreno, Miguel (fl. c. 1792 - 1845)
Pineider, Giuseppe (fl. c. 18?? - 19??)
Takei Nekketsu (武居熱血, March 8, 1879 - April 22, 1961)
Webb, Alonzo C. (April 1, 1888 - 1974)
Bourdin, Ernest (18?? - 18??)
Gillot, Firmin (October 11, 1819 - June 12, 1872)
Painlevé, Léon Louis (May 22, 1832 - March 8, 1906)
American Photo-Lithographic Company (1866 - c. 1884)
Ashmun, Jehudi (April 21, 1794 - August 26, 1828)
Bureau of Ethnology (1879 - 1965)
Carter, Alexander Scott (April 7, 1881 - December 30, 1968)
Dulon, Arnold (1843 - August 14, 1929)
Ewen, Hamilton (1838 - December 15, 1893)
G.M. Hopkins Company (1865 - 1940 ; 1943 - today)
Jones, Denis Mason (March 10, 1918 - January 8, 2010)
McLean, Thomas Wesley (1881 - 1951)
Millar, George Henry (fl. 1780 - 1790)
Pham Thang (fl. c. 1965 - 1967)
Poole, Albert F. 'Bert' (1853 - 1934)
Royce, Charles C. (December 22, 1845 - February 11, 1923)
Serra y Mas, Pascual (fl. c. 1853 - 1883)
Shyrma, Alexander F. (1842 -????)
Soltesz, Frank J. (June 14, 1912 - March 21, 1986)
Towle, Hamilton Ela (June 24, 1833 - September 2, 1881)
Turner, William John (fl. c. 1876 - 1892)
Whitney-Graham Company (fl. c. 1926 - 1942)
Windwart, Heinrich (July 12, 1810 - April 30, 1881)
Lee, Kerry Ernest (December 4, 1902 - February, 1988)
Jones, Denis Mason (March 10, 1918 - January 8, 2010)
Cadell, Thomas (November 12, 1742 - December 27, 1802)
Chambers, Opie (c. 1890 - c. 1939)
Dowling, Ernest J. (January 18, 1880 - December 6, 1962)
Graziadei, Ernesto (fl. c. 1890 - 1920)
Knight, Harry R. (August 9, 1882 - June, 1953)
Peary Sr., Robert Edwin (May 6 - 1856 - February 20, 1920)
Barney, Joshua (1799/1800 - 1867)
Kaliher, Stephen Eugene (1910 - October 19, 1969)
Lamm, Warren Edgar (August 7, 1937 - present)
McNeill, William Gibbs (October 3, 1801 - February 16, 1853)
Michaelson, Jim (c. 1945 - May 28, 2019)
Schiller, David (c. 1945 -????)
Thompson, Kenneth Webster (April 26, 1907 - April 4, 1996)
Wilbur, George B. (November 1839 - December 21, 1926)
Williams, John Scott (August 18, 1877 - November 1975)
Fleurieu, Charles Pierre Claret, comte de (July 2, 1738 - August 18, 1810)
Hermann, Hugo (1887 - 1940)
Hitchcock, Charles Henry (August 23, 1836 - November 5, 1919)
Norman, John (1748 - June 8, 1817)
Dingle, Edwin John (April 6, 1881 - January 28, 1972)
Chung-Tung Litho Works (中东石印局民国,1912 - c. 1930)
Hinman and Dutton (fl. c. 1836 - 1838)
Smith, William (fl. c. 1860 - 1891)
Van Leer, Wim (1913 - April 14, 1992)
Mädler, Johann Heinrich von (May 29, 1794 - March 14, 1874)
Pennant, Thomas (June 14, 1726 - December 16, 1798)
Saxonious, Peter (August 16, 1591 - September 16, 1625)
Collingridge, Leonard (1837 - March 24, 1900)
Collingridge, William Hill (fl. c. 1846 - 1894)
Darbishire, Bernard Vernon (August 8, 1865 - December 29, 1935)
Hatch, George Whitefield (April 27, 1804 - February 13, 1866)
Himely, Sigismond (June 7, 1801 - 1872)
Hinde, Sidney Langford (July 23, 1863 - October 18, 1930)
Hopkinson, Harold Isadore (August 8, 1918 - December 18, 2000)
Kip, Leonard W. (November 10, 1837 - February 27, 1901)
Kodansha (式会社講談社, 1909 - present)
Mann, James Buzzell (September 25, 1892 - March 30, 1959)
Romer, Jack (1898 - April 28, 1967)
Saburo Ota (太田三郎, December 24, 1884 - May 1, 1969)
Turney, Omar A. (November 1, 1866 - December 21, 1929)
Yeremian, Suren Tigrani (1908 - 1992)
Civic Education Service (fl. c. 1939 - 1945, 1963 - 1972)
American Association of University Women (AAUW; 1881 - present)
Ballou, Julia Bertha (1891 - January 4, 1978)
Craste, Leon (1887 - 1970)
Devos, Jacques (November 24, 1924 - January 27, 1992)
Drake, Victor Hugo (February 15, 1905 - September 25, 1987)
Fischer, LeRoy Henry (May 19, 1917 - March 11, 2014)
Fritz, Samuel SJ (April 9, 1654 - March 20, 1725, 1728 or 1730)
Gage, Michael Alexander (1788 - 1867)
Imprimerie Alfred Karcher (1911 - 1999)
Jitsugyo no Nihon (株式会社実業之日本社, June 10, 1897 - 1931)
John F. Johnson (October 7, 1944 - January 23, 2017)
Kropp, Emil C. (April 1, 1860 - December 24, 1907)
Magnus, Olaus (October 1490 - August 1, 1557)
McGary, Noel Berkley (March 26, 1923 - October 9, 2005)
Frederick G. Nolan (July 5, 1927 - June 4, 2016)
Nystrom, Albert John (August17, 1873 - December 24, 1956)
Orcel, Gian Giuseppe (fl. c. 1775 - 1793)
Panormit, Garofalo (fl. c. 1750 - 1800)
Purdy, Isaac (May 22, 1804 - September 1852)
Purdy, Isaac 2 (fl. c. 1840 - 1869)
Robinson, Herbert Edward Cooper (November 18, 1856 - January 17, 1933)
Rogg, Gottfried (1669 - 1742)
Schmettau, Samuel Graf von (March 24, 1684 - August 18, 1751)
Starling, Thomas (December 24, 1796 - June 15, 1850)
Survey of Pakistan (1946 - present)
Syed, Anis Ali (fl. c. 1981 - 1990)
Wright, Muriel Hazel (March 31, 1889 - February 27, 1975)
Zeno, Nicolo (1326 - 1402) and Zeno, Antonio (13?? - 1403)
Walker, Anthony (March 19, 1726 - May 9, 1765)
Army Map Service (AMS) (1941 - 1968)
Baltes, Frank William (March 19, 1860 - 1932)
Brown, Harold Haven (June 6, 1869 - April 7, 1932)
Crépy, Jean (1660 - April 24, 1739)
Darrow, Titus H. (1814 - January 9, 1881)
Dudley, Katherine (April 20, 1875 - March 5, 1969)
Jaugeon, Nicolas (fl. c. 1680 - 1710)
Kellogg (1836 - 1946)
Nostrand, George J. (fl. 1920 - 1940)
Reinecke, Johann Christoph Matthias (October 9, 1770 - November 7, 1818)
Routledge, Fred A. (September 7, 1871 - April 1936)
R.R. Bowker Company (1868 - present)
Schruers, Edwin J. (1903 - 1994)
Servoss, Robert D. (1854 - August 9, 1919)
Sherburne, Beulah Locke (1887 - 1942)
Joerns, Consuelo (October 20, 1925 - present)
Aub, Jacob (c. 1821 - May 7, 1885)
Bradford, Lodowick Harrington (November 10, 1820 - December 13, 1885)
Cerdà i Sunyer, Ildefons (December 23, 1815 - August 21, 1876)
Driggs, Howard Roscoe (August 8, 1873 - February 17, 1963)
Friend, Norman (1814 - 1888)
Frisch, Philipp Jacob (1702 - December 4, 1753)
Gill, Leslie MacDonald (October 6, 1884 - January 14, 1947)
Granucci, Arthur F. (1901 - 1978)
Heliotype Printing Company (1872 - c. 1900)
Jackson, William Henry (April 4, 1843 - June 30, 1942)
Jewett, John Punchard (August 16, 1814 - May 14, 1884)
Langerfeldt, Theodore Otto (March 2, 1841 - September 7, 1906)
Lepper Gardner, Ruth Rhoads (June 27, 1905 - April 16, 2011)
Matérn, Johan Anton von (October 22, 1683 - December 20, 1764)
Maunsell, Francis Richard (February 14, 1861 - 1936)
McIntyre, Henry (fl. 1850s)
Polá De Torroella, Federico (1904 - March 10, 1977)
Searle, Albert D. (July 6, 1831 - October 20, 1902)
Serra, D. J. M. (fl. 1890)
Smith, George of Wigton (d. 1773)
Strahlenberg, Philipp Johann von (October 6, 1677 - September 7, 1747)
Townsend, Charles Haskins (September 29, 1859 - January 28, 1944)
Whitman, Edmund Burke (October 18, 1812 - September 2, 1883)
Dufour, F. (18?? - 18??)
Klep, Rolf (1904 - 1981)
Lake, Martha (1896 - c. 1959 )
Clauser, Jacob (c. 1520 - 1579)
Eşref, Mehmet (c. 1847 - 1912)
Evans, Frederick John Owens (March 9, 1815 - December 20, 1885)
Gambart, Jean Joseph Ernest Theodore (October 12, 1814 - April 12, 1902)
Gill, George (April 1, 1836 - November 24, 1901)
Hanks, Stedman Wright (September 11, 1811 - August 23, 1889)
H.M. Gousha Company (1926 - 1961)
Lane, John Jenness (July 5, 1860 - July 13, 1913)
Leiser, Jr., Theodore (1942 - present)
Lemprière, Clement (January 28, 1682 - July 9, 1746)
MacKechnie, Theodore Ross (1923 - August 25, 2012)
Martenet, Simon Jonas (April 13, 1832 - November 6, 1892)
Montero, Captain D. Claudio (1824 - 1885)
Murray, John (March 3, 1841 - March 16, 1914)
Prévost d'Exiles, Antoine François (April 1, 1697 - November 25, 1763)
Seagears, Clayton B. (1901 - 1983)
Shepherd, Edith Hawkins (June 4, 1918 - May 6, 2007)
Stacker, E. C. (fl. c. 1922 - 1927)
Takeda Kango (武田 簡吾, 18?? - 18??)
Tubau y Albert, Ignacio (fl. c. 1850 - 1872)
Utne, Y. (fl. c. 1909 - 1936)
Washington, John (1800 - September 16, 1863)
Bergelin, L. (fl. c. 1930 - c. 1972)
Bougainville, Hyacinthe Yves Philippe Potentien Baron de (December 26, 1781 - October 18, 1846)
Chase, Josiah G. (December 6, 1819 - July 17, 1903)
Klaudyán, Mikuláš (Lat. Nicolas Claudianus, died 1522)
Condamine, Charles Marie de La (January 28, 1701 - February 4, 1774)
Evans, Edward Ratcliffe Garth Russell, 1st Baron Mountevans, (October 28, 1880 - August 20, 1957)
Gunnlaugsson, Bjorn (September 25, 1788 - March 17, 1876)
Hatami, Aziz (fl. c. 1960 - 1979)
Jillson, Willard Rouse (May 28, 1890 - October 4, 1975)
Juan y Santacilia, Jorge (January 5, 1713 - June 21, 1773)
Lufkin, Richard Friend (1895 - 1963)
Morgan, Thomas Jefferson 'T.J.' (1839 - 1902)
Rhea, James J. (February 29, 1876-July 16, 1934)
Shawcross, Radford Richard (November 29, 1886 - May 19, 1955)
Ugo, Donofrio (fl. 1946 -????)
Ulloa y de la Torre-Giral, Antonio de (January 12, 1716 - July 3, 1795)
Armstrong, Charles (November 23, 1836 - 1906)
Bourcet, Jean Claude (August 15, 1732 - December 28, 1776)
Clarke, William Barnard (1806 - 1865)
Claude, Louis-Jean (October 26, 1858 - c. 1920)
Lacy, Charles John de (1856 - December 13, 1929)
Haines, John (fl. 1795 - 1809)
Hazen, James Compton (November 5, 1852 - January 14, 1908)
Muller, Julius (March 20, 1875 - December 12, 1948)
Niebuhr, Carsten (March 17, 1733 - April 26, 1815)
Pusch, Gaston (fl. c. 1898 - 1902)
Querenet de la Combe, Guillaume (1731 - 1788)
Soulès, François (1748 - 1809)
Vance, David H. (1799 - May 29, 1832)
Bacci, Andrea (1524 - October 24, 1600)
Beers, Frederick William (August 16, 1839 - September 8, 1933)
Beers, James Botsford Beers (October 16, 1811 - June 3, 1901)
Biedermann,Louis (November 11, 1874 - July 16, 1957)
Burnham, George W. (1838 - 1888)
Churruca y Elorza, Cosme Damián de (September 27, 1761 - October 21, 1805)
Cooper and Stone (fl. c. 1865 - 1867)
Hastings, Horace Lorenzo (November 23 1831 - October 21, 1899)
Huberti, Adriaen (fl. 1573 - c. 1614)
Jode, Gerard De (1516 or 17 - February 5, 1591)
King Features Syndicate (November 16, 1915 - present)
Lafosse, Georges (March 8, 1913 -????)
Netherchit, John B. (fl. c. 1835 - 1855)
Neuman and Dinglinger Lithography (fl. 1880 - 1882)
Schönberg and Company (fl. 1860s)
Selma, Ferdinand (1752 - January 8, 1810)
Visconti, Sigismond (November 13, 1785 - 18??)
Baille, Frédéric Marie Joseph Hervé (January 21, 1896 - June 3, 1974)
Brewer, H.G. (fl. c. 1884 - c. 1905)
Brown, Marian Martin (December 11, 1888 - June 6, 1972)
Gallup Map and Supply Company (1875 - present)
Gotō Shichirōemon (後藤七郎右衛門, fl. c. 1886 - 1911)
Hallwag (1912 - 1998)
Imfeld, Xaver (April 21, 1853 - February 21, 1909)
Kenzō Nakamura (中村謙三, fl. c. 1900 - 1911)
Kümmerly, Hermann (September 6, 1857 - April 29, 1905)
Kurz, Louis (1854 - 1942)
Liozu, Jacques (1910 - 1974)
Melville, George William (February 1856 - November 30, 1928)
Neumont, Maurice (September 22, 1868 - February 10, 1930)
Opper, Frederick Burr (January 2, 1857 - August 28, 1937)
Rockhill, William Woodville (May 1, 1854 - December 8, 1914)
Sheafer, Peter Wenrick (March 31, 1819 - March 26, 1891)
Sturges, Rosalind Howe (1907 - 1999)
Tracy, Nathan W. (September 26, 1841 - February 19, 1919)
Binger, Louis-Gustave (October 14, 1856 - November 10, 1936)
Bruce-Roberts, Inc. (fl. 1928 - August 1931)
Carruthers, Alexander Douglas Mitchell (October 4, 1882 - May 23, 1962)
Kiepert, Heinrich (July 31, 1818 - April 21, 1899)
Pranger, Edward Herman (June 28, 1912 - February 7, 2012)
Shakespear, Captain William Henry Irvine (October 29, 1878 - January 24, 1915)
Smith, Stephenson Percy (June 11, 1840 - April 19, 1922)
Mulford, John Cheeseman (April 27, 1876 - March 15, 1933)
Herdell, Vaughn Mark (May 6, 1923 - February 3, 1974)
Wilkie, Arthur Weld (February 7, 1915 - July 6, 2004)
Amir Publishing Company (fl. 1970 - 1990)
Bahat, Ada (fl. 1970 - 1990)
Blanchard, Isaac H. (1862 - 1931)
Blaushild, Immanuel (fl. 1970 - 1990)
Boisgelin de Kerdu, Pierre Marie Louis de (May 5, 1758 - September 9, 1816)
Catholic Press (Beirut, fl. 1847 - 1974)
Edwards, William B. (1881 - 1944)
Edy-Legrand, Eduourd Léon (July 24, 1892 - September 1970)
Guyot, Arnold Henry (September 28, 1807 - February 8, 1884)
Harris, William Cornwallis (1807 - October 9, 1848)
Johnson, Carl David (October 3, 1926 - October 24, 2010)
Moro, Juan (September 7, 1869 - June 28, 1953)
News Map of the Week Inc (c. 1940 - c. 1973)
Robinson. G. and J. (fl. 1785 - 1818)
Sandoz, Ernest C. (1830 - April 6, 1908)
Walsh, Richard John (November 20, 1886 - May 28, 1960)
Wood and Ortlepp (1898 - 1904)
York, Alice (fl. c. 1926 - 1930)
FAMA International (1990 - present)
Kapic, Suada (b. February 15, 1952)
Plummer, Frederick Gordon (October 4, 1864 - August 15, 1913)
Plummer, George Howard (March 8, 1868 - June 5, 1950)
Service Géographique National (c. 1956 - 1990)
Harvey, Fred (June 27, 1835 - February 9, 1901)
Kinneir, Sir John Macdonald (February 3, 1782 - June 11, 1830)
Lane, William (1746 - 1814)
Mountcastle Map Company (c. 1931 - 1972)
Ranlee Publishing (1981 - 1988)
Richards, Thomas (December 21, 1831 - August 31, 1898)
Tayler, J. (fl. 1861 - 1875)
Junker, Wilhelm (Василий Васильевич Юнкер; April 6, 1840 - February 13 1892)
Stebbins, R. (fl. c. 1830 - 1836)
Freyhold, Edward (May 12, 1824 - November 29, 1892)born Eduard Otto Gotthilf Julius von Freyhold)
Kilbourne, John (1787 - 18??)
Liebenau, Frederick (1770? - 1826?)
Mullan, John (July 31, 1830 - December 28, 1909)
Nepal Police Mountaineering and Adventure Foundation (fl. 1977 - 1987)
People's Liberation Army Pictorial (c. 1955 - c. 2016)
Reimer, Dietrich Arnold (May 13, 1818 - October 15, 1899)
Stebbins, Henry Searls (November 16, 1835 - June 22, 1898)
Long Island Canal Company (1828 - 18??)
Boardman, Harvey (October 14, 1833 - September 17, 1863)
Gen Muraoka (村岡玄 著, 1887 - 1976)
McCarthy, James Fitzroy (1853 - September 23, 1919)
Merzbacher, Gottfried (December 9, 1843 - April 14, 1926)
Nicholls, Sutton (fl. 1700 - 1740)
Pavie, Auguste Jean-Marie (May 31, 1847 - June 7 1925)
Rice, Charles A. (November 6, 1885 - August 12, 1931)
Sharbau, Henry (fl. 1870 - 1906)
Buxton and Skinner (1878 - 1999)
Cheng Hsing and Company (fl. c. 1920 - 1932)
Guo Chan (果禅, fl. c. 1920 - 1940)
Hondius, Henricus II (1597 - August 16, 1651)
Huang Shang (黃裳, 1146 - 1194)
Hunter, William Bridges (February 19,1883 - August 25, 1966)
Kirilov, Ivan Kirillovich Kirilov (Иван Курилов, 1689 - April 14, 1737)
Lythe, Robert (fl. 1556 - 1571)
Prudy, Earl (June 6, 1892 - April 22, 1971)
Strubicz, Maciej (1530 - 1604)
Tardieu, Jean Baptiste Pierre (1746 - 1816)
Guyot, Arnold Henry (September 28, 1807 - February 8, 1884)
Bernardo de Estrada, Rodrigo (fl. c. 1840 - 1860)
Dodge, Dr. Henry Washington (June 3, 1859 - June 30, 1919.)
Grimminger, A. (fl. c. 1843 - 1862)
Gutierrez, Pedro (fl. 1900 - 1957)
Jiménez, Antonio Núñez (April 20, 1923 - September 13, 1998)
Lee, Donald McPhee (February 11, 1804 - February 11, 1883)
Naomitsu Ibe (直光伊部, April 2, 1867 - July 5, 1932)
Piper, Charles Vancouver (June 16, 1867 - February 11, 1926)
Price and Lee Company (1873 - c.1977)
Alajálov, Constantin (November 18, 1900 - October 23, 1987)
Bain, Fred Barned (March 14, 1880 - November 17 1968)
Edward Bosqui (1832 - 1917)
Carteret, Philip Seigneur of Trinity (January 22, 1733 - July 21 1796)
Hoehne, Frederico Carlos (February 1, 1882 - March 16, 1959)
Mitchell, Henry (September 16, 1830 - December 1, 1902)
Whiting, Henry L. (1821 - 1897)
Army Orientation Branch (1940 - c. 1949)
Beeler, Edwin Mead (July 2, 1871 - October 18, 1931)
Charlevoix, Pierre François Xavier de, S.J. (October 24-29, 1682 - February 1, 1761)
Dummer, H. Boylston (1878 - November 3, 1945)
Gardner, Robert Waterman (1866 - September 7, 1937)
Gehüchte, Augustin van de (fl. c. 1841 - 1860)
Gibbs, Warren Rockwood (June 17, 1878 - 194?)
Kraetzer, Ludwig Gustav Adolph (March 21, 1822 - October 21, 1901)
McKelvey, John Jay (May 24 1863 - October 19 1947)
Poland, Edwin Christian (December 14, 1903 - October 13, 1991)
Rau, Jacob (1821 -????)
Rothe, Lewis (July 6, 1874 - November 28, 1951)
Sonnenstern, Maximilian von (1819 - 1895)
State Abstract Company (1886 - present)
Burnham, Graham (fl. c. 1890 - c. 1920)
Klein, William W. (February 9, 1868 -?)
Associated American Artists (AAA; 1934 - 2000)
Covarrubias, Miguel (November 22, 1904 - February 4, 1957)
Dyer, William Haskel 'Bill' (December 12, 1912 - October 30, 1976)
Hewitt, Robert (May 31, 1841 - October 6, 1913)
North-China Daily News (August 3, 1850 - March 31, 1951)
Rodgers, Augustus Frederick (January 1, 1829 - December 9, 1908)
Amerman, Richard (September 1, 1824 - October 6, 1893)
Braeunlich, Gustav (May 17, 1837 - January 15, 1923)
Chojiro Shimazu (島津長治郎, fl. c. 1900 - 1927)
Ensign, Edgar Tarbell (September 9, 1839 - February 15, 1918)
Floyd, Robert Wentworth (August 12, 1879 - 19??)
Ford, Francis W. (July 1846 - February 3, 1904)
Hemphill, Theron Joseph Taylor (October 9, 1902 - March 23, 1955)
Oliver, James Frank (October 20, 1916 - April 20, 2006)
Henry Sell (fl. c. 1880 - c. 1910)
Villavicencio, Manuel Galicia de (1730 - c. 1788)
Wong, J. P. (黃華培; November 18, 1901 - December 6, 1988),
Xie Zuantai (謝纘泰; 1872 - 1939)
Deutsch, Hans Rudolf Manuel (1525 - 1571)
Ciqheri, Aldo (19?? - 19??)
Dehly, F. M. (1862 -????)
Noll, Edward. P. (1855 - March 28, 1926)
Pumphrey, William Henry (August 30, 1846 - 1921)
Thomson, Reginald Heber (1856 - January 7, 1949)
Allied Geographical Section (AGS; 1942 - 1945)
Eliot, George Fielding (June 22 1894 - April 21, 1971)
Bünting, Heinrich (1545 - 1606)
Manning, Reginald West (April 8, 1905 - March 10, 1986)
Davies and Company (fl. c. 1880 - 1930)
De Leth, Hendrik (May 31, 1703 - June 17, 1766)
Furse, Peter Reynolds (October 29, 1901 - 1970)
Ravenstein, Ernst Georg (December 30, 1834 - March 13, 1913)
Olmsted, Frederick Law (April 26, 1822 - August 28, 1903)
Baltekal-Goodman, Michael A. (January 7, 1903 - April 12, 1991)
Barriger, William Lillard (1897 - 1976)
Becker, Francis Paul (fl. 1837 - 1861)
Despuig y Dameto, Antonio (March 30, 1745 - May 2, 1813)
Doppelmayr, Johann Gabriel (September 27, 1677 - December 1, 1750)
Dufrenoy, Eugène (January 21, 1834 - 189?)
Dybwad, Jacob (July 20, 1823 - September 4, 1899)
Flint, Herbert Lincoln (October 30, 1870 - January 18, 1955)
Fort Dearborn Publishing Company (fl. c. 1893 - 1905)
Gumilla, Joseph (1686 - 1750)
Tardieu, Jean Baptiste Pierre (1746 - 1816)
McGill, Charles Herbert (March 21, 1866 - April 7, 1941)
Muller, Luchsinger and Company (fl. c. 1886 - c. 1930)
Muntaner, Lorenzo María (1782 - 1848)
Printers Limited (fl. c. 1879 - 1940)
Ritter, Carl (August 7, 1779 - September 28, 1859)
Ruga, Pietro (c. 1772 - 1850)
Singer, Clyde Jacob (October 20, 1908 - January 5, 1999)
Smith, Elder, and Company (1816 - 1917)
Union Lithography Company (1888 - 1948)
Urwand, Henri Moise (October 25, 1879 - September 11, 1956)
Vlieger, Jan (1869 - 2010)
Warner, Eli Sampson (June 6, 1856 - June 23, 1943)
Warner, Ellsworth C. (1884 - January 5, 1942)
Neuhaus, Eugen (August 18, 1878 - October 29, 1953)
Ovalle Pastene, Alonso de (July 27, 1603 - May 11, 1651)
Poteat, Clarissa Hale (July 10, 1905 - August 3, 1986)
Chandler, Harry A. (fl. c. 19?? - 19??)
Miller, Paul Eduard (1902 - 1972)
Jones, Richard M. (June 13, 1892 - December 8, 1945)
Gast, August Herman Ludwig (March 10, 1819 - December 24, 1891)
Gast, Leopold (March 11, 1810 - March 1, 1898)
Massa, Isaac Abrahamszoon (1586 - 1643)
China Geographical Model Manufactory (fl. c. 1940 - c. 1985)
Service géographique de l'Indochine (1899 - c. 1954)
Fatout, Charles (18?? - 1882)
Pagano, Matteo (1515 - 1588)
Kenyon Company, Map Makers (fl. 1874 - c. 1930)
Mills, James Calvin (July 20, 1899 - October 25, 1977)
Wilson, Marguerite Carmel (February 5, 1893 - November 10, 1977)
Traster, Sr., R.C. (18?? - 19??)
Goff, Eugenia Almira Wheeler (January 17, 1844 - May 12, 1922)
Goff, Henry Slade (April 23, 1842 - June 19, 1917)
Savinkov, Alexsander Dmitrievich (1767 - c. 1849)
Livingstone, David (March 19, 1813 - May 1, 1873)
Jichisan Shōkai (ジーチーサン商會; 1927 - 1945)
Bemis, Waldo Edmund (July 26, 1891 - September 9, 1951)
DeFeo, Charles (1892 - 1978)
Lang, Georg (fl. 1892 - 1949)
Gaebler, Friedrich Eduard (January 22, 1842 - November 8, 1911)
Mink, David Dewitt Clinton (October 12, 1910 -????)
Gamble, William Henry (November 4, 1835/6 - September 16, 1921)
Dirección General de Correos y Telegrafos (1933 - 1942)
Le Febure, Roger (18?? - 19??)
Ōmura Ichizō (大村, 一蔵; February 15, 1884 - January 29, 1944)
Nihon Tōsei Chizu (日本統制地圖; fl. c. 1941 - 1947)
Bruckner, Isaak (July 23, 1686 - April 6, 1762)
Callimahos, Lambros Demetrios (December 16, 1910 - October 28, 1977)
Sonora News Company (1896 - 1929)
Raffles, Thomas Stamford Bingley (July 5, 1781 - July 5, 1826)
Vaughan, Henry Goodman (September 28, 1868 - November 22, 1938)
Roberts, Henry (1756 - August 25, 1796)
Palmer, William (March 4, 1739 - November 1812)
Dru'yor, J. Alvin (August 18, 1903 - April 29, 1990)
Ferguson, Thomas Tapley Helenus (January 18, 1871 - June 20, 1946)
Scarborough Motor Guide Company (c. 1913 - c. 1933)
Rocamora, Marcel M. (January 28, 1874 - August 26, 1950)
Tobler, Titus (July 25, 1806 - January 21, 1877)
Gilliss, James Melville (September 6, 1811 - February 9, 1865)
Van de Velde, Charles William Meredith (December 3, 1818 - March 20, 1898)
Loomis, William S. (1840 - July 10, 1914)
Kirtland, Edwin Leander (1833 - April 12, 1910)
T. H. Payne and Company (1865 - 1998)
Flacourt, Étienne de (1607 - 1660)
Polygrafia (fl. c. 1907 - 1999)
Gousha, Harry Mathais (May 16, 1892 - September 24, 1970)
Courier Company (1860 - 1908)
Bauer, Hubert Anton (1882 - 19??)
Atlanta Service (fl. c. 1945 - 1947)
Babson, Roger Ward (July 6, 1875 - March 5, 1967)
Abbott, Frederick (January 8, 1851 - November 4, 1892)
Shallo, Andrew Anthony (March 13, 1922 - March 11, 1979)
Thomas, Robert Henry (April 1877 - 1946)
India Quartermaster General Office (1803 - 1947)
Hoss, Della Taylor (June 3, 1900 - February 19, 1997)
Philippine Coast and Geodetic Survey (P.C.G.S) (1900 - 1942; 1945 - present)
Temperance League of Illinois (1898 - present)
Snyder, Henry M. (1828 - c. 1899)
Lufkin, Raymond Haskell (January 29, 1899 - December 10, 1978)
Dufour, Guillaume Henri (September 15, 1787 - July 14, 1875)
Kanarek, Eliasz (June 21, 1902 - May 1969)
Lipski, Tadeusz (June 30, 1905 - April 7, 1987)
Turzak, Charles (August 20, 1899 - January 31, 1986)
Chapman, Henry Thomas (May 19, 1897 - July 28, 1970)
Su Jiarong (蘇甲榮; 1895 - 1946)
McCall, Robert (December 23, 1919 - February 26, 2010)
Eddy, Gerald Allen (October 12, 1889 - September 9, 1967)
Vallardi, Antonio (1813 - 1876)
Bordiga, Giovanni Battista (1799 - 18??)
Boeck, Albert de (18?? - 19??)
Herrera y Tordesillas, Antonio de (1549 - March 28, 1626 or March 27, 1625)
Ulrich, Charles Frederick (June 25, 1835 - March 18, 1907)
Kraemer, Albert O. (January 4, 1865 - February 4, 1926)
Velasco, Juan López de (c. 1530 - 1598)
Fenlon, Pete (1955 - present)
Gillam, Bernhard (April 28, 1856 - January 19, 1896)
Capewell, Samuel (January 22, 1826 - 1865)
Kimmel, Christopher (1830 - May 4, 1872)
Bouasse-Lebel, Eulalie (1809 - 1898)
Yoshida Feng (吉田豐, fl. c. 1900 - 1942)
Dosseray, Jean (1868 - 1904)
Wing Fat Printing Company Ltd. (永發印務有限公司,1913 - 1996)
Willis, Bailey (March 31, 1857 - February 19, 1949)
Stose, George Willis (1869 - 1960)
Japan Publishing Distribution Co., Ltd. (日本出版配給株式會社; May 5, 1941 - March 28, 194
Testard, Jacques-Alphonse (1810 - 18??)
Buland, Jean-Emile (October 25, 1857 - February 10, 1938)
Crafts, Nathaniel Henry (March 15, 1828 - June 14, 1908)
Meisel, Augustus (December 12, 1824 - January 24, 1885)
Stigand, Almar Gordon (1876 - February 26, 1956)
Brown, Hiram D. (November 10, 1848 - April 17, 1905)
Herbert Huse Bigelow (May 18, 1870 - September 16, 1933)
Azara, Félix de (May 18, 1742 - October 20, 1821)
Suchy, Arthur Bartholomew(1901 - 1995)
Allodi, Pietro (fl. 1859 - 1878)
Kwong Chi Book Company (fl. c. 1900 - c. 1965)
Wheeler, James Talboys (December 22 or 23, 1824 - January 13, 1897)
Alden, Edward Cox (1840 - 1912)
Molitor, Mathieu (May 23, 1873 - December 23, 1929)
Holt, A. L. (1896 - 1971)
Wachsmuth, F. E (fl. 1870 - 1910)
Elson, Alfred Walter (March 20, 1859 - November 22, 1938)
Arthur Crosby Service Inc. (fl. c. 1921 - c. 1935)
Sancha, Antonio de (1720 - 1790)
Molina, Juan Ignacio (June 24, 1740 - September 12, 1829)
Joshi and Company (fl. c. 193? - 196?)
Shri Sidh Litho Works (fl. c. 1930 -????)
Chandler, Samuel Ward (July 12, 1803 - April 9, 1900)
Ludwig, Pablo (fl. c. 1890 - 1920)
Platen, Charles G. (1818 - 1884)
Beauchamp, Pierre-Joseph de (June 28, 1752 - November 18, 1801)
Da Chung Book Company (fl. c. 1955 - 1977)
Rice Jr., Alexander Hamilton, (August 29, 1875 - July 21, 1956)
Rosaccio, Giuseppe (c. 1530 - 1620)
Haru Eido (春榮堂; fl. c. 1904 - 1905)
Tower, Jr., Harry L., (April 9, 1912 - March 5, 2001)
J. W. Clement Company (1908 - 19??)
Anderson, Crawford Covington (March 2, 1898 - December 24, 1980)
Riley, Isaac (November 29, 1770 - March 14, 1824)
Xinhua Bookstore (新华书店; 1937 - present)
Artaria, Ferdinando (1781 - June 25, 1843)
Bourgade La Dardye, Emmanuel de (1854 - 19??)
Sonnet, L. (18?? - 19??)
Arnaud, Benoit (October 8, 1823 - 1903)
Nakamura Yoshimatsu (中村芳松; fl. c. 1888 - 1906)
Evans, Arthur (July 8, 1851 - July 11, 1941)
Daddow, Samuel Harries (March 14, 1827 - March 23, 1875)
Jannin, Henri (January 4, 1816 - 18??)
Ravell, Anthony (1675 - July 3, 1727)
Shanghai People's Art Publishing House (1952 - present)
Murasaki Chōei (村崎長昶; 1870 - 1960)
Currier, Charles Jacob (February 8, 1819 - December 4, 1887)
Brown, David R. (May 30, 1831 - February 22, 1911)
Ashby, Janice (19?? - present)
Ricci, Matteo (October 6, 1552 - May 11, 1610)
Ray, Verne Frederick (1905 - September 28, 2003)
Codognato, Plinio (April 13, 1878 - September 30, 1940)
Capranesi, Giovanni (1852 - September 17, 1921)
Nomura Yozo (野村陽三; January 20, 1870 - March 24, 1965)
Nakayama Kyūshirō (中山久四郎; February 10, 1874 - September 7, 1961)
Kimori Sōjirō (小森宗次郎; 1851 - 1910)
Farmer, Silas (June 6, 1839 - December 28, 1902)
Millsap, Darrel (May 9, 1931 - April 11, 2012)
LaCasse, John B. (July 9, 1904 - November 11, 1982)
Hoffman, Charles Frederick (February 29, 1838 - June 20, 1913)
Rosa, Frédéric-Guillaume (1780 - March 4, 1833)
Hanley, Frank (December 22, 1895 - 198?)
Mead, Frank (c. 1840 - 1845)
Edmonds, Alfred M. (1821 - November 23, 1893)
Schreiber, Collingwood (December 14, 1831 - March 23, 1918)
Burland, George Bull (1829 - 1907)
Gaston, Samuel N. (March 9, 1824 - June 21, 1863)
Conant, Marshall (January 5, 1801 - February 10, 1873)
Freedman, Samuel (September 15, 1880 - 19??)
Hayes Jr, Hugh John (August 1, 1914 - June 25, 2013)
Bradley, Milton (November 8, 1836 - May 30, 1911)
Browning, Ross C. (September 8, 1822 - March 26, 1899)
Wynne, Charles H. (1822 - March 19, 1870)
Swett, C. A. (fl. c. 1850 - 1865)
Toronto Lithographing Company (1878 - 1909)
Dietell, Christoph (March 8, 1690 - December 1, 1764)
Thiriar, James (January 11, 1889 - October 12, 1965)
Bedford, James (18?? - 18??)
Automobile Club of Southern California (1900 - present)
Kingdon-Ward, Frank (November 6, 1885 - April 8, 1958)
Orange Blossom Trail Association (1934 - 197?)
Meisel, Berthold (December 10, 1831 - April 5, 1915)
American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (A.B.F.C.M.) (1810 - 1961)
Westermann Verlag (Westermann Publishing) (1838 - present)
Paine, Milton Kendall (July 15, 1834 - October 27, 1896)
King, Wallace Albert (February 2, 1837 - 1919)
Bachelder, Elizabeth Barber (August 5, 1828 - February 1, 1914)
Hall Jr., Henry Bryan (1839 - 1913)
Burbank, Richard H. (June 2, 1905 - December 28, 1959)
National Publishing Company (1897 - 1902)
Scarborough Company (1885 - 1913)
Walker, James (June 3, 1819 - September, 1889)
Sims, Harold Hilson (December 29, 1912 - August 16, 2002)
Day and Haghe (1830 - 1852)
Picken, Thomas Ashburton (1818 - March, 1891)
Franklin, John (April 16, 1786 - June 11, 1847)
Beaufoy, Benjamin (1814 - 1879)
Raoux, Pierre / Pieter (September 8, 1845 - October 3, 1917)
Fahey, Lawrence (October 20, 1924 - April 27, 1994)
Barker, Curtis Mason (April 12, 1861 - August 4, 1908)
Surhon, Jean de (fl. 1550 - 1600)
Cross House (十字屋編; fl. 1930 - 1945)
Gray, William Vallance (September 5, 1839 - October 15, 1891)
Bodley, Helen Gertrude (November 15, 1906 - January 19, 1997)
Gaffney, Walter Melvin (April 28, 1900 - January 23, 1983)
Emanuel, Walter Lewis (April 2, 1869 - August 4, 1915)
Johnson, Riddle and Company (fl. c. 1910 - 1974)
Monteith, James (1831 - 18??)
Heine, Peter Bernard Wilhelm (January 30, 1827 - October 5, 1885)
Brown Jr., Eliphalet M. (1816 - January 24, 1886)
Powel, Virginia Worthington (February 21, 1915 - May 23, 1999)
Intourist (April 12, 1929 - present)
Kip, Johannes (1652 or 53 - 1722)
Lane, Fitz Henry (December 19, 1804 - August 13, 1865)
Higgins, Howe (February 26, 1894 - May 31, 1974)
Walshe, Frederick William Henry (1872 - 1931)
Hall, Harrison (November 5, 1785 - March 9, 1866)
Kransz, Ilonka (July 13, 1896 - May 26, 1981)
Hall, Harrison (November 5, 1785 - March 9, 1866)
Mendenhall, Thomas Corwin (October 4, 1841 - March 23, 1924)
Avagyan, Grigor (September 23, 1928 - December 4, 2005)
Walker, James Thomas (December 1, 1826 - February 16, 1896)
Ellicott, Joseph (November 1, 1760 - August 19, 1826)
Strauch, George B. (1844 - August 13, 1880)
Landis. Henry Mohr (March 9, 1857 - September 6, 1921)
Hoeisha (方英舎; fl. c. 1890 - 1910)
Storm, Mark Kennedy (September 4, 1911 - October 4, 2002)
Stevens, Thomas (1828 - October 24, 1888)
Colvin, Verplanck (January 4, 1847 - May 28, 1920)
Probst, John (March 11, 1805 - March 11, 1896)
Jones, Edward (fl. c. 1844 - 1850)
Wade, Henling Thomas (1846 - September 17, 1915)
Villard, Robert Alexis de (1860 - c. 1920)
Mueller, August Henry (December 1, 1857 - April 1, 1926)
Waddell, Laurence Austine (May 29, 1854 - 1938)
National Geographic Society (January 13, 1888 - present)
Allard, Hugo (1627 - 1684)
Allard, Carel (1648 - 1709)
Ayres, Sidney E. (July 11, 1900 - January 26, 1960)
Keppler, Udo J. (April 4, 1872 - July 4, 1956)
Levering, Albert (1869 - April 14, 1929)
Hassmann, Carl (1869 - 1933)
Bachmann, John (1816 - May 22, 1899)
Burn, Walter Pierron (July 17, 1894 - December 4, 1959)
Pitteri, Giovanni Marco (1703 - 1767 or August 4, 1786)
Allen, William Houghton (April 14, 1788 - January 1855)
Currier, Nathaniel (March 27, 1813 - November 20, 1888)
Ives, James Merritt (March 5, 1824 - January 3, 1895)
Brown Son and Ferguson (1850 - present)
Ureta Martínez, Horacio (18?? - 19??)
La Dépêche du Midi (October 2, 1870 - present)
Tyroler, James (September 1861 - December 28, 1938)
Parkinson, Thomas D. (April, 1835 - May 11, 1906)
Concanen, Alfred (May, 1835 - December 10, 1886)
Dodge, Loudon Underhill (September 19, 1839 - March 26, 1887)
Stannard, William Thomas (December 15, 1815 - November 23, 1895)
Donaldson Smith, Arthur (April 27, 1866 - February 19, 1939)
Portail, Albert (July 5, 1881 - August 25, 1961)
Smalley, Janet Livingston (May 16, 1893 - February 16, 1964)
McLavy, Jeanne Huey (October 4, 1922 - October 5, 1980)
LeBaron-Bonney Company (1938 - 2019)
Besançon, J.P. (fl. c. 1798 - 1835)
Caplin, Jean-François (1779 - c. 1829)
Sutton, Ruth Haviland (September 10, 1898 - November 23, 1960)
Miller, George Charles (June 17, 1894 - October 21, 1965)
Walter (fl. c. 1840 - 1866)
Wild, C. (fl. c. 1840 - 1860)
Groth, John (February 26, 1908 - June 27, 1988)
Laass, Julius Caesar (June 1, 1828 - November 22, 1896)
Coffinières de Nordeck, Grégoire-Gaspard-Félix (September 3, 1811 - January 7, 1887)
Jode, Cornelis De (1568 - October, 1600)
Régnier et Dourdet (fl. c. 1840 - 1870)
Gratia, N. (fl. c. 1838 - 1865)
Dolph, Frank B. (October 3, 1897 - November 26, 1975)
Politano, Theodore M. (1901 - September 18, 1968)
Deroy, Isidore Laurent (April 14, 1797 - November 25, 1886)
Cattier, François Louis (May 4, 1796 - 18??)
Vibert, Théodore (1816 - 1850)
Goupil, Adolphe (March 7, 1806 - May 9, 1893)
Olleros y Mansilla, Anselmo (18?? - January 1895)
Depósito de la Guerra (1810 - July 28, 1931)
Hetzel, Pierre-Jules (January 15, 1814 - March 17, 1886)
Desbruslins, François (1700 - 17??)
Montresor, John (April 22, 1736 - June 1799)
Guettard, Jean-Étienne (September 22, 1715 - January 7, 1786)
Kellogg, Edwin Hosmer (September 7, 1845 - November 18, 1927)
Bonsall, Joseph Hartshorne (September 7, 1833 - April 9, 1876)
Lange, Henry (April 13, 1821 - August 30, 1893)
McLellan, David (September 20, 1825 - July 26, 1867)
Martin, George Winston (1901 - September 7, 1970)
Sherer, John (fl. c. 1850 - 1875)
Swain, Joseph B. (December 31, 1814 - June 17, 1888)
Glover, Eli Sheldon (August 14, 1844 - May 29, 1920)
Ottmann, Jacob (March 4, 1849 - November 5, 1889)
Low, David (April 7, 1891 - September 19, 1963)
Mitchell, John (April 13, 1711 - February 29, 1768)
Gill, André (October 17, 1840 - May 1, 1885)
Company of Booksellers (c. 1760 - 1800)
Fowler, Thaddeus Mortimer (1842 - March 17, 1922)
Rasmussen, Knud (June 7, 1879 - December 21, 1933)
Underwood, Thomas (1810 - 1882)
Stone and Clark (fl. c. 1836 - 18??)
Rawdon, Ralph (December 19, 1793 - September 12, 1877)
Rawdon, Freeman (August 18, 1802 - September 21, 1859)
George, Russell D. (May 5, 1866 - January 2, 1955)
Whittaker, Bruce Bownas CBE (June 4, 1915 - 2000)
Conley, Walter Haddon (December 3, 1893 - November 3, 1936)
Stelzer, Otto Emil (January 5, 1901 - April 1984)
Grossman, Robert (March 1, 1940 - March 15, 2018)
Warren, Douglas Ernest (June 8, 1918 - September 22, 1993)
Schlumpf, Jakob (August 7, 1857 - May 21, 1916)
Erben (April 29, 1830 - April 11, 1910)
Van Loan, Walton (January 8, 1834 - December 31, 1921)
Daly, George (July 14, 1912 - December 9, 1993)
Norman, Arthur (1868 - June 16, 1948)
Norman, Herbert Charles (December 7, 1864 - January 25, 1940)
Sands, John (November 12, 1818 - August 16, 1873)
Vrients, Johannes Baptista (1552 - 1612)
McDougall, Dugald (June 7, 1834 - January 18, 1885)
Balagny, Dominique Eugène Paul (January 19, 1863 - October 21, 1948)
Jorge, Luiz de Barbuda (1564 - 1613)
Bureau Topographique des Troupes de l'Indo-Chine (fl. c. 1886 - 1900)
Gordon Levinson Ayalon (1954 - 19??)
Jewish National Fund (JNF) (1901 - present)
Larmat, Louis (19?? -????)
Holland, Frederick Whitmore (1838 - August 27, 1881)
Mola, Anthony Loret de (September 20, 1903 - January 7, 1960)
Tamiya Kitsuan (田宮橘菴; 17?? - 1815)
Morimoto Tasuke (森本太助; fl. c 1796 - 1875)
Rhodes, Alexander de (March 15, 1593 - November 5, 1660)
Usher, Alfred (1836 - August 6, 1906)
Weller, Francis Sidney (April 1849 - 1910)
Matsu, Umiumi (July 18, 1883 - October 30, 1925)
Stülpnagel, Johann Friedrich von (March 13, 1786 - October 18, 1865)
Service géographique de l'armée (1887 - present)
Union Commerciale Indochinoise et Africaine (1918 - 1954)
Schneider, Jean-François-Henri (December 1, 1851 - 1929/1930)
Hatano Keisuke (畠野圭右; 1898 - 19??)
Solinus, Gaius Julius (c. 290 - 350)
Ackermann (1795 - 199?)
Finé, Oronce (December 20, 1494 - August 8, 1555)
Wechel, Chrétien (1495 - 1554)
Cormack, Robert C. (April 1, 1909 - March 25, 1952)
American Fine Art Co. (fl. 1890s)
Freycinet, Louis Claude de Saulces de (August 8, 1779 - August 18, 1841)
Dávila, Juan Francisco (1682 - 1733)
Ilyin, Alexey Afinogenovich (April 11, 1934 - December 4, 1889)
Petroschi, Giovanni (1715 - 1766)
Varga, Imre (c. 1875 - 1964)
Stars and Stripes (1861 - present)
Elias, Ney (February 10, 1844 - May 31, 1897)
Williams, Max (September 9, 1865 - December 5, 1927)
Chandless, William (November 7, 1829 - May 5, 1896)
Guerra, Giuseppe (fl. 1800 - 1860)
Magyar Királyi Állami Térképészet (1867 - 1952)
Efron, George A. (1899 - 19??)
Smeltzer, Sterling Brookbank (November 5, 1908 - January 26, 1982)
Detroit Times (1900 - November 6, 1960)
Cardano y Bauzá, José María (1781 - 18??)
Bach, John (1872 - 19??)
Carmelo and Bauermann (1887 - 1938)
Alvarez, Alfonso (April 1, 1906 - July 26, 1974)
Ruth, C.H. (19?? - 19??)
Stucchi, Stanislao (c. 1780 - 18??)
Nanyang Land Survey Department (南洋陸地測量司; 1906 - 1928)
Derby, George Horatio (April 3, 1823 - May 15, 1861)
Escandón, José de, conde de Sierra (May 19, 1700 - 1770)
Smith, John (1580 - June 21, 1631)
C.J. Peters and Son Company (fl. c. 1855 - 1920)
Hung Fat Printing Company (鴻發印務; fl. c. 1930 - 1940)
Kong San (江山; fl. c. 1930 - 1940)
Ho Woo Company (厚和公司; fl. c. 1930 - 1940)
Yamazaki Hatsutaro (山崎初太郎; fl. c. 1898 - 1946)
Mitsumura Printing Company (光村印刷株式會社; 1901 - present)
Denby, Charles Harvey (June 16, 1830 - January 13, 1904)
Müller, Gerhard Friedrich (October 29, 1705 - October 22, 1783)
Pingree-Traung Company (1911 - 1966)
D'iakov, Ivan Andreevich (September 14, 1881 - August 23, 1969)
North American Press Association (fl. c. 1911 - 1915)
Carta (1958 - present)
Tong Shiheng (童世亨; April 18, 1883 - March 20, 1975)
Katz, Shmuel Alexander (Sandor) (שמואל כ'ץ; August 18, 1926 - March 26, 2010)
Zenoni, Domenico (Zenoi; fl. 1540-1580)
Thacker, Spink, and Company (c. 1863 - 1960)
Japanese Imperial Land Survey (陸地測量部; 1888 - present)
Carawan, Robert Griffith (February 14, 1952 - December 14, 1994)
Greene Street Graphics (1969 - 1981)
Cicéri, Étienne Eugène (January 27, 1813 - April 20, 1890)
Smith, Samuel Crawford (August 28, 1838 - August 8, 1916)
Frères, Thierry (c. 1827 - 1865)
Hunter Thomas (c. 1827 - December 24, 1898)
Lale, J. D. (17?? - 18??)
Niigata Shinbun (1892 - 1912)
Happel, Eberhard Werner (August 12, 1647 - May 15, 1690 )
Korkin, A. P. (А. П. КОРКИНА; fl. c. 1904 - 1919)
Maariv (ַעֲרִיב; 1948 - present)
Dupree, Nancy Hatch (October 3, 1927 - September 10, 2017)
Cioca, Dan (1939 -????)
Arnold, Edward Greene 'Aloha Vivarttas' (September 24, 1834 - August 31, 1898)
De Witt, Simeon (December 25, 1756 - December 3, 1834)
Hartmann, Elisabeth (April 15, 1861 - December 15, 1913)
Chandler, Henry (February 23, 1830 - December 21, 1896)
Everard, Barbara (July 27, 1910 - June 17, 1990)
Warren, James Dunlap (January 19, 1823 - December 17, 1886)
Dollar Weekly Times (185? - 1866)
Rynders, Gordon (April 16, 1917 - April 6, 2007)
Block, Adriaen (c. 1567 - 1627)
Abbott, Sylvester Kinsman (December 9, 1831 - June 14, 1890)
Page, Frederic Roscoe (July 26, 1850 - 1898)
Shogakukan (小學館; August 8, 1922 - present)
Cloos, George W. (May 8, 1887 - October 1, 1927)
Rey, Marc-Michel (May 5, 1720 - June 8, 1780)
Schenk Janszoon, Leonard (February 26, 1696 - June 11, 1767)
Wells, Joseph (April 8, 1808 - October 5, 1874)
Rader, Earle Morton (November 6, 1899 - February 4, 1989)
Hollar, Wenceslaus (July 23, 1607 - March 25, 1677)
Wuhrer, Frédéric Louis Charles (1844 - 1925)
Vivien de Saint-Martin, Louis (May 17, 1802 - December 26, 1896)
David Alexandrovich Aitov (Аитов_Давид_Александрович; June 6, 1854 - March 20
Waldsmith, Arnold J. (May 26, 1907 - March 16, 2005)
Bagge, Gustav Pontus (July 31, 1839 - December 31, 1915)
Schrader, Franz (January 11, 1844 - October 18, 1924)
Carrez, Louis (1833 - 1920)
Monrocq, Jean Noël (December 25, 1819 - February 18, 1913)
Instituto Geográfico Nacional (1870 - present)
Chassant (fl. c. 1830 - 1860)
Case, Orlando Dwight (August 17, 1826 - January 21, 1903)
Bemporat, Aquiles (1869 - September 22, 1957)
Alabern Y Moles, Pablo (1804 - 1860)
Alabern Y Moles, Ramón (December 18, 1811 - 1888)
Fox, William F. (January 11, 1840 - June 16, 1909)
Collin, Charles-Étienne (1770 - 1840)
Stuart, Oliver J. (1826 - c. 1890)
Penniman, John (fl. 1810 - 1860)
Michelin, Francis (fl. 1830 - 1860)
Depósito Geográfico e Histórico del Ejército (1931 - 1939)
Wright, George Frederick (April 23, 1881 - July 2, 1938)
Moreau, Jean-Michel (March 26, 1741 - November 30, 1814)
Cruz Cano y Olmedilla, Juan de la (May 14, 1734 - February 13, 1790)
Vézoue, Louis Claude de (17?? - 1782)
Roberts, Mike (19?? - 1989)
Cobb Jr., Needham Tyndale 'Tyn' (December 16, 1898 - August 7, 1984)
Remington, Barbara (1929 - January 23, 2020)
Clague, Allen Ashel (September 12, 1884 - 1962)
Boudousquie, Paul Charles (August 18, 1847 - January 17, 1925)
Fitzwilliam, Thomas W. (January 1, 1833 - December 22, 1917)
Frézier, Amédée-François (1682 - October 26, 1773)
Knapp, Walter Howard (November 2, 1907 - September 21, 1966)
Croisey, Jean-Baptiste (c. 1740 - 1810)
Rosily-Mesros, François Étienne de (January 13, 1748 - November 12, 1832)
Schouani, Rodolphe (17?? - April, 1809)
Simonel, Pierre (April 13, 1760 - June 6, 1810)
Bullock, Charles James (December 29, 1826 - October 1904)
Ward, John Ward (fl. c. 1840 - 1873)
Teilhet, Darwin LeOra (May 20, 1904 - April 18, 1964)
Baynes, Pauline Diana (September 9, 1922 - August 1, 2008)
Whittock, Nathaniel (January 26, 1791 - August 12, 1860)
Bogue, David (October 16, 1808 - November 1856)
Astley, Thomas (???? - 1759)
Child, George (1706 - c. 1753)
Hebard, Grace Raymond (July 2, 1861 - October 11, 1936)
Cuylenburg, John van (1862 - 1940)
Paine, Paul Mayo (January 13, 1869 - July 4, 1955)
Souza, Emile John D' (February 1, 1862 - 1896)
Persac, Marie Adrien (December 14, 1823 - July 21, 1873)
Norman, Benjamin Moore (December 22, 1809 - February 1, 1860)
Aiena, Joseph Anthony (December 22, 1877 - September 25, 1951)
Afif, Boulos (Mahmoud Sayess; 905 - c. 1960)
Jacoby (fl. c. 1897 - 1910)
Hunter, John (August 29, 1737 - March 13, 1821)
Marca Stella (1910 - 1950)
Robert Cogan (1798 - November 26, 1847)
Elbemühl Graphische Industrie (1873 - present)
Last, Joseph Thomas (December 25, 1848 - December 13, 1933)
South Seas Trading Company (1950 - c. 1976)
Low, Sampson (November 18, 1797 - April 16, 1886)
Malla, Suresh B. (fl. c. 1970 - 1980)
Asiatic Lithographic Company Press (1823 - 1860)
Youker, Malcolm Phillip (1886 - April 27, 1967)
Winkler, George H. (June 5, 1872 - July 23, 1911)
Norwood, Richard (1590 - 1675)
Rome, Richardson (1902 - April 4, 1981)
Roy, Pierre Joseph (February 3, 1869 - October 23, 1917)
Fornari, Mauro (fl. 1730 - 1797)
Du Bois Press (1895 - 1994)
Zuccoli, Luigi (1815 - January 5, 1876)
Folchi, Clemente (November 14, 1780 - September 30, 1868)
Focosi, Roberto (1806 - 1867)
Civelli, Giuseppe (June 2, 1816 - March 7, 1882)
Valmagini, Francesco (1783 - 1865)
Bush Advertising Agency (November 1970 - 1972?)
UKI International INC. (1970 - 1972?)
Jaillot, Bernard Antoine (???? - 1749)
Lucas, Claude (1685 - 1765)
Coquart, Antoine (1703 - 1762)
Aveline, Pierre-Alexandre (1702 - 1760)
Bourgoin, Pierre (???? - 17??)
Bertarelli Achille (1888 - c. 1935)
Morris, George W. (March 1853 - 1929)
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Harita Genel Müdürlüğü (April 12, 1921 - present)
Caire, Robert J. (September 26, 1915 - December 31. 1982)
Goodsell, Jonas Platt (1819 - November 22, 1869)
Webb, Benjamin (fl. 1760 - 1784)
Ten Pound Map Company (fl. c. 1970 - 1981)
Weed, Parsons and Company (July 25, 1843 - July 1892)
Hogan, William (1805 - July 30, 1870)
Sprent, James (1808 - September 22, 1863)
Cultural Promotion Department of the Czech Communist Party (c. 1949 - 1989)
Central Council of Trade Unions (1945 - 1952)
Davis, Bernard Woodrow (February 14, 1919 - February 19, 1968)
Everett Waddey Company (1872 - present)
Bretschneider, Emilii Vasil'evich (February 2, 1833 - May 12, 1901)
Salmon, Frederick John (1882 - July 8, 1964)
Meyer, Johannes the Younger (1655 - 1712)
Habesch The Commercial Press (1920 - 2020)
Woodruff, Frank (19?? - 19??)
Hanway, Jonas (August 12, 1712 - September 5, 1786)
Tsunajima Kamekichi (綱島亀吉; fl. c. 1868 - 1900)
Haruemon Yoda (依田治右ヱ門; fl. c. 1870 - 1900)
Clark, John Heaviside (December 7, 1771 - October, 1863)
Barbot, Jean (May 25, 1655 - December 27, 1712)
Churchill, Awnsham (1658 - 1728)
Geographical Publishing Company (fl. c. 1893 - 1966)
Farrel, Peter D. (fl. 1860 - 1870)
Abramovich, Lev Markovich (1884 - 1948)
Griffith, Thomas Morris (November 4, 1895 - September 23, 1954)
McCarthy, Robert Emmett (May 22, 1892 - June 11, 1961)
Florida Attractions Association (1949 - present)
Ainslie, John (April 22, 1745 - February 29, 1828)
Bure, Anders (August 14, 1571 - February 4, 1646)
Ilsley, Frederick Julian (March 6, 1855 - December 15, 1933)
Ensign, Timothy (September 29, 1795 - September 16, 1849)
Elzevir (fl. c. 1600 - 1712)
Namco Publishing Company (19?? -????)
Schmid, János (fl. c. 1807 - 1839)
Elton, John (17?? - 1751)
Woodroofe, Thomas (fl. 1740 - 1745)
Jenkyns, Christopher Henry (July 3, 1924 - January 4, 2011)
Kraatz, Leopold (18?? - 19??)
Sulzer, J. (18?? - 18??)
Shiqiu Shen (沈士秋; fl. c. 1920 - 1932)
St. John, Everitte (February 4, 1844 - April 21, 1908)
Vero, Radu (October 20, 1926 - February 21, 2007)
Kandel, David (1520 - 1592)
Cozzens, Frederick Schiller (October 11, 1846 - August 28, 1928)
Charles Scribner's Sons (1846 - present)
Fine Printing Co., Ltd. (精版印刷株式會社; 1931 - 1945)
Edge, Thomas (1587/88 - December 29, 1624)
Garcia y Cubas, Antonio (July 224, 1832 - February 9, 1912)
Muñozgúren, J. M. (fl. c. 1850 - 1865)
Lara, José Mariano Fernandez de (1799 - 1892)
Iriarte, Hesiquio (1824 - August 30, 1903)
Jenkyns, Christopher Henry (July 3, 1924 - January 4, 2011)
John, Joseph William (1892 - 1948/1949)
Thomas, Henry (1837 - 18??)
Huntington, Francis Junius (December 3, 1802 - February 5, 1878)
Bromfield, Davenport (July 2, 1862 - August 22, 1954)
Chamouin, Jean-Baptiste-Marie, (1768 - 18??)
Maire, Nicolas (fl. 1803 - 1840)
Pelicier, Alphonse (17?? - 18??)
King, Charles 'C' Frank (1839 - March 17, 1887)
Lardie, Jacques Camille (June 26, 1947-????)
Nagel, Louis (July 28, 1818 - August 10, 1870)
Weingärtner, Adam (October 10, 1813 - August 3, 1883)
Vincendon-Dumoulin, Clément Adrien (March 4, 1811 - May 12, 1858)
Bornet, John (1810 - 1910)
Nicholson, Walter Lamb (April 27, 1825 - April 13, 1895)
Goepel, Paul (February 24, 1744 - June 17, 1913)
Tempesta, Antonio (1555 - August 5, 1630)
Spilhaus, Margaret Whiting (September 27, 1889 - July 7, 1981)
Major, Alfred Sarony (April 13, 1854 - July 23, 1929)
Wintle, William Watkin (December 30, 1911 - May 6, 1970)
Harper, Frank Robert (August 19, 1908 - December 31, 1995)
Clary, Aaron Dana (April 11, 1917 - June 16, 2001)
Brusseau, Claude Lewis (May 29, 1908 - January 31, 2000)
Hoffman, Malvina Cornell (June 15, 1885 - July 10, 1966)
Ravenstein's Geographische Verlagsanstalt (1830 - 2001)
Ficklen, Jack Howells 'Herc' (April 19, 1911 - October 20, 1980)
Edwards, George (April 3, 1694 - July 23, 1773)
Nolan, John (June 14, 1869 - November 18, 1937)
Gardner, Kenneth Alexander (July 2, 1893 - November, 1964)
Hill, Ernest F. (fl. c. 1923 - c. 1942)
Simon François Ravenet (1706 - 1764)
Blakey, Nicholas (???? - 1758)
Brawer, Abraham Jacob (ברור אברהם יעקב; March 10, 1884 - November 8, 1875)
Kaneko Shiro (金子士郎; fl. c. 1920 - 1950)
Parmentier, Henri (January 3, 1871 - February 22, 1949)
Martin, Alexandre (17?? - 18??)
Thénot, Jean-Pierre (April 21, 1803 - October 11, 1857)
Chisholm I, Hugh Joseph (May 2, 1847 - July 1, 1912)
Browning, Daniel Monroe (October 11, 1846 - January 30, 1903)
Shields, Christopher St. Barbe (July 28, 1889 - May 14, 1959)
MacMillan, Henry Jay (January 13, 1908 - December 29, 1991)
Söderholm, Max Erik Hugo (June 7, 1908 - November 17, 1991)
Hayward, George Jonas Whitaker (c. 1839 - July 18, 1870)
National Survey Company (1912 - 2000)
Russian Military Topographic Depot (Военно-топографическом депо.; January 2
Buchan, Robert George (June 16, 1919 - July 18, 2007)
Dupuis, Lawrence Joseph (May 1, 1924 - September 12, 2017)
Widman, Giorgio (fl. 1672 - 1682)
Brice, John Joseph (April 14, 1921 - March 26, 1965)
Mullens, Joseph (September 2, 1820 - July 10, 1879)
Beaurain, Jean de (January 17, 1696 - February 12, 1771)
Beaurain, Jean-Baptiste Jacques de (1728 - c. 1785)
Wood, Herbert William (July 17, 1837 - October 8, 1879)
Birga, A., (fl. c. 1898 - 1920)
Società Editrica Florentina (c. 1825 - 1930)
Wanamaker, John (July 11, 1838 - December 12, 1922)
Nirdosh Publications (fl. c. 1960 - c. 1970)
Metsker, Charles Frederick (December 5, 1881 - October 6, 1966)
Habenicht, Hermann (March 3, 1844 - March 30, 1917)
Hellfarth, Carl (November 30, 1846 - July 12, 1918)
Criginger, Johann (1521 - December 27, 1571)
Davidson, Robert Mitchell (March 27, 1893 - September 3, 1970)
Tomlinson, Clarence Walter (March 23, 1888 - October 5, 1955)
William-Olsson, William Frits (November 27, 1902 - February 21, 1990)
Sweet, John Emmett, Jr. (December 11, 1915 - November 24, 1984)
Friberg, Arnold (December 21, 1913 - July 1, 2010)
South Florida Sentinel (1885 - 1918)
Lyon, Jehiel D. (May 11, 1839 - February 24, 1910)
Isbell, Charles Edgar (1863 - 1948)
Whitaker, Ernest Jeunet (September 30, 1916 - July 23, 2006)
Mair, Alexander (1559 - 1617)
Mang, Christoph (1567 - 1617)
Bayer, Johann (1572 - March 7, 1625)
Görlin, Johann (June 26, 1635 - February 2, 1663)
Sargent, Bernard (1921 - 2011)
Milne, H. A. (fl. 1879 - 1887)
Stoltz, Jacob Perry (November 1, 1870 - September 4, 1945)
Heylyn, Peter (November 29, 1599 - May 8, 1662)
Bohun, Edmund (1645 - 1699)
Merrick, George Edgar (June 3, 1886 - March 26, 1942)
Bliss, Whitney Carleton (February 7, 1886 - May 26, 1964)
Button, Frank Morse (August 14, 1866 - August 3, 1938)
Hefty, Caspar (July 27, 1879 - May 3, 1935)
Railway Express Agency, Inc. (July 1918 - November 1975)
Hammack, Edwin Selleck (September 28, 1905 - January 10, 1969)
Spiridon, Spyro N. (1894 - 19??)
Slack, Abraham I. (November 21, 1822 - October 18, 1902)
Þorláksson, Guðbrandur (c. 1542 - July 20, 1627)
Anthony Jenkinson (1529 - 1610/1611)
Hardy, John Charles (March 23, 1923 - October 10, 2014)
Shapiro, Joseph (יוסף שפירא) (1900 - December 4, 1967)
Renner, Norma (December 17, 1932 -????)
Kara, Michael (מיכאל קָארָה; September 3, 1887 - February 13, 1964)
Pizzini, Luigi (1884 - 1977)
Bresciani, Giuseppe (May 16, 1886 - 1955)
Shafer, Claude (January 7, 1878 - May 24, 1962)
Adriaen Cornelissen van der Donck (1620 - 1655)
Kfar Monash Press (דפוס כפר-מונאש, May 1946 - present)
Koroleff, Paul (1896 - 1992)
Hotchkiss, Charles Jerome (December 11, 1887 - November 12, 1950)
Koshodo (耕書堂; 1773 - c. 1890)
Carleton, Osgood (June 17, 1742 - June 1816)
Hill, Samuel (July 27, 1750 - 1809)
Callender, Joseph (May 6, 1751 - November 10, 1821)
Graham, George (fl. c. 1794 - 1812)
Weinstock, Howard Frank (May 19, 1936 - October 18, 2014)
Soffer, Shlomo (c. 1900 - 1944)
Joseph-Francis Bouchette (July 27, 1800 - 1881)
Arabian American Oil Company (1932 - present)
Riedel, Johann Michael Eric (December 2, 1865 - February 10, 1948),
Leuschner, Karl Moritz (August 22, 1878 - May 30, 1940)
Tomov, Dimitar Georgiev (October 29, 1957 -????)
Western Lithograph Company (1899 - 1953)
Cuzzi Morales, Juan Antonio (19?? -????)
Bergdahl, Clyde Richard (March 23, 1913 - April 6, 1998)
De l'isle, Joseph-Nicolas(April 4, 1688 - September 11, 1768)
De l’Isle, Guillaume (1675 - 1726)
McElroy, Joseph Charles (April 23, 1831 - August 21, 1907)
Henderson, William D. (December 31, 1845 - May 5, 1920)
Achert, Frederick (August 25, 1847 - April 2, 1928)
Briggs, Tom L. (fl. 1968 - 1980)
Katsugoro Harimaya (播磨屋勝五郎; fl. c. 1850 - 1865)
Fujita Ryou (藤田良; fl. 1850 - 1859)
Heald, Daniel Addison (May 4, 1818 - December 28, 1900)
Gerson, Albert (January 23, 1903 - March 9, 1977)
Dowie, Francis 'Fran' (1921 - December 21, 2006)
Arnold, Daniel Alvin (July 18, 1919 - May 2000)
Robiquet, Aimé (18?? - 18??)
Lacouchy, P. (18?? - 18??)
Victory House Press (1941 - 1945)
Gross, Henry Emmett (August 8, 1906 - April 3, 1982)
Friedlander, Zvi H. (1898 - 1987)
Paterson Pacific Parchment Company (1923 - present)
Amarna Publishing (עמרנה; fl. c. 1950 - 1967)
Allyn, Rupert Royce 'Rube' (July 6, 1902 - July 13, 1968)
Dalrymple, Alexander (July 24, 1737 - June 19, 1808)
Baker, Benjamin (1766 - June 29, 1841)
Nicol, George (1740 - June 25, 1828)
Finn, William John (February 18, 1867 - June 6, 1919)
Jacobs, Elmer (May 9, 1900 - 19??)
Yeats, Jack Butler (August 29, 1871 - March 28, 1957)
Brown, Arthur A. (July 7, 1827 - June 1, 1895)
Bew, John (1743 - April 12, 1793)
Sambucus, Johannes (June 1, 1531 - June 13, 1584)
Lauvergne, Barthélemy (July 4, 1805 - November 15, 1871)
Guiaud, Jacques (May 17, 1810 - April 24, 1876)
Bouchot, Frédéric (1798 - 1860)
Hofstede van Essen, Gerard (fl. 1690 - 1720)
Spofford, Edward Wiltsie (August 29, 1863 - January 4, 1946)
Baker, Peter Carpenter (March 22, 1822 - May 19, 1889)
Wharton, William James Lloyd (March 2, 1843 - September 29, 1905)
Frentzel, Georg Friedrich Jonas (1754 - 1799)
Field, Arthur Mostyn (June 27, 1855 - July 3, 1950)
Langevin (fl. c. 1820 - 1860)
Jenner, Thomas (c. 1610 - 1673)
Western Printing and Lithographing (1907 - 1996)
Hinshelwood, Robert (1812 - 1879)
Ellis, William Harrington (October 31, 1859 - February 28, 1921)
Abu Sitta, Salman (1937 - present)
Smith, William V. (1840 -????)
Hughes, Thomas S. (fl. 1904 - 1926)
Armstrong, George Washington (August 11, 1836 - June 30, 1901)
Cutts, Richard Dominicus (September 21, 1817 - December 13, 1883)
Haussard, Élisabeth (1700 - 1804)
Fry, Joshua (1699 - 1754)
Jefferson, Peter (February 29, 1708 - August 17, 1757)
Friedman, Kenneth Albert (November 14, 1896 - February 7, 1992)
Chace Jr., Jacob (January 27, 1819 - February 18, 1903)
Croft, James Ferrell (February 27, 1942 - August 21, 2008)
Lloy, George Innis (August 3, 1909 - February 8, 1977)
Gillin, Patrick Henry (October 20, 1923 - January 4, 2008)
Price, Charles (1679 - 1733)
John Maxwell (fl. 1707 - 1714)
Balling, Hansen 'Ole Peter' (April 13, 1823 - May 1, 1906)
Prine, John Burgsteiner (September 1, 1907 - May 1968)
Tirpenne, Jean Louis (August 26, 1801 - January 17, 1867)
Pellerin, Jean-Charles (1756 - 1836)
Koehler, Joseph (1842 - May 22, 1933)
Hart, Charles (March 10, 1824 - October 9, 1914)
Landelle, Willy Auguste (August 1, 1908 - January 12, 1986)
Saxton, Christopher (c. 1540 - c. 1610)
Marcovici, Marco (May 31, 1873 - February 2, 1938)
Philpott, Robert John (September 25, 1906 - April 29, 1991)
Hamilton, Harold Webb (January 20, 1892 - September 13, 1949)
Walch, Johannes (November 25, 1757 - March 23, 1815)
Rea, Roger (1606 - 1665)
Beers, Silas Norman (September 3, 1837 - May 12, 1873)
Beers, Daniel Glover (October 19, 1841 - February 12, 1913)
Beers, John Hobart (July 13, 1840 - December 15, 1915)
Warner, Augustus (August 10, 1839 - January 18, 1909)
Lake, Dunning Jackson (1836 - December 27, 1915)
Dicey, Cluer (1714 - 1775)
Treskot, Ivan (Johann) Fomic (Иван Фомич Трускотт; December 1, 1721 - May 18, 1786)
Frolov, Kirill Fedorovich (Кирилл Федорович Фролов; 1748 - November 18, 1810)
Teichman, Eric (January 16, 1884 - December 3, 1944)
Cox, Albert Kennedy (July 11, 1874 - April 24, 1856)
Smiley, Russell Jenson (March 30, 1922 - December 11, 2003)
Dien Sr., Charles (17?? - 18??)
Delamarche, Claude Félix (October 20, 1779 - January 5, 1835)
Bruguière, Louis (fl. c. 1820 - 1835)
Bar-Levi, Binyamin (fl. c. 1940 - 1950)
Yewell, George Henry (January 20, 1830 - September 26, 1923)
Schuchman, William (1824 - 1864)
Lipe, Frances Worthington (February 28, 1929 - present)
Loftin, Thelma Lois (January 27, 1922 - December 21, 2003)
East Coast Highway Association of Florida (1940 - c. 1953)
Ames, Jean Goodwin (November 5, 1903 - February 13, 1986)
Spooner, William (1796 - 1882)
Chías y Carbó, Benito (1864 - 1925)
Martín, Alberto (18?? - 1917)
Williams, Lemuel Durbin (1830 - July 31, 1865)
Paradissis, John Elias (June 27, 1895 - March 19, 1992)
Stillman, George K. (1821 - January 25, 1891)
Bevans, Michael H. (1918 - January 3, 1998)
Foster, Richard Thomas (March 21, 1919 - September 13, 2002)
Foster, Eleanore Augusta (December 31, 1916 - February 4, 2012)
Pottinger, Sir Henry (砵甸乍, October 3, 1789 - 18 March 18, 1856)
Willmarth, William (November 20, 1898 - October 3, 1984)
Bzdurreck, Elke (November 26, 1946 - present)
Haskell, William Lincoln (August 10, 1864 - 1955)
Gustrine, Charles Eric (December 24, 1870 - February 1966)
Deur, Abraham (1666 - 1714)
Metzeroth, G.B. (fl. c. 1852 - 1863)
Scheuerle, Joseph (March 15, 1873 - March 25, 1948)
Phillips, Augustus Dewey (May 6, 1898 - December 14, 1975)
Weaver, David (fl. 1974 - 2015)
Clay, Hugh De Musgrove (August 27, 1834 - October 14, 1904)
Cosack, Julius Herman (February 15, 1826 - May 2, 1892)
Roberts, Bishop (???? - 1740)
Burgis, William (fl. 1718 - 1731)
Haskel, Daniel (June 1784 - August 9, 1848)
Kellogg, Edmund Burke (May 27, 1809 - March 26, 1872)
Kellogg, Elijah Chapman (June 13, 1811 - December 13, 1881)
Shantz, Fred H. (March 19, 1889 - August 1981)
Schweicker, Christoph (fl. c. 1540 - 1560)
Heap, George (1715 - 1752)
Mestre, Albert (1891 - 1973)
Gaiko Oya (大屋 愷敆; 1839 - 1901)
Kopec, Richard Joseph (August 20, 1928 - December 2, 2019)
Cedras, Andre Joseph (December 1, 1927 -????)
Surville y Villerey, Luis de (c. 1737 - November 22, 1789)
Muela, Andrés (1760 - 18??)
Geis, Irving (October 18, 1908 - July 22, 1997)
American Library Association (October 6, 1876 - present)
Enge Brothers (fl. c. 1923 - 1925)
Soteriadis, George (1852 - 1942)
Sullivan, Raymond (1903 - 1983)
Haskell and Allen (1869 - 1880)
Humphreys, Andrew Atkinson (November 2, 1810 - December 27, 1883)
Mahon, Charles (February 26, 1824 - January 8, 1903)
Kähler, F. W. (fl. c. 1863 - 1907)
White, John (c. 1539 - c. 1593)
Ohman, August Reinhold (May 3, 1859 - April 22, 1934)
Moore, Henry P. (June 1836 - 1911)
Harriot, Thomas (c. 1560 - 2 July 1621)
Ridgway, George (1895 - November 18, 1976)
Cooper, Henry (1782 - 1863)
Ellis, Henry (August 29, 1721 - January 21, 1806)
Atlas, Laureano (fl. c. 1743 - 1773)
Bagay, Nicolás de la Cruz (1701 - c. 1771)
Murillo Velarde, Pedro (1696 - 1753)
Arnout, Jean-Baptiste (June 24, 1788 - October 5, 1873)
Sweynheim, Konrad (14?? - 1477)
Buckinck, Arnold (fl. 1478)
Bernardino, Vitali (fl. 1494 to 1539)
Spindler, Bernard (December 30, 1825 - December 29, 1865)
Tappen, Ebenezer (September 11, 1815 - January 25, 1854)
Turgis, Louis Auguste (May 2, 1818 - March 31, 1894)
Coffin, William Henry 'Haskell' (October 21, 1878 - May 12, 1941)
Scolari, Stefano Mozzi (c. 1612 - 1691)
Geelkercken, Nicolaes van (c. 1585 - 1656)
Williams, J. W. C. (fl. c. 1850 - 1862)
Lovell, John Lyman (December 17, 1825 - December 3, 1903)
Haynes, Kenneth B. (1901 - March 22, 1901)
Salomone, Luigi (fl. c. 1870 - 1967)
Newman, Ralph G. (November 3, 1911 - July 23, 1998)
Long, Everette Beach (October 24, 1919 - March 31, 1981)
Philipp Kilian (1628 - 1693)
Alessandro della Via (fl. 1680 - 1724)
Chase, Clara Katrine (March 12, 1902 - February 22, 1987)
Bonucci, Carlo (1799 - 1870)
Dicus, Garner Parker (January 10, 1921 - December 21, 1999)
Dustin, Robert Gale (October 24, 1913 - November 16, 2001)
Ames, Daniel Titus (December 19, 1835 - August 26, 1909)
Blake, Jacob Edward (January 17, 1812 - May 9, 1846)
Price, John Penry Hyde 'Luxor' (June 15, 1874 - February 23, 1950)
Jones, Neil Ronald (May 29, 1909 - February 15, 1988)
Couteau / Cousteau, Nicolas (fl. c. 1530 - 1550)
Dupré, Jean (fl. 1481 - 1488)
Brandis, Lucas (before 1450 - after 1500)
Peñalosa, Diego Dionisio de (1621 - 1687)
Edgar, Morton (June 28, 1884 - February 6, 1950)
Edgar, John (April 12, 1862 - June 9, 1910)
Rogers, Frank Kimball (November 28, 1854 - November 23, 1930)
Tojo Kindai (1795 - 1878)
Nast, Thomas (September 27, 1840 - December 7, 1902)
Mangelsdorf, Albert (December 15, 1856 - January 23, 1925)
Bright, William Thomas (July 22, 1839 - August 13, 1932)
Maedel, Ernst A. (1831 - 18??)
Petersen, A. (fl. c. 1857 - c. 1875)
Knittel, Johann Ernst (fl. 1805 - 1831)
DeVoto, Bernard Augustine (January 11, 1897 - November 13, 1955)
Barnett, Isa (December 31, 1922 - March 4, 2001)
Proeschel, Frederick (March 11, 1809 - May 1, 1870)
Grieve, James (fl. c. 1859 - c. 1871)
Carolus, Joris (c. 1566 - c. 1636)
Brown, J. Seymour (1814 - 1893)
House, William Watson (January 23, 1813 - August 7, 1882)
Morang, Kenneth Ellsworth (July 25, 1902 - December 17, 1984)
Burghers, Michael (1647? - 1727)
Wolf, Johann (Wolfus; 1524 - 1602)
Breton, Louis Le (January 15, 1818 - August 30, 1866)
Bry, Auguste (1805 - January 1880)
Brannan, Samuel (March 2, 1819 - 1889)
Tulloch, David (1829 - September 17, 1869)
Ortega Paredes, Ramón (1851 - 1926)
Schile, Henry Jerome (September 30, 1829 - October 12, 1901)
Taihoku Kozuka (台北小塚; fl. c. 1912 - c. 1945)
Dockham, Croydon Augustine (July 4, 1835 - September 6, 1907)
Henley, Jesse Clark (May 10, 1950 - August 20, 1988)
Taihoku Kozuka (台北小塚; fl. c. 1912 - c. 1945)
Warajiya Publishing Co., Ltd., (和楽路屋; 1872 - 2002)
Ocean Hiway Association (1935 - at least 1982)
Schatz, Johann Jacob (1691 - 1760)
Bai Meichu (白眉初; 1875 - 1940)
Codwise, Edward Bertie (May 9, 1849 - February 11, 1927)
Komakichi Madea (前田駒吉; c. 1900-1949)
Kilham, Edward Horace (September 24, 1862 - March 30, 1920)
Pelton, Alvin Oliver (August 31, 1798 - August 15, 1882)
Foerster, Edmund (fl. c. 1865 - c. 1875)
Kumazawa Kitaro (熊澤喜太郎; c. 1880 - 1890)
Maeda Komakichi (前田駒吉 c. 1900-1949
Yoshida Koijūrō (吉田鯉十郎; c. 1907 - 1923)
Maeda Komakichi (前田駒吉; c. 1900 - 1949)
Yoshida Koijūrō (吉田鯉十郎; c. 1907 - 1923)
Cendoya y Busquets, Modesto Tiburcio (November 4, 1856 - September 26, 1938)
Goldthwait, Jonathan Hale (May 21, 1811 - January 26, 1870)
Sumner, Hiram Frederick (February 14, 1800 - March 3, 1874)
Marzolla, Benedetto (March 14, 1801 - May 10, 1858)
Inoue Mohei (井上茂兵衛; c. 1876 - 1900)
Stuart, Joseph Harry (September 20, 1855 - 193?)
Bracher, William (June 29, 1829 - May 14, 1912)
Bourquin, Frederick (1808 - 1897)
Jorgensen, Charles Edward (May 30, 1856 - December 12, 1930)
Bai Meichu (白眉初; 1875 - 1940)
Kumazawa Kitaro (熊澤喜太郎; c. 1880 - 1890)
Anderson, Margaret Swainson (June 14, 1902 - September 15, 1952)
Moulder, Richard Bruce (1907 - May 5, 1966)
Conway, Frederick Rector (July 4, 1799 - December 16, 1874)
Gassicourt, Charles-Louis Cadet De (January 23, 1769 - November 21, 1821)
Tourcaty, Jean François (1763 - 1793)
Guimarin, James Donald 'Jim' (June 11, 1934 - present)
Coeck, Gerard (1608 - 1645)
Koyama Kichizo (小山吉三; fl. c. 1929 - 1942)
Yamada Rikizaburō (山田力三郎; fl. c. 1897 - 1904)
Ono Zenkichi (尾野善吉; fl. c. 1894 - 1909)
Li Changfu (李長傅; 1899 - 1966)
Shi Zhonghua (時仲華; fl. c. 1936 - 1952)
Ishida Eisuke (石田英助; 1914 - 2010)
G. Massart (fl. c. 1898 - 1916)
Ebihara Satoshi (海老原敏吾; fl. c. 1936 - 1938)
McKenzie, Milton Woodrow (February 25, 1914 - February 10, 1995)
Godwin, Harriet Curtis (January 24, 1916 - July 5, 2009)
Nihon Meisho Zuesha (日本名所圖繪; fl. c. 1925 - 1942)
Schreiber, Johann Georg (December 10, 1676 - July 31, 1750)
Munson, Samuel Bishop (May 29, 1806 - April 18, 1880)
Doolittle, Curtis Miller (August 26, 1799 - June 1, 1849)
Lee, Edmund Francis (1809 - July 18, 1857)
James, Joseph Allen (May 17, 1807 - March 27, 1882)
James, Uriah Pierson (December 30, 1811 - February 25, 1889)
Li Mingzhi (李明智; fl. c. 1861 - 1863)
Serizawa Keigo (芹澤謦吾; fl. c. 1942 - 1943)
Edward, David Barnett (1797 - 1870)
Love, Walter Richeson (April 28, 1887 - April 3, 1919)
Murray, Charles Warren (April 10, 1892 - July 29, 1931)
Fuchida Tadayoshi (淵田忠良; Fl. c. 1928 - 1940)
Maxwell, Ross Allen (June 9, 1904 - June 6, 1993)
Lonsdale, John T. (November 8, 1895 - October 5, 1960)
Sagano Hikotarō (嵯峨野彦太郎; fl. c. 1886 - 1928)
Kuroda Yoshio (黑田欽夫; fl. c. 1922 - 1924)
Ōtsuka Usaburō (大塚宇三郎 ; fl. c. 1894 - 1895)
Yukawa Shunji (湯川俊次; fl. c. 1928 - 1937)
Alexander Black (fl. c. 1887 - 1900)
Nelson, Jean Sterling (1885 - 19??)
Winters, John Richard (May 12, 1904 - February 28, 1983)
Daniel J. Kenny (fl. c. 1875 - 1900)
Wüllerstorf-Urbair, Bernhard von (January 29, 1816 - August 10, 1883)
Hering, Rudolph (February 26, 1847 - May 30, 1923)
Radefeld, Carl Christian Franz (1788 - 1874)
Weakley, James Harvey (March 24, 1798 - September 3, 1856)
Suzuki Shigeyuki (鈴木茂行; fl. c. 1896 - 1903)
Seyama Sakichi (瀬山佐吉; fl. c. 1886 - 1900)
Dornseif, Frederic John (August 5, 1884 - May 5, 1957)
North, Thomas Sterling (November 4, 1906 - December 21, 1974)
North, Gladys (June 3, 1907 - February 5, 1989)
Anse, Luggert Van (fl. c. 1677 - 1716)
Stene, Robert Martin (May 23, 1872 - August 10, 1954)
Flahaut, Jacques-Michel (1791 - March 20, 1864)
Rowles, Stanley Charles (July 21, 1887 - September 19, 1966)
Capitol Publishing (1947 - present)
Hejian Prefecture Catholic Church (河間府天主堂; fl. c. 1875 - 1925)
Montaut, Marguerite 'Gamy' (1883 - 1936)
Roussel (16?? - August 30, 1733)
Takehara Yoshibē (竹原好兵衞; c. 1774 - 1868)
Camocio, Giovanni Francesco (???? - c. 1575)
Ishida Jihē (石田治兵衛; fl. c. 1668 - 1900)
Flores, Blas María (1853 - March 4, 1903)
Yoshimura Sentarō (吉村千太郎; fl. c. 1886 - 1888)
Shimokōbe Shūsui (下河邊拾水; fl. c. 1766 - 1865)
Hyakuga (百芽; fl. c. 1777 - 1779)
Kimura Kesao (木村今朝男; fl. c. 1937 - 1938)
Kanaya Matsudaira (金谷賴曉; fl. c. 1939 - 1940)
Saukuragi Kuratarou (櫻木倉太郎; fl. c. 1939 - 1940)
Kobayashi Matashichi (小林又七; fl. c. 1905 - 1943)
Fraser, Eric George (June 11, 1902 - November 15, 1983)
Miyahara Takeo (宮原武雄; fl. c. 1938 - 1956)
Justel, Henri (1620 - 1693)
Michault, René (fl. c. 1660 - 1680)
Nakata Fukuzou (中田福造; fl. c. 1933 - 1935)
Nakamura Fusetsu (中村不折; August 19, 1866 - June 6, 1943)
Basire, Isaac (September 20, 1704 - August 24 1768)
Petford, Charles Edgar (1854 - February 9, 1920)
Trowbridge, William Eugene Sutphin (October 13, 1832 - c. 1920)
Mackwitz, William (February 21, 1831 - August 6, 1919)
King Magazine (キング; 1924 - 1957)
Mori Yoshio (森芳雄; December 21, 1908 - November 10, 1997)
Goeree, Jan (1670 - 1731)
Senryūdō (川流堂, sometimes 川流所; fl. c. 1888 - 1950)
Langhans, Paul Max Harry (April 1, 1867 - January 17, 1952)
Halma, François (1653 - 1722)
Baptist, J. (fl. c. 1660 - 1730)
Ogawa Tazaemon (小川多左衛門; fl. c. 1670 - 1900)
Kitamura Shirobē (北村四郎兵衛; fl. c. 1687 - 1892)
Shōhon'ya Kichibē (正本屋吉兵衛; fl. c. 1757 - 1812)
Nakamaura Asakichi (中村淺吉; fl. c. 1886 - 1926)
Fūgetsudō (風月堂; fl. c. 1743 - 1915)
Kawachiya Tasuke (河内屋太助; fl. c. 1735 - 1868)
Kogatanaya Rokubē (小刀屋六兵衛; fl. c. 1759 - 1817)
Shaanxi Xinhua (陕西省新华书店; 1958 - present)
Shiseidō Shoten (至誠堂書店; fl. c. 1900 - 1954)
Tanaka Taemon (田中太右衛門; fl. c. 1777 - 1940)
Daidō Shuppansha (大同出版社; fl. c. 1936 - 1977)
South Manchuria Railway Co. (南満州鉄道株式会社; 1906 - 1945)
Government-General of Chōsen (朝鮮總督府; 1910 - 1945)
Bungei Shunjū (文藝春秋; 1923 - present)
Hikita Toshiaki (引田利章; July 12, 1851 - July 11, 1890)
Rikugun Bunko (陸軍文庫; c. 1870 - 1895)
Go Printing Co. (ゴー印刷社; fl. c. 1932 - 1933)
Miyake Hanshirō (三宅半四郎; fl. c. 1880 - 1903)
Kinkado Bookstore (金華堂書店; c. 1900 - 1975)
Tōundō Shoten (東雲堂書店; c. 1894 - 1951)
Heirinkan (兵林館; c. 1887 - 1932)
Yoshida Kobundo (光文堂吉田印刷所; c. 1911 - 1913)
Beiping Construction Library (北平建設圖書館; c. 1928 - 1936)
Aala Automotive Union (アアラ自動車組合; c. 1930 - 1940)
Delaune, Émile (c. 1835 - 19??)
Dumas-Vorzet, Ernest (18?? - 18??)
Wharton, William James Lloyd (March 2, 1843 - September 29, 1904)
Urabe Seiichi (卜部精一; fl. c. 1873 - 1876)
Okajima Shinshichi (岡島眞七; fl. c. 1868 - 1900)
Suzuki Dōō (鈴木道央; fl. c. 1880 - 1881)
Matsuzaki Hanzō (松嵜半造; fl. c. 1870 - 1904)
Tōyō Confectionary (東洋製菓株式會社; fl. c. 1900 - 1927)
Varma Koil Thampuran, Raja Ravi (April 29, 1848 - October 2, 1906)
Montes De Oca Ramírez, Faustino (October 9, 1859 - October 18, 1902)
Moresby, Robert (June 15, 1794 - June 15, 1854)
Augustin, Johannes Jakob (October 12, 1904 - March 1984)
Kanamori Yasuke (金森弥輔; fl. c. 1879 - 1881)
Murase Kaemon (村瀨嘉右衛門; fl. c. 1879 - 1881)
Luigi Rossi (fl. c. 1819 - 1821)
Batelli e Fanfani (fl. c. 1809 - 1827)
Spurll, Barbara (fl. c. 1972 - present)
Archar / Travel Graphics (1973 - present)
Eaton, Frank Adair (January 23, 1887 - July 27, 1944)
Zeleznik, John (fl. 1986 - present)
Sainte Hélène, Placide de (Placidium Augustinum; 1648 - 1734)
Kimata Isaburō (木全伊三郎; fl. c. 1879 - 1881)
Holmes, L. Carl (fl. c. 1910 - c. 1924)
Pendleton, Robert Larimore (June 25, 1890 - June 23, 1957)
Yamada Hiroyuki (山田浩通; fl. c. 1928 - 1935)
Toa Printing Co., Ltd. (東亞印刷株式會社; fl. c. 1922 - 1958)
Pavie, Auguste Jean-Marie (May 31, 1847 - June 7, 1925)
Chase, John Munsell (November 9, 1859 - January 1, 1941)
Cupet, Pierre Paul (June 1, 1859 - 1907)
Laillet, Édouard (March 20, 1853 - December 26, 1927)
Hakubundō Shoten (博文堂書店; fl. c. 1880 - 1948)
Pelham, William (April 10, 1803 - June 8, 1879)
Nicolon, Auguste-Marie-Philippe (July 6, 1864 - January 10, 1896)
Jean Baptiste Marius Augustin Challamel (March 18, 1818 - October 20, 1894)
China Printing Co. (中華印刷局; fl. c. 1905 - 1936)
Government-General of Taiwan (臺灣總督府; 1895 - 1945)
Hamamoto Katsumi (濱本勝巳; fl. c. 1926 - 1938)
Asahi Tōdayū (朝日藤太夫; fl. c. 1925 - 1927)
Ichikawa Yūichi (市川雄一; fl. c. 1926 - 1935)
Egawa Hajime (潁川首; fl. c. 1926 - 1938)
Suberbie, André Léon (July 3, 1854 - October 30, 1907)
Shimada Tatsumi (島田巽; January 25, 1905 - March 8, 1994)
United States Forest Service (February 1, 1905 - present)
Okada Eisuke (岡田榮助; fl. c. 1882 - 1897)
Owada Junnosuke (小和田順之助; fl. c. 1887 - 1897)
Kawamura Ryūjitsu (河村隆實; fl. c. 1886 - 1894)
Utsuki Nobuo (宇津木信夫; fl. c. 1879 - 1896)
Kawakatsu Yoroitarō (川勝鎧太郎; fl. c. 1892 - 1894)
Ichikawa Raijirō (市川来次郎; fl. c. 1876 - 1893)
Yamanaka Ichibē (山中市兵衛; fl. c. 1868 - 1893)
Simonek e Cia (fl. c. 1900 - 1914)
Llobet, Francisco (1705 - December 5, 1785)
Shimura Bunzō (志村文藏; 1932 - 1987)
Jidō Nenkan (兒童年鑑; 1933 - 1957)
Nobarasha (野ばら社; October 20, 1929 - present)
Akagi Printing Co. (赤城印刷株式會社; fl. c. 1951 - 1953)
Satow, Ernest Mason (June 30, 1843 - August 29, 1929)
Schmidt, Carl (fl. c. 1875 - 1929)
Burgess, George Henry (June 8, 1831 - April 22, 1905)
Gray, Olin D. (1854 - September 2, 1938)
Nacken, Johannes (fl. c. 1867 - 1878)
Barich, Carl (1859 - 1931)
Atkinson, G.W.E. (fl. c. 1875 - 1892)
Bradford, Charles A. (fl. 1845 - c. 1847)
Gobin,? (fl. 1743 - 1753)
Southeast Asia Printing House (Nhà in Đông-Nam-Á; fl. c. 1955 - 1968)
Scott, Joseph T. (fl. c. 1794 - 1811)
Colonial Institute of Japan (日本拓殖協會; fl. c. 1926 - 1945)
Kōgyōkan (廣業舘; fl. c. 1893 - 1945)
Shibayama Takenori (柴山武徳; fl. c. 1941 - 1943)
Morton, Jr., Joseph W. (1853 - December 11, 1918)
Barker, William (June 29, 1770 - April 19, 1805)
Fisquet, Théodore Auguste (1813 - 1890)
Bayot, Adolphe Jean Baptiste (1810 - 1866)
Arthus-Bertrand, Claude (1769 - 1840)
Bichebois, Louis Philippe Alphonse (April 14, 1801 - April 17, 1851)
Lavelle, Swaena (fl. c. 1979 - c. 1988)
Schneider, Henry Edward (May 10, 1916 - September 16, 2008)
Sabatier, Léon Jean-Baptiste (fl. c. 1827 - 1887)
Ferogio, François Fortuné Antoine (April 2, 1805 - November 23, 1888)
Mrak, Jožef (Mrak; February 25, 1709 - August 14, 1786)
Mrak, Anton (1739 - 1801)
Salicato, Altobello (c. 1545 - 1609 )
Grothe, Albert Luis Hugo (August 15, 1869 - December 28, 1954)
Erkan-i Harbiye-i Umumiye Matbaası (fl. c. 1899 - 1927)
Metzler, Marvin E. (1920 - August 16, 2012)
Avanzi, Ludovico (fl. 1556 - 1576)
Featherstonhaugh, George William (April 9, 1780 - September 28, 1866)
Lamsvelt (Lansvelt), Jan (September 30, 1674 - June 26, 1743)
Stemmen, Jan Heeren (1695 - 1734)
Manchukuo Foreign Office (滿洲國外交部; 1932 - 1945)
Giovanni Brun (fl. c. 1748 - 1800)
Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity (1955 - present)
Tourist Division, India (1954 - 1960)
Glasgow Printing Co. (c. 1949 - present)
Aragonés, Sergio (September 6, 1937 -????)
Barker, Elihu (17?? - 1792)
Behaim, Martin (October 6, 1459 - July 29, 1507)
Bruggner, Louis Vincent (December 27, 1900 - December 29, 1969)
du Halde, Jean-Baptiste (杜赫德; February 1, 1674 - August 18, 1743)
Murr, Christoph Gottlieb von (August 6, 1733 - April 8, 1811)
Zhengwen Bookstore (正文書店; fl. c. 1930 - 1941)
Cardano y Bauzá, Felipe (1778 - April 15, 1824)
Maré, Máximo Cipriano (1775 - 1815)
Maillard, Nicholas Doran (1810 - July 7, 1880)
Sanford, E.F. (fl. c. 1868 - c. 1875)
C.T. Leggett (fl. c. 1870 - c. 1895)
Worley, George (c. 1819 - November 21, 1879)
Hess, Frederich Johann Georg Jr. (July 20, 1837 or 1840 - May 4, 1913)
Wood, Millins O. (June 3, 1868 - February 3, 1935)
Allen, James Baylis (1803 - 1876)
Marchant, J. (fl. c. 1825 - 1869)
Smith, Glenn Shepard (April 1, 1869 - June 3, 1951)
Wray, A.H. (fl. c. 1817 - 1860)
Kernot, James Harfield (1802 - 1858)
Palma, Gaetan (Gaetano di Palma; 17?? - 18??)
Snow, George Knowles (August 19, 1826 - August 3, 1885)
Bradlee, John Emory (July 19, 1831 - c. 1881)
Bradlee, Charles Horace (August 18, 1844 - May 7, 1912)
Oobuchi Zenkichi (大淵善吉; fl. c. 1912 - 1942)
Shinshindō (駸々堂; c. 1881 - 2000)
Fretz Brothers (Gebrüder Fretz; c. 1914 -????)
Johann Matthias Hase (January 14, 1684 - September 24, 1742)
Ligon, Richard (1585 - 1662)
Terman, Maurice J. (January 25, 1924 - March 22, 2018)
Vlaanderen, Cornelis André (September 1, 1881 - August 5, 1955)
Takashiba San'yū (高柴三雄; fl. c. 1848 - 1879)
Suharaya Mohē (須原屋茂兵衞; c. 1684 - 1904)
Gatier, Félix (February 28, 1916 - January 5, 2017)
Okadaya Kashichi (岡田屋嘉七; fl. c. 1658 - 1874)
Rockwell, Barry (fl. c. 1980 - present)
Seiffert, Willem (Wilhelm, Guglielmo) (fl. 1850 - 1866)
Dai Nippon Printing (大日本印刷株式會社; 1876 - present)
Hall, Charles Conant (August 5, 1822 - May 19, 1881)
Yokota Shūji (横田秀治; fl. c. 1935 - 1939)
Kyodo Printing Co. (共同印刷株式會社; 1897 - present)
Kimijima Kiyoshi (君島潔; fl. c. 1909 - 1940)
Satō Yoshisuke (佐藤義亮; February 18, 1878 - August 18, 1951)
Wakimizu Tetsugorō (脇水鐵五郎; December 4, 1867 - August 10, 1942)
Shinchōsha (新潮社; 1896 - present)
Cox, James Picardie (May 1, 1819 - April 25, 1908)
Satō Yoshio (佐藤義夫; August 31, 1900 - April 28, 1967)
Heijō Shinbunsha (平壤新聞社; fl. c. 1909 - 1912)
Tōyō Kyōkai (東洋協會; 1898 - 1945)
Inoma Shūzaburō (猪間收三郎; fl. c. 1894 - 1914)
Tokyo Tsukiji Letterpress Printing Co. (株式會社東京築地活版製造所; fl. c. 1890 - 1936)
Lister, James Wren (July 6, 1897 - March 15, 1952)
June, John (fl. 1746 - 1770)
Fussell, Alexander (c. 1814 - 1881)
Ishijima Yae (石嵨八重; fl. c. 1884 - 1893)
Yamanaka Yoshisaburō (山中善三朗; fl. c. 1888 - 1890)
Survey Department, Federation of Malaya (1885 - present)
Germanus, Donnus Nicolaus (c. 1420 - c. 1490)
Holle, Lienhart (? - 1492)
Reger, Johann (fl. 1480 - 1499)
Lafreri, Antonio (1512 - 1577)
Poates, Leonard L. (c. 1860 - October 8, 1938)
The Japanese Accommodation Union (桑港旅館組合; fl. c. 1913 - 1940)
San Francisco Koshinsha (桑港興信社; fl. c. 1925 - 1935)
Winkles, Henry (1801 - 1860)
Greatbach, George (1819 - 1884)
Hashimoto Motome (橋本求; 1918 - 1977)
Seiban Printing Co. (精版印刷株式會社; fl. c. 1925 - 1945)
Ishihara Hiroshi (石原博; fl. c. 1938 - 1941)
Sehara Sutematsu (瀨原捨松; fl. c. 1883 - 1930)
Brooklyn Eagle (1841 - 1955; 1960 - 1963)
Aamodt, Axel E. (fl. c. 1857 - 1966)
Koch, Lauge (July 5, 1892 - June 5, 1964)
Sandford, Lloyd (1917 - July 26, 1971)
New South Wales Department of Lands (c. 1880 - 2008)
The New South Wales Bookstall Company (1879 - 1957)
Edkins, Joseph (December 19, 1823 - April 23, 1905)
Harris, John (1756 - 1846)
Seitaien (青苔園; fl. c. 1837 - 1850)
Kato Takashiro (加藤隆四郎; fl. c. 1930 - 1943)
Yukosha (株式會社有恆社; 1872 - 1943)
Vimercati, Cesare (fl. c. 1840 - 1870)
Litografia Toscana (fl. c. 1850 - 1910)
Information Bureau of the Tokyo Imperial University (東京帝國大學罹災者情報局; fl. c. 19
Ono Kenjin (小野縣人; fl. c. 1923 - 1938)
Seibidō (株式會社精美堂; fl. c. 1886 - present)
Holland, Charles A. de Lisle (fl. c. 1875 - 1915)
Calapoda, Giorgio Sideri (fl. 1537 - 1565)
Whitney, William Henry (January 3, 1843 - May 4, 1909)
Reale Officio Topografico (1781 - 1879)
Smyth, William Henry (January 21, 1788 - September 8, 1865)
Friquegnon, Jean Baptiste Laurent (August 10, 1858 - 1934)
Japanese Y.M.C.A. of San Francisco (桑港日本人基督教青年會; fl. c. 1930 - present)
Aomi Yasuharu (碧海康温; 1884 - 1943)
Maryland Geological Survey (1896 - present)
Vogt, Johann (fl. 1734)
Murayama Sengen Shrine (村山浅間神社; c. 701 - present)
Cabinet Intelligence Bureau (内閣情報部; 1936 - 1945)
Shimizu Bunzō (清水文藏; fl. c. 1895 - 1896)
U.S. Army Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors (1902 - 1992)
Voysard, Étienne-Claude (1746 - c. 1812)
Watson, Walter (November 17, 1858 - January 1, 1936)
King, Chris (fl. 1980 - present)
Aragón y Abollado, Ildefonso de (January 5, 1760 - December 29, 1838)
Ashley, John K. (1853 - February 8, 1926)
Habersham, Robert Alexander (September 7, 1838 - April 15, 1921)
Metsker, Thomas Charles (May 24, 1927 - October 4, 2010)
Gill, John Kaye (May 6, 1851 - December 30, 1929)
Durant, Jean Louis (1654 - 1718)
Steel, James White (April 27, 1799 - February 16, 1882)
Allen, W. (fl. 1825 - 1835)
Dawson, Edward B. (fl. c. 1820 - 1830)
Knight, John (1802 - 1872)
Moithey, Maurille Antoine (March 24, 1732 - December 12, 1810)
Burpitt, James William (June 12, 1900 - October 24, 1982)
Kauffman, Ira Ulysses (May 18, 1881 - December 27, 1937)
Johann-Friedrich Betgen (1721 - 1738)
Singapore Tourist Promotion Board (1964 - present)
National Park Service (August 25, 1916 - present)
Jones, Leslie Allen 'Buckethead' (August 4, 1922 - June 14, 2020)
Tharp, Marie (July 30, 1920 - August 23, 2006)
Heezen, Bruce Charles (April 11, 1924 - June 21, 1977)
Rémur, Tanguy de (January 1, 1933 - December 14, 2015)
Andry, Margaret Wendt (September 29, 1920 - March 13, 1996)
Castleman, Philip Frederick (May 17, 1827 - March 24, 1913)
California State Automobile Association (1907 - present)
Miwa Itsujirō (三輪逸次郎; fl. c. 1888 - 1930)
Weiler, Wilhelm (1825 - 1895)
Huang Jiqing (黃汲清; March 30, 1904 - March 22, 1995)
Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences (中国地质科学院; 1956 - present)
Francísco Javier de Herrera (fl. c. 1800 - 1830)
Anastacio de Castro, Vizente (fl. c. 1800 - 1830)
Deposito Topografico (1819 - 1898)
Howell, Charles Wagoner (July 21, 1841 - April 5, 1882)
Duane, James Chatham (June 10, 1824 - December 8, 1897)
Japan Publishing Distribution Company (日本出版配給株式會社; 1941 - 1949)
Folque, Filipe de Sousa (November 28, 1800 - December 27, 1874)
Uchida Kennojō (内田健之丞; fl. c. 1878 - 1909)
Kimura Mitsutsune (木村充恒; fl. c. 1878 - 1880)
Fujii Tomitarō (藤井富太郎; fl. c. 1878 - 1900)
Hasegawa Magosuke (長谷川孫助; fl. c. 1803 - 1878)
Yamada Kusuwaka (山田楠若; fl. c. 1878 - 1893)
Somerville, Henry Boyle Townshend (September 7, 1863 - March 24, 1936)
Inoue Katsugorō (井上勝五郎; fl. c. 1844 - 1905)
Lyman, Benjamin Smith (December 11, 1835 - August 30, 1920)
Geological Survey of Japan (全國地質測量; 1878 - present)
Denver Lithographing Company (fl. c. 1875 - 1925)
Boydell, John (January 19, 1720 - December 12, 1804)
Dingee, William Jackson (July 22, 1854 - September 5, 1941)
Cardinell-Vincent Co. (fl. c. 1900 - 1920)
Harty, John Patrick (April 30, 1901 - February 25, 1959)
Chambre de Commerce, Saigon (c. 1867 - 1955)
Association Mutuelle des Employés de Commerce et d'Industrie du Sud-Vietnam (fl. c. 1946 - 1960)
Levshin, Aleksei Iraklievich (Алексей Ираклиевич Левшин; 1798 - 1879)
Coral Ridge Properties (1950 - present)
Cleartype Maps (c. 1929 - 1993)
ten Have, François (1917 - 2002)
C.F. Weber and Co. (fl. c. 1899 - 1914)
Punnett Brothers (fl. c. 1890 - 1920)
Dallas Lithograph Company (1883 - 1901)
Millington, Thomas H. (1819 - 1888)
Cawston, George (fl. c. 1888 - 1911)
Neuman, Louis E. (Oct. 1835 - October 2, 1902)
Marbais du Graty, Alfred (December 5, 1823 - March 20, 1891)
Gardiner, James Terry (May 6, 1842 - September 10, 1912)
King, Clarence (January 6, 1842 - December 24, 1901),
Buell, Park Arbington (September 13, 1859 - April 4, 1900)
Mellis, Fred R. (November 1854 - June 28, 1922)
Nan-hua ch‘u-pan-she (南華出版社; fl. c. 1937 - 1993)
Ch'en I-jen (陳逸人; fl. c. 1964 - 1987)
Moore, Francis (c. 1708 - c. 1756)
Holley, Alexander Lyman (July 30, 1832 - January 29, 1882)
Chofré, Salvador (fl. c. 1880 - 1898)
Matsudaira Norikata (松平乗謨, December 18, 1839 - January 26, 1910)
Maeda Matashirō (前田又四郎; fl. c. 1866 - 1867)
Romans, Bernard (c. 1720 - 1784)
Rosenthal, Louis N. (c. 1824 - 1900)
Rosenthal, Max (November 22, 1833 - August 8, 1918)
Ottens, Frederik (fl. 1717 - 1770)
Packard, Herbert Samuel (September 2, 1850 - October 29, 1912)
Smyrl, Oscar Jackson 'Jak' (May 5, 1923 - August 7, 2007)
Bolshev, Andrey Alexandrovich (Андрей Александрович Большев; 1828 - 1904)
Bolshev, Loggin Alexandrovich (Логгин Александрович Большев; September 10,
Robertson, Walter James (October 2, 1910 - May 9, 1978)
Leve, Gustave (1847 - February 1, 1919)
Michelot, Henri (fl. 1700 - 1730)
Brémond, Laurent (fl. 1700 - 1730)
Smith, Karl (August 28, 1895 - August 7, 1986)
Lopez, Juan (1765 - 1825)
Geokartprom (геокартпром; c. 1925 - 1933)
Tajik State Publishing House (Таджикское государственное издательс
Menting, Johan 'Jan' F. (May 4, 1920 - February 5, 2003)
Meiji Jingū Shamusho (明治神宮社務所; 1920 - present)
Delattre, G. et Cie (fl. c. 1904 - c. 1917)
Adickes, William A. (March 1860 - 192x)
Dunston, George Hind (August 19, 1852 - March 12, 1912)
Post, Frans Janszoon (November 17, 1612 - February 17, 1680)
Mineta Fūkō (嶺田楓江; 1818 - 1883)
Murakami Goyū (村上吾雄; fl. 1828 - 1855)
Ewen, Daniel (August 31, 1796 - January 12, 1865)
The Japanese Times (紐育新報; 1911 - 1941)
Youzheng zongju (郵政總局; 1896 - 1949)
The Mercantile Printing Company (c. 1913 - 1938)
Wallis, Edward (c. 1787 - 1868)
Slesinger, Stephen (December 25, 1901 - December 17, 1953)
Texas General Land Office (December 22, 1836 - present)
Giles, James Bascom (September 21, 1900 - July 7, 1993)
Armstrong, Eltea Bulea (October 23, 1907 - September 2, 1996)
Poor, Henry Varnum (December 8, 1812 - January 4, 1905)
Cankrin, Johann Andreas (November 22, 1782 - August 22, 1830)
Grodziecki, Wacław (c. 1535 - 1591)
Sabiston, Alexander (April 1859 - May 5, 1900)
Jörgensen, Gotfred Emil (fl. c..1890 - 1910)
Norman, William (17?? - November 18, 1807)
Sachse, Edward (1804 - 1873)
Main Administration of Geodesy and Cartography, U.S.S.R. (Главное управление гео
Veniamin Maksovich Gokhman (Вениами́н Ма́ксович Го́хман; 1918 - 1986)
Fuller, Richard Buckminster (July 12, 1895 - July 1, 1983)
Mystetstvo ('Art') State Publishing House (1932 - present)
Sadao, Shoji (January 1927 - November 3, 2019
Comissão de Cartografia das Colónias (fl. c. 1883 - 1936)
Luján y Góngora, Pedro Francisco de (September 18, 1727 - May 14, 1784)
Davenport Candycrafts, Inc. (fl. c. 1936 - c. 1959)
Amorim, Pedro Francisco Massano de (January 14, 1862 - May 31, 1929)
Indian Engineer (c. 1858 - 1987)
Diemer, Michael Zeno (February 8, 1867 - February 28, 1939)
Carl Gerber Verlag (1878 - present)
Fuller, Myron Leslie (fl. c. 1896 - 1927)
Apianus, Petrus (April 16, 1495 - April 21, 1552)
Enomoto Matsunosuke (榎本松之助; fl. c. 1897 - 1929)
Aoki Tsunesaburō (青木恒三郎; 1863 - 1926)
Bertelli, Ferrando (c. 1525 - 1572)
Nelli, Nicolò (1530 - 1572/1575)
Jones, Amy (April 4, 1899 - October 8, 1992)
U.S. Department of State (1789 - present)
U.S. Information Agency (U.S.I.A.; 1953 - 1999)
Taberd, Jean-Louis (June 18, 1794 - July 31, 1840)
Oriental Lithographic Press (1829/30 - c. 1841)
29th Engineering Battalion (1917 - 2007)
U.S. Army Forces, Pacific (AFPAC; 1945 - 1946)
Meyer, Ernest Ludolph (August 26, 1828 - April 3, 1902)
Shedler, Joseph (April 27, 1813 - December 12, 1887)
Wylie, Ethel Earle (1881 - 1962)
Wall Van Leer, Ella Lillian (November 11, 1892 - August 8, 1986)
Langren, Hendrick Florent van (1574 - 1648)
Hondius, Jodocus the Younger (1594 - 1629)
Lay, Amos (1765 - 1851)
González, Tomás (fl. c. 1809 - c. 1832)
Throop, D. S. (fl. c. 1820 - 1835)
Throop, Orramel Hinckley (June 12, 1798 - 1860)
Lotter, Matthäus Albrecht (1741 - 1810)
Scull, Nicholas II (1687 - 1761)
Chovin, Jacques Anthony Chovin (1720 - 1776)
Gies, Charles (April 1846 - March 2, 1923)
Gillmore, Quincy Adams (February 28, 1825 - April 7, 1888)
Taunton, S. D. L. (b. c. 1848)
Ludolf, Hiob or Job (Iobus Ludolfus; June 156, 1624 - April 8, 1704)
Berghaus, Heinrich Karl Wilhelm (May 3, 1797 - February 17, 1884)
Alt, Wilhelm (fl. c. 1827 - 1882)
Seelstrang, Arturo (May 1838 - November 30, 1896)
Stiller, Curt (fl. c. 1871 - 1883)
Larsch, Alberto (fl. c. 1875 - 1895)
Melchert, Federico L. (fl. c. 1875 - 1878)
André Belloguet (1830 - 1873, c. 188x)
Géronimo de Chaves (1523 - 1574)
Bevan, John (1817 - 18??)
Bradley, Frank Howe (September 20, 1838 - March 27, 1879)
Lufft, Hans (1495 - 1584)
Johnson, Joseph (November 15, 1738 - December 20, 1809)
Stedman, John Gabriel (1744 - March 7,1797)
Gräf, Carl (1822 - 1902)
Alvares Seco, Ferdinand (fl. 1560)
Barberena Fuentes, Santiago Ignacio (July 30, 1851 - November 26, 1916)
Alcaine, José Emilio (1866 - 1963)
Nissen, Hilary Nicholas (1813 - August 25, 1877)
Gray, C.P. (fl. c. 1879 - 1920)
Mouchez, Ernest Amédée Barthélemy (1821 - 1892)
Kashima Nagatoshi (鹿島長壽; fl. c. 1899 - 1904)
Hiroseidō (廣正堂; fl. c. 1899 - 1904)
Nichols,Francis Durando (October 2, 1867 - February 28, 1912)
Kankōsha (觀光社; c. 1918 - 1955)
Johannes van Doetecum I (1528/32 - 1605)
Jeffay, Paul (April 29, 1898 - 1957)
Pote, Joseph (1703 - 1787
Reynolds, John (July 9, 1671 - July 27, 1758)
Mela, Pomponius (? - 45 CE)
Tachibana Morikuni (橘守国; 1679 - November 7, 1748)
Morton, Robert H. (August 1844 - December 26. 1901)
King, Harry (18?? - 19??)
665th Engineer Topographic Battalion (December 17, 1943 - December 1946)
Hirazumi Sen'an (平住專菴;???? - 1734)
Hōbundō (寶文堂; fl. c. 1714 - 1727)
Goujon, Jean (fl. c. 1785 - 1825)
Nevers, Roderick (April 30, 1808 - August 13, 1888)
San Francisco Convention and Visitors Bureau (1909 - present)
Butler, Robert (December 29, 1786 - January 13, 1860)
Desray, Jacques (1763 - April 14, 1821)
Andrews, Peter / André, Pierre (September 27, 1736 - 1782)
Wightman, Henry Morse (January 5, 1840 - April 3, 1885)
Waud, William (1832 - November 10, 1878)
Lynch Jr., Stephen A. (November 13, 1908 - September 24, 1974)
Gurvin, Abe (December 31, 1937 - July 9, 2012)
Mut i Armengol, Vicente (1614 - 1687)
Smiley, Thomas T. (1813 - 1892)
The Mapping Unit (יחידת המיפוי) of the Israel Ministry of Education and Culture (c. 1991
Beautemps-Beaupré, Charles-François (August 6, 1766 - March 16, 1854)
Bouquet de La Grye, Anatole (May 29, 1827 - December 21, 1909)
Heubach, Emil (September 1837 - 191x)
Krebs, Charles G. (1830 - 1890)
Reland, Adriaan (July 17, 1676 - February 5, 1718)
Goff, Errol William (May 30, 1903 - January 1974)
Wright, Harry T. (March 7, 1845 - December 31, 1907)
Gothe de Grote, Carl (c. 1824 - 1??x)
Wadsworth, Alexander (May 6, 1806 - February 15, 1898)
Harenberg, Johann Christoph (April 28, 1696 - November 12, 1774)
Buy de Mornas, Claude(17?? - 1783)
Nichols, C.F. (1890 - November 15, 1949)
Luillier, Jan (fl. 1655 - 1731)
Shackleton, Sir Ernest (February 15, 1874 - January 5, 1922)
Mawson, Douglas (May 5, 1882 - October 14, 1958)
Marshall, Eric Stewart (May 29, 1879 - February 26, 1963)
Fores, Samuel William (1761 - February 3, 1838)
Sylvanus, Bernardus (fl. 1465 - 1511)
MacDonald, Jackson Clifford (October 12, 1901 - August 16, 1963)
Lazius, Wolfgang (October 31, 1514 - June 19, 1565)
Bailey, Frederic T. (1867 - 1953)
Tsujiokaya Bunsuke (辻岡屋文助; fl. c. 1852 - 1882)
National Lithograph Co. (c. 1895 - 1963)
Llewellyn, Dodge and Co. (fl. c. 1888 - 1889)
Seattle Historical Society (c. 1911 - present)
de Sainson, Louis Auguste (April 26, 1800 - 1877)
Moussy, Martin de (Victor) (June 26, 1810 - March 26, 1869)
Wiggins, Edward W. (1832 - January 19, 1912)
Smillie, James (November 23, 1807 - December 4, 1885)
Tschudi, Aegidius (or Giles or Glig) (February 5, 1505 - February 28, 1572)
Müller, Otto Martin (March 16, 1913 - November 30, 2002)
Lescarbot, Marc (c. 1570 - 1641)
Ferry, Hypolite (fl. 1850)
Vignelli, Massimo (January 10, 1931 - May 27, 2014)
Franco, Giacomo (1550 - c. 1620)
Valle, Bernardin (fl. 1597)
Lundy, Fred Ralph (September 1, 1902 - January 16, 1989)
Wilme, Benjamin Pickever (c. 1800 - May 8, 1862)
Baily, A. H. (fl. 1838 - 1883)
Faivre, Jules Abel (March 30, 1867 - August 13, 1945)
Devambez, Édouard (March 11, 1844 - June 2, 1923)
Lynch, William F. (April 1, 1801 - October 17, 1865)
Baffin, William (c. 1584 - January 23, 1622)
Roe, Sir Thomas (c. 1581 - November 6, 1644)
Ivan Yakovlevich Churin (Иван Яковлевич Чурин, 伊万·雅阔列维奇·秋林; Oc
Teixeira, Luís (1564 - 1604)
Maas, Abraham (fl. 1700 - 1735)
Ghelen, Johann Peter van(1673 - 1754)
Purcell, Joseph (1750 - 1806)
Köke, F. (fl. c. 1855 - 1900)
Sanuto, Livio (1520 - 1576)
Lazaridou, Herakles (Ηρακλέους Λαζαρίδου; fl. c. 1852 - 1877)
Brahm, John William Gerard de (August 20, 1718 - June 6, 1799)
Fuller, William (fl. 1767 - 1770)
Sanuto, Giulio (fl. 1540 - 1588)
Bodine, Harry D. (October 3, 1894 - February 3, 1942)
Halsted, Frances Adams (1874 - November 16, 1951)
Aderente, Vincent (February 20, 1880 - June 13, 1941)
Squire, Bela Scovil (June 10, 1810 - August 14, 1882)
Abramov, Mark Aleksandrovich (1913 - 1994)
Dobrovolsky, Victor P. (fl. c. 1940 - c. 1965)
Resch, Wolfgang (fl. 1508 - 1537)
Mercator, Rumold (1541 - December 31, 1599)
Berthe, L. H. (fl. c. 1777 - 1830)
Mariotti, Vincenzo (1650 - 1734)
Harris, George S. (1823 - July 7, 1891)
Lasne, Jean-Etienne (1596 - 1645)
Condet, Johannes (1711 - 1781)
Merian, Caspar (1627 - 1686)
Assa Castel-Branco, José Frederico de (March 5, 1836 - March 5, 1912)
Lannoy, Ferdinand de (1510 - 1579)
Bureau of Public Works, Philippines (1867 - present)
Vanni, Violante (1732 - c. 1776)
Hamel, Hendrick (1630 - 1692)
Missions-Anstalt Basel (1815 - 2001)
Godefroy Engelmann (August 17, 1788 - April 25, 1839)
Brohier, John (fl. 1746 - 1760)
Spilsbury, John (1739 - 1769)
Weiss, Franz von (1791 - 1858)
Wegener, Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Georg (May 31, 1863 - July 8, 1939)
Scherl, August (July 24, 1849 - April 18, 1921)
Teikoku Zaigō Gunjinkai (帝國在鄉軍人會; 1910 - 1945)
Goulart, Jacques (1580 - 1622)
McLoughlin Brothers (1855 - 1920)
Campen, Samuel Richard Van (c. 1833 - 1893)
Leitch, J. (fl. c. 1875 - 1880)
Trübner, Nicholas (June 17, 1817 - March, 20 1884)
Phillips, Edward (1630 - 1696)
Hirano Denkichi (平野傳吉; fl. c. 1879 - 1886)
William Godsoe MacFarlane (December 28, 1870 - February 14, 1942)
American Autochrome Co. (fl. c. 1905 - 1940)
Postel, Guillaume (March 25, 1510 - September 6, 1581)
Stadelmann, Cölestin (fl. C. 1883 - 1903)
Lierow, A. (fl. c. 1889 - 1906)
Olney, Jesse (1798 - 1872)
Ishizuka Ittoku (石塚一德; fl. c. 1933 - 1934)
Shūeisha (秀英舎; 1876 - 1935)
Herchenhein, Frederick (fl. c. 1860 - 1870)
Pownall, Gilbert Anthony (January 17, 1877 - October 20, 1960)
Palha, J. M. F. (fl. c. 1863 - 1875)
Imprensa Nacional (1732 - present)
Russell, William Henry (October 25, 1818 - December 8, 1894)
Seix Barral (1911 - present)
Semir y de Arquer, Ramón de (fl. c. 1934 - 1995)
Johnston, W. S. (fl. c. 1901 - 1930)
LeDonne, John Anthony (March 4, 1912 - June 28, 1992)
Marre, Jan Harmenszoon de (August 23, 1696 - January 19, 1763)
Hallart, Ludwig Nicolaus von (1659 - 1727)
Wening, Michael (July 11, 1645 - April, 18 1718)
Jomini, Antoine-Henri (March 6, 1779 - March 22, 1869)
Keulen, Johannes II van (1704 - 1755)
Humble, George (1572 - 1640)
Derdeyn, Eugene Duncan (February 10, 1929 - February 16, 1993)
Hennenberger, Caspar (1529 - February 29, 1600)
Newell, John Perry (January 27, 1832 - April 20, 1898)
Draper, Warren Fales (December 12, 1818 - January 8, 1905)
Psychological Warfare Branch (1944 - 1945)
Bachelder, Perez Mann (December 31, 1818 - January 25, 1873)
Black, James Wallace (February 10, 1825 - January 5, 1896)
Downs, Albert Elroy (1856 - 1923)
Behm, Ernst (January 4, 1830 - March 15, 1884)
Lodewijcksz, Willem (fl. 1595 - 1598)
Strobridge, Hines (November 28, 1828 - April 11, 1909)
Curtis, Joseph Henry (July 5, 1841 - May 27, 1928)
Desch, Kurt (June 2, 1903 - November 11, 1984)
Ales, Alexander (April 23, 1500 - March 17, 1565)
Olearius, (Ölschläger,) Adam (September 24, 1599 - February 22, 1671)
Gridley, Enoch G. (fl. c. 1803 - 1818)
Bisch, Charlene (1923 - 2008)
Bortoli, Antonio (fl. c. 1691 - 1794)
Schneider, Ruprecht Adam (fl. 1727 - 1760)
Settala, Giovanni Giorgio (1520 - 1590)
Vrooman, Walter Watkins (January 8, 1869 - December 2, 1909)
Doetecum, Joannes van (1530 - 1605)
Auerbach, Larry (19?? -????)
Voorhies, Stephen Jerome (July 23, 1899 - January 24, 1972)
Morgan, Lewis Henry (November 21, 1818 - December 17, 1881)
Parker, Ely Samuel (1828 - August 31, 1895)
Russell, Eber LeRoy (March 11, 1881 - October 29, 1968)
Lawrence, Dorothea Dix (September 22, 1899 - May 23, 1979)
Cimino, Harry (1898 - 1969)
Providence, Fall River and Newport Steamboat Co. (fl. c. 1895 - 1925)
Parkyns, George Isham (c. 1749 - 1820)
Milwaukee Lithographing and Engraving Company (c. 1872 - 1920)
John C. Wise (fl. c. 1882 - 1883)
Abbassi, Ali Bey el (1767 - August 30, 1818)
Holzmüller, Heinrich (fl. 1541 - 1559)
Anthonisz, Cornelis (c. 1505 - 1553)
Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences (中国地质科学院; 1956 - present)
Fore, Marc Randall (December 17, 1903 - December 27, 1992)
Crane, William T. (1832 - July 14, 1865)
Andrew, John Albion (May 31, 1818 - October 30, 1867)
Mercator, Michael (1567 - 1600)
Blake, Frederick Donald (1908 - 1997)
Coy, Owen Cochran (1884 - 1952)
Richardson, Willard (June 24, 1802 - July 16, 1875)
Kellett, Henry (November 2, 1806 - March 1, 1875)
Marmocchi, Francesco Costantino (August 26, 1805 - September 9, 1858)
Artero González, Juan de la Gloria (September 30, 1834 - January 19, 1903)
Thévenot, Melchisédech (c. 1620 - 1692)
Thévenot, Jean de (1633 - 1667)
Hancock, Robert (1730 - 1817)
Gauld, George (October 26, 1732 - June 8, 1782)
Walker, Jill (1927 - 2021)
Viero, Teodoro (1740 - 1819)
Sandi, Antonio (October 9, 1733 - September 4, 1817)
Heitor, António (18?? - 18??)
Nomidis, Miltiadis Isaak (1884 - 1959)
Murgotten, Alexander Phillip (February 10, 1846 - April 27, 1926)
Murgotten, Henry (1868 - October 16, 1937
Melvin, Howell D. (August 28, 1872 - September 20, 1966)
Freytag and Berndt (1770 - present)
Kitabhane-yi Sudi Bookshop (كتابخانه سودى،; fl. c. 1918 - 1928)
Keller, Francois-Antoine-Edouard (December 30, 1803 - April 24, 1874)
Crosby, Charles H. (c. 1819 - 1896)
Drummond, Dominick I. (c. 1830 - 1899)
Sanchez, Cypriano (15?? - 16??)
Oppelt, Johannes (fl. c. 1730 - 1750)
Scabo, Laurits Clausen (November 1, 1562 - December 1, 1626)
Schell, Frederic B. (? - 1905)
Unique Media, Inc. (1979 - present)
Pan American World Airways (1927 - 1991)
Jeppesen (1934 - present)
al-Idrisi, Muhammad (1100 - 1165)
Daniels, John H. (1828 - 1901)
Stern, Johann von (1582 - 1656)
Kaiser, August (October 2, 1889 - September 7, 1982)
Majied, Eugene (February 4, 1926 - March 1, 2005)
Gibbs, Jonathan Danforth (May 24, 1796 - March 2, 1882)
Direction générale du tourisme (1927 - 1965)
d'Heulland, Guillaume (c. 17?? - 1770)
Horsey, David (1951 - present)
Shapiro, Joseph (יוסף שפירא) (1900 - December 4, 1967)
Bennett, John (1746 - December 8, 1787)
Postal Telegraph-Cable Company (1886 - 1943)
Jolivet, Jean (fl. 1545 - 1569)
White, George (1901 - March 7, 1964)
Habert, Robert (fl. c. 1930 - 1955)
Triboulet (fl. c. 1930 - 1942)
Stedman, Charles (December 22, 1753 - June 26, 1812)
Kunst und Industrie Comptoirs (c. 1801 - 1814)
Liechtenstern, Joseph Marx von (February 12, 1765 - October 10, 1828)
Fukuda Kumajirō (福田熊次郎;.18?? - 1898)
Loggie, Thomas George Johnston (November 12, 1854 - December 23, 1931)
McMillan, John (fl. 1822 - c. 2000)
Janoff, Larry Carl (1940 - September 23, 2022)
Stringer, William (fl. c. 1870 - 1875)
Dercum, Otto (March 18, 1839 - August 10, 1927)
Zenoni, Domenico (Zenoi; fl. 1540 - 1580)
Barrière, Daniel Alexandre François (October 22, 1792 - c. 1865)
Barrière, Pierre (1764 - c. 1827)
Renouard, Jules (February 13, 1798 - February 20, 1854)
Freeman, John Dorbrandt (February 18, 1898 - May 14, 1976)
Overend, William Heysham (October 5, 1851 - March 18, 1898)
Poff, Herman Bryan (December 5, 1910 - August 25, 2015)
Smythe, Lionel Percy (September 4, 1839 - July 1918)
Zeno, Nicoló (1515 - 1565)
Lucas, Frederic W. (July 20, 1842 - May 13,1932)
Weldin, Josiah Ross (fl. 1852 - 2020)
Urville, Jules Dumont d' (May 23, 1790 - May 8, 1842)
Ellis, Joseph (c. 1734 - c. 1800)
Visscher, Nicholas I (1618 - 1679)
Berchem, Nicolaes Pieterszoon (October 1, 1620 - February 18, 1683)
Izatt, James Paterson (fl c. 1968 - 1991)
Rock, Miles (1840 - 1901)
Lagniet, Jacques (1620 - April 10, 1675)
Langlois, N. (fl. c. 1650 - 1670)
Brasier, William Furness (1745 - 1772/75)
Laguillermie, Frédéric-Guillaume (1805 - 1870)
Sugiura Tomekichi (杉浦留吉; fl. c. 1888 - 1892)
Ferozsons (1894 - present)
Barber, John Warner (February 2, 1798 - June 22, 1885)
Lacourière, Roger (November 19, 1892 - August 17, 1967)
Clément Serveau, Henri (June 29, 1886 - July 8, 1972)
Chopy, Antoine (1674 - August 31, 1760)
Barber, Benoni Bissell (1798 - February 27, 1885)
Economic Cooperation Administration (1948 - 1951)
Jones, James Felix (September 5, 1813 - September 3, 1878)
Guérard, Nicolas (1648 - 1719)
Alexander, William (April 10, 1767 -July 23, 1816)
Parish, Henry William (fl. c. 1792 - 1797)
Institutul Geografic al Armatei (1895 - c. 1940)
Scott, Robert (November 13, 1771 - January 1841)
Sizer, Frank Leonard (September 29, 1856 - July 11, 1942)
Morgan Lithograph (1864 - present)
Medland, Thomas (c. 1765 - 1833)
Pouncy, Benjamin Thomas (c. 1750 - 1799)
Bouclet, Sébastien-François (fl. c. 1800 - 1825)
Born, Christian Ludwig Ulrich von (1744 - 1805)
Russell, Gilman R. (June 5, 1822 - October 11, 1874)
Fisk, William Henry (November 17, 1826 - August 9, 1875)
Lefebre, Valentin (1637 - 1677)
Imprimerie Charaire (1872 - 1972)
Hall, Edward (fl. 1832 - 1876)
Lowe, Joshua (fl. 1836 - 1841)
Daussy, Pierre (October 8, 1792 - September 5, 1860)
Wiltse, Gilbert Conwall (November 29, 1838 - April 26, 1893
Grimmel, Johann Elias (Иоганн Элиас Гриммель; 1703 - 1759)
Dassauville, William (17?? - October 17, 1851)
Beauplan, Guillaume Levasseur de (c. 1600 - 1675)
Daly, Dominic Daniel (fl. c. 1868 - 1888)
Greve, Wilhelm (? - 1883)
Burchard Gebrüder (fl c. 1866 - 1881)
Richards, Peter Clifton (September 25, 1909 - 1992)
Visscher, Nicolaes II (September 30, 1649 - May 31, 1702)
Clerk, Thomas (March 30, 1779 - January 1, 1861)
Cutter, Louis Fayerweather (June 20, 1864 - June 26, 1945)
Bond, George Phillips (May 20, 1825 - February 17, 1865)
Macpherson, Alexander (fl. c. 1806 - 1847)
Outhett, John (fl. c. 1809 - 1861)
Rivington, Charles (1688 - 1742)
Belmas, Jacques-Vital (1792 - 1864)
Colton, Gardner Quincy (1814 - 1898)
King, Nicholas (1771 - 1812)
Dunbar, William (1749 - 1810)
Vigot, Paul (1864 - 1937)
Löwensohn, Gerson (1817 - 1871)
Bartlett, George Hartnell (May 24, 1838 - March 26, 1923)
Tate, Frank C. (September 13, 1870 - January 8, 1916)
Bower, John (fl. c. 1810 - 1819)
Templeux, Damien de (? - 1620)
Tilden, Samuel D. (July 28, 1828 - July 13, 1893)
Bingham, John Henry (March 7, 1831 - June 10, 1910)
Fairburn, John (fl. c. 1782 - 1851)
Dodd, William H. (May 25, 1826 - February 20, 1914)
Klaproth, Heinrich Julius (October 11, 1783 - August 28, 1835)
Approved Atlas and Maps Ltd. (fl. c. 1948 - 1951)
Floercky, Herbert Edward (fl. c. 1929 - 1933)
Doughty, Edward (June 1789 - June 17, 1863)
Smith, George B. (fl. c. 1825 - 1840)
Forlani, Paolo (fl. 1560 - 1571)
Vignes, Louis (June 8, 1831 - July 1, 1896)
Eaton, Luther Holland (October 23, 1821 - January 17, 1878)
Ranney, Adolphus (May 15, 1824 - April 16, 1874)
Wheeler, Arthur Oliver (May 1, 1860 - March 20, 1945)
Everett, George (1833 -????)
Mendenhall, C.S. (fl. c. 1880 - 1930)
Survey of Israel (1949 - present)
American Geographical Society (AGS; 1851 - present)
Tideman, Philip (1657 - 1705)
Gouwen, Gilliam van der, (c. 1657 - March 15, 1716)
Picart, Nicolas (fl. 1640 - 1660)
Periegetes, Dionysius (fl. 110 - 140)
Priscianus Caesariensis (fl. 500-530)
Kurashima Izaemon (倉島伊左エ門; fl. c. 1884 - 1898)
Hoffmeister, Adolf (August 15, 1902 - July 24, 1973)
Pelc, Antonín (January 16, 1895 - March 24, 1967)
Brown, Flavius A. (August 31, 1806 - February 13, 1880)
Payot, Henry (January 15, 1838 - November 21, 1921)
Gosselin, Francois Désiré (June 16, 1809 - October 1, 1867)
Hayden, Ferdinand Vandeveer (September 7, 1829 - December 22, 1887)
Holmes, William Henry (December 1, 1846 - April 20, 1933)
Wilson, Allen David (September 17, 1844 - February 21, 1920)
Thomas Harrison (c. 1823 - 1894)
Vesconte, Pietro (fl. 1310 - 1330)
Bongars, Jacques (1554 - July 29, 1612)
Sanudo (or Sanuto) Marino Torsello (c. 1270 - 1343)
Schmidt, Max (1850 - 1936)
Hashimoto Fukumatsu (橋本福松; March 24, 1883 - February 5, 1944)
Shin Aichi (新愛知; 1888 - 1942)
Ōmuro Otokichi (大室音吉; fl. c. 1897 - 1900)
Furushima Takejirō (古島竹次郎; fl. c. 1895 - 1908)
Bar Yaaqov, Abraham (c. 1669 - 1730)
Binns, John (December 22, 1772 - Juie 16, 1860)
Longacre, James Barton (August 11, 1794 - January 1, 1869)
Henry E. Hird III (f. c. 1979 - 2014)
Bailey, Howard Heston (1836 - 1878)
Yamashiroya Heisuke (山城屋平助; fl. c. 1848 - 1854)
Foreman, Edgar W. (1854 - 1939)
Tokyo Geographical Society (東京地学協会; 1879 - present)
Hamilton, William Leon (June 1, 1896 - September 12, 1931)
Greenwood, Christopher (May 21, 1786 - March 25, 1825)
Greenwood, John (March 25, 1791 - October 1, 1867)
Yeh Hsien-k'ai (葉顯鎧; fl. c. 1955 - 1989)
Heston, Alfred Miller (1854 - 1937)
Johnston, Henry Hamilton (June 12, 1858 - July 31, 1927)
Grimaldi, Francesco Maria, SJ (April 2, 1618 - December 18, 1663)
Kipps, Alfred Kemble (c. 1833 - 1900)
Darton, William, Sr. (1755 - 1819)
Hardee, Thomas Sydenham (1832 - 1880)
Salomon, George (1920 - 1981)
Jobbins, John Richard (fl. c. 1837 - 1866)
Jones, Grove Barclay (September 30, 1877 - February 22, 1937)
Fungairiño, E. (1838 - 1916)
Meyer, Hans (March 22, 1858 - July 5, 1929)
Allen, George (fl. 1786 - 1814)
Mid-West Map Company (c. 1925 - 1935)
Boas, Franz (July 9, 1858 - December 21, 1942)
Phillips, Robert Christmas (December 25, 1811 - December 30, 1881)
Hickenlooper, Andrew (August 10, 1837 - May 12, 1904)
Donaldson, William Mills (March 14, 1840 - October 22, 1931)
Chittenden, George B. (December 25, 1849 - February 24, 1939)
Endlich, Frederick Miller (June 14, 1851 - July 17, 1899)
Grassi, Giovanni Antonio (September 10, 1775 - December 12, 1849)
Nesbitt, Philip L. (1905 - 1953)
Buffington, Dave (1951 - present)
Coleman, George Drumgoole (1795 - March 27, 1844)
Tassin, Jean-Baptiste Athanase (May 3, 1800 - January 25, 1868)
Moor, John Henry (December 29, 1802 - May 1, 1843)
Dodge, Frank S. (1855 - July 17, 1914)
Alexander, William DeWitt (1833 - 1913)
Donn, John M. (1871 - August 9, 1931)
Owen, George Frederick (March 13, 1897 - June 24, 1987)
Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City (1912 - 2014)
Bibler, Richard (September 14, 1922 - May 24, 2013)
Norris, Robert (1740 - November 27, 1791)
Dalzel, Archibald (1740 - 1818)
Garrison, Wilkie P. (1871 - c. 193?)
Anderson, Irene (1892 - 19??)
Arnquist, Katherine (January 26, 1904 - August 4, 2001)
Hurlbert, Dorothy (1884 - 19??)
Walker, Irma (1885 - 19??)
Schneider, George W. (18?? - 19??)
Woodville, William Woodville (1744 -????)
Wall, Walter Eugene (October 13, 1867 - July 23, 1944)
Sheets, Millard Owen (June 24, 1907 - March 31, 1989)
Henkenius, Julius Charles (1843 - March 6, 1909)
Dresel, Georg August Emil (April 13, 1819 - July 27, 1869)
Kuchel, Charles Conrad Kuchel (1820 - December 20, 1864)
Jones, John Milton Commodore (March 1829 - August 12, 1881)
Escuela de Artes Y Oficios (1878 - 1887)
Berra, Francisco Antonio (December 3, 1844 - March 13, 1906)
Poschin, Max (fl. c. 1940 - 1955)
Fryer, John (c. 1650 - March 31, 1733)
Somezaki Nobufusa (染崎延房; 1818 - September 27, 1886)
Hix, John (Jun 17, 1907 - June 6, 1944)
Loss, Charles F. (1765 - 1822)
Kim Forrest (fl. 1974 - present)
Bird, Judson Slatford (October 9, 1846 - March 19, 1882)
Pheils, Isaac Franklin (September 21, 1858 - December 18, 1938)
Shonk, Charles Welker (April 6, 1856 - 1931)
Klopp and Bartlett (1885 - 1945)
Klinger, Johann Georg (February 3, 1764 - February 2, 1806)
Müller, Johann Wolfgang (July 20, 1765 - September 23, 1828)
Bechler, Gustavus R. (fl. c. 1856 - 1878)
Moore, Marinda Branson (December 16, 1829 - June 27, 1864)
Laicksteen, Petrus (fl. 1556 - 1566)
Sgrooten, Christian (c. 1525 - c. 1604)
Holliday, Albert Clifford (1897 - 1960)
Hancock, William Harold (October 24, 1920 - July 11, 2006)
Matenet, Jules Xavier (fl. c. 1840 - 1860)
Helstrom, Clifford H. (December 27, 1914 - November 6, 2009)
Holland, Richard (March 15, 1842 - January 12, 1906)
Denny, Edward and Co. (fl. c. 1853 - 1935)
Abreu, Lázaro (1941 -????)
Higgins, Claretta Pope (January 12, 1899 - August 16, 1985)
Sturtevant, William Henry (1823 - December 19, 1897)
Bancker, Gerard (1740 - 1799)
Titcomb, John Poore (April 7, 1861 - June 26, 1932)
Roucaute, Jean (fl. c. 1950 - 1951)
Sylvain, Adolphe (1920 - 1991)
Oñativia, Gregorio Hombrados (March 12, 1902 - August 18, 1978)
Miller, George Armstrong (October 28, 1881 - April 4, 1857)
Gist, Christopher (1706 - 1759)
Hihara Shōzō (日原昌造; 1853 - 1904)
Maerschalck, Francis (c. 1704 - 1776)
Dawkins, Henry (fl. c. 1753 - 1786)
Peale, Albert Charles (April 1, 1849 - December 5, 1914)
Maerschalk, Francis (c. 1704 - 1776)
Jaeck, W. (18?? - 18??)
Brose, Wilhelm Brose (17?? - 18??)
Key, Adriaen Thomaszoon (c. 1544 - 1589)
Galle, Philip (1537 - March 1612)
Whitney, Milton (1860 - November 11, 1927)
Willis, Christopher James (1872 - July 29, 1928)
Kanakanui, Samuel Maikaaloa (November 4, 1864 - January 10, 1921)
St. John, Orestes Hawley (1841 - 1921)
A. B. Hirschfeld Press (1907 - 2005)
New England Cartographers, Inc. (1936 - 1940)
Müller, Johann Christoph (March 15, 1673 - June 21, 1721)
Forster, Johann George Adam (November 27 1754 - January 10, 1794)
New England Cartographers (1936 - 1940)
Itkomi Hcala (Iktomi Lila Sika, Ivan Drift; fl c. 1930 - 1940)
Scott-Elliot, William (March 24, 1849 - September 2, 1919)
Langlois, Eustache-Hyacinthe (August 3, 1777 - September 29, 1837)
Langlois, Hyacinthe (fl. c. 1800 - 1852)
Kaeppelin et Cie (fl. c. 1839 - 1860)
Cooke, Alf (1842 - 1902)
Wapowski, Bernard (1475 - 1535)
Gillette, John Edward (1828 - March 10, 1911)
Baker, Marion Englebert (February 18, 1922 - October 17, 2000)
Honter, Johannes (1498 - 1549)
Peuser, Jacobo (1842 - November 9, 1901)
Daniell, William (1769 - 1837)
Prather, Ralph Carlyle (November 4, 1889 - April 7, 1953)
Dallas Morning News (1885 - present)
Nason-Jones, James (June 26, 1898 - November 6, 1972)
Monsarrat, Marcus Douglas (March 29, 1857 - October 23, 1922)
Brown, Jacob Foster (July 9, 1854 - January 4, 1925)
Bellerby, Russell John (July 8, 1902 - July 2, 1985)
Sengoku Kotaro (千石興太郎; February 7, 1874 - August 22, 1950)
Matthews, George (fl. c. 1840 - 1864)
Butler, Lowell (fl. c. 1937 - 1971)
Williams, George Clinton (September 5, 1825 - 1901)
Ackerman, James (1816 - March 24, 1864)
Gunnison, John Williams (November 11, 1812 - October 26, 1853)
Carrington, Albert (January 8, 1813 - September 19, 1889)
Vaughan, David (1??x - 1865)
Gray, Frank Arnold (September 4, 1852 - September 17, 1886)
Smith, George Adam (October 19, 1856 - March 3, 1942)
Mapa Ltd. (Мапа ЛТД; 1991 - present)
Sossa, Rostyslav Ivanovich (Сосса Ростислав Іванович; October 21, 1956 - prese
Rowlandson, Thomas (July 13, 1757 - April 21, 1827)
Kerns, Samuel M. (18?? - 19??)
Newton, Herbert Ellsworth (September 2, 1882 - January 30, 1963)
Popper, Julius (Julio) (December 15, 1857 - June 5, 1893)
Dunn, Michael Fitzgerald (1842 - March 25, 1913)
Blanckaert, Nicolaas (1624 - 1703)
Hutter, Harvey and Co. (fl. c. 1984 - 1995)
Shemin, Michael 'Mickey' P. (fl. c. 1970 - 2009)
Paix et Liberté (1950 - 1956)
Moore, Thurston (19?? - 19??)
Mendel, Edward (1828 - April 3, 1884)
Jenks, Daniel Albert (1827 - February 8, 1869)
Fabbri, Fratelli Editori (1947 - present)
Graham, Tony (1933 - 1992)
Editrice La Scuola (1904 - present)
Delaye, Théophile-Jean (1896 - 1970)
Wolfe, Reyner (15?? - 1573)
Boazio, Giovanni Battista (fl. 1588 - 1606)
Corriere dei Piccoli (1908 - 1995)
Couchman, Harold John (July 29, 1882 - November 30, 1956)
Agostini, Giovanni De (August 23, 1863 - November 21, 1941)
Nicouline, Vsevolode (Vsevolod Petrovič Nikulin, Всеволод Петрович Нікулін;
Stumpf, Johann (April 23, 1500 - 1578)
Vogtherr, Heinrich (1490 - 1556)
Blondel la Rougery, Edouard (c. 1902 - 2002)
Pococke, Richard (November 19, 1704 - September 25, 1765)
Trzaska, Evert, and Michalski Publishing House (1919 - 1945, 1945 - 1951)
Strada, Famiano (1572 - 1649)
Aitzing, Michael von (c.1530 - 1598)
Florimi, Matteo (c. 1540 - 1615)
Rengger, Johann Rudolph (January 13, 1795 - October 9, 1832)
Briggs, Stephen (1951 - present)
Player, Stephen (1965 - present)
Daudet, Jean Louis (c. 1695 - 1760)
Féret et Fils (1812 - present)
Veith, J. (fl. 1850 - 1900)
Baillieul, Nicolas (fl. c. 1740 - 1760)
Zadock, Thompson (May 23, 1796 - January 19, 1856)
Leo Africanus, Johannes (c. 1494 - 1554)
Largeau, Léon Victor (June 21, 1842 - March 26, 1897)
McGregor, Angus Harris (January 16, 1901 - September 24, 1977)
Shewey, Arista C. (1843 - 19??)
Pinet-Laprade, Jean Marie Emile (July 13, 1822 - August 17, 1869)
Trần Lưu Huệ (陳劉惠; 1832 - 1907)
Kahn, Fritz (September 29, 1888 - January 14, 1968)
Harney, George (July 15, 1918 - April 2, 1999)
American Press Association (1882 - present)
Mathis, George (January 26, 1909 - September 28, 1977)
Alès, Auguste François (1798 - 1878)
Schumacher, Sharon (fl. c. 1980 - 1988)
Wheeler, George Montague (October 9, 1842 - May 3, 1905)
Donnet, Alexis (1782 - 1867)
Rubincam, Barclay (July 2, 1920 - June 24, 1978)
Buchard, Henri Pierre Gabriel (November 28, 1854 - c. 1941)
Famin, Pierre (1855 - 1922)
Pujol, August Marie Joseph Pujol (March 4, 1863 - 19??)
Howell, Edwin Eugene (March 12, 1845 - April 16, 1911)
Gilbert, Grove Karl (May 6, 1843 - May 1, 1918)
Marvine, Arch R. (fl. c. 1871 - 1874)
Roger, Aimé (fl. 1836 - 1868)
Knight, Arthur Stanley (August 3, 1894 - June 6, 1976)
Stevenson, John James (October 10, 1841 - August 10, 1924)
Durello, Simone (1641 - 1719)
Moncalieri, Giovanni da (1579 - 1655)
Moncalieri, Giovanni da (1579 - 1655)
Ficke, Francis (fl. c. 1895 - 1920)
Republic Bank Note Co. (c. 1889 - 1918)
Amalgamated Lithographers of America (1915 - present)
Genty (fl. c. 1814 - 1834)
Espy, James Pollard (May 9, 1785 - January 24, 1860)
Schedel, Hartmann (February 13, 1440 - November 28, 1514)
Schönsperger, Johann (Hans) (c. 1455 - February 25, 1521)
Atkins, John DeWitt Clinton (June 4, 1825 - June 2, 1908)
Deutsch, Bernard S. (September 25, 1884 - November 21, 1935)
Smith, Herman H. (March 2, 1876 - March 3, 1957)
Polygraphic Company of America (fl. 1924 - 1976)
Eldridge, Sydna (1846 - 1936)
National Capital Press (c. 1911 - 1977)
Leclercq, Charles (fl. c. 1825 - 1873)
Bacot, Pierre Adolphe (fl. c. 1851 - 1888)
de Lorenzo, José (fl. c. 1864 - 1873)
E. Perez y Perez (fl. c. 1864 - 1904)
Hockin, W. R. C. (fl. c. 1909 - 1952)
Kusuyama Masao (楠山正雄; November 4, 1884 - November 26, 1950)
Verseyl Visscher, Elizabeth (16?? - 1726)
Leningrad Mapping Unit (Ленинградская картографическая часть; 1943
Roessler, Anton R. (c. 1833 - 1893)
Gunche, Wiebeck y Turtl (fl. c. 1892 - 1914)
Hockin, William Richard Colling (December 30, 1887 - August 31, 1966)
Stevens, Isaac Ingalls (March 25, 1818 - September 1, 1862)
Marchal, Henri (June 24, 1876 - April 10, 1970)
Belleforest, François de (1530 - January 1, 1583)
Anders, Frank (November 10, 1875 - January 20, 1966)
Delisle, Marie Adélaïde (July 13, 1788 - December 5, 1856)
Rikugun Bijutsu Kyōkai (陸軍美術協會, Army Art Association; 1939 - 1945)
Rowse, Samuel Worcester (January 29, 1822 - May 24, 1901)
Pansing, Fred (1844 - 1912)
Inland American Printing Co. (c. 1915 - 1940)
Kuhl, Frederick (c. 1812 - 18??)
Cortesi, Saturnino (fl. c. 1900 - 1925)
Fernández, Juan (fl. c. 1900 - 1911)
Broenner, Henry Lodowick (December 21, 1702 - May 25, 1769)
Kitō Dōkyō (鬼頭道恭; 1840 - 1904)
Van Arsdale, Perry (July 29, 1910 - July 22, 1976)
Matbaa-i Bahriye (ماتباايى باهريي; c. 1887 - 1926)
Visceglia, Vincenzo (January 30, 1903 - October 5, 1971)
Federation of the Kibbutz Movements (c. 1972 - 1983)
Johnson, Donald Stewart (fl. c. 1938 - 1948)
Dampier, William (1651 - 1715)
Cowley, William Ambrosia (fl. c. 1683 - 1686)
Whistler, Reginald John 'Rex' (June 24, 1905 - July 18, 1944)
General Lithographing and Printing Co. (fl. c. 1905 - 1911)
Yvorra et Barlier (c. 1913 - c. 1945)
Brooks, Joshua Loring (January 9, 1868 - January 26, 1949)
Roncarti, Eugene B. (fl. c. 1876 - 1893)
Loring, Thomas C. (c. 1859 - 1896)
Winter, Anthonie de (1653 - 1707)
Betts, John (c. 1800 - 1863)
Horrebow, Niels (September 17, 1712 - May 20, 1760)
Knoff, Thomas Hans Henrik (January 31, 1699 - January 25, 1765)
Arason, Magnús (1683 - 1728)
Vries, Simon de (1624 - 1708)
Cowley, William Ambrosia (fl. c. 1683 - 1686)
Hind, Henry Youle (1823 - 1908)
Napier, William Henry Edward (1828 - 1894)
Dawson, Simon James (1818 - 1902)
Said Kamel Sabbagh (سعيد كامل الصباغ ; 1899 - 1967)
Hellgrewe, Martin Reinhold Robert Rudolf, (October 6, 1860 - September 5, 1926)
Canot, Pierre Charles (1710 - 1777)
Coppo, Pietro (1470 - 1555)
Dewing, Francis (fl. c. 1716 - 1722)
Vastenhoud, J. (fl. 1960 - 1983)
von der Pfalz, Heinrich (1487 - 1552)
Tanaka Jihei (田中治兵衛; fl. c. 1869 - 1904)
Roads to Romance Association (fl. c. 1945 - 1970)
Fishbaugh, William Arthur (June 20, 1873 - November 3, 1950)
Baudouin, Pierre Baudouin (1921 - 1971)
Hoefnagel, Joris (1542 - July 24, 1601)
Cieza de León, Pedro (1520 - 1554)
George M. Avey (c. 1910 - 1995)
Jones, William Arthur (September 7, 1844 - September 17, 1912)
Fuhr, Ernest (1874 - 1933)
Carey Printing Company (c. 1898 - 1921)
Palmer, Frances Flora Bond (July 24, 1812 - August 20, 1876)
Bonsteel, Jay Allen (1873 - 1943)
Dupont, Paul François (May 24, 1796 - December 11, 1879)
Falk, Benjamin Joseph (October 14, 1853 - March 19, 1925)
Barry, Timothy (November 11, 1796 - February 8, 1856)
Dreikorn, Lud (fl. c. 1949 - 1980)
Poppel, Johann Gabriel Friedrich (May 14, 1807 - August 6, 1882)
Andrews, Charles D. (fl. c. 1855 - 1861)
Gannon, Clell G. (1900 - 1962)
Volonteri, Simeone (安西满; June 6, 1831 - December 21, 1904)
Higginson, Joseph H. (fl c. 1860 - 1870)
Linant de Bellefonds, Louis Maurice Adolphe (November 23, 1799 - July 9, 1883)
Sanson, Guillaume (1633 - 1703)
Deur, Abraham (1666 - 1714)
Reinhardt, Carl August (April 25, 1818 - August 11, 1877)
Wigand, Georg (February 13, 1808 - February 9, 1858)
Breitkopf und Härtel (1719 - present)
Hebert, Lewis (fl. c. 1809 - 1842)
Taiwan Travel Service (台灣旅行社; c. 1945 - 1958)
Laporte, Etienne (fl. c. 1850 - 1900)
Iseya Kisaburō (伊勢屋喜三郎; fl. c. 1865 - 1898)
Tsukioka Yoshitoshi (月岡芳年; April 30, 1839 - June 9, 1892)
Bermann, Josef (1810 - July 4, 1886)
Dewar, Susan (1949 - present)
Nichols, Harley DeWitt (February 3, 1859 - October 9, 1939)
Ottoman Maps
Arabic Maps
Korean Maps
Chinese Maps
Russian Maps
Great Lakes
Blanchet, Adrien (March 8, 1866 - December 27, 1957)
Utagawa Yoshikazu (歌川芳員; fl. c. 1853 - 1870)
Maruya Jinpachi (丸屋甚八; c. 1759 - 1872)
Beylié, Léon Marie Eugène de (1849 - 1910)
Calcografia Camerale (1738 - 1870)
Anthouard de Wasservas Albert d', Albert François Ildephonse (October 12, 1861 - October 10, 1944)
Aubé, Henri François Adolphe Auguste (February 10, 1865 - December 3 1935)
Basmadjian, Karapet J. (1864 - 1942)
Milbert, Jacques-Gérard (November 18, 1766 - June 5, 1840)
Adam, Jean Victor (January 28, 1801 - December, 30 1866)
Brayer, Alfred Lucien de (1816 - 1894)
Hunt, Charles (1803 - 1877)
Butterfield, David William (July 12, 1844 - November 9, 1933)
Cowperthwait, Joseph Baker (October 15, 1833 - November 26, 1891)
Betschmann, Otto (1884 - 1959)
Johnson, John Theodore (November 7, 1902 - November 2, 1963)
Emich, Gusztáv (Nov. 3, 1866 - July 10, 1927)
National Association of Hungarian Women (fl. 1918 - 1946)
Gensler, LeRoy Adam (August 15, 1915 - January 13, 1976)
Odum, Ralph Emerson (Odom; December 11, 1913 - June 5, 1966)
Maeda Kōei (前田虹映; June 19, 1897 - June 8, 1945)
Coffey, George Nelson (January 17, 1875 - October 4, 1967)
Sanford, Warner Raymond (June 7, 1906 - June 8, 1984)
Grieve, Albany Moore (June 21, 1816 - January 17, 1858)
Amerine, Charles Hamilton (1856 - March 26, 1903)
Schulz, Friederich Gustav (May 12, 1786 - November 27, 1859)
Mallory, Richard Parrot (December 10, 1813 - April 8, 1890)
Bregante y Orbay, Salvador (fl. 1840 - 1890)
Gaillard, David du Bose (September 4, 1859 - December 5, 1913)
Itō Seisai (伊藤靜齊; fl. c. 1874 - 1891)
Brewer, Harrison Gaston (September 21, 1855 - January 22, 1920)
Kübel, Stephen Joseph (April 2, 1858 - March 2, 1936)
Waddey, John A. (December 31, 1852 - January 13, 1932)
Carcereri, Paolo Stanislao (1840 - 1899)
Satō Masayasu (佐藤政養; 1821 - 1877)
Cross, Henry Herman (November 23, 1837 - April 2, 1918)
Boston Herald (1862 - present)
Welt, Milton H. (April 17, 1914 - October 1, 2011)
Spaulding, Charles (c. 1863 - 1915)
Pughe, John Samuel (June 3, 1870 - April 19, 1909)
Larssen, Einar (September 29, 1910 - December 16, 2003)
O'Sullivan, Timothy (1840 - January 14, 1882)
Brady, Mathew B. (c. 1823 - January 15, 1896)
Cole, Joseph Foxcroft (1837 - 1892)
Clark, Charles Fenstermacher (March 30, 1915 - September 30, 1988)
Hamilton, Francis (Buchanan-Hamilton; February 15, 1762 - June 14, 1829)
Jättnig, Wilhelm (fl. c. 1830 - 1840)
Queen, James Fuller (1820/21 - January 15, 1886)
Hausermann, Rémy (1843 - 1933)
Lombard, Émile (1849 - 1883)
Baroffio,Gaetano (fl. c. 1860 - 1876)
Monan, William Paul (c. 1918 - 1990)
Sá da Bandeira, Bernardo de Sá Nogueira de Figueiredo (September 26, 1795 - January 6, 1876)
Littig, W. T. (fl. c. 1900 - 1930)
Etzel, Franz August von (July 19, 1784 - December 25, 1850)
Grimm, Julius Ludwig (November 2, 1806 - January 17, 1834)
Shanghai Institute of Surveying and Mapping (上海市测绘院; 1950 - present)
Chinese Map Publishing House (中华地图学社; 1975 - present)
Shanghai Zhonghua Printing Factory (上海中华印刷厂; 1912 - present)
Bouquet, Raymond (18?? - 19??)
Bonner, William G. (c. 1813 - 1889)
Gray, Vaughn Surber (November 26, 1911 - August 12, 1994)
Graham, William Sutphen (fl. c. 1890 - 1900)
Brault, Louis Désiré Léon (January 7, 1839 - August 27, 1885)
Putsch, Johannes (Bucius) (March 28, 1516 - January 19, 1542)
Ribera y S. Poch, Joaquín (fl. c. 1900 - 1905)
Martí Campaña, Litografía (c. 1887 - 1905)
Sherwood, Neely and Jones (fl c. 1806 - 1824)
Richardson, James Mallcott (1771 - March 3, 1854)
Lubieniecki, Stanislaw (1623 - 1675)
Matías Alonso Criado (1852 - 1922)
Laemmert (1828 - 1909)
Maschek, Eduardo (fl. c. 1860 - 1892)
Giesecke and Devrient (June 1, 1852 - present)
Eastman, Edison C. (c. 1832 - 1911)
Lang, Oliver Howard (c. 1887 - 1934)
Brown, Jay Walton (c. 1913 - 2004)
Pecht, Johann Andreas (1773 - 1852)
Gourné, Pierre Mathias de (Febnruary 23, 1702 - 1770)
Gordon, George Edward (c. 1856 - 1929)
Universal Map Company (fl. c. 1915 - 1965)
Imperial Japanese Army General Staff Office (大日本帝國陸軍参謀本部, initially as 參謀�
Dennys, Nicholas Belfield (January 25, 1839 - December 5, 1900)
H. and C. T. Smith (fl. c. 1855 - 1862)
Literary Maps
Walton, David Smith Walton (May 2, 1816 - May 9, 1889)
BestOPS (Best Stops) Travel Service (fl. 1948 - 1952)
World War II
American Civil War
Hosford and Sons (fl. c. 1851 - 1872)
Lépine, Louis de (fl. 1683 - 1699)
Doane, Lucy H. (December 22, 1908 - May 22, 2010)
Hammerschmidt, Wilhelm (March 3, 1822 - August 26, 1887)
Beato, Antonio (1835 - 1906)
Idemitsu Mamoru (出光衛; 1938 - 1940)
Sakai Kinzaburō (阪井金三郎; fl. c. 1883 - 1886)
Mori Jirō (森治郎; fl. c. 1919 - 1921)
Gabrieli, Mordechai (מרדכי גבריאלי; fl. c. 1952 - 1980)
Moll Art Graphic and Publishing (מול ארט - מפעלים גרפיים והוצאה לאור, ת
Jennings, George Henry (fl. c. 1957 - present)
Landteck, Zacharias (1670 - 1740)
Frémont, John Charles (January 21, 1813 - July 13, 1890)
Beach Products (c. 1940 - 1965)
Roeser, Charles 'Karl' Richard (December 15, 1842 - June 23, 1893)
Keren Hayesod (1920 - present)
Ben-Zvi, Yitzhak (יִצְחָק בֶּן־צְבִי; November 24, 1884 - April 23, 1963)
González, Melitón (1837 - 1913)
Ord, Edward Otho Cresap (October 18, 1818 - July 22, 1883)
Gilman, Ephraim Gilman (July 12, 1778 - February 22, 1853)
al-Ghouri, Ibrahim Hilmi (1925 - 2004; براهيم حلمي الغوري)
Yamamura Seisuke (山村清助; 1847 - 1899)
Pacifico, Pietro Antonio (fl. c. 1680 - 1710)
Waldmire, Robert (April 19, 1945 - December 16, 2009)
Bernard, Jean-Frédéric (1683 - June 27, 1744)
Utagawa Kunitsuru (歌川國鶴; 1807 - 1878)
Loureiro, Adolfo Ferreira (December 12, 1836 - November 22, 1911)
Maruya Tetsujirō (丸屋鉄次郎; fl. c. 1860 - 1890)
Assumpção, António José Saldanha (1850 - 1900)
Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra (1537 - present)
Moss, Donald Francis (January 20, 1920 - May 18, 2010)
Utagawa Hiroshige III (三代目歌川広重; c. 1842 - March 28, 1894)
Arrivet, J. (fl. c. 1737 - 1780)
Japanese-American Prosperity Co., Ltd. (日米興業株式會社; c. 1917 - 1937)
Utagawa Yoshitora (歌川芳虎; fl. c. 1835 - 1882)
McGrew Printing and Lithographing (1890 - c. 1990)
Duvallon, Pierre-Louis Berquin (1769 - 1814)
Gray, Harold Lincoln (January 20, 1894 - May 9, 1968)
Koizumi Kengorō (小泉兼五郎; fl. c. 1860 - 1865)
Fujioka Keijiro (藤岡屋慶次郎; fl. c. 1834 - 1881)
Longe, Francis Bacon (October 31, 1856 - June 2, 1922)
Title Insurance and Trust Company (c. 1886 - 1981)
Blondeau, Alexandre (fl. c. 1799 - 1828)
Tefeyyüz Kitaphanesi (fl. c. 1905 - 1941)
Mehmet Nasrullah (محمد نصرالله; fl. c. 1890 - 1910)
Mahlmann, Heinrich Mahlmann (1812 - December 12, 1848)
Hamm, Wilhelm Philipp Ritter von (July 5, 1820 - November 8, 1880)
Costenoble, Wilheim Hermann (March 20, 1826 - February 25, 1901)
Brockhaus, Friedrich Arnold (May 4, 1772 - August 20, 1823)
Hamlin, Homer (August 27, 1864 - May 14, 1920)
Bie, Otto Norman (September 24, 1859 - July 22, 1930)
Durfee, Lucy (Borden) (January 18, 1821 - July 26, 1890)
Slattery, John R. (January 31, 1877 - September 23, 1932)
West, M. H. (fl. c. 1910 - 1980)
Scheuchzer, Johann Jakob (August 2, 1672 - June 23, 1733)
Charmetant, Félix (June 20, 1844 - July 21, 1921)
Tweedy, Frank (1854 - 1937)
Dill, Harry Palmer (July 11, 1845 - June 14, 1921)
Scallion, Gordon-Michael (September 26, 1942 - 20??)
Conover, William W. (October 2, 1826 - December 18, 1896)
Rikugun Heigakuryō (陸軍兵學寮, Imperial Army Academy; 1871 - 1945)
Habrecht, Isaac II (1589 - 1633)
Villalpando, Juan Batista (1552 - May 22, 1608)
Erlandsen, Oscar (April 7, 1865 - August 17, 1943)
Voeikov, Alexander Ivanovich (Александр Иванович Вое́йков; 1842 - 1916)
Ljungstedt, Carl Olof Axel (October 20, 1865 - September 15, 1949)
Gasser, Achilles Pirmin (November 3, 1505 - December 4, 1577)
Havret, Henri (November 15, 1848 - September 29, 1902)
Xujiahui Library (Zi-Ka-Wei;上海图书馆徐家汇藏书楼; 1847 - present)
Pfister, Aloys (Fei Lai Zhi; 費賴之; April 24, 1833 - May 17, 1891)
Benderitter (fl. c. 1865 - 1918)
Lynde, John L. (fl. c. 1940 - 1975)
Login Printing and Binding (fl. c. 1937 - 1973)
Kanagaki Robun (假名垣魯文; February 2, 1829 - November 8, 1894)
Ōmiya Kyūjirō (近江屋久次郎; fl. c. 1855 - 1894)
Bates, George Tressler (1911 - 1990)
Johnson, Thomas R. (f. c. 1878 - 1890)
Phinn, Thomas (March 1728 - 1771)
Durnford, Elias (June 13, 1739 - June 21, 1794)
Bentley, Charles Raymond (December 23, 1929 - August 19, 2017)
Mahmud Bey Matbaasi (محمود بك مطبعه سى ; fl. c. 1868 - 1928)
National View (fl. c. 1892 - 1897)
Guide Publishing (fl. 1958 - 1963)
Johnston, Harry Hamilton (June 12, 1858 - July 31, 1927)
Connell, Maurice H. (fl. c. 1927 - 1967)
Garris, Milton B. (c. 1897 - 1960)
Burleson, Carl E. (c. 1889 - 1961)
Eaton, Tom (1940 - 2016)
Bond, William A. (November 15, 1849 - June 10, 1943)
Turner, Henry L. (August 26, 1845 - July 12, 1915)
Tsujimoto Kyūbei (辻本九兵衛; fl. c. 1865 - 1911)
Dinsmore, Andrew F. (1843 - 1925)
Eckert Lithographing Company (c. 1907 - 1918)
Mercier, Jacques (19?? - 19??)
Mizuochi Chūjirō (水落忠次郎; fl. c. 1868 - 1911)
Meguro Jūrō (目黒十郎; fl. c. 1877 - 1936)
Heijō Okuda Co. Ltd. (平壤奧田洋行; fl. c. 1920 - 1930)
Lahiff, Henry (April 24, 1868 - February 7, 1954)
Forrest, Sir John (August 22, 1847 - September 2, 1918)
Morimoto Sensuke (森本專助; fl c. 1879 - 1912)
Teall, Russell 'Russ' (c. 1950 - present)
Eckhoff, Emil A. (1850 - 19??)
Riecker, Paul Friedrich (March 2, 1851 - January 31, 1936)
Survey of Egypt (c. 1898 - 1952)
Cheesman, Robert Ernest (October 18, 1878 - February 13, 1962)
Cooper, Richard T. (1884 - 1957)
Kobayashi Kanetaka (小林監峻; fl. c. 1874 - 1904)
Europe Marketing Concept (1991 - present)
Aoki Sukekiyo (青木輔清; fl.c. 1871 - 1906)
Dōmeisha (同盟舎; fl. c. 1874 - 1888)
Hager, Albert David (November 1, 1817 - July 29, 1888)
J. A. and R. A. Reid (September 1874 - 1894)
Casa Grafica (c. 1944 - 2003)
Oficina del Café de Costa Rica (1933 - present)
Arti Grafiche Ricordi (c. 1957 - 2002)
Stanton, Jeffrey (c. 1945 - present)
Harrington, Gerald F. (October 8, 1890 - August 27, 1947)
Chambers, Charles Edward (August 9, 1883 - November 5, 1941)
Wood, Milton Rusling (April 19, 1875 - September 30, 1940)
McCarty, Lea Franklin (1905 - 1960)
Friedenwald, Isaac (July 25, 1831 - March 25, 1904)
Hamilton and Kendrick (1891 - 1903)
Grieve, Harold Walter (February 1, 1901 - November 3, 1993)
Clements, E. F. (c. 1955 - 1972)
Bieder, Max (1906 - 1994)
Müller, J. C. (c. 1908 - 1980)
Pico, Pedro (1810 - 1886)
Heitkamp, Charles Wilhelm (March 21, 1822 - June 1, 1875)
64th Engineer Base Topographic Battalion (fl. c. 1941 - 1971)
Brockway, George Samuel (July 6, 1896 - January 22, 1974)
Zettl, Ludwig (May 5, 1821 - April 14, 1891)
Garneray, Ambroise Louis (February 19, 1783 - September 11, 1857)
Wolf, Peter (June 11, 1918 - May 30, 2005)
Saito Katsuzo (財藤勝藏; fl. c. 1906 - 1928)
Jūjiya (十字屋; fl. c. 1906 - 1933)
Almo Printing (アルモ印刷合資會社; 1901 - 1918)
O'Shaughnessy, Michael Maurice (May 28, 1864 - October 12, 1934)
Halpin Lithograph Company (c. 1914 - 1920)
Nutt, David Samuel Nutt (April 3, 1810 - November 28, 1863)
Jorgensen, Christian August (October 7, 1860 - June 24, 1935)
Henderson, Stuart (19?? - present)
Ashbee, Charles Robert (May 17, 1863 - May 23, 1942)
Hensman, Mary (fl. c. 1890 - 1900)
Tomson, Tommy (1900 - 1986)
Combs, Leslie Gustav (c. 1891 - 1976)
Kier, Giuseppe (fl. 1838 - 1890)
Corning, Amos (17?? - 1837)
Bourne, Emma Cartwright (February 23, 1906 - April 19, 1986)
Roethe, Louis Henry (1860 - 1928)
Elliott, Wallace William (fl. c. 1879 - 1891)
Santa Ana Printing Company (c. 1922 - 1981)
Brook, Herbert (December 31, 1909 - November 2, 1994)
Crawford, Charles G. (c. 1830 - 1907)
Główna Komisja Ścigania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu (1945 - present)
Royal Thai Survey (กรมแผนที่ทหาร; September 3, 1885 - present)
Milheuser, Julius (c. 1611 - 1680)
Calvert, Matthew H. (November 21, 1861 - April 7, 1922)
Shane, Ralph M. (1910 - July 12, 1984)
Pardies, Ignace-Gaston (September 5, 1636 - April 21, 1673)
Clark, Lewis W. (fl. c. 1952 - 2002)
Vallet, Guillaume (December 6, 1632 - January 1, 1704)
Duchange, Gaspard (April 9, 1662 - January 6, 1757)
Straube, Julius (April 12, 1832 - October 24, 1913)
Thurston, Albert G. (c. 1880 - 1930)
Payne, James Henry (1870 - c. 1935)
Billingsley, Harriet Joy (1915 -19??)
Chesser, William Lagrand (1940 - present)
Nahl, Nicholas V. (fl. c. 1922 - 1940)
Hébrard, Ernest (1875 - 1933)
Wittmann, Charles (1876 - 1953)
Ditterline, Theodore R. (December 19, 1816 - March 10, 1883)
Sherman, Ernest A. (c. 1870 - 1917)
Lagos Baeza, Roberto (1860 - 1928)
Impresa generale di affissioni e pubblicità (fl. c. 1901 - 1960)
Kauffman, Orrin Frederick (March 14, 1876 - October 5, 1930)
Fairchild, John F. (c. 1868 - 1943)
Saqr, Abdel Badie (عبد البديع صقر; 1915 - 1986)
Macha Drafting Company (c. 1952 - 1961)
Gulf Publishing Co. (1916 - present)
Marshall, Kenneth Irving (fl. c. 1940 - 1965)
A-to-Z Printing Company (1921 - present)
Litografia Veneziana (fl. c. 1835 - 1901)
Dunham, Helen Hayes (c. 1890 - 1960)
Rosenblum, Richard Irwin (1928 - 2002)
Pinchon, Émile-Joseph Porphyre (April 17, 1871 - June 20, 1953)
Vickroy, James Monroe (September 15, 1847 - October 14, 1913)
Keisai Eisen (渓斎英泉; 1790 - 1848)
Longchamps, Sebastian G. (1718 - 1793)
Chambon, Gobert-Denis (17?? - 1781)
World War I
Shineidō (新栄堂; c. 1859 - 1864)
Service Geográfico del Ejército (1939 - 1998)
Weekend Outdoor Productions (c. 1955 - 1975)
O'Hare, Daniel P. (c. 1866 - April 3, 1921)
Flamsteed, John (August 19, 1646 - December 31, 1719
Bauman Jr., William (1866 - July 16, 1933)
Mynde, James (1702 - 1770)
Montgomerie, Thomas George (April 23, 1830 - January 31, 1878)
Waugh, Andrew Scott (February 3, 1810 - February 21, 1878)
Chisholm, Ivan Alexander (April 21, 1885 - 19??)
Winn, Robert Mullin (September 11, 1888 - May 14, 1969)
Jones, Joseph L. (February 12, 1859 - May 7, 1943)
Yamaguchiya Tōbei (山口屋藤兵衛; fl. c. 1805 - 1895)
Sanoya Kihei (佐野屋喜兵衛; fl. c. 1717 - 1875)
Havell, Daniel (c. 1785 - 1822)
Miller, William Richard Beckford (March 25, 1769 - October 25, 1844)
United States Weather Bureau (1890 - 1970)
Robson, Thomas (fl. c. 1780 - 1790)
Monaghan, William F. (fl. c. 1902 - 1904)
Clavus, Claudius (1388 - 14??)
Cahoon, Guy Forsythe (c. 1899 - 1971)
Pruett, Curtis D. (fl. c. 1925 - 1967)
Thomson, Thomas Kennard (April 25, 1864 - July 1, 1952)
Bunkindō (文錦堂; fl. c. 1790 - 1870)
Claghorn, Kate Holladay (c. 1864 - May 22, 1938)
Bannan, Benjamin (April 22, 1807 - July 29, 1875)
Union Printing Company (1898 - c. 1995)
Smith, Larry (fl. c. 1935 - 1955)
Charpentier, Pierre-Henri (March 6, 1771 - December 25, 1854)
Guia Levi (1897 - 1984)
News-Journal Print Shop (c. 1950 - 1966)
Leno, Ruby D. (March 5, 1915 - March 13, 1990)
Cantemir, Demitrie (October 25, 1673 - August 21, 1723
Tindal, Nicolas (November 25, 1688 - June 24, 1774)
Haydon, John M. (January 27, 1920 - April 18, 1991)
Meddaugh, James Edward (October 19, 1861 - October 26, 1926)
McCarty, Phil S. (fl. c. 1927 - 1950)
Bouchette, Joseph (May 14, 1774 - April 8, 1841)
Coste, Xavier Pascal (November 26, 1787 - February 8, 1879)
Motte, Charles Etienne Pierre (November 2, 1785 - December 5, 1836)
Glazier, Willard Worchester (August 22, 1841 - April 26, 1905)
Keely, Patrick Cokayne (January 14, 1901 - October 26, 1970)
Kohlbrenner, Howard (November 28, 1897 - February 8, 1986)
Sarkisian, Leo (January 4, 1921 - June 8, 2018)
Litografía Arimany (fl. c. 1935 - 1955)
Bennett, Ralph Thomas (July 3, 1914 - July 28, 1962)
Fuchs, Charles (October 28, 1803 - March 5, 1874)
Chromoworks (fl. c. 1917 - 1960)
Lowitz, Georg Maurice (1722 - 1774)
Prairie Farmer (1841 - present)
Mueller, Harold Milton (1905 - 1970)
Holtan, Gene (January 28, 1930 - November 30, 2016)
Shepard, Alfred Day (July 10, 1846 - January 25, 1897)
Hooper, Shadrach Kemp (May 30, 1841 - March 18, 1923)
Caughey, James Harvey Rollin (February 22, 1851 - November 17, 1925)
Joos, George (c. 1841 - 1917)
Yost, Francis Lambert (May 18, 1914 - January 16, 1993)
Pierre, Auguste, S.J. (1856 - 1910)
Larson, Leon William (April 5, 1902 - June 21, 1986)
Sun Sun Co. (新新出版社; fl. c. 1966 - 1980)
Bekins Van Lines (1891 - present)
Charles Graham (1852 - August 9, 1911)
Hunt, C. E. (fl. c. 1941 - 1967)
Slonaker's Printing House (fl. c. 1926 - 1966)
Utagawa Kunisada II (歌川国貞; 1823 - July 20, 1880)
Booth, Phillips Dudley (September 24, 1900 - January 14, 1983)
Deventer, Jacob Van (c. 1500 / 1505 - 1575)
Böhme, August Gottlob (1719 - 1797)
Regional Plan of New York and Environs (1922 - present)
Korn, Carl Gotthilf Wilhelm (fl. c. 1850 - 1871)
Hétreau, Rémy (January 31, 1913 - November 28, 2001)
Naymiller, Filippo (fl. c. 1840 - 1890)
Brunacci, Francesco (September 19, 1640 - November 6, 1703)
Hubei Official Bookshop (湖北官書局;1864 - 1912)
Kasprzykiewicz, Feliks Julian (1840 - 1915)
George Lily (???? - 1559)
Papelaria Brazileira (c. 1920 - 1936)
Abd al-Mutalib ibn Ghalib ibn Musa‘ad (1790 - January 29, 1880; عبد المطلب بن غالب
Kulacz, Emil E. (October 26, 1920 - August 27, 1995)
Gorjão, Manuel Rafael (April 24, 1846 - September 22, 1918)
Capelo, Hermenegildo (February 4, 1841 - May 4, 1917)
Ivens, Roberto (June 12, 1850 - January 28, 1898)
Howe, Eugene C. (May 26, 1866 - July 11, 1932)
Allied Printing Trades Association (c. 1893 - present)
Nisbet, John McHenry, Jr. (fl. c. 1960 - 1970)
Mühendislikhane-i Berrî-i Hümâyûn (مهندسخانۂ برئ همايون; 1795 - 1883)
Maarif-i Umumiye Nezareti (1857 - November 4, 1922)
Angelocrator, Daniel. (October 19, 1569 - July 30, 1635)
Zhang Wen-you (张文佑; August 31, 1909 - February 11, 1985)
Sciences Press (科学出版社; 1954 - present)
Unsen (雲仙, written as 雲僊; fl. c. 1873 - 1875)
Dressen, Louis (19?? - 1972)
Rigotti, Victor J. (September 5, 1916 - January 22, 1994)
Egyptian Supervision of Public Works (1857 - 1914) (نِظَارَة الأشغال العمومية
National Printing Press of Egypt (1820 - present) (المطبعه الأهليه)
Prestele, Franz Joseph Ulrich. (1796 - March 9, 1867)
Cumine, Henry Monsel (甘克明; July 7, 1882 - July 20, 1951)
Bonaparte, Louis Lucien (January 4, 1813 - November 3, 1891)
Falkner, Thomas (October 6, 1707 - January 30, 1784)
Jacob, Nicolas-Henri (June 6, 1782 - January 31, 1871)
Bourgery, Jean-Marc (May 19, 1797 - June, 1849)
Crochard, Nicolas (May 11, 1772 - May 18, 1839)
Menetrier, Imprimerie de F. (c. 1872 - 1900)
Le Petit Journal (1863 - 1944)
Schiller, Julius (c. 1580 - 1627)
Depree, George Charles (c. 1832 - 1887)
Siebert, Selmar (September 4, 1808 - September 1885)
Bonfrère, Jacques (April 12, 1573 - May 9, 1642)
Jordan, Wilhelm (March 1, 1842 - April 17, 1899)
Müller, Angelikus Maria (Myller;???? - 1734)
Shury, John (fl. c. 1801 - 1848)
Patterson, Russell (December 26, 1893 - March 17, 1977)
Gilmer, Jeremy Francis (February 23, 1818 - December 1, 1883)
IDF History Department (1952 - present ; המחלקה להיסטוריה צה'ל)
Photo Offset United Artists Ltd. (fl. c. 1946 - 1970 ; פוטו אופסט אמנים מאוחדים
Ruch (1918 - present)
Straszewiczów Photo-Offset Graphics Plant (Foto-Offset Zakład Graficzny Straszewiczów; fl. c. 193
Bouttats, Gaspar (1634 -????)
American Revolutionary War
Streit, Friedrich Wilhelm (January 29, 1772 - June 12, 1839)
Hinrichs, Johann Conrad (October 30, 1763 - September 22, 1813)
Utagawa Hiroshige II (二代目 歌川広重; 1826 - September 17, 1869)
Charpentier, Étienne (August 13, 1704 - April 8, 1793)
Liebenow, Johannes Wilhelm (October 13, 1822 - July 21, 1897)
Berliner Lithographisches Institut (fl. c. 1850 - 1958)
Dávalos y Spínola, Jaime Miguel de Guzmán (January 1, 1690 - January 25, 1767)
Mudie, Robert (June 28, 1777 - April 29, 1842)
Donovan, Charles John (fl. c. 1878 - 1908)
Laidlaw, James S. (c. 1828 - c. 1902)
Daikokuya Kinnosuke (大黒屋金之助; fl. c. 1853 - 1879)
Van der Doort, Paulus (fl. c. 1590 - 1610)
Khunrath, Heinrich (c. 1560 - September 9, 1605)
Holbrook, George Papps (1770 - March 18, 1832)
Bullock, William (January 12, 1797 - March 7, 1874)
Baillie, James Smith (fl. c. 1838 - 1855)
Bucholaer, H. (fl. c. 1843 - 1847)
Vohsen, Ernst (April 19, 1853 - June 1919)
Klimesch, F. (fl. c. 1918 - 1919)
Brooks, Edmund (March 8, 1879 - December 20, 1916)
Algoet, Lieven (c. 1480 - January 25, 1547)
L'Institut Géographique du Congo (1949 - present)
Tschudi, Erwin (February 13, 1908 - November 21, 1994)
Kuniteru II (二代目 歌川国輝; c. 1830 - December 15, 1874)
Iseya Kanekichi (伊勢屋兼吉; c. 1837 - 1875)
Yorozuya Magobē (萬屋孫兵衛; fl. c. 1867 - 1876)
Williamson, James Alexander (February 8, 1829 - September 7, 1902)
Hoempler Urban, Karl Emil Cuno (January 29, 1864 - December 15, 1936)
Wailly, Charles de (November 9, 1730 - November 2, 1798)
Gayer, Eugene Henry (December 31, 1910 - September 21, 1983)
Milne, William Charles (美魏茶; April 22, 1815 - May 25, 1863)
Levanto, Francesco Maria (fl. 1640 - 1664)
Portillo Silva, Pedro (August 1, 1856 - June 15, 1916)
Roberts, David (October 24, 1796 - November 25, 1864)
Riley, Sharon Lee (December 12, 1950 - January 12, 2020)
Inoue Yasuji (井上安治; 1864 - September 14, 1889)
Matsuki Heikichi (松木平吉; 1717 - 1931)
Gyer, Jane Elizabeth (June 13, 1925 - June 1, 2004)
Barreau, L. (fl. c. 1865 - 1870)
Kunisada III (三代目 歌川国貞; 1848 - October 26, 1920)
Butler, Benjamin Clapp (April 20, 1820 - November 16, 1882)
Harmon, Lloyd Valensky (December 15, 1891 - June 7, 1980)
Damp, Charles Theodore (February 17, 1899 - January 18, 1994)
Doyen, Michele (1809 - 1861)
Seitosha (正統社; fl. 1930 - 1949)
Ashizawa Keigo (芦沢馨吾; fl. c. 1930 - 1949)
Huot, Victor (August 26, 1867 - April 28, 1915)
Créqui-Montfort, Henri Georges de (September 27, 1877 - April 4, 1966)
Daniela Dinah Passal (March 20, 1932 - May 12, 2005)
Stern, Moïse (1826 - 1915)
Gendron, Pedro (fl. 1750 - 1760)
Bermann, Jeremias (1770 - January 2, 1855)
Wizani, Johann Friedrich (September 9, 1770 - September 13, 1838)
Suharaya Ichibei (須原屋市兵衛; c. 1762 - 1823)
Taylor, Seymour Stillman (May 6, 1914 - March 7, 1977)
Barnard, George Norman (December 23, 1819 - February 4, 1902)
Gibson, James F. (1828/29 - unknown)
Gardner, Alexander (October 17, 1821 - December 10, 1882)
Winters, Raymond Philip (1892 - 1939)
Cabrer, Jose Maria (1761 - 1836)
Schlensker, Henry Gerhardt (April 12, 1914 - February 13, 1997)
Probst, Johann Michael (the Younger; 1757 - 1809)
Case, Francis M. (June 22, 1822 - December 12, 1892)
Pillsbury, Arthur Clarence (October 9, 1870 - March 5, 1946)
Corley, Carl Vernon (December 8, 1921 - November 3, 2016)
Heywood, Peter (June 6, 1772 - February 10, 1831)
Gowans, Fred Ross (July 4, 1936 - December 7, 2023)
Hendges, Matthew (1852 - February 5, 1932)
Labrum, Victor Charles (June 14, 1887 - March 8, 1964)
Blanton, Virginia Tison (Hilsman) (May 15, 1897 - February 22, 1983)
Blanton, Jacob Alexander, Jr. (September 17, 1921 - July 9, 2013)
Roze, Jānis (1878 - May 1942)
Litogrāfija Varavīksna (fl. c. 1930 - 1940)
Hill, George W. (1828 - September 23, 1912)
De Witt, Frederic M. (fl. c. 1890 - 1930)
Diggers, The (fl. c. 1966 - 1970)
Murphy, Priscilla (fl. c. 1950 - 2000)
Bast, Pieter Jacobsz (1569 - 1605)
Huys, Frans (1600 - 1661)
Lobeck, Armin Kohl (1886 - 1958)
Lea, Philip (1660 - 1700)
French and Indian War
Navy Records Society (1893 - present)
Homewood, Thomas (September 21, 1806 - November 20, 1885)
Plovich, Vedastus du (fl. 1641 - 1660)
Foster and Kleiser (1901 - present)
Jylbert (fl. c. 1934 - c. 1956)
Hong Kong / Macao
Eastern Hemisphere
Suwerkrop, John P. (fl. c. 1877 - 1883)
Tempel, Guglielmo (December 4, 1821 - March 16, 1889)
Cappiardi, Angiolo (17?? - 18??)
Delagrive, Jean (1689 - April 18, 1757)
Münster, H. F. (fl. c. 1850 - 1880)
Orosz, István (October 24, 1951 - present)
Lotharingia, Paulus a (fl. c. 1750 - 1760)
Vadian, Joachim von Watte (November 29, 1484 - April 6, 1551)
Naya, Carlo (August 2, 1816 - May 30, 1882)
GiG (1968 - 2006)
Sédille, Jules (fl. 1861 - 1890)
Bachatly, Charles (1909 - 1957)
Société d'Archéologie Copte (1934 - present)
La Touanne, Edmond Bigot de (May 3, 1796 - October 27, 1863)
Senefelder, Clemens Joseph Johannes (April 5, 1788 - April 18, 1833)
Levrault, François Georges (March 21, 1722 - April 22, 1798)
Villot, Jean-Nicolas (May 14, 1782 - April 7, 1857)
Robins, James (fl. c. 1816 - 1835)
Núñez, Ignacio (1792 - 1846)
Pšenka, Rudolf Jaromír (March 21, 1875 - December 23, 1939)
Kishida Ginkō (岸田吟香; 1833 - June 7, 1905)
The Record Company (October 21, 1894 - present)
Franklin Square Lithographic (fl. c. 1883 - 1886)
Garner, William 'Bill' (August 7, 1935 - July 21, 2015)
Wunderlich, Dirk (1947 -????)
Kaiser, Alexander (February 26, 1819 - October 25, 1872)
Neumann, L.T. (fl. c. 1845 - 1855)
Klettner, Edgar (fl. c. 1950 - 1997)
Livraria do Globo (1883 - 2007)
de' Musi, Agostino (c. 1490 - c. 1540)
La Douceur, Moise Harry (1872 - 1940)
Handy, Raymond De Witt (August 21, 1877 - May 24, 1959)
Podwal, Mark Howard (June 8, 1945 - September 13, 2024)
Cöntgen, Georg Joseph (May 17, 1752 - January 28, 1799)
Therbu, Laurids de (17?? -????)
Farlati, Daniele (February 22, 1690 - April 25, 1773)
Matsumoto Nikichi (松本仁吉; fl. c. 1892 - 1897)
Shimizu Tsunetaro (清水常太郎; fl. c. 1892 - 1897)
Klein, David (February 13, 1918 - December 9, 2005)
Arkstée, Johann Caspar (c. 1700 - c. 1782)
Merkus, Henricus (1714 - 1774)
Melville, Grevis Whitaker (1904 - 1996)
Pivati, Gianfrancesco (1689 - 1764)
Luria, Ben-Zion (בן-ציון לוריא; April 4, 1905 - April 4, 2002)
Tourist News Press (c. 1922 - 1926)
Kiryat Sefer Publishing (1933 - present; קריית ספר)
Schreyvogel, Charles (January 4, 1861 - January 27, 1912)
Florida Grower (1908 - present)
Benvenisti, David (January 25, 1897 - May 16, 1993; דוד בנבנשתי)
Pikowski, Michael (מיכאל פיקובסקי; June 7, 1866 - October 21, 1943)
Degler, Johan (1666 - 1729)
Montalegre, Joseph von (fl. 1702 - 1718)
Stridbeck, Johann the Younger (1665 - 1714)
Bodenehr, Gabriel the Elder (1664 - 1758)
Johann Christian Marchand (1680 Dresden - 1711 Nürnberg)
Mahmoud Bey al-Falaky (محمود حمدي الفلكي ; 1885 - 1815)
Culverwell, Tom Speiden (October 28, 1901 - March 3, 1977)
Petrini, Paolo (c. 1670 - 1722)
Van Oss, Salomon Frederik (April 10, 1868 - January 31, 1949)
Israel American Offset Printing Co. Ltd. (c. 1953 - 1970; חברת ישראל-אמריקה להדפ�
Desbarats, George-Édouard-Amable (April 5, 1838 - February 18, 1893)
Dutreuil de Rhins, Jules-Léon (January 2, 1846 - June 5, 1894)
Gensan Mainichi Shimbun (元山毎日新聞; c. 1907 - 1945)
Deharme, Louis-François (17?? - 17??)
Gisborne, Frederic Newton (March 8, 1824 - August 30, 1892)
Hill, Albert James (April 7, 1836 - November 26, 1918)
Ledru, André-Pierre (January 22, 1761 - 1825)
Ehnlich, C. (fl. c. 1805 - 1820)
Gibert-Clarey (1873 - present)
Imprimerie J. Brinkmann (1857 - 1940; 1946 - 1953)
Davies, Henry Rodolph (September 21, 1865 - January 4, 1950)
Bailey, Sarah F. (October 27, 1846 - 19??)
Jones, Alfred T. (July 4, 1822 - October 3, 1888)
Carriat-Rolant, Gabriel (fl. c. 1935 - 1955)
Spamer, Johann Christian Gottlieb Franz Otto (August 29, 1820 - November 27, 1886)
Corbin, C. J. (fl. c. 1870 - 1890)
Griswold, Norman Whitmore (November 25, 1843 - December 1, 1904)
Wyttenbach, Emmanuel (1842 - 19??)
Artes Gráficas Grijelmo (fl. c. 1930 - 1970)
Hyatt, Cornelius (October 10, 1831 - January 2, 1904)
Bellier, A. (fl. c. 1871 - 1895)
Lenepveu, Auguste-Victor (July 21, 1852 - 19??)
Chevalier, Armand Le (December 15, 1802 - October 10, 1873)
Brosius, Herman (April 8, 1851 - February 18, 1917)
Belgrano, Giovanni Maria (fl. 1680 - 1688)
Derfelden van Hinderstein, Gijsbert Franco Baron von (July 12, 1783 - May 17, 1857)
Hawkins, Joseph Washburn (November 8, 1882 - December 10, 1951)
Orléans, Louis-Philippe-Albert d', Comte de Paris (August 24, 1838 - September 8, 1894)
Hofmann Brothers (Gebrüder Hofmann; 1970 - 2004)
Lévy, Michel (1821 - May 4, 1875)
Harris, Caleb (August 9, 1739 - January 16, 1812)
Harris, Harding (September 12, 1768 - March 20, 1808)
Humphrys, Francis (1813 - May 14, 1854)
Ewin, Louie H. (1908 - 1983)
McCormick-Armstrong Co. (1901 - 2019)
Alseth, Fredric Orval (February 26, 1924 - November 29, 2006)
Massaloup, Joseph Vinel (April 24, 1809 - 18??)
Fisher Printing Co. (c. 1966 - 2023)
Venegas, Miguel (1680 - 1764)
Burriel y López, Andrés Marcos (November 19, 1719 - June 19, 1762)
Samārah, Yūsuf (1912 - 19??)
Macrobius, Ambrosius Theodosius (c. 370 - 430)
Reizenstein, Ludwig von (July 14, 1826 - August 19, 1885)
Eddy, William Mathewson (August 10, 1818 - March 10, 1854)
Monecke, C. (fl. c. 1850 - 1860)
Hawkins, Edward Meredith Hawkins (June 14, 1909 - March 31, 1981)
Armitage, George Thomas (September 7, 1891 - November 6, 1966)
Sawamuraya Seikichi (沢村屋清吉; c. 1855 - 1903)
Belgaryan, Grigor (19?? - present)
Bigelow, William Frederick (August 14, 1879 - March 6, 1966)
Brown, Glen Francis (December 14, 1911 - February 27, 2001)
White Mountain Graphics (1978 - present)
Lloyd, Bartholomew Frederick (fl. c. 1841 - 1849)
Sigüenza y Góngora, Carlos de (August 15, 1645 - August 22, 1700)
Colin, Armand Auguste (August 31, 1842 - June 18, 1900)
Cuevas Aguirre y Espinosa, Joseph Francisco de (1679 - 1759)
Poveda, Rosa Maria Teresa de (c. 1710 - 1755)
Bartolomeo, John Louis (September 25, 1923 - April 4, 2012)
Survey of Kenya (1903 - present)
Ides, Eberhard Isbrand (1657 - 1708)
Le Cointe, Paul Georges Aimé (September 24, 1870 - February 3, 1956)
Wilkins, George Hubert (October 31, 1888 - November 30, 1958)
Ring, George (July 4, 1865 - November 23, 1932)
Kling Lithographing (1907 - 1916)
Falls, Frederick W. (April 4, 1872 - July 13, 1934)
Shijie Shuju (上海世界書局; 1916 - present)
Mége, Luciano (fl. 1843 - 1862)
Quinn, Charles Russell (June 20, 1907 - December 19, 1988)
Presdee and Edwards (fl. c. 1852 - 1855)
Ries, Ella Karolyn (fl. c. 1930 - 1935)
Gillespie, Marguerite L. (1892 - October 16, 1976)
Abert, John James (September 17, 1788 - January 27, 1863)
Powell, Levin Mynn (April 8, 1798 - January 15, 1885)
Bachia, Richard Augustus (1824 - December 1869)
Elder, Arthur John (Mach 28, 1872 - June 28, 1948)
Hubbard, Alva Traver 'Ted' (1899 - 1989)
Candrian, Bertha Wilhemina (née Harry; October 2, 1862 - March 14, 1944)
Roggeveen, Arent (1658 - November 27, 1679)
Goos, Pieter (1616 - 1675)
Helguera Arand, León (June 28, 1899 - September 1970)
Cuellar, Rodolfo Ojeda (November 23, 1950 - present)
1904 USGS Geologic Map of Norris Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park
1904 USGS Topographic Map of Mammoth Springs Travertine Terraces, Yellowstone National Park
1904 USGS Geologic Map of Ishawooa, Yellowstone National Park
1904 USGS Topographic Map of Crandall, Yellowstone National Park
1912 Century Map of Yates County, New York
1957 U.S. Air Force Aeronautical Map of Yap Island, Caroline Islands, Pacific
1873 Beers Map of the Hamptons, Long Island, New York
1912 Century Map of Wyoming County, New York
1852 Meyer Map or Chart of the Winds
1728 Van Keulen Map of Elevations on the Western Coast of Sumatra, Indonesia
1883 Stemler Topographical and Geological Atlas of western Sumatra, Indonesia
1794 Wilkinson Map of Westphalia, Germany
1793 Wilkinson Map of Westphalia, Germany
1835 Bradford Map of West Indies
1879 Warren Map of the Western Hemisphere
1812 Pinkerton Map of the Western Hemisphere (North America and South America)
1827 Finley Map of the Western Hemisphere (North America, South America)
1835 Bradford Map of the Western Hemisphere (North America, South America)
1844 Flemming Map of the Western Hemisphere or South and North America
1858 Colton's Map of the Western Hemisphere
1879 Warren Map of Western Europe: Spain, Portugal, France, Holland, Belgium
1851 Tallis and Rapkin Map of Western Australia
1959 U.S. Air Force Aeronautical Map of Northern Sumatra, Indonesia
1912 Century Map of Wayne County, New York
1872 Walling Map of Washington and Oregon
1912 Century Map of Washington County, New York
1866 U. S. Coast Survey Map or Chart of the Warren River, Rhode Island
1865 Johnson Map of Washington, Oregon & Minnesota
1956 U.S. Air Force Aeronautical Chart or Map of Wake Island, Pacific Ocean
1874 Mitchell Map of New Hampshire and Vermont
1862 Johnson Map of Vermont and New Hampshire
1852 Levassuer Map of the Department Des Vosges, France
1852 Levasseur Map of the Department De La Vienne, France
1851 Tallis and Rapkin Map of Victoria, Australia (with Gold Deposits)
1865 Madeleine Map Pocket Map of Vichy, France
1871 Kellogg and Pilat Map or Plan of Herald Square, New York City
1871 Kellogg and Pilat Map or Plan of Greeley Square Park, New York City
1887 Tunison Map of Vermont and New Hampshire
1892 Colton Pocket Map of Vermont and New Hampshire
1809 Nautical Chart or Map of the Harbor of Veracruz, Mexico
1867 Mitchell Map of Colombia, Venezuela, Guiana, Peru, Ecuador, and Argentina
1854 Mitchell Map of Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador
1856 Colton Map of Columbia, Venezuela and Ecuador
1861 Johnson Map of Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Guiana
1863 Johnson Map of Venezuela, Peru, Bolivia, Columbia and Ecuador
1816 Thomson Map of Venice and Environs, Northern Italy
1852 Levasseur Map of the Department De La Vendee, France (Fiefs Vend�ens Wine)
1892 Rand McNally Map of the United States showing Density of Population
1794 Wilkinson Map of Upper Saxony, Germany
1793 Wilkinson Map of the Upper Rhine, Lower Rhine and Franconia, Germany
1827 Finley Map of the United States
1851 Black Map of the United States
1846 Mitchell Map of the United States
1886 Graf Map of the United States
1843 Gilbert Map of the United States
1850 Cruchley Map of the United States
1849 Colton Map of United States (Texas at Fullest) (First Edition) (Gold Rush)
1844 Black Map of the United States
1871 Crofutt View of Union Pacific Railroad Main Depot at Omaha, Nebraska
1958 U.S. Air Force Aeronautical Map of Ulithi Atoll, Caroline Islands, Pacific
1726 Valentijn Map of East Java, Indonesia
1860 Dufour Map of Turkey in Asia
1852 Vuillemin Map of Turkey in Europe and Greece
1855 Colton Map of Turkey in Europe, Macedonia, and the Balkans
1828 Arrowsmith Map of Northern Turkey in Europe
1878 Migeon Map of Turkey in Asia
1850 Mitchell - Mitchell Map of Turkey in Asia
1852 Lavasseur Map of Turkey in Asia
1827 Finley Map of Turkey in Asia, Iraq and Israel - Palestine
1851 Black Map of Turkey in Asia
1854 Mitchell Map of Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and the Holy Land
1836 S.D.U.K. Map of Tunisia and Tripoli, Barbary Coast, Northern Africa
1840 S.D.U.K. Map or City Plan of Toulon, France
1924 Imperial Japanese Railway Map of Ching-Tao or Qingdao or Tsingtao, China
1844 S.D.U.K. Map of the Coast of Egypt and Tripoli (Libya) in North Africa
1837 S.D.U.K. Map of Tripoli, Libya on the Barbary Coast, Northern Africa
1775 Mannevillette Map of Trincomalee, Ceylon or Sri Lanka
1590 Adrichem Map of the Tribe of Simeon, Israel (South of Canaan)
1590 Adrichem Map of Tribe of Naphtali, Israel (Sea of Galilee, Golan Heights)
1590 Adrichem Map of Tribe of Asher, Israel (Western Galilee, Mount Hermon)
1709 De L'isle Topographical Map of the Diocese of Senlis, France
1930s Japanese Panoramic Map of Tokaido, Japan (showing Mt. Fuji and Tokyo)
1849 Meyer Map of Thuringia (The Thuringian States), Germany
1770 Delisle de Sales Map of the Retreat of the Ten Thousand Greeks
1876 Walker Map of Tenafly, Palisade, New Jersey
1903 Dodd, Mead and Co. Map of Tasmania, Australia
1888 Encyclopedia Britannica Map of Tasmania, Australia
1953 U.S. Air Force Aeronautical Chart or Map of Tamgak Mountains, Agadez, Niger
1924 Imperial Japanese Railway Map of the Yunnan and Sichuan Province, China
1851 Tallis and Rapkin Map of Syria
1794 Wilkinson Map of Switzerland
1852 Vuillemin Map of Switzerland
1892 Rand McNally Map of Switzerland
1854 Mitchell Map of Switzerland
1853 Mitchell Map of Switzerland
1843 Malte-Brun Map of Switzerland
1828 Malte-Brun Map of Switzerland
1846 Lowenberg Whimsical Map of Switzerland
1864 Johnson Map of Switzerland
1863 Johnson Map of Switzerland
1861 Johnson Map of Switzerland
1835 Hall Map of Switzerland
1827 Finley Map of Switzerland
1832 Delamarche Map of Switzerland
1850 Cruchley Map of Switzerland
1856 Colton Map of Switzerland
1782 Bonne Map of Switzerland
1851 Black Map of Switzerland
1844 Black Map of Switzerland
1840 Black Map of Switzerland
1814 Thomson Map of Switzerland with View of Mont Blanc
1828 Malte-Brun Map of Sweden and Norway
1846 Lowenberg Whimsical Map of Scandinavia
1856 Colton Map of Sweden and Norway
1844 Black Map of Sweden and Norway (Scandinavia)
1754 Gabriel Ramirez Diagram of a Sundial
1797 Laurie and Whittle Nautical Map of the West Coast of Sumatra, Indonesia
1874 Tardieu Map of Scandinavia (Sweden and Norway)
1862 Perthes map of South America
1892 Rand McNally Map or Plan of St. Joseph, Missouri
1858 Valentine View of Quarantine Buildings, Staten Island, New York
1849 Meyer Map of Spain and Portugal
1791 Wilkinson Map of Spain and Portugal
1852 Vuillemin Map of Spain and Portugal
1892 Rand McNally Map of Spain and Portugal
1854 Mitchell Map of Spain and Portugal
1846 Lowenberg Whimsical Map of Spain and Portugal
1864 Johnson Map of Spain and Portugal
1861 Johnson Map of Spain and Portugal
1783 Janvier Map of Spain and Portugal
1775 Janvier Map of Spain and Portugal
1862 Johnson Map of Spain and Portugal
1835 Hall Map of Spain and Portugal
1827 Finely Map of Spain and Portugal
1850 Delamarche Map of Spain and Portugal
1850 Cruchley Map of Spain and Portugal
1845 Chambers Map of Spain and Portugal
1887 Bradley Map of Spain and Portugal
1851 Black Map of Spain and Portugal
1844 Black Map of Spain and Portugal
1828 Arrowsmith Map of Spain and Portugal
1864 Mitchell Map of France, Spain and Portugal
1843 Malte-Brun Map of Ancient Spain
1850 Mitchell Map of Spain and Portugal
1747 Bowen Map of Southwest Germany with France and Luxemburg
1853 Perthes Map of Southwestern Germany and Switzerland
1867 Hughes Map of Southern Italy in Antiquity
1822 Butler Map of South Italy
1828 Arrowsmith Map of Southern Greece
1835 Bradford Map of Southern Europe
1835 Bradford Map of Southern Asia (Arabia, China, India, Korea, East Indies)
1854 Perthes Map of Southeastern Germany.
1780 Bonne Map of Northern South America: Columbia, Venezuela, Brazil
1873 Stieler Map of the Southern part of South America
1864 Mitchell Map of Brazil, Bolivia and Chili
1879 Warren Map of South America
1818 Pinkerton Map of South America
1872 Mitchell Map of South America
1866 Mitchell Map of South America
1860 Mitchell Map of South America
1854 Mitchell Map of South America
1828 Malte-Brun Map of South America
1846 Lowenberg Whimsical Map of South America
1865 Johnson Map of South America
1835 Hall Map of South America
1827 Finley Map of South America
1858 Colton Map of South America
1845 Chambers Map of South America
1887 Bradley Map of South America
1852 Bocage Map of South America
1851 Black Map of South America
1844 Black Map of South America
1852 Levasseur Map of the Department De La Somme, France
1736 Owen / Bowen Map of Somersetshire w/ Road Map: Chester to Cardiff on verso
1851 U.S. Coast Survey Map of New Jersey, Long Island and New York
1751 Vaugondy Map of the Northern Portions of Upper Saxony, Germany
1704 De L'isle Map of Swabia, Germany
1752 Vaugondy Map of the Northern Part of Austria
1780 Raynal and Bonne Map of Northern Brazil
1750 Bellin Map of the Senegal
1956 U.S. Air Force Aeronautical Map of Middle Natuna Archipelago, Indonesia
1852 Levasseur Map of the Department De La Seine Inferieure, France
1852 Meyer Map of the Black Sea and Adjacent Countries
1815 Thomson Map of Southern Scotland
1818 Pinkerton Map of Southern Scotland
1818 Pinkerton Map of Northern Scotland
1854 Mitchell Map of Scotland
1860 Philip Map of Scotland (2 parts)
1843 Malte-Brun Map of Scotland
1828 Malte-Brun Map of Scotland
1851 Black Map of Northern Scotland
1690 Coronelli Map of Southern Scotland (Edinburgh and Glasgow)
1849 Meyer Map of Switzerland
1849 Meyer Map of Scandinavia (Sweden, Norway and Denmark)
1852 Meyer Map of Sweden
1849 Meyer Map of Scotland
1854 Spruner Map of Scandinavia under Fredrikshamn Treaty
1827 Finley Map of Scandinavia: Norway, Sweden, Denmark
1831 Delamarche Map of Scandinavia: Sweden, Norway, Denmark
1852 Levasseur Map of the Department De La Sarthe, France
1794 Wilkinson Map of Sardinia dn Piedmont, Italy
1849 Meyer Map of the Province of Saxony, Germany
1852 Meyer Map of Russia in Asia or Siberia
1757 Vaugondy Map of Northern European Russia (Russia, Latvia, Estonia)
1783 Janvier Map of Western Russia
1887 Bradley Map of European Russia, Scandinavia, Holland, Belgium and Denmark.
1873 Stieler Map of Northern Russia
1827 Delamarche Map of European Russia
1846 Mitchell Map of European Russia, Scandinavia, Denmark, Holland and Belgium
1811 Pinkerton Map of European Russia
1828 Malte-Brun Map of Russia in Europe
1858 Colton Map of Russia and Eastern Europe
1873 Stieler Map of Central Russia
1853 Mitchell Map of Russia in Asia and Tartary
1864 Mitchell Map of Russia, Scandinavia, Denmark, Holland and Belgium
1854 Mitchell Map of Russia
1843 Malte-Brun Map of European Russia
1865 Johnson Map of Russia
1827 Finley Map of Russia
1850 Cruchley Map of European Russia
1822 Butler Map of Russia
1844 Black Map of European Russia
1710 Delisle Map of Denmark
1753 Vaugondy Map of England and Wales
1853 U.S. Coast Survey Map of Romer and Flynn's Shoals, Coney Island, New York
1852 Dufour Map of Spain under the Roman Empire
1873 Beers Map of Far Rockaway, Queens, New York City
1826 Finley Comparative Map of the Principle Rivers of the World
1954 U.S. Air Force Aeronautical Chart or Map of Rio Nhamunda, Brazil
1953 U.S. Air Force Aeronautical Chart or Map of Rio Jamachim, Para, Brazil
1957 U.S. Air Force Aeronautical Chart or Map of Rio Itacaiunas, Para, Brazil
1862 Johnson Map of Richmond, Virginia and Vicinity (Peninsular Campaign)
1747 La Feuille Map of Alsace, France
1794 Wilkinson Map of Upper Rhine, Lower Rhine and Franconia, Germany
1925 Suder Panoramic Map of Middle Rhine, Germany
1988 U.S. Geological Survey Map or Photomosaics of Rhea, Moon of Saturn
1988 U.S. Geological Survey Image Map of Rhea, Moon of Saturn
1756 Vaugondy Map of Switzerland
1890 Bartholomew Map of Queensland and South Australia, Australia
1862 Johnson Map of Ontario and Quebec, Canada
1852 Levasseur Map of Department Des Pyrenees Orientales, France (Muscat Wine)
1852 Blackwood Map of part of the Pyrenees Moutains
1852 Levasseur Map of the Department Du Puy de Dome, France
1854 Mitchell Map of Prussia
1843 Malte-Brun Map of Prussia, Germany
1828 Malte-Brun Map of Prussia or Northern Germany
1846 Lowenberg Whimsical Map of Prussia
1845 Chambers Map of Prussia, Germany
1844 Black Map of Prussia
1791 Bocage Map of the Propylaea, Ancient Greece
1775 Rizzi-Zannoni Map Northern Portugal - Oporto
1835 Hall Map of Portugal
1811 Cary Map of the Kingdom of Portugal
1872 Mitchell Map of Australia and Polynesia
1864 Mitchell Map of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland
1660 Blaeu Map of Picardy, France
1955 U.S. Air Force Aeronautical Chart or Map of the Piaui Range, Brazil
1787 Bocage Map of Phocis and Doris, Ancient Greece
1828 Smith View of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1854 Mitchell Map of Peru and Bolivia
1856 Colton Map of Peru and Bolivia
1850 Mitchell Map of Persia, Arabia and Afghanistan
1823 Manuscript Map of Persia in Antiquity (Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan)
1780 Raynal and Bonne Map of Peru
1827 Finley Map of Pennsylvania
1867 Beers Map of Peekskill, Westchester, New York
1712 De L'Isle Map of the southern Picardy, France (Maroilles Cheese Region)
1791 Bocage Plan of the Temple of Theseus and the Parthenon, Ancient Greece
1955 U.S. Air Force Aeronautical Map of the Parece Vela Reef, Philippines
1823 Manuscript Map of Palestine or Holy Land in Antiquity
1850 Cowperthwait - Mitchell Map of Pennsylvania
1912 Century Map of Orleans County, New York
1912 Century Map of Orange County, New York
1878 Migeon Map of the Oran Province, Algeria
1912 Century Map of Oneida County, New York
1780 Bocage Map of Olympia or Olympus, Ancient Greece
1852 Levasseur Map of the Department De L'Oise, France
1846 Burrows - Mitchell Map of Ohio
1850 Mitchell Map of Ohio
1874 Tardieu Map of Australia and the Pacific Ocean
1850 Delamarche Map of Australia and Polynesia
1852 Bocage Map of Australia and Polynesia
1866 Rand McNally Map of Australia and Polynesia
1957 U.S. Army Air Forces Aeronautical Chart or Map of Parts of Sudan and Egypt
1835 Hall Map of Nubia and Abyssinia (Sudan and Ethiopia)
1832 S.D.U.K. Map of Nova Scotia, Canada
1876 Walker Map of Norwood, Hillsdale & the Palisade Land Co.,New Jersey
1851 Black Map of Norway and Sweden (Scandinavia)
1887 Tunison Map of Northwestern Africa (Algeria, Tunis, Morocco)
1754 Gabriel Ramirez Map of Scandinavia and the Northeast Passage
1876 Migeon Map of North Italy
1867 Hughes Map of Northern Italy in Antiquity
1747 Bowen Map of Northern Italy with a Nautical Chart of Livorno
1868 Beers Map of Hempstead, Long Island, New York
1855 Colton Map of Northern Italy
1835 Bradford Map of Northern Europe
1818 Pinkerton Map of Northern Africa and the Mediterranean
1835 Hall Map of Northern Africa
1835 Bradford Map of Northern Africa
1794 Wilkinson Map of Northeast Italy and the Estates of Venice
1853 Perthes Map of Northeastern Germany and Prussia
1891 Rand McNally Map of North Dakota
1772 Vaugondy - Diderot Map of Asia and the Northeast Passage
1849 Meyer Map of Canada or British North America
1852 Levasseur Map of the Department Du Nord, France
1719 Mallet Map of the Source of the Nile, Ethiopia (Abyssinia)
1853 Meyer Map of the Lower Rhine Province, Germany
1912 Century Map of Niagara County, New York
1913 U.S. Geological Survey Areal Geology Map of Niagara County, New York
1895 Hunt and Eaton Map of New Zealand
1884 Encyclopedia Britannica Map of New Zealand
1856 Cadastral Survey of Upper West Side (85th - 89th Streets), New York City
1783 Bonne Map of the New Testament Lands, w/ Holy Land and Jerusalem
1851 Tallis and Rapkin Map of New South Wales, Australia
1833 S.D.U.K. Map of New South Wales, Australia
1854 Black Map of New South Wales, Australia
1844 Black Map of New South Wales, Australia
1854 Mitchell Map of New Hampshire and Vermont
1861 Johnson Map of New Hampshire and Vermont
1835 Bradford Map of New Hampshire and Vermont
1835 Burr Map of New England (Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island)
1892 Rand McNally Map of Canadian Maritime Provinces
1864 Johnson's Map of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland (Canada)
1851 Black Map of Belgium and Holland (Netherlands)
1844 Black Map of the Kingdom of Netherlands (Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg)
1840 Black Map of Netherlands
1873 Stieler Map of the Holland and Belgium
1590 Adrichem Map of the Naphtali Tribe, Israel (Golan Heights, Sea of Galilee)
1958 U.S. Air Force Aeronautical Map of the Ganges River Delta, Bangladesh
1853 Mitchell Map of Mississippi
1849 Cowperthwait - Mitchell Map of Mississippi
1954 U.S. Air Force Aeronautical Chart or Map of Eastern Mali, Africa
1852 Levasseur Map of the Department De La Moselle, France
1828 Craig View of Morocco, North Africa
1965 USGS Geologic Map of the Moon: Timocharis Region
1965 USGS Geologic Map of the Moon: Riphaeus Mountains
1966 USGS Geologic Map of the Moon: Mare Serenitatis Region
1963 USGS Geologic Map of the Moon: Letronne Region
1965 USGS Geologic Map of the Moon: Aristarchus Region
1912 Century Map of Monroe County, New York
1760 Bellin Map of the Moluques - Moluccas - Moluccan Island
1888 Rand McNally map of Missouri
1992 U.S. Geological Survey Pictorial Map of Mimas, Moon of Saturn
1879 Warren Map of Mexico, Central America and West Indies
1797 Moore Map of Meuse, France (Brie Cheese) General Dumourier's Campaign
1852 Levasseur Map of the Department De La Meurthe, France
1860 Dufour Map of the Mediterranean Region
1751 Vaugondy Map of Southern Portugal
1756 Vaugondy Map of the Southern Portions of Upper Saxony, Germany
1785 Bocage Map of Attica, Megaris and Euboea, Ancient Greece
1835 Bradford Map of the Mediterranean Region
1754 Gabriel Ramirez Map of the Mediterranean Coast
1862 Johnson Map of Maine
1874 Mitchell Map of Maryland, Delaware and New Jersey
1852 Levasseur Map of the Department De La Mayenne, France
1951 U.S. Air Force Aeronautical Map of Maug Islands, Mariana Islands, Pacific
1902 National Railroad Map of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut
1854 Mitchell Map of Massachusetts and Rhode Island
1890 Rand McNally Map of Massachusetts, United States
1827 Finley Map of Massachusetts
1857 Colton Map of Massachusetts and Rhode Island
1855 Colton Map of Massachusetts and Rhode Island
1852 Levasseur Map of Martinique, in the West Indies
1780 Raynal and Bonne Map of Martinique, West Indies
1840 S.D.U.K. Map or City Plan of Marseilles, France
1856 Colton Map of Canada's Maritme Provinces
1853 Andrews Map of the Maritime Provinces
1865 Spruner Map of the Mediterranean from Pompey to the Battle of Actium
1753 Vaugondy Map of the Limousin, Marche and Auvergne Regions in France
1956 U.S. Air Force Aeronautical Chart or Map of the Marajo Island, Brazil
1655 Blaeu Map of Mansfeld, Germany
1956 U.S. Air Force Aeronautical Map of the Eastern Coast of Alagoas, Brazil
1956 U.S. Air Force Aeronautical Map of Mangabeiras Range, Tocantins, Brazil
1852 Levasseur Map of the Department De La Manche, France
1958 U.S. Air Force Aeronautical Map of Male Atoll and Vicinity, Maldives
1847 Levasseur Map of Dept. Maine et Loire, France
1854 Mitchell Map of Maine
1827 Finley Map of Maine
1835 Bradford Map of Maine
1753 Vaugondy Map of Luxembourg and Belgium
1801 Cary Map of Lower Saxony (Holstein, Lubeck, Lunenburgzell, Bremen, Berlin)
1844 Black Map of Egypt, Asia Minor and the Sinai Peninsula
1852 Blackwood Map of Egypt and the Nile Delta
1832 S.D.U.K. Map of Lower Canada (Quebec)
1854 Mitchell Map of Quebec, Lower Canada or Canada East
1856 Colton Map of Quebec, Montreal and New Brunswick, Canada
1756 Vaugondy Map of the Lorraine Region of France
1957 U.S. Air Force Aeronautical Map of the London Reefs, Spartly Islands
1928 Map of the Environs of London, England
1741 Homann View and Map of London, England and Environs
1846 Crutchley Pocket Map of London, England
1852 Levasseur Map of Department De La Loire Inferieure, France (Muscadet Wine)
1852 Levasseur Mpa of the Department De La Loire, France (Loire Valley Region)
1876 Walker Map of Lodi, Wood-Ridge, New Jersey
1957 U.S. Air Force Aeronautical Chart or Map of the Andaman Islands, India
1751 Vaugondy Map of Europe
1753 Vaugondy Map of the County of Tyrol, Italy and Austria
1840 S.D.U.K. Map of Chile and Argentina
1846 Burroughs - Mitchell Map of Argentina, Uruguay, Chile in South America
1955 U.S. Air Force Aeronautical Chart or Map of Lake Sap, Cambodia
1955 U.S. Air Force Aeronautical Chart or Map of Lake Faguibine, Mali
1791 Bocage Map of Laconia and Cythera, Ancient Greece
1750 Bellin Map of the Kuril Islands
1954 U.S. Air Force Aeronautical Map of the Kolhumadulu Atoll, Maldives
1838 Woodblock Ino Tadataka Atlas of Japan or Kokugun Zenzu ( 2 volumes )
1854 Mitchell Map of Kentucky
1954 U.S. Army Air Forces Aeronautical Map of Lakshadweep Islands, India
1954 U.S. Air Force Aeronautical Chart or Map of The Kaouar Oasis, Niger
1849 Meyer Map of the Province of Julich-Cleves-Berg, Rhine Province, Germany
1828 Craig View of Jerusalem, Israel
1794 Laurie and Whittle Nautical Map of the Northwest Java (Jakarta), Indonesia
1818 Pinkerton Map of Korea and Japan
1854 Spruner Map of Italy under Saxon and Frankish Emperor to the Hohenstaufen
1854 Mitchell Map of Northern Italy (Tuscany, Venice, Milan)
1832 Delamarche Map of Northern Italy and Corsica
1854 Spruner Map of Italy under the Lombards
1854 Spruner Map Northern Italy under the Hohenstaufen Dynasty
1823 Manuscript Map of Italy in Antiquity
1783 Rizzi-Zannoni Map of Italy (2 parts)
1846 Lowenberg Whimsical Map of Italy
1844 Black Map or Chart of the Isothermal Lines showing the World's Temperatures
1780 Raynal and Bonne Map of British Isles
1754 Vaugondy Map of the Ile de France Region, France (Paris)
1861 Mitchell Map of Iowa and Missouri
1887 Bradley Map of Iowa and Missouri
1889 Rand McNally Map of Iowa
1987 U.S. Geological Survey Map of Io, Moon of Jupiter (showing Relief)
1872 Mitchell Map of Iowa and Missouri
1854 Mitchell Map of Indiana
1889 Rand McNally Map of Indiana
1887 Bradley Map of Indiana
1770 Delisle de Sales Map of Ancient India
1865 Spruner Map of India and Southeast Asia
1780 Raynal and Bonne Map of Southern India
1863 Johnson Map of Illinois
1887 Tunison Map of Illinois
1872 Mitchell Map of Illinois
1856 Colton Map of Illinois
1852 Levasseur Map of the Department D'Ille Et Vilaine, France
1874 Tardieu Map of the British Isles (England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland)
1992 U.S. Geological Survey Pictorial Map of Iapetus, Moon of Saturn
1992 U.S. Geological Survey Map or Photomosaic of Iapetus, Moon of Saturn
1862 Johnson Map of Iowa and Nebraska
1864 Mitchell Map of Iowa and Missouri
1854 Spruner Map of Hungary with ecclasiastical divisions
1791 Wilkinson Map of Hungary
1870 Johnson Map of Holland, Belgium, and Switzerland
1780 Raynal and Bonne Map of Holland and Belgium
1852 Vuillemin Map of Holland and Belgium
1846 Lowenberg Whimsical Map of Holland and Belgium
1865 Johnson Map of Holland and Belgium
1783 Janvier Map of Holland and Belgium
1835 Hall Map of Holland and Belgium
1850 Delamarche Map of Holland and Belgium
1850 Cruchley Map of Holland and Belgium
1835 Bradford Map of Belgium and Holland (Netherlands)
1814 Thomson Map of the Holland
1822 Butler Map of Holland (Netherlands) and Belgium
1851 Black Map of Holland
1750 Vaugondy Map of Ancient Spain and Portugal
1852 Meyer Map of Hispania or Spain and Portugal under the Roman Empire
1867 Hughes Map of Hispania or Spain and Portugal under the Roman Empire
1799 Vancouver View of Hawaii and Galapagos
1852 Levasseur Map of Department De La Haute Vienne, France (Limoge Porcelain)
1852 Levasseur Map of the Department Des Hautes Pyrenees, France
1852 Levasseur Map of the Department De La Haute Loire, France (Loire Valley)
1754 Vaugondy Map of Counties of Hainaut and Cambrai, Belgium and France
1956 U.S. Air Force Aeronautical Map of Hainan Strait and Southern China
1958 U.S. Air Force Aeronautical Chart or Map of Hainan Island, China
1791 Bocage Plan of an Ancient Greek Gymnasium School
1780 Raynal and Bonne Map of Guyana and Surinam
1780 Raynal and Bonne Map of Guinea
1836 S.D.U.K. Map of Brazil and Guyana
1791 Bocage Plan of an Ancient Greek House, according to Vitruvius
1794 Delisle Map of Northern Ancient Greece, Balkans, Macedonia
1782 Delsile de Sales Map of Greece, Turkey, Macedonia and the Balkans
1954 U.S. Air Force Aeronautical Chart or Map of the Nicobar Islands, India
1794 Laurie and Whittle Nautical Map of Northeastern India
1828 Craig View of Gondar, Ethiopia
1954 U.S. Air Force Aeronautical Chart or Map of Southern Somalia
1873 Stieler Map of Southwest Germany and Switzerland
1799 Celement Cruttwell Map of Germany
1835 Bradford Map of Germany and Switzerland
1873 Stieler Map of the Northern part of Southwest Germany
1816 Thomson Map of Germany south of the Mayne River
1822 Butler Map of Germany and Prussia
1873 Stieler Map of Prussia and Germany
1816 Thomson Map of Germany north of the Mayne River
1862 Johnson Map of Northern Germany ( Holstein and Hanover )
1852 Perthes Map of Northeast Germany and Prussia
1846 Perthes Physical Map of Germany
1844 Black Map of Greater Germany (Germany, Holland, Belgium, Bohemia, Austria)
1854 Spruner Map of Germany with ecclasiastical divisions
1835 Malte-Brun Map of Central Germany
1835 Hall Map of Central Germany : Saxony, Hesse, Nassau
1830 Lapie Map of Ancient Germany
1864 Johnson Map of Western Germany (Bohemia, Westphalia, Luxemburg)
1863 Johnson Map of Western Germany (Bohemia, Westphalia, Luxemburg)
1862 Johnson Map of Western Germany (Bohemia, Westphalia, Luxemburg)
1861 Johnson Map of Western Germany (Bohemia, Westphalia, Luxemburg)
1855 Colton Map of Western Germany: Westphalia, Rheinland
1861 Johnson Map of Northern Germany (Holstein and Hanover)
1856 Colton Map of Northern Germany: Hanover and Holstein
1794 Wilkinson Map of Germany
1782 Delisle de Sales Map of Germany, Bohemia and Poland
1854 Mitchell Map of Germany
1853 Mitchell Map of Germany
1843 Malte-Brun Map of Germany
1828 Malte-Brun Map of Germany
1846 Lowenberg Whimsical Map of Germany
1794 Delarochette Wall Map of the Empire of Germany
1851 Black Map of Germany
1865 Spruner Map of Germany in Antiquity
1783 Rizzi-Zannoni Map of the German Empire and Poland
1878 Migeon Map of the German Empire
1837 Malte-Brun Map or Chart showing Geological Sections
1800 Stockdale Map or Plan of the City of Genoa, Italy
1753 Vaugondy Map of the Orleans Region, France
1860 Dufour Map of Gaul or France in Ancient Roman Times
1852 Dufour Map of France in Antiquity or Gaul
1847 Levasseur Map of the Dept. de la Haute Garonne, France
1852 Levasseur Map of the Department du Gard, France
1750 Vaugondy Map of France in Antiquity
1590 Adrichem Map of the Tribe of Gad, Israel ( Sea of Galilee and lands south)
1862 Perthes Map of France
1849 Meyer Map of France
1720 Homann Map of Franconia, Germany (Bavaria, Bamberg, Würtzburg, Nuremberg)
1860 Mitchell Map of France, Spain and Portugal
1866 Johnson Map of France, Spain and Portugal
1873 Stieler Map of Southwest France
1793 Wilkinson Map of France in Provinces
1845 Chambers Map of France in Privinces
1852 Bocage Map of France in Provinces
1844 Black Map of France in Provinces
1851 Black Map of France in Provinces
1878 Migeon Physical Map of France
1833 Malte-Brun Physical and Mineralogical Map of France
1770 Buache de Neuville Physical Map of France
1874 Tardieu Map of France in Provinces
1874 Tardieu Map of France in Departments
1873 Stieler Map of Northeastern France
1851 Perthes Map of Northeastern France
1762 Janvier Map of France
1782 Delisle de Sales Map of France during the Invasion of Julius Caesar
1864 Johnson Map of France, Holland and Belgium
1862 Johnson Map of France, Holland and Belgium
1831 Lapie Map of France in Antiquity (Gaul)
1782 Delsile de Sales Map of France in Antiquity
1828 Malte-Brun Map of France in Departments
1844 Black Map of France in Departments
1814 Thomson Map of France in Departments
1829 Lapie Map of France in Military Departments and Divisions
1827 Finley Map of France in Departments
1799 Clement Cruttwell Map of France in Departments
1845 Chambers Map of France in Departments
1852 Bocage Map of France in Departments
1878 Migeon Map of France during Ancient Times
1867 Hughes Map of Gaul or France in Antiquity
1814 Thomson Map of France in Provinces
1843 Malte-Brun Map of France in 1789
1854 Spruner Map of France from 1461 to 1610
1775 Zannoni Two Panel Map of France
1814 Thomson Map of France
1854 Mitchell Map of France
1853 Mitchell Map of France
1833 Malte-Brun Map of France
1846 Lowenberg Whimsical Map of France
1850 Cruchley Map of France
1822 Butler Map of France
1835 Bradford Map of France
1780 Raynal and Bonne Map of France
1794 Anville Map of Gaul (Gallia) or France in ancient Roman Times
1736 Owen and Bowen Map of Flintshire w/ Map: Shrewsbury to Holywell on Verso
1760 Seale Map of Flanders (Belgium, Holland and Luxemburg)
1852 Levasseur Map of the Department du Finistere, France
1953 U.S. Air Force Aeronautical Map of the Fernando De Noronha Islands, Brazil
1871 Walling and Gray Map of Fall River, Massachusetts
1876 Walker Map and Views of Fairmount, New Jesey
1858 Colton Map of Europe (Physical)
1780 Raynal and Bonne Map of Northern Europe and European Russia
1860 Dufour Map of Europe under Charles V
1768 Kitchin Map of Europe under Charlemagne
1843 Malte-Brun Map of Europe after the Barbarian Invasion
1823 Manuscript Map of the Ancient World: Europe, Asia and Africa
1843 Malte-Brun Map of Turkey in Europe and Greece
1834 Malte-Brun Map of European Russia
1850 Delamarche Map of European Russia
1861 Dufour Map of Europe in 1789
1823 Manuscript Map of Europe
1794 Wilkinson Map of Europe
1710 Van der Aa Map of Europe and North Africa
1864 Mitchell Map of Europe
1843 Malte-Brun Map of Europe
1835 Malte-Brun Map of Europe
1828 Malte-Brun Map of Europe
1827 Finley Map of Europe
1850 Cruchley Map of Europe
1835 Bradford Map of Europe
1844 Black Map of Europe
1840 Black Map of Europe
1862 Stieler Physical Map of Europe
1849 Meyer Map of European Russia
1846 Lowenberg Whimsical Map of Europe
1874 Tardieu Map of the United States and Mexico
1874 Tardieu Map of Spain and Portugal
1831 Lapie Map of the Peninsula including Spain and Portugal
1860 Dufour Map of Spain and Portugal
1701 De Fer Map of Spain and Portugal
1780 Raynal and Bonne Map of Spain and Portugal
1874 Tardieu Map of Paris and Vicinity
1876 Walker Map of Englewood, New Jersey
1876 Walker Map of Northeastern Englewood, New Jersey
1876 Walker Map of Eastern Englewood, New Jersey
1876 Walker Map of Englewood Township, New Jersey
1851 Black Map of England and Wales (Set of 2 Maps)
1868 Johnson Map of England and Wales
1863 Johnson Map of England and Wales
1861 Johnson Map of England and Wales
1815 John Cary Folding Case Map of England and Wales
1747 Bowen Map of England and Wales
1851 Black Map of England and Wales
1844 Black Map of England and Wales (Set of 2 maps)
1818 Pinkerton Map of Southern England ( includes London )
1818 Pinkerton Map of Northern England
1854 Mitchell Map of England
1814 Thomson Map of England
1860 Philips Folding or Pocket Map of England and Wales
1867 Johnson Map of England and Wales
1799 Clement Cruttwell Map of England
1850 Cruchley Map of England
1822 Butler Map of England
1992 U.S. Geological Survey Pictorial Map of Enceladus, Moon of Saturn
1992 U.S. Geological Survey Map or Photomosaic of Enceladus, Moon of Saturn
1780 Bellin Map of Eastern Russia, Tartary, and the Bering Strait
1860 Dufour Map of Europe under Charlemagne
1852 Vuillemin Map of the Austrian Empire
1786 Bocage Map of Elis and Triphylia in Ancient Greece (First Olympic Games)
1786 Bocage Map of Elis and Triphylia, Ancient Greece (First Olympic Games)
1770 Delisle de Sales Map of Egypt under the Pharaohs
1753 Vaugondy Map of Egypt
1851 Black Map of Egypt, Arabia and Asia Minor
1837 Malte-Brun Map of Ancient Egypt, Nubia, and Abyssinia (Ethiopia)
1843 Malte-Brun Map of Ancient Egypt
1827 Finley Map of Egypt
1892 Rand McNally Map of Egypt
1852 Charle Map of Egypt, Nubia, Abyssinia, with parts of Arabia and the Sahara
1835 Bradford Map of Egypt
1762 Bonne Map of Egypt
1844 Black Map of Egypt and the Sinai
1794 Anville Map of Ancient Egypt
1900 Bartolomew Pocket Map of Edinburgh, Scotland
1818 Pinkerton Map of the Eastern Hemisphere
1844 Flemming Map of the Eastern Hemisphere
1858 Colton Map of the Eastern Hemisphere
1835 Bradford Map or Chart Illustrating the Dwellings in Different Countries
1753 Vaugondy Map of the Maine, Perche, Touraine and Anjou, France
1681 Jaillot Map of Westphalia, Germany
1752 Vaugondy Map of the Duchy of Savoy, France
1701 De Fer Map of the Duchy of Milan, Northern Italy
1992 U.S. Geological Survey Map or Photomosaic of Dione, Moon of Saturn
1862 Stieler Map of Southern Germany and Switzerland
1835 Bradford Map of Denmark, Sweden and Norway (Scandinavia)
1794 Wilkinson Map of Denmark and Holstein
1793 Wilkinson Map of Denmark and Holstein
1814 Thomson Map of Denmark with insets of Iceland and the Faeroe Islands
1892 Rand McNally Map of Denmark
1854 Mitchell Map of Denmark
1878 Migeon Map of Denmark, Iceland and the Faroe Islands
1843 Malte-Brun Map of Denmark
1828 Malte-Brun Map of Denmark
1835 Hall Map of Denmark
1850 Mitchell - Cowperthwait Map of Denmark
1747 La Feuille Map of Dauphine ( Isère, Drôme, and Hautes-Alpes), France
1862 Stieler Map of Denmark
1849 Meyer Map of Denmark
1852 Levasseur Map of the Department La Creuse, France
1720 Homann Map of Northern Italy 'Danubii Fluminis'
1852 Levasseur Map of the Department Correze, France (Straw Wine Region)
1878 Migeon Map of the Constantine Province, Algeria
1888 Rand McNally Map of Connecticut and Rhode Island, United States
1835 Bradford Map of Connecticut and Rhode Island
1854 Mitchell Map of Connecticut
1705 Nicholas de Fer Map of Cologne, Germany
1786 Bocage Chart of Ancient Greek Coins
1912 Century Map of Clinton County, New York
1833 Burritt - Huntington Map of the Constellations of the 2 Hemispheres
1793 Wilkinson Map of Swabia, Germany
1791 Wilkinson Map of Austria
1793 Wilkinson Map of Bavaria, Germany
1956 U.S. Air Force Aeronautical Map of North-Western Ethiopia w/ Addis Ababa
1783 Janvier Map of China, Korea, and Japan
1815 Thomson Map of China and Taiwan (Formosa)
1827 Finley Map of China
1854 Mitchell Map of Chile, Argentina and Uruguay
1844 Black Map of Chile, La Plata (Argentine Republic) and Bolivia
1851 Black Map of Chile, La Plata (Argentine Republic) and Bolivia
1874 Tardieu Map of Europe showing Railways
1842 S.D.U.K. Map of Central America
1835 Bradford Map of Turkey in Asia
1912 Century Map of Cattaraugus County, New York
1725 Homann Map of the Caspian Sea and Kamchatka (as Yedso)
1711 De L'isle Map of Artois, Northern France (Pas-de-Calais)
1952 U.S Air Force Aeronautical Chart or Map of the Cariris Novos Range, Brazil
1958 U.S. Air Force Aeronautical Map of the Eastern Coast of Central Vietnam
1956 U.S. Air Force Aeronautical Chart or Map of Northeast Coast of Brazil
1952 U.S. Army Air Forces Aeronautical Map of Eastern Somalia (Cape Guardafui)
1955 U.S. Air Force Aeronautical Chart or Map of Southeast Somalia
1954 U.S. Air Force Aeronautical Chart or Map of Southern India
1957 U.S. Air Force Aeronautical Map of Cape Balinao, Luzon, Philippines
1873 Beers Map of Canarsie, Brooklyn, New York City
1868 Mitchell Map of Ontario, Canada
1850 Mitchell Map of Eastern Canada including Quebec
1864 Mitchell Map of Quebec, Canada
1845 Chambers Map of Canada or the British Possessions in North America
1851 Black Map of Canada
1865 Spruner Map of Israel, Canaan, or Palestine in Ancient Times
1979 U.S. Geological Survey Pictorial Map of Callisto, Moon of Jupiter
2002 U. S. Geological Survey Photomosaic Map of Callisto, Moon of Jupiter
1828 Craig View of Cairo, Egypt
1955 U.S. Air Force Aeronautical Chart or Map of the Cachimbo Range, Brazil
1879 Johnston Map of the Bustar Dependency, India
1823 Manuscript Map of England in Antiquity
1854 Spruner Map of the British Isles 1066 to 1485
1854 Spruner Map of the British Isles with ecclesiastical divisions
1854 Spruner Map of the British Isles in 1485
1823 Manuscript Map of the British Isles
1873 Stieler Map of the British Isles
1835 Bradford Map of the British Isles (England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales)
1816 Thomson Map Southern India
1835 Bradford Map of British America
1865 Spruner Map of the British Isles (England, Scotland, Ireland)
1736 Owen and Bowen Map of Brecknockshire w/ Road Map: Chester to Mongomery
1835 Hall Map of Brazil, Uruguay, and Paraguay
1887 Bradley Map of Chile, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay
1835 Bradford Map of Brazil, Bolivia and Peru
1867 Mitchell Map of Chile, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay
1854 Mitchell Map of Brazil
1862 Johnson Map of Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina
1852 Duvotenay Map of the Empire of Brazil
1856 Colton Map of Brazil and Guyana
1844 Black Map of Brazil
1849 Meyer Map of the Duchy of Brunswick, Germany
1852 Meyer Map of Brazil
1701 Moll Map of Brazil
1849 Meyer Map of the Provice of Brandenburg, Germany
1787 Bocage Map of Boeotia, Ancient Greece
1753 Vaugondy Map of the Nivernais, Berry and Bourbonnais Regions of France
1892 Rand McNally Map of Belgium and the Netherlands
1783 Janvier Map of Belgium and Luxembourg
1771 Janvier Map of Belgium and Luxembourg
1818 Pinkerton Map of Beligum
1794 Laurie and Whittle Map of Belgium
1827 Finley Map of Belgium and Luxembourg
1799 Clement Cruttwell Map of Belgium or the Netherlands
1874 Tardieu Map of Belgium, Holland (The Netherlands) and Luxembourg
1833 Lapie Map of the Kingdom of Belgium and Holland
1849 Meyer Map of Holland (The Netherlands) and Belgium and Luxembourg
1853 Meyer Map of Belgium and Luxembourg
1976 Chinese Tourist Map of Peking or Beijing, China
1976 Chinese Tourist Map of Beijing or Peking, China
1799 Cary Map of Bavaria and Salzburg, Germany ( Munich )
1852 Levasseur Map of the Basses-Alpes Department, France
1861 U. S. Coast Survey Map of Barnstable Harbor, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
1780 Bonne Map of North Africa and the Western Mediterranean: Barbary Coast
1867 Hughes Map of the Barbary Coast or Northern Africa in Antiquity
1990 U.S. Geological Survey Map of the Bach Region of Planet Mercury
1771 Bonne Map of the Auvergne, Limosin, Bourbonnais, and Berri, France
1794 Wilkinson Map of Austria
1846 Lowenberg Whimsical Map of Austria
1827 Finley Map of Austria
1850 Cruchley Map of Austria
1801 Cary Map of Austria
1853 Perthes Map of Australia and Polynesia in Mercator's Projection
1840 S.D.U.K. Map of Australia
1864 Johnson Map of Australia
1862 Johnson Map of Australia
1844 Black Map of Australia and New Zealand
1840 Black Map of Australia and New Zealand
1852 Levasseur Map of the Department L'Aude, France
1815 Thomson Map of Attica (Anthens and Vicinity) Greece
1835 Bradford Map of the Atlantic Ocean
1855 Spruner Map of Asia at the end of the 2nd Century ( Han China )
1862 Perthes Map of Asia
1862 Perthes Physical Map of Asia
1855 Spruner Map of Asia in the 9th and 10th Centuries
1855 Spruner Map of Asia in the 5th Century ( Sassanid Empire )
1874 Tardieu Map of Asia
1832 Lapie Map of Asia
1860 Dufour Map of Asia
1854 Spruner Map of Byzantine Turkey, Iran, Iraq, and Syria
1756 Vaugondy Map of Turkey or Asia Minor
1855 Spruner Map of Asia 200 B.C.E ( Han China, Seleucid Empire )
1833 Malte-Brun Map of Asia in Ancient Times
1843 Malte-Brun Map of Ancient Asia
1879 Warren Map of Asia
1754 Gabriel Ramirez Map of Asia
1846 Lowenberg Whimsical Map of Asia
1863 Johnson Map of Asia
1862 Johnson Map of Asia
1861 Johnson Map of Asia
1864 Johnson's Map of Asia
1835 Hall Map of Asia
1730 Covens and Mortier (Delisle) Map of Asia
1856 Colton Map of Asia
1780 Raynal and Bonne Map of Asia
1844 Black Map of Asia
1840 Black Map of Asia
1790 Map of Asia
1867 Warner and Beers Map of North Castle and Armonk, Westchester, New York
1770 Delisle de Sales Map of the Argonautic Expedition
1791 Bocage Map of Argolis, Trezene, Aegina in Ancient Greece
1852 Levasseur Map of the Department L'Ardeche, France
1847 Levasseur Map of the Dept. de L'Ardeche, France
1856 Burritt / Huntington Map of Constellations in April, May, and June
1860 Dufour Map of England and Wales
1850 Delamarche Map of the Ancient World: Europe, Africa, Asia
1791 Bocage Plan of a Theatre, Ancient Greece
1770 Delisle de Sales Map of Ancient Spain
1782 Delisle de Sales Map of Ancient Germany
1831 S.D.U.K. Map of Ancient Egypt
1782 Delisle de Sales Map of Arabia in Antiquity (Includes Egypt)
1840 S.D.U.K. Map of Ancient Libya, Barbary Coast, Northern Africa (Carthage)
1840 S.D.U.K. Map of Ancient Libya, Barbary Coast, Northern Africa
1860 Dufour Map of South America
1855 Spruner Map of the Americas up to 1776
1849 Meyer Map of North America and South America
1644 Jansson Map of Alsace (Basel and Strasbourg)
1852 Levasseur Map of L'Allier Department, France (Saint-Pour�ain Wine Region)
1860 Dufour Map of Germany
1780 Raynal and Bonne Map of Germany, Bohemia, and Poland
1912 Century Map of Allegany County, New York
1834 S.D.U.K. Map of Algeria, Barbary Coast, Northern Africa
1874 Tardieu Map of Algeria
1860 Dufour Map of Algeria, Barbary Coast, Northern Africa
1820 Yates Map of Albany circa 1770
1828 Smith View of Albany, New York
1852 Levasseur Map of the Department L'Aisne, France
1852 Levasseur Map of the Department L'Ain, France (Bugey Wine Region)
1829 Lapie Historical Map of the Barbary Coast in Ancient Roman Times
1829 Lapie Historical Map of Empire of Carthage ( Modern Tunisia )
1851 Black Map of North and South Africa
1844 Black Map of North Africa and South Africa
1840 Black Map of South Africa and North Africa
1856 Colton Map of Northeastern Africa
1855 Spruneri Map of North Africa in Ancient Times (Carthage, Alexandria)
1848 Levasseur Map of Senegal, Gambia and Madagascar
1855 Spruner Map of Africa up to the Arab conquests in the 7th century
1823 Manuscript Map of Africa
1730 Toms Map of Central Africa
1860 Dufour Wall Map of France (Set of 4 maps)
1786 Bocage Map of Corinthia, Sicyonia and Achaia, Ancient Greece
1786 Bocage Map of Corinthia, Sicyonia and Achaia in Ancient Greece
1893 Rand McNally Map of Abyssinia (Ethiopia)
1892 Rand McNally Map of Abyssinia (Ethiopia)
Basic Appraisal
1898 Regal Shoe View Map of New York City
1890 Bacon Map or Plan of Manchester, England
1846 Hutchings Map of the Collect Pond, New York and Steam Boat (Five Points)
1845 Ewing Map of Turkey in Asia
1845 Ewing Map of Switzerland
1845 Ewing Map of Spain and Portugal
1845 Ewing Map of South America
1845 Ewing Map of Scandinavia (Norway and Sweden)
1845 Ewing Map of Prussia
1845 Ewing Map of North America
1845 Ewing Map of Holland (The Netherlands), Belgium and Luxemburg
1845 Ewing Map of Greece and the Balkans
1845 Ewing Map of Germany
1845 Ewing Map of France in Departments
1845 Ewing Map of European Russia
1845 Ewing Map of Europe
1845 Ewing Map of Denmark
1845 Ewing Map of Austria
1845 Ewing Map of Australia and Polynesia
1845 Ewing Map of Asia
1751 Vaugondy Map of Southern Spain
1750 Vaugondy Map of Northern Naples in Southern Italy
1750 Vaugondy Map of Eastern Russia, Siberia (Russian Empire)
1640 Blaeu Map of the Maghreb or Barbary Coast, Northern Africa
1862 Valentine View of Trinity Church (Financial District), New York City
1939 Award Winning Raggio Manuscript Map of Luxembourg
1939 Award Winning Raggio Manuscript Map of Andorra
1751 Vaugondy Map of Prussia
1750 Vaugondy Map of Northeast Italy (Venice, Mantua)
1757 Bellin Map of the United States
1940 Lufkin Cane Map of Boston, Massachusetts
1753 Vaugondy Map of the Eastern Guyenne Region of France
1828 Weiland Map of Switzerland
1826 Weiland Map of Turkey and Asia Minor
1828 Weiland Map of North America and South America
1827 Weiland Map of European Russia
1828 Weiland Map of Prussia
1825 Weiland Map of Denmark
1826 Weiland Map of France
1827 Weiland Map of Spain and Portugal
1747 Bowen Map of European Russia
1817 Thomson Map of Egypt and Abyssinia (Ethiopia)
1817 Thomson Map of Switzerland
1817 Thomson Map of the Milanese States (Milan, Mantua, Alto Po), Italy
1817 Thomson Map of Belgium and Luxemboug
1817 Thomson Map of the Austrian Empire
1817 Thomson Map of Peru, Chile and Argentina
1817 Thomson Map of North Africa and South Africa
1817 Thomson Map of the Balkans
1873 Beers Map of Ravenswood (Long Island City), Queens, New York City
1873 Beers Map of College Point (Flushing), Queens, New York City
1873 Beers Map of Woodhaven, Queens, New York City, New York
1721 De Wit Map of Pomerania, Germany and Poland
1721 De Wit Map of the County of Namur, Belgium
1721 De Wit Map of Flanders (Holland and Belgium)
1721 De Wit Map of Southern Brabant (Vicinity of Brussels), Belgium
1721 De Wit Map of the County of Moers, Germany
1873 Beers Map of North Flushing, Queens, New York City
1873 Beers Map of Richmond Hill, Queens, New York City
1873 Beers Map of South Hempstead, Long Island, New York
1873 Beers Map of Part of Flushing, Queens, New York City
1721 De Wit Map of Northwest Spain: Old Castile, Leon, Galicia, Biscay, Navarre
1751 Vaugondy Map of the Dauphine Region of France (French Riviera)
1751 Vaugondy Map of Westphalia, Germany (Bremen, Cologne, Bonn, etc.)
1721 De Wit Map of Northern Egypt
1817 Thomson Map of Greece, the Balkans and Ukraine
1747 Bowen Map of Spain and Portugal
1873 Appleton View of New Orleans, Louisiana
1872 Appleton View of the City of Louisville, Kentucky
1861 Read and Co. View of the Tooley Street Fire of 1861, London
1811 Yeakell Map or Plan of the Ordnance Grounds at Woolwich, London, England
1870 Fowles Birds Eye View Map of the Isle of Wight, England
1939 Furse Map or Plan of the City of Montreal, Quebec, Canada
1834 Burr Map of the Eastern Hemisphere
1833 Burr Map of the Western Hemisphere
1832 Burr Map of France in Departments
1833 Burr Map of the United States
1835 Burr Map of Vermont and New Hampshire
1832 Burr Map of New York
1834 Burr Map of Pennsylvania
1834 Burr Map of Kentucky and Tennessee
1833 Burr Map of South America
1833 Burr Map of Peru and Bolivia
1834 Burr Map of Brazil, Guyana, Paraguay and Uruguay
1834 Burr Map of Spain and Portugal
1834 Burr Map of Germany
1834 Burr Map of Switzerland
1835 Burr Map of Southern Italy (Naples and Sicily)
1835 Burr Map of the Austrian Empire
1833 Burr Map of Scandinavia (Denmark, Sweden and Norway)
1875 S.D.U.K. Map of Michigan and Wisconsin (w/ Lake Michigan)
1752 Vaugondy Map of Languedoc Region of France
1868 Shannon View of Broadway and Ann Street (Barnum Museum), New York City
1835 Burr Map of the East Indies
1834 Burr Map of Australia and New Zealand
1868 Shannon View of New Harlem Bridge (Third Ave. Bridge), New York City
1743 Homann Heirs Map of Black Sea Region (Turkey, Asia Minor, Greece, Crimea)
1840 S.D.U.K. Subscriber's Edition Map or Plan of Parma, Italy
1840 S.D.U.K. Subscriber's Edition Map of Australia
1832 S.D.U.K. Subscriber's Map of Czech Republic, Hungary, Austria and Croatia
1783 Bonne Map of China, Korea, Japan and Formosa
1862 Johnson Map of Scandinavia (Norway, Sweden, Denmark) and Prussia
1861 Johnson Map of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland, Canada
1865 Johnson Map of Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Guiana
1862 Johnson Map of China
1861 Johnson Map of Maryland and Delaware
1861 Johnson Map of Illinois
1863 Johnson Map of Italy, Sicily, and Naples before Italian Unification
1851 U.S. Coast Survey Map or Chart of Pass Christian, Mississippi
1861 U.S. Coast Survey Map of the Coquille River and its Entrance, Oregon
1854 Pharoah Map of the Chingleput District, Tamil Nadu, India
1854 Pharoah Map of the District of Tanjore, Tamil Nadu India (with Thanjavur)
1854 Pharoah and Company Map of the District of Trichinopoly, Tamil Nadu, India
1854 Pharoah and Company Map of the District of North Arcot, Tamil Nadu, India
1854 Pharoah and Company Map of the District of South Arcot, Tamil Nadu, India
1854 Pharoah Map of the Chitaldroog Division of Mysore, Karnataka, India
1854 Pharoah and Company Map of the Nuggur Division of Mysore, Karnataka, India
1854 Pharoah and Company Map of the Kurnool District in Andhra Pradesh, India
1854 Pharoah Map of Rajahmundry / East Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh, India
1854 Pharoah and Company Map of Ganjam District, Odisha, India
1854 Pharoah and Company Map of the Khammam District of Telangana, India
1854 Pharoah Map of the Ghunapoor, Davercondah and Pangull Circars , India
1854 Pharoah Map of the Raichur and Koppal Districts of Karnataka, India
1854 Pharoah Map of Bidar and Osmanabad in Telangana and Maharashtra, India
1854 Pharoah Map of Nanded and Adilabad in Maharashtra and Telangana, India
1854 Pharoah Map of Aurangabad and Jalna Districts in Maharashtra, India
1854 Pharoah Map of Buldhana, Washim and Parbhani in Maharashtra, India
1854 Pharoah Map of Akola, Amravati, Buldhana Districts in Maharashtra, India
1854 Pharoah Map of the Adilabad and Yavatmal Districts in Maharashtra, India
1854 Pharoah Map of the Rameswaram or Pamban Island in Southern India
1854 Pharoah Map of Mon State and Kayin State in Burma or Myanmar
1854 Pharoah Map of the Tavoy District (Dawei) in Burma or Myanmar
1854 Pharoah Map or Plan of the City of Eluru in Andhra Pradesh, India
1866 Johnson Map of Maryland and Delaware
1861 Johnson Map of France, Holland and Bellgium
1863 Johnson Map of Ohio and Indiana
1854 Pharoah Map or Plan of Jalna, Maharashtra, India
1854 Pharoah Map or Plan of Samalkota, Andhra Pradesh, India
1854 Pharoah Map of Ramnad or Ramanathapuram, Tamil Nadu, India
1854 Pharoah Map or Plan of the Town of Pallavaram, Chennai, India
1935 Ernest Dudley Chase Pictorial Map of the British Isles
1854 Pharoah Map or Plan of Kollam, Kerala, India
1854 Pharoah Map or Plan of Pallakad, Kerala, India
1758 Vaugondy Map of France w/ Postal Routes
1950s General Petroleum Corporation Map or Plan of San Francisco, California
1855 Colton Map of Argentina, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay
1854 Pharoah Map of the District of Ballari, Karnataka, India
1835 Manuscript Map of Bangka Island, Indonesia.
1835 Manuscript Map of the Western Hoshungabad, Madhya Pradesh, India
1835 Manuscript Map of Eastern Hoshungabad, Madhya Pradesh, India
1835 Manuscript Map of the Gambier or Mangareva Islands in French Polynesia
1835 Manuscript Map of Taloo Harbor on Mo'orea Island, French Polynesia
1835 Manuscript Map of Port Palliser and Christmas Harbor on Kerguelen Island
1835 Manuscript Map of the Kotzebue Sound in Northwest Arctic region of Alaska
1835 Manuscript Map of the Santorini Island Group in the Greek Archipelago
1867 Mitchell Map of Florida (w/ Mobile, Alabama inset)
1890 U. S. Geological Survey Map of Gloucester and Rockport, Massachusetts
1892 Rand McNally Map of Argentina, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay
1854 U.S. Coast Survey Chart or Map of Plymouth Harbor, Massachusetts
1786 Desnos and de la Tour Map of Switzerland
1786 Desnos and de la Tour Map of France Divided by Provinces
1786 Desnos and de la Tour Map of France showing Roads and Provinces
1786 Desnos and de la Tour Map of Europe
1786 Desnos and de la Tour Map of Italy
1786 Desnos and de la Tour Map of the Eastern Hemisphere
1856 Colton Map of South America
1794 Laurie and Whittle Nautical Chart or Map of the Coast of Coromandel, India
1786 Desnos and de la Tour Map of Central Italy
1786 Desnos and de la Tour Map of Southern Italy (Naples and Sicily)
1786 Desnos and de la Tour Map of Northeastern Italy
1712 Wells Map of France
1712 Wells Map of Germany
1830 Depot de la Marine Nautical Map or Chart of Vietnam Coast Depicting Saigon
1727 Van der Aa Map of Sumatra, Singapore, and Malaya
1771 Bonne Map of Picardy, Artois and French Flanders, France
1771 Bonne Map of Normandy, France
1771 Bonne Map of Poitou, Touraine and Anjou, France
1778 Bonne Map of Isle de France (vicinity of Paris), Orleans Region of France
1771 Bonne Map of Alsace and Lorraine, France
1771 Bonne Map of Burgundy, Franche-Comte, and Lyonnais, France
1771 Bonne Map of Dauphine and Provence, France
1778 Zannoni Map of Southern Portugal, the Algarve, and Seville
1771 Bonne Map of East Africa (Ethiopia, Sudan, Red Sea)
1771 Bonne Map of the Guinea Coast of West Africa and the Cape Verde Islands
1778 Bonne Map of West Africa (Guinea, the Bight of Benin, Congo)
1778 Bonne Map of Central Asia
1771 Bonne Map of China, Mongolia, Manchuria and Korea (Corea)
1800 Faden and Rennell Map of India
1814 Thomson Map of the West Indies and Central America
1778 Bonne Map of Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, and the Western Amazon
1771 Bonne Map of the Hudson Bay, Canada
1851 U.S. Coast Survey Map or Chart of the Coast of Washington and Oregon
1773 Bonne Map of Gaul (Gallia) or France in Ancient Roman Times
1786 Desnos and de la Tour Map of South America
1786 Desnos and de la Tour Map of Southern Africa and Madagascar
1786 Desnos and de la Tour Map of Egypt, West Africa and the Barbary Coast
1790 Desnos Map of Africa
1786 Desnos and de la Tour Map of Tartary, Korea and Japan w/ Siberia, China)
1786 Desnos and de la Tour Map of Denmark
1786 Desnos and de la Tour Map of Bohemia or Czech Republic
1786 Desnos and de la Tour Map of Austria
1786 Desnos and de la Tour Map of Bavaria, Franconia and Swabia, Germany
1930 Reynolds Pictorial Map of New Bedford, Massachusetts
1849 Mitchell Map of Quebec, Lower Canada or Canada East
1849 Mitchell Map of the United States
1849 Mitchell Map of Maine
1849 Mitchell Map of New Hampshire and Vermont
1849 Mitchell Map of Connecticut
1849 Mitchell Map of Maryland and Delaware
1849 Mitchell Map of Arkansas
1849 Mitchell Map of Kentucky
1849 Mitchell Map of Missouri
1797 La Perouse Map of San Diego Bay (earliest obtainable map of San Diego)
1849 Mitchell Map of the West Indies
1849 Mitchell Map of South America
1849 Mitchell Map of Brazil, Paraguay and the Guianas
1849 Mitchell Map of Peru and Bolivia
1849 Mitchell Map of Chile, Argentina and Uruguay
1849 Mitchell Map of Europe
1849 Mitchell Map of England
1849 Mitchell Map of Spain and Portugal
1849 Mitchell Map of Scandinavia (Sweden, Norway)
1849 Mitchell Map of Prussia
1849 Mitchell Map of the Kingdom of Sardinia and Peidmont, Italy
1849 Mitchell Map of Switzerland
1849 Mitchell Map of Southern Italy: The Kingdom of Naples and the Two Sicilies
1849 Mitchell Map of European Russia
1849 Mitchell Map of Russia in Asia
1849 Mitchell Map of Turkey in Asia ( Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Turkey )
1849 Mitchell Map of Egypt, Africa
1849 Mitchel Map of the Pacific Ocean and Australia
1786 Desnos and de la Tour Map of Lower Saxony and Upper Saxony, Germany
1786 Desnos and de la Tour Map of Upper Rhine, Lower Rhine, Westphalia, Germany
1786 Desnos and de la Tour Map of the German Empire
1786 Desnos and de la Tour Map of France
1786 Desnos and de la Tour Map depicting Cosmographic Theories
1786 Desnos and de la Tour Map depicting the Distribution of Light on Earth
1786 Desnos and de la Tour Map or Chart of the Earth's Geography
1786 Desnos and de la Tour Map or Chart of Geometric Models
1786 Desnos and de la Tour Map or Chart of Armillary Spheres
1786 Desnos and de la Tour Map of Scotland
1786 Desnos and de la Tour Map of Ireland
1786 Desnos and de la Tour Map of Belgium and Luxemburg
1786 Desnos and de la Tour Map of England and Wales
1786 Desnos Map of the British Isles (England, Scotland, Ireland)
1786 Desnos and de la Tour Map of Spain and Portugal
1786 Desnos and de la Tour Map of the Islands of Sardinia and Corsica
1882 Maclure and Macdonald Bird's-Eye View Map of Cairo, Egypt
1786 Desnos and de la Tour Map of the Loire Valley Region, France (Loire Wine)
1786 Desnos and de la Tour Map of the Alsace Region France (Alsace Wine Region)
1786 Desnos and de la Tour Map of the Lorraine Region in France
1786 Desnos and de la Tour Map of the Department du Nord in France
1786 Desnos and de la Tour Map of the Picardy Region in Northern France
1786 Desnos Map of the Auvergne and Rhone-Alpes Regions of France
1786 Desnos and de la Tour Map of the Pays de la Loire, France (Loire Wine)
1786 Desnos Map of the Dauphine Region of France (French Riviera)
1786 Desnos and de la Tour Map of Languedoc and Midi-Pyrennes Regions of France
1943 or Showa 18 World War II Era Japanese Map of Sulawesi, Indonesia
1868 Dutton Pocket Map of Massachusetts
1695 Morden and Harris Map of the English Empire in America
1871 Sikkel Manuscript Map of France
1871 Sikkel Manuscript Map of North America
1871 Sikkel Manuscript Map of Australia and New Zealand
1871 Sikkel Manuscript Map of Russia
1775 Mannevillette Nautical Chart or Map of the Nicobar Islands, India
1871 Sikkel Manuscript Map of the World in Hemispheres
1871 Sikkel Manuscript Map of Northern Germany and Prussia
1871 Sikkel Manuscript Map of Spain and Portugal
1871 Sikkel Manuscript Map of Switzerland and Southern Germany
1871 Sikkel Manuscript Map of the Netherlands (Holland), Belgium and Luxembourg
1871 Sikkel Manuscript Map of Italy
1871 Sikkel Manuscript Map of Scandinavia (Norway, Sweden, Denmark)
1971 ROC Map of Tianan, Taiwan
1954 U.S. Navy Shipboard Zine 'Sultan Sentinel' w/ Guam Pictorial Map
1728 Homann Heirs Map of Northern South America
1807 Vaugondy Map of Poland following the Third Partition
1891 Sonnet Map of France
1617 Le Clerc Map of Dombes, France (Bugey Wine Region)
1727 Pontoppidan View and Map of Copenhagen, Denmark
1920s Information Bureau Map of Canton or Guangzhou, China
1854 Mitchell Map of Illinois
1854 Mitchell Map of Missouri
1854 Mitchell Map of Holland and Belgium
1854 Mitchell Map of Austria
1854 Mitchell Map of Greece and the Balkans
1854 Mitchell Map of Persia and Arabia
1854 Mitchell Map of India
1854 Mitchell Map of the Pacific Ocean and Australia
1748 Vaugondy Map of France
1749 Vaugondy Map of Westphalia, Germany
1749 Vaugondy Map of Northern Upper Saxony, Germany
1749 Vaugondy Map of Southern Upper Saxony, Germany
1749 Vaugondy Map of Lower Saxony, Germany
1749 Vaugondy Map of Electoral Rhenish Circle of Germany (Riesling Wine Region)
1749 Vaugondy Map of Franconia, Germany
1749 Vaugondy Map of Swabia, Germany
1748 Vaugondy Map of Bavaria and Salzburg, Germany
1748 Vaugondy Map of Inner Austria (Austria, Slovenia, Hungary)
1748 Vaugondy Map of Prussia
1892 Rand McNally Map of New Zealand, Tasmania, and Fiji
1853 Phillip Map of the Gold Fields of South Australia and Victoria
1814 Thomson Map of Scandinavia (Denmark, Norway, Sweden)
1865 Johnson Map of England and Wales
1819 Thomson Map of North America
1861 Johnson Map of South America
1753 Vaugondy Map of Picardy (Picardie) and Artois
1750 Vertue Print of Savoy Hospital, London
1924 Seigfried Atlas Map of Chasseral, Switzerland
1751 Vaugondy Map of Belgium and Luxembourg
1857 U.S. Coast Survey Map or Chart of Mississippi City Harbor, Mississippi
1925 Walker View of Lake Winnipesaukee, New Hampshire
1756 Vaugondy Map of the German Empire
1849 Mitchell Map of South Carolina
1782 Anonymous Map of the Western Hemisphere
1889 McLoughlin Puzzle Map of the United States
1751 Vaugondy Map of Swabia, Germany
1751 Vaugondy Map of the Circle of Bavaria.
1937 Foster and Reynolds Map or Plan of Washington D.C.
1861 Stokes Admiralty Chart or Map of Eastern Australia (North of Sydney)
1865 Stokes Admiralty Map of Eastern Australia: Cape Howe to Barriga Point
1865 Stokes Chart or Map of Eastern Australia: Barriga Point to Jervis Bay
1865 John Lort Stokes Admiralty Chart or Map of Eastern Australia (Sydney)
1898 Reuterdahl View of the Battle of Santiago de Cuba
1907 Walker Map of Southern Cape Cod, Massachusetts
1758 Bellin Map of Saint Lucia (Sainte Lucie), West Indies
1884 Sargent Forestry Map of North America Depicting Cypress Trees
1873 Gilpin Geological Map of North America
1749 Vaugondy Map of Northern Peru, Ecuador, Brazil, and Colombia
1749 Vaugondy Map of North Africa
1749 Vaugondy Map of Martinique
1932 Chocolates Jaime Boix Trading Card Pictorial Map of Europe
1940 Chocolates Orthi Trading Card Pictorial Map of Africa (incomplete set)
1749 Vaugondy Map of Castile, Spain
1749 Vaugondy Map of Andalusia and Grenada, Spain
1749 Vaugondy Map of Northern Portugal
1749 Vaugondy Map of Southern Portugal
1749 Vaugondy Map of Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, and Brazil
1749 Vaugondy Map of Asia
1749 Vaugondy Map of the Middle East
1749 Vaugondy Map of Hudson and Baffin Bay, Canada
1778 Bonne Map of Louisiana and the British Colonies in North America
1762 Zannoni Map of Central America and the West Indies ( Caribbean )
1770 Bonne Map of the East Indies (Java, Sumatra, Borneo, Singapore)
1770 Bonne Map of Southern India, Sri Lanka (Ceylon), the Maldives
1770 Bonne Map of Northern India, Burma and Pakistan
1778 Bonne Map of India, Southeast Asia and The East Indies (Thailand, Borneo)
1857 Desilver Pocket Map of the United States
1770 Bonne Map of China, Korea, Japan and Formosa
1720 Italian Navigation Manuscript w/ Temperature Maps
1825 Tanner Map of Asia
1771 Bonne Map of France
1771 Bonne Map of Isle de France (vicinity of Paris), France
1771 Bonne Map of Languedoc and Roussillon, France
1884 Sargent Arboreal Map of North America Depicting California Redwood Trees
1720 Italian Navigation Manuscript w/ Global Positioning Maps
1720 Italian Navigation Manuscript w/ Global Motion Diagrams
1720 Set of 3 Consecutive Italian Navigation Manuscript Pages
1786 Bertheault Map of the Catacombs of Syracuse, Italy
1960 Hoursch and Bechstedt Panorama Map of the Course of the Rhine River
1926 U.S. Coast Survey Map of Puerto Rico w/ Virgin Islands
1926 U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Map of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands
1756 Homann Heirs Map of the Strait of Gibraltar
1835 Williams Map of a Proposed Route for Canal Between Lakes Erie and Ontario
1849 Mitchell Map of Denmark
1940 Denoyer-Geppert Wall Map of Secession before the American Civil War
1883 U.S. Coast Survey Map of Boston Harbor and Bay
1771 Janvier Map of the British Isles ( England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland )
1770 Janvier Map of Asia
1762 Bonne Map of the Mediterranean and the Maghreb or Barbary Coast, Africa
1762 Janvier Map of South America
1749 Vaugondy Map of the Gulf of Saint Lawrence and Newfoundland
1749 Vaugondy Map of Western European Russia
1915 U.S. Geological Survey Map of Alaska
1926 U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Map of Field Work in the United States
1850 Mitchell Map of Southern Italy: The Kingdom of Naples or the two Sicilies
1930 Coulton Waugh Pictorial Map of Cape Cod, Massachusetts
1750 Bellin Map of the East Indies (Sumatra, Malay, Java, Borneo)
1729 Clüver Map of Southern Italy in Antiquity
1837 Blunt Maritime Map or Nautical Chart of the Savannah River
1869 Dead River Grand Trunk Railway Temperance Broadsheet
1783 Millar Map or Chart of Islands in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
1852 Levasseur Map of the Department Du Calvados, France
1873 Warren View of Buffalo, New York
1954 Jacques Branger Pictorial Map of Asia (Messageries Maritimes)
1716 de Hangest View of La Chartreuse Monastery in Val-Saint-Pierre, France
1881 U.S.C.G.S. Nautical Chart of the New England Coast: Boston, Cape Ann, Maine
1844 Copley Blueback Nautical Chart or Maritime Map of the Bahamas and Cuba
1840 Perrot Comparative Chart of the Heights of the Monuments of the World
1840 Perrot Comparative Chart depicting the Wonders of Nature
1891 U.S. Navy Hydrographic Office Nautical Chart of Port of Veracruz, Mexico
1768 Jefferys Map of Guantanamo Bay
1931 Bocholtz Chart of Knowledge Map of North America and Western Hemisphere
1932 or Showa 7 Hochi Shimbun City Map or Plan of Shanghai, China
1940 Sampson Pictorial Map of the Western United States
1956 Mejorada Geological Map of Western Mexico (Sonora)
1943 Manuscript World War II Map Celebrating U-Boat Commander Georg von Bitter
1871 U.S. Coast Survey Nautical Chart of the Coast of Maine
1652 Gomboust Map of Paris, France (c. 1900 Taride reissue)
1937 Imprimerie Gaillac-Monrocq. Pictorial Map of Tunisia
1715 Homann Map of North America and the West Indies
1936 Tryon Map of United States and its Overseas Possessions
1830 Heath Political Cartoon After the Ascension of King William IV
1835 Burr Map of New York City and Vicinity (25 miles around)
1943 Japanese Asian Coprosperity Sphere Map of Burma / Myanmar
1931 Medina Pictorial Map of Mexico
1910 French Map of the Mai Chau region of northern Vietnam
1924 Fei Shi Route Map of the Beijing - Baotou Railway, China
1924 Fei Shi Map of the Foreign Legation Quarter in Beijing / Peking, China
1822 Franz Pluth Map of the West Indies
1828 Finley Map of the World on Mercator's Projection
1823 Franz Pluth Comparative Chart of the World's Mountains
1828 Finley Map of New Hampshire
1828 Finley Map of Connecticut
1765 Tirion Map of Martinique
1828 Finley Map of Virginia
1828 Finley Map of Delaware
1828 Finley Map of Germany
1828 Finley Map of Spain and Portugal
1828 Finley Map of England
1828 Finley Map of Scotland
1828 Finley Map of Louisiana
1769 Isaak Tirion Map of Canada
1854 Mitchell Map of Arkansas
1854 Mitchell Map of Maryland and Delaware
1765 Isaak Tirion Map of Panama
1818 Franz Pluth Map of North America and South America
1767 Isaak Tirion Map of Cayenne, French Guiana
1680 De Wit Map of Malta and Gozo
1822 Franz Pluth Map of Martinique
1822 Franz Pluth Map of Guadeloupe
1767 Isaak Tirion Map of the Rio de la Plata
1857 Colton Map of the Western Hemisphere or Americas
1820 Franz Pluth Map of South America
1765 Isaak Tirion Map of Chagres, Panama
1686 Dapper View of Alexandria, Egypt
1857 Colton Map of Austria, Hungary and the Czech Republic
1866 Johnson Map of Sweden, Norway, and Denmark
1857 Colton Map of Holland and Belgium
1765 Isaak Tirion Map of Portobelo, Panama
1686 Dapper View of Gigeri (Gegery), Algeria
1921 Crow Map of China
1765 Isaak Tirion Map of Veracruz, Mexico
1686 Dapper View of Tripoli, Libya
1686 Dapper View of Tangier, Morocco
1686 Dapper Map of the Cape Verde Islands
1686 Dapper View of St. Helena Island
1686 Dapper Map of the Guinea Coast of West Africa
1686 Dapper View of Cairo, Egypt
1686 Dapper Map of Western Central Africa
1854 Imray Blueback Chart or Map of Cuba
1854 Mitchell Map of Sweden and Norway
1880 German Map of Odessa, Ukraine and Moldova
1771 Bonne Map of Brie and Champagne, France
1788 Perronet Plan of Part of the Pont d'Orleans in Orleans, France
1936 Science Press Pictorial Map of Beijing and Environs
1939 Showa 14 Taro Nishizawa Map of Hankou, China
1888 Crofutt Map of the Western United States w/ railroad tours
1846 Bradford Map of Ohio
1851 Putnam Public Survey Map of Florida
1850 U.S. Coast Survey Map of New Jersey and Long Island
1728 Senex and Halley Map of Brazil
1744 Tirion Map of China, Korea, and Japan
1944 World War II Allied Target Map of Qingdao (Tsingtao), China
1784 Santini Map of the World on a Dual Polar Projection
1863 Johnson Map of Iowa and Nebraska
1929 Geographical Publishing Pictorial Resource Map of North America
1846 Bradford Map of Kentucky
1876 Disturnell City Map or Plan of New York City Illustrating School Districts
1943 Owens Pictorial Map of Possible Nazi German Attack on Gibraltar
1942 Nelson and Minneapolis Sunday Tribune Map of Alaska and North Pole
1943 Minneapolis Morning Tribune Map of Europe and the Mediterranean
1899 Bolland Map of the Bermejo River, Argentina
1900 Pearce Map of Malawi and Mozambique (British Central Africa Protectorate)
1846 Bradford Map of Illinois
1825 Buchon Map of Vermont
1926 Montross-Clarke Railroad Map of the Western United States
1866 U.S. Coast Survey Map of the Delaware Bay Entrance
1845 Tanner Map of South Carolina (Charleston)
1943 Owens and Minneapolis Morning Tribune Map of Scandanavia
1846 Bradford Map of Vermont
1939 Sarg Pictorial Map of New York World's Fair (Booklet)
1846 Bradford Map of New Jersey
1846 Bradford Map of New York
1846 Bradford Map of Connecticut
1960 Aloha Airlines Pictorial Route Map of the Hawaiian Islands
1846 Bradford Map of Mississippi
1846 Bradford Map of Louisiana
1846 Bradford Map of Pennsylvania
1835 Las Cases (Lesage) and Renouard Map of the World in Hemispheres
1835 Las Cases (Lesage) and Renouard Map of the Western Hemisphere
1743 Homann Heirs Map of the 1741 Battle of Prague (Praha)
1937 Geographia Map of the Coronation Route of King George VI, London
1921 Crow Map of Beijing (Peking), China
1861 Johnson Map of Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island
1846 Bradford Map of South America
1883 Scribner's Map of the United States Illustrating Wool Production
1883 Scribner's Map of the United States Illustrating American Industry
1951 Miller Pictorial Map of Cape Cod
1846 Bradford Map of Arkansas
1901 Parker Brothers Map and Board Game of the United States
1943 Manning World War II Propaganda Maps: Target Berlin and Target Tokyo
1873 Admiralty Nautical Chart of Maritime Map of the West Coast of England
1892 Rand McNally Map of Brazil and Guiana
1861 Mitchell Map of Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, and Kansas
1862 Johnson Map of Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island
1945 Chapin Map of Central Europe for TIME Magazine
1945 Chapin Map of Japan, China, and Korea for TIME Magazine
1944 Kautzky Map of the Philippines and Indonesia for Life Magazine
1948 Department of Mines Pictorial Map of the Province of Manitoba
1845 Bradford Views of the Moon
1882 U.S.C.G.S. Nautical Chart of the North Landing River, North Carolina
1895 Bien Map of Suffolk County (Hamptons), Long Island, New York
1915 Hyde Map of Part of Fire Island, New York
1877 U.S.C.S. Nautical Chart or Maritime Map of Part of the Potomac River
1945 British Army Map of Bali, Lombok, and Environs, Indonesia
1820 William Darton Masonic Broadside 'Keep Within Compass'
1884 Colton Map of Northeast Africa During the Mahdist War
1909 Peterson Promotional Real Estate Map of South Dakota
1871 Little Map of Land for Sale in the San Joaquin Valley, California
1725 Van der Aa View of Syracuse, Sicily
1932 Dow Pictorial City Map or Plan of Portland, Maine
1700 Schenk and Valk Map of Peru
1975 Tien Wah / Air India Promotional Map of Singapore City
1953 Mirabal Pictorial Map of Havana, Cuba
1909 MacCoun City Map or Plan of Colonial New York City in 1730
1936 Science Press City Map or Plan of Beijing / Peiping, China
1920s Republic of China Era Map of Beijing or Peking, China
1870 Mitchell City Map or Plan of St. Louis, Missouri
1946 University of Hawaii Map of Future Campus Expansion on the Mānoa Campus
1828 Finley Map of Israel, Palestine, or the Holy Land
1771 Set of Two Bonne Maps of West Africa
1917 Greek Political Broadside - Likely a World War I Recruiting Poster
1708 Schenk and Valk Map of Turkey or Asia Minor
1950 Serbian Battle Map of the Fifth Enemy Offensive During World War II
1846 Weiland and Kiepert Map of southwestern Africa
1899 Hamilton Political Cartoon Portrait Map of Admiral George Dewey
High-Resolution Digital Image Download
1862 Mitchell Map of Vermont and New Hampshire
1752 Vaugondy Map of Germany
1758 Bellin Map of the Kara Strait, Yuzhny Island (Novaya Zemlya/ Nova Zembla)
1836 Brue and Picquet Map of the United States
1894 Walker Map or Plan of Boston, Massachusetts
1848 Stieler Map of North America
1931 International At-A-Glance Chart of North and South America
1795 Mentelle and Chanlaire Map of the West Indies
1862 J. Calvin Smith and Colton Folding Wall Map of the United States
1920 Dutch East Indies Tourist Bureau Map of the Padang Highlands in Sumatra
1899 Hamilton Political Cartoon Mocking William Jennings Bryan and Free Silver
1899 Judge Political Cartoon Marveling at the Political Status of Admiral Dewey
1941 Miyahara Natural Resource Map of Thailand During World War II
1930 Chinese City Map or Plan of Beijing (Peking), China
1932 or Showa 7 Japanese Map of Shanghai (w/photo of Bund)
1749 Vaugondy Map of the Senegal River
1854 Mitchell Map of Ohio
1862 Johnson Map of Kansas, Nebraska and Dakota
1868 Shannon and Rogers View of Loew Bridge in Lower Manhattan, New York City
1931 International At-A-Glance Chart Company Map of the United States
1945 Kaliher and White Pictorial WWII Route Map of the 79th Inf. in France
1937 Parker Map Company Map of Wellesley and Needham, Massachusetts
1710 Jaillot Plan or Map of Paris (1900 Taride issue)
1935 Nyman and Schultz City Map or Plan of Stockholm, Sweden
1877 Ruger Map of Battlefield of Logan's Crossroads / Mills Springs, Kentucky
1873 Beers Map of Jamaica Village, Queens, New York City
1847 Emory Map of Battle of Embudo Pass, New Mexico during the Taos Revolt
1950 Ashok Tourist Map of the Kashmir Valley, India
1959 Italian Movie Poster Map of the East Indies and Philippines: Battle of the Pacific
1891 Rand McNally Railroad Map of the Western United States
1954 Lenz and Smith Bird's-Eye View of Tampa Bay and West Florida
1925 Harvey Window Card for Francis Ford's Movie 'Custer's Last Fight'
1929 Admiralty Nautical Chart or Map of Hong Kong: Victoria and Kowloon
1866 Mitchell Map of New Jersey, Maryland, and Delaware
1769 Bellin Map of Tahiti
1740 Bellin Map of the Arabian Peninsula
1833 S.D.U.K. Map of Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee, Alabama and Mississippi
1938 Nitsche Board Game Tracing the Events of the Year 1937
1823 Vandermeren City Map or Plan of Rome, Italy
1938 Fairmap Pictorial City Map or Plan of New York City
1847 Robinson View of the Government House in New York City
1940 Hagstrom Map of Midtown Manhattan Theaters, New York City
1790 Schlepper Map of the Environs of St. Petersburg, Russia
1942 Ask Mr. Foster Pictorial City Map or Plan of New York City
1757 Bellin Map of French Guiana and Suriname
1757 Bellin Map of Celebes Island (Sulawesi), Indonesia
1943 Linn Westcott Pictorial Map of the Railroads of Colorado
1960 Anscombre Pictorial Map of Economic Production of N. America and Asia
1810 Porlier Map of the Red River System and the Gulf of Tonkin, Vietnam
1773 Cook Maps of the Endeavor River and Botany Bay, New South Wales, Australia
1963 Coody Map of the Whig Party's Proposed U.S. Supreme Court Districts
1753 Bellin Map of the Le Maire Strait, Argentina
1757 Bellin Map of Rio de la Plata
1599 De Bry Map of Madagascar
1724 Valk Map of England and Wales
1949 Gadbois and Ritter Cartoon Pictorial Map of the U.S.N.T.C. Great Lakes
1814 Thomson Map of the Russian Empire in Europe and Asia
1845 Chapuy View of Paris, France
1756 Bellin Map of southern South America (Paraguay, Argentina, Chile, Brazil)
1959 Mazoujian Pictorial Treasure Map of North and Central America
1874 Holmes Map of the Lower East Side and Two Bridges. Manhattan, NYC
1757 Bellin Map of the Kamchatka Peninsula and the northern Kuril Islands
1884 Puck Political Cartoon of Four Different Views of Mormonism
1957 Luong Vietnamese Pictorial Map of World Ethnicities
1874 Holmes Map of the Upper East Side, Manhattan, New York City
1869 Holmes Map of Little Italy, Nolita, and Soho, Manhattan, NYC
1872 Holmes Map of Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan, New York City
1938 Carrigen Pictorial Map of Wyoming
1830 Seaton Large-Format Case Map of England and Wales
1945 Madrid City Council City Map or Plan of Madrid, Spain
1920 Map of Adirondack Region Telephone Companies with Manuscript Notations
1788 / c. 1920 Goerck Map of Soho, Manhattan, New York City
1947 Estra Clark Pictorial Map of York, England
1774 Cook Map of New South Wales, Australia
1892 Mingjei Liu Humorous Woodlblock Map of China - first Chinese commercial map
1690 Coronelli Map of the Rhine River Between Wesel and Koblenz, Germany
1788 Maire Map of the Dardanelles or the Hellespont, Turkey
1949 New Zealand Lands and Survey Department Map of Auckland, New Zealand
1968 U.S. Geological Survey Map of Great Smoky Mountains National Park
1900 Tarchi and Pineider Pictorial City Map or Plan of Florence, Italy
1960 Soltesz Pictorial Map of American Folklore and Legends
1960 Saigon Moi City Map or Plan of Saigon, South Vietnam
1949 Denis Mason Jones Pictorial Map of Leeds, England
1849 Mitchell Map of France
1867 Weyss Map of Appomattox Court House, Virginia
1831 Barney Map of the Route Profiles for the Boston and Providence Railroad
1892 Wilbur / Langley Map of San Francisco, California w/advertising
1865 Johnson Map of Iowa and Nebraska
1800 Pennant Map of Southeast Asia, China, Korea and Japan
1649 Blaeu Map of the isles De Re and Oleron, France
1801 Tardieu Map of the Northeastern United States w/Military Tracts
1895 Map of the Eastern Congo Basin showing the tracks of 10 explorers
1945 Japanese Cyanotype WWII Map of the Philippines
1850 Basset Chart of the Flags of Nations
1797 Manuscript View of Genoa, Italy
1963 Wright and Fischer Pictorial Map of Oklahoma Civil War Sites
1943 Chapin Pictorial Map of the Pacific Fortified Positions During World War II
1728 Stöcklein Map of the Amazon based on its Earliest Firsthand Mapping
1930 Map of the Middle East in Ottoman Turkish
1948 Redwood City Tribune Map of Redwood City and its Vicinity
1945 Boeing Map or Plan of Superfortress School in Seattle During WWII
1942 Richard Edes Harrison Map of the World during World War II
1909 Ottoman Turkish Mehmet Eşref Map of Uskudar
1979 Scotese Map Flipbook Illustrating Continental Drift
1909 Mehmet Eşref Map of Korea just prior to Japanese Colonial Rule
1909 Mehmet Eşref Comparative Mountain Heights and Depths
1887 Admiralty Nautical Chart of Singapore, Malaya, Luzon, and the Mekong Delta
1851 U.S. Coast Survey Chart or Map of Trinidad Bay, California
1946 Pictorial Map of Cape Cod, Massachusetts
1931 Leconte and Guilmin Pictorial Map of Paris / Map of Colonial Exposition
1944 Army Map Service Road Map of Northern Luzon, Philippines
1898 Tyler View of the Battle of Manila Bay, Philippines
1846 Mitchell Map of the West Indies (First Edition!)
1878 Hastings Temperance Broadside
1880 H. Windwart Map of the Lower East Side south of Grand, New York City
1839 Netherchit Missionary Map of the World w/ Republic of Texas
1874 Holmes Map of Midtown Manhattan, New York City Including Times Square
1951 Liozu Pictorial Map of Asia
1882 Opper Satirical Cartoon Lampooning Gilded Age Republican Corruption
1855 Colton Map of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland Price Edward Island
1846 Owen Nautical Chart East Madagascar w/Manuscript Whaling Notes
1959 Bermuda Press Pictorial Map of Hamilton, Bermuda
1972 Amir Publishing Co. Pictorial Map of Haifa
1910 Matthews Northrup and Southern Pacific Climate Map of California
1938 Fairmap Pictorial City Map or Plan of New York City
1958 News Map of the Week Map of the World
1937 Osaka Asahi Shimbun 'Battle of Shanghai' Map of Shanghai, China
1939 Borough of Brooklyn City Map or Plan of Brooklyn w/ Manuscript Railroads
1902 Blanchard Map of New York City
1944 Army Map Service Road Map of the Central and Southern Philippines
1854 Longuet Map of the Eastern Balkans and Black Sea During the Crimean War
1955 Johnson Pictorial Map of Michigan State University
1986 Ranlee Pictorial Map of Belmont, the 'Little Italy' of the Bronx, New York City
1845 Ensign Map of the United States (Texas as a Republic)
1907 Hotel Booklet City Map or Plan of Manhattan, New York City
1893 Johnston Map of Central Asia Tracing the Route of the Earl of Dunmore
1893 Trekking Map of Gosainkund and Helambu in Nepal
1908 General Land Office Map of Yellowstone National Park
1967 Civic Education Service Pictorial Map of Brazil
1940 Rand McNally and Pure Oil Map of Florida
1961 U.S. Geological Survey Set of Three Maps of the Moon
1548 Gastaldi Map of the Indian Peninsula
1636 Hondius/ Jansson Map of Turkey and Cyprus in an Apparent Appendix Issue
1942 Manuscript Map of Damascus, Syria During World War II
1928 Jen Feng She Tourist Map of Shanghai
1853 Colton Case Map of the United States
1821 Purdy Map of Cabotia (New England and Canada)
1951 Liozu Pictorial Map of Australia, the East Indies, and Oceania
1906 Piper Map of Washington State Floral Areas
1880 Stanford Map of Bermuda Recording a 1921 Visit in Manuscript
1774 Cook Benard/ Hawkesworth Chart of New Guinea, New Britain and New Ireland
1940 Price and Lee Co. City Map of Newark, New Jersey w/ Manuscript Railroads
1774 Cook / Benard/ Hawkesworth Chart of the Straits of Magellan
1774 Cook / Benard/ Hawkesworth Chart of the Pacific Ocean
1851 Tallis and Rapkin Map of New South Wales, Australia w/ Gold Claims
1960 De Jesus City Plan or Map of Manila, Philippines
1965 Gutierrez Infographic Map of Mexico and the Mexican Fishing Industry
1970 Civic Education Service Broadside Map of the World's Oceans
1944 Chapin Map of the Battle of Monte Cassino in Italy During World War II
1871 U.S. Coast Survey Map or Chart of Edgartown Harbor, Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts
1943 Army Orientation Branch Map of the Dutch East Indies
1915 Bain map of Los Angeles and Vicinity
1933 Rothe and Gibbs Pictorial Map of Europe / WWI Route of 301st Artillery
1960 Saigon Moi City Plan or Map of Bac Lieu, Vietnam
1944 David Jones City Plan or Map of Sydney, Australia during World War II
1966 Civic Education Service Pictorial Map of Communist China
1933 North-China Daily News Map of Shanghai, China
1598 Magini Map of Sumatra/ Sri Lanka according to Ptolemy
1774 Benard/ Hawkesworth Chart of the Strait of Le Maire
1937 'Il Mattino Illustrato' Propaganda Map of China / 2nd Sino-Japanese War
1943 Cheeseman Pictorial Broadside Map of the United States Promoting Aviation
1948 U.S. Army Map of Marunouchi District, Central Tokyo, Japan
1874 Amerman and Ford Map of The Upper East Side, 114th to 125th, New York City
1867 Holmes Map of the Upper West Side and Manhattan Valley, New York City
1916 First Republic of China Administrative Map of Beijing, China
1940 Harrison Map of Europe During the 'Phoney War'
1950 Ciqheri Pictorial Map of Malta, Gozo, and Comino
1892 Rand McNally Map of the United States and the Burlington Railroad
1944 Allied Geographical Section Map of the Philippines
1774 Benard/ Hawkesworth Chart of the Solomon and Carteret Islands
1774 Benard/ Hawkesworth Chart of the Falkland Islands
1893 Jeppe Map of the Zoutpansberg Goldfields, South Africa
1893 Shawe Map of the Shire Highlands, Malawi (British Central Africa)
1945 Manuscript Road Map of Leyte Island, Philippines During World War II
1904 Bartholomew Map of Arabian Peninsula
1893 Royal Geographical Map of North Greenland and the 1891 Peary Expedition
1939 Harrison Map of Europe
1885 Vlieger Dutch Board Game Map of Horse-Drawn Trolleys
1677 Visscher Map of the Frontiers of Turkey in Europe
1898 Muller, Luchsinger View of the Battle of Manila, Philippines
1906 Richard Rummell Bird's-Eye View of Williams College, Massachusetts
1920 David Spencer Limited City Map or Plan of Vancouver, British Columbia
1749 Bellin Map of Nova Zembla and the Kara Sea
1967 Civic Education Service Pictorial Map of Alaska
1936 Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Company Map of the United States
1942 Army Orientation Course Newsmap Map of the World
1895 Hassenstein Map of Western Guatemala Volcanoes
1847 Fatout Pictorial Map of Paris, France
1915 Republic of China Internal Affairs Map of Beijing, China w/suburbs
1780 Bellin Map of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and Newfoundland
1898 Public Ledger Map of Cuba and the Philippines during the Spanish American War
1774 Cook Nautical Map of the Great Barrier Reef in Australia
1872 Harper's Weekly View of Boston in Ruins After Great Fire
1863 Mitchell Map of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska and Idaho / Wyoming
1910 Sonora News Company City Plan or Map of Central Mexico City, Mexico
1890 Cloth Pictorial Illustration of This Little Piggy Nursery Rhyme
1946 Pictorial Tourist Map of the American Southwest
1960 Polygrafia Pictorial Map of Czechoslovakia
1950 Poisson Pictorial Map of Nice, French Riviera, France
1942 Chapin Map of Algeria and Tunisia
1945 Army Information Branch Newsmap Map of East Asia
1899 British Admiralty Nautical Chart of the Gulf of Honduras (Guatemala, Belize)
1942 Gousha Map of the World w/ air raid advice!
1898 Weller Map of Aconcagua, Mendoza Province, Argentina
1899 Altura Viu Map of Tarragona Province, Spain
1913 Waterlow Railroad Map of Cuba
1864 Meyer Map of England and Wales
1964 Philippine Coast and Geodetic Survey Aviation Chart or Map of Northern Luzon
1875 Dufour Map of the cantons of Vaud and Valais from the First Accurate National Survey
1959 Kaniel Pictorial Tourist Map of Egypt
1905 Blackmar and State Mining Bureau Map of Los Angeles Oil Field
1957 U.S. Geological Survey Map of Seattle, Washington and Vicinity
1861 New York Herald Map of the United States during the American Civil War
1947 Army Advisory Group Plan or Map of Nanking / Nanjing, China
1863 Mitchell Map of Ohio and Indiana
1854 Dufour Map of the Lepontine Alps from the First Accurate National Survey
1855 Colton Map of Prussia and Saxony, Germany
1860 Garnier Celestial or Star Map in Two Hemispheres
1929 Turell Silk Road Map of Catalonia, Spain
1780 Bellin Map of the Amazon River
1943 Army Orientation Course Newsmap of the Mediterranean Sea and North Africa
1870 Vallardi Map of Umbria - Lazio or the Country Around Rome, Italy
1855 Lallemand City Plan or Map of Paris, France
1868 Shannon and Rogers View of the Lake, Central Park, New York City
1855 Colton Map of Bavaria, Wurtemberg and Baden, Germany
1930 Canadian Government Road Map of Canada and the United States
1893 Gillam Political Cartoon of Uncle Same Crushed by Silver
1904 USGS Geologic Map of Yellowstone Lake, Yellowstone National Park
1944 Chapin Map of Romania, Bulgaria, and Ukraine during World War II
1945 Royal Navy Map of Shanghai Harbor and the Huangpu River, China
1944 Chapin Map of Burma / Myanmar during World War II
1943 Chapin Map of Eastern Europe during World War II
1860 Bouasse-Lebel Chart of Armorial Crests of World Powers
1862 Basset Chart of European Orders and other Decorations
1904 U.S. Geological Survey Topographic Map of Yellowstone National Park
1875 Dufour Map of the cantons of Fribourg and Bern from the First Swiss National Survey
1940 Suchy Pictorial Map of Key West, Florida
1878 Testard Pictorial Map of Paris, France with Monuments
1920 Brett's Pharmacy English Language City Plan or Map of Yokohama, Japan
1955 Coors Brewing Company Pictorial Placemat Map of Wyoming
1794 Edwards and Stockdale Map of Saint Kitts
1875 Dufour Map of the French/ Swiss Border near Neuchatel
1904 U.S.G.S Topographic Map of Travertine Terraces, Yellowstone National Park
1904 U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Map of Canyon, Yellowstone National Park
1794 Edwards and Stockdale Map of Dominica
1884 Kiepert Topographic Map of Greece and the Balkans
1918 Rice Map of the Rio Negro, Brazil
1618 Hondius Map of Aargau, Switzerland
1957 Dah Chung Book Company Map of Hong Kong and Kowloon
1886 Kiepert Topographic Map of Central Europe
1888 Kiepert Topographic Map of Russia and Eastern Europe
1944 Morale Services Division Newsmap Map of Southeast Asia
1635 Blaeu Map of Central Africa - Kingdom of Prester John
1820 Royal Danish Nautical Charts Archive Nautical Chart of the Kattegat
1823 Tanner Map of Pennsylvania and New Jersey
1852 Levasseur Mpa of the Department De La Loire, France (Loire Valley Region)
1916 Evans Ethnographic Map of Yugoslavia Published During World War I
1916 Royal Geographical Society Map of Bolivia and Peru
1918 Royal Geographical Society Railroad Map of Rwanda and Burundi
1789 Schraembl / Anville Map of the Coromandel Coast, India (2 sheets)
1774 Cook Harbor Maps of the Endeavour River and Botany Bay in Australia
1945 Billings and Arnaud City Plan or Map of Nice, France
1876 Bauman Map of the North Pole
1928 Japanese Navy Geological and Oil Map of Taiwan
1780 Bellin Map of St. Christopher/ St. Kitts
1932 Showa 7 Murasaki City Plan or Map of Taipei, Taiwan
1937 Nichi Nichi Pictorial Map of China, Korea, Japan, Manchuria: Marco Polo Bridge
1953 Miller Pictorial Map of Cape Cod
1942 Cheeseman Pictorial Map of the United States
1780 Bellin Map of the South-West Coast of Africa, Angola to Cape of Good Hope
1940 LaCasse Pictorial Tourist Map of Western Montana
1780 Bellin Map of South Africa and Mozambique
1780 Bellin Map of the Guinea Coast of Africa, from Guinea-Bissau to Angola
1972 Millsap Pictorial Map of San Diego, California
1750 Italian Zoological Print of an American Bison
1925 Stationery Map of Aberdeen, South Dakota and Route to Yellowstone Park
1928 Epstein Lithography Stationery Map of Nebraska
1941 Hammond Pictorial Map of United States Defense Mobilization pre WWII
1728 Stocklein Map of Egypt and the Red Sea
1956 Szapiro Map of the Middle East During the Suez Crisis
1823 Tanner Map of Asia
1920 Folk Art Board Cigarette Silk Actress Portraits
1675 Dapper Map of Xiamen (Amoy) and Southeastern China
1861 Civil War 'Richmond Edition' of Johnson's New Illustrated Family Atlas
1936 Petruccelli and Harrison Map of Asia and the Japanese Empire
1970 Civic Education Service Wall Map of Japan
1966 Turkish Ministry of Tourism and Information Map of Turkey
1780 Bellin Map of Guadeloupe and Marie-Galante
1943 Vaucher and Pirola Map of the World on a Polar Projection
1931 Burbank Pictorial City Plan or Map of Saint Paul, Minnesota
1646 Merian Map of Russia, Depicted Just After the Reign of Boris Godunov
1948 Orell Fussli Tourist Map of Lake Lucerne and Vicinity, Switzerland
1780 Bellin Map of West Central Africa (Congo)
1644 Blaeu Map of Picardy
1780 Bellin Map of Siberia
1780 Bellin Map of Southeastern Africa
1780 Bellin Map of Northern India, Afghanistan, and Pakistan
1724 Johannes Kip View or City Map of Gloucester, England
1858 Manuscript Nautical Chart of the Bay of Iskenderun, Turkey
1956 Deposito Hidrografico Nautical Chart of San Antonio Port, Ibiza
1956 Deposito Hidrografico Nautical Chart of Mahon Port, Menorca
1846 Meyer Map of New Jersey
1933 Auto Club of Southern California Map of Southern California and Nevada
1968 Avaguian Pictorial Tourist Map of Armenia
1780 Bellin Map of Manchuria and the Russo-Chinese Frontier
1749 Bellin Map of Nova Zembla and the Entrance to the Kara Sea
1891 U.S.C.G.S. Map of Aleutian Islands Illegal Seal Hunting
1893 Stevengraph Woven Silk View of the Declaration of Independence Signing
1893 Stevengraph Woven Silk Views of a Sea Rescue and Columbus Leaving Spain
1980 Joseph Bird's-Eye View or Map of Eastern Long Island
1961 Official Set of City Planning Maps (3) of Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
1739 Bretez Turgot View and Map of Paris, France (c. 1900 Taride issue)
1918 North-China Daily News / Municipal Council Map of Shanghai, China
1771 Bonne Map of Paraguay, Uruguay, and Brazil
1750 Bellin Map of the East Indies (Sumatra, Malay, Java, Borneo)
1906 Hassmann Political Cartoon Deriding Economic Inequality
1904 Mexican Central Railway Railroad Tourist Map of Mexico
1818 Hall Map of the Yangtze River, China, and the Amherst Embassy
1965 Vietnam War Era Vietnamese Map of North Vietnam
1918 Royal Geographical Society Map of Syria and Mesopotamia
1818 Hall Map of East Asia and the Voyage of the HMS Alceste
1972 Summer Resorts and Tourism Service Tourist Map of Iraq
1948 Friendship Press Pictorial Map of the World - Proof State!
1901 Tyroler View of Istanbul from across the Bosporus
1938 Portail Map of Saigon, Vietnam (French Indochina / Ho Chi Min City)
1867 Weyss Map of the Bermuda Hundred Campaign during the U.S. Civil War
1847 Hardcastle Map of General Worth's Division at the Battle of Churubusco
1848 Kollner View of George Washington's tomb at Mount Vernon, Virginia
1931 Eddy Bird's-Eye View Map of Hoover Dam, Lake Mead, and Environs
1872 Gill Pictorial Cartoon Map of France After the Paris Commune
1947 Ragaert Travel Broadside Map of Mexico City, Mexico
1829 Burr Map of Albany and Schenectady Counties, New York
1968 Moscow City Planning Office Pictorial Map of Moscow in German
1851 Reynolds Chart of Comets and Asteroids
1964 Gordon Levinson Ayalon Pictorial Map of the United States in Hebrew
1895 Bureau Topographique Map of Thai Nguyen, Vietnam
1868 Holland Map of the Sinai Peninsula
1900 War Dept. Map of Panay, Philippines, during the Philippine-American War
1900 Greely Map of the Philippines and Military Telegraph Lines and Cables
1895 Bureau Topographique Map of Halong Bay, Hai Phong, Vietnam
1895 Bureau Topographique Map of Vinh Long, Mekong Delta, Vietnam
1895 Bureau Topographique Map of Lang Son, Vietnam
1895 Bureau Topographique Map of Cao Bang, Vietnam
1853 Black Map of New South Wales and Victoria, Australia with Gold Deposits
1538 Münster Map of Greece, Asia Minor and the Black Sea
1935 Yardley Pictorial Map of Baltimore County, Maryland
1930 Varin View of the First Baptist Church, Chicago, Illinois
1926 L'U.C.I.A. Advertising Road Map of Vietnam / French Indochina
1869 Chandless Map of the Jurua River, Amazon Rainforest, Brazil
1938 Efron City Plan or Map of Shanghai, China
1873 Elias Map of Western Mongolia and northern China
1921 Crow City Map or Plan of Suzhou, China
1943 Johnson 'Civic Education Service' Map of the Pacific WWII
1942 Detroit Times Pictorial Map of the World During World War II
1964 Alvarez View of Proposed Religious Center at Inter American University
1911 Bach Map of the Philippines
1850 View of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
1967 Hayes Pictorial Placemat Map of Oregon
1780 Bellin Map of the Malaku Islands (Moluccas)
1780 Bellin Map of Brazil
1764 Bellin City Plan or Map of Palermo, Italy
1890 Kurz and Allison View of the Battle of Cedar Creek, Virginia
1950s Rand McNally Pictorial Road Map of Florida
1873 Murray Map of Eastern Persia (Iran)
1732 Stocklein View of Mount Horeb and its Vicinity
1780 Bellin/ Müller Map of Siberia and Kamchatka
1943 Chapin Map of Northern Hemisphere Great Circle Aviation Routes
1870 Murray Map of Manchuria, China
1875 Smith Map of the Centennial Exposition, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1897 Wynkoop Map of West Shore Railroad: NewYork, Boston, Chicago, St. Louis
1903 Thacker Map of Jammu and Kashmir, India
1894 Niigata Shinbun Map of Korea during First Sino-Japanese War
1965 Hatch Wolfe Tourist City Plan or Map of Kabul, Afghanistan
1945 British Twelfth Army Christmas Card Map of Burma
1865 Miller Ribbon Map of the Hudson River, New York
1972 Nan Hua Publishing Company City Plan or Map of/ Taichung City, Taiwan
1752 Buache Map of the Sea Floor of the English Channel
1702 Gerard Valk map of upper Burgundy, France (Burgundy Wine)
1894 Hartmann Map of Southern Turkey and Northeastern Syria
1708 De Fer Map of Burgundy and Franche Comte, France (Burgundy Wine)
1862 Dollar Weekly Times Map of the Southern States during the U.S. Civil War
1870 Murray Map of the Afar Country, Eritrea and Ethiopia
1866 Chandless Ribbon Map of the Purus River, Brazil and Peru
1942 Chapin Map of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans During World War II
1868 Petermann Map of East Africa Exploration Routes
1862 Johnson Military Map of the United States in Seven Departments
1956 Instituto Geográfico Map of Spain and Portugal w/ Railroads
1766 Muller Map of the Bering Strait (Alaska, Siberia, Pacific Northwest)
1852 Sebron and Salathe Aquatint View of Niagara Falls General View
1852 Sebron and Salathe Aquatint View of Niagara Falls Horseshoe
1859 U.S. Coast Survey Chart or Map of the Southern Coast of Maine
1855 Bill Chromolithograph View of the Siege of Sevastopol, Crimea
1920 Clason Map of California
1939 Le Petit Parisien Map of the World during World War II
1973 Soviet Department of Geodesy and Cartography Map of the Philippines
1699 De Fer map of America in a Rare Early State
1743 D'Anville Map of Italy
1939 Christiansen Map of Nebraska illustrating 'Outdoor Life'
1867 Weyss Map of the Battle of High Bridge (American Civil War)
1944 Chapin Map of the Presumed Allied Invasion of 'Fortress Europe'
1830 French Ministry of the Navy Map of Guantánamo Bay, Cuba
1830 Philip Comparative Chart or Map of the World's Rivers
1868 Admiralty Nautical Map or Chart of Russian Manchuria
1955 Journal Publishing Real Estate Promotional Map of St. Petersburg / Tampa, Florida
1878 Government Land Office Map of Lanai, Hawaii
1817 Jacotin Napoleonic Era Map of the Nile Valley near Thebes / Luxor, Egypt
1817 Jacotin Napoleonic Era Map of the Nile Valley near Aswan, Egypt
1973 Tom Sawyer Diner Pictorial Placemat Map of Florida
1794 Wilkinson Map of Switzerland
1956 General Drafting Pictorial Map of Florida
1883 U.S. Coast Survey Nautical Chart or Map of Nantucket, Massachusetts
1708 Senex Map of Spain and Portugal
1780 Bellin Map of Martinique
1910 Turkish Atlas Map of North America
1890 Shawe Map of the Rovuma and Zambesi Rivers, Southeast Africa
1780 Bellin Map of India
1780 Bellin Map of Robinson Crusoe Island, Juan Fernández Islands
1940 Pyle Pictorial Map of the Black Hills, South Dakota
1955 South Seas Trading Company Pictorial Map of Guam
1861 Murray Map of Central Asia
1928 Suchy Pictorial Map of Cleveland, Ohio
1784 Janvier Puzzle Map of America w/Sea of the West
1827 Vandermaelen Map of Sumatra, the Sunda Strait, and the Java Sea
1960 Caire and Thatcher Buried Treasure Map of Louisiana
1867 Goodsell Map of New York Railroads
1920 Bulgarian Manuscript Map of the Western Front during World War I
1871 Petermann Map of the Hinlopen Strait, Svalbard, Norway
1940 Japan Indochina Association Map of French Indochina Agriculture
1871 Petermann Map of Svalbard and the Arctic Ocean
1706 Meyer Broadsheet Celebrating the Study of Geography
1944 Shishodo Japanese Map of the Philippines
1732 Barbot/ Churchill Map of the Coast of Angola and Luanda
1923 Chinese Ministry of Finance Postal Wall Map of Manchuria, China
1762 Jonas Hanway Map of Northern Europe
1947 Clegg Pictorial Map of Northern Ireland
1762 Jonas Hanway Map of Europe with Trade Routes to Persia
1954 Mayo Pictorial Map of Florida
1661 Elzevir / Cluver map of Africa
1753 Jonas Hanway Map of the Caspian Sea
1945 Kaliher and White Set of Pictorial WWII Route Maps of 79th Inf. in Europe
1922 Bartholomew Terrain Map of China
1862 Arrowsmith Map of the Yangtze River, China
1869 Murray Map of Kodagu (Coorg) District, Karnataka, India
1932 Fine Printing Co. Map of Shanghai and Vicinity - Shanghai War of 1932
1884 Cozzens / Scribner Chromolithograph American Yacht Signal Chart
1835 Burritt/Huntington Map of the Constellations of the Hemispheres (2 Maps)
1994 Lardie Pictorial Postcards Denouncing the Bosnian War (Set of 7 cards)
1886 Garcia y Cubas Map of Durango, Mexico
1681 Dapper view of Damascus, Syria
1836 Maire Large Format Map of Europe
1878 Post Office Dept. Map Wall Map of New England w/ Gold mines?
1956 Tour Ltd. Map of Tel Aviv, Israel and Vicinity
1969 Vero Pictorial Map of Jerusalem, Israel
1945 Life Magazine Map of the Eastern Hemisphere w/ Russian Naval Battles
1945 Miami Chamber of Commerce City Plan or Map of Miami Beach, Florida
1913 Rand McNally Pocket Map of the Philippines
1914 Brown Vexillology or Flag Chart of 'All Nations'
1972 Herc Ficklen Manuscript Political Cartoon Map of Florida - Democratic Primary
1946 Hoffman Anthropological Map of the World
1838 Dir. Hidrografia Nautical Chart / Map of West Indies / Caribbean / Florida
1904 Bacon Bird's'Eye View of the Russo-Japanese War (China, Japan, Korea)
1753 Jonas Hanway Allegorical Frontispiece
1780 Bellin Map of Brazil
1661 Elzevir / Cluver map of China, Korea and Japan
1937 Hill City Plan or Map of Los Angeles, California
1900 U.S. Fish Commission Map of Pacific Ocean Dredgings
1753 Jonas Hanway Map of Independent Tartary
1837 Direccion Hidrografia Nautical Chart / Map of the Atlantic Ocean
1878 Turner Map of Xinjiang China during the Dungan Revolt
1935 Amos 'n' Andy Pictorial Map of Weber City
1926 Shields Map of Western Gonja, Gold Coast (Ghana)
1900 U.S. Fish Commission Map of Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea Dredgings
1900 U.S. Fish Commission Map of Atlantic and Pacific Ocean Dredgings
1930 Soderholm Silk Pictorial Tourist Map of the Stockholm sutställningen
1844 Logerot Map of Paris w/ Vignettes and Fortifications
1873 Russian Topographical Depot Map of Central Asia (Great Game / Spycraft)
1868 Jeppe and Petermann Map of the Transvaal, South Africa
1960 Nirdosh Publications Railroad Map of India
1814 Jean City Plan or Map of Paris, France
1875 Wood Map of the Khanate of Khiva (Uzbekistan)
1587 Ortelius Map of Bohemia in Superb Original Color
1945 Sweet SECRET WWII Manuscript Map Villa Verde Trail, Luzon, Philippines
1953 William Olsson Economic Infographic Wall Map of Europe
1886 Sharbau and Milne Map of Burma (Myanmar) and Thailand
1953 Spyridon Pictorial Map of Jerusalem
1945 Air Express Pictorial Map of an American Town during World War II
1939 Shafer Pictorial Map of Ohio
1886 Kossiakof Map of Turkestan, Central Asia
1934 Edward Camy Pictorial Map of Alaska
1680 De Wit Map of Italy
1886 Norris Wooden Geography Game Zylo-Karta
1922 Riedel Map of Fort Wayne, Indiana
1975 Cuzzi Morales Pictorial Tourist Map of Arequipa, Peru
1950 D'Anello City Plan or Map of Panama City, Panama
1922 Clason Resource Map of Wyoming
1983 World Peace Council Comic Map of the 'World According to Ronald Reagan'
1864 'Home Insurance' Civil War Map of the Washington - Richmond Area
1930 Bekins Map of Omaha, Nebraska
1753 Jonas Hanway Map of the Volga River, Russia
1959 Henry Emmett Gross City Plan or Map of St. Louis, Missouri
1661 Elzevir / Clüver map of the British Isles
1953 Pictorial Tourist Map of Cannes, France
1955 Mahn / Scen-o-tour Pictorial Bird's-Eye View Map of Miami, Florida
1796 John Barrow Map of Zhoushan Coast (south of Shanghai), China
1996 FAMA Pictorial Map of Sarajevo During the Siege of Sarajevo
1893 Walker Map of the Coast of Maine
1864 Brown Chromolithograph View of the Brooklyn Academy of Music, Brooklyn
1988 SiliTun View / Map of Tech in Canada - the Silicon Tundra
1845 William Little Presentation Birds-Eye View Panorama of London, England
1854 Kiepert Map of the Caucasus, Armenia, Kurdistan, and Azerbaijan
1850 Horsburgh Map of of the South China Sea: Hong Kong, Philippines, Hainan
1643 Thomas Jenner/ van Langeren Miniature Map of Cambridgeshire
1957 Deposito Hidrografico Nautical Chart of Ibiza and Formentera Islands
1939 Spofford Bird's-Eye View Map of the New York World's Fair
1780 Frentzel Map of Northern Bohemia (War of the Bavarian Succession)
1801 Tardieu Map of the Carolinas, Kentucky, and Tennessee w/ Georgia
1891 Courier Company City Plan or Map of Buffalo, New York
1911 Rodrigues Economic Map of Brazil during Rubber Boom
1855 Bachelder Bird's Eye View of Manchester, New Hampshire
1852 Magnus Map of New York City and Brooklyn
1868 Swedish Nautical Chart / Map of Bothnian Bay
1841 Lauvergne View of the Singapore River, Singapore
1904 Eldridge Nautical Chart / Map of Massachusetts Bay
1890 Blumlein Panoramic Map the Rhine River, Germany (Mainz to Cologne)
1989 Azchetko Pictorial Map of Saint Augustine, Florida
1972 Bartholomew Pictorial Map of the World and its Flowers
1839 Monin Comparative Mountains and Rivers Chart
1976 American Radio Relay League Amateur Radio Map of the World
1866 Colton Sectional Pocket Map of Iowa
1955 Milton Bradley Map of the United States and American Airlines Routes
1887 Kurz and Allison View of the Civil War Battle of Fort Donelson, Tennessee
1912 Saussine Pictorial Aviation 'Round the World' Board Game
1938 Webb Hamilton Pictorial Map of Cape Cod
1934 Harper Pictorial Map of Greenwich Village, New York City
1676 John Speed County Map of Monmouthshire
1927 Japanese Kodansha Youth Club Sugoroku Trans-Pacific Aviation Map
1646 John Speed County Map of Montgomeryshire
1627 John Speed County Map of Cardiganshire
1891 Kurz and Allison View of the Civil War Battle of Nashville, Tennessee
1662 John Speed County Map of Pembrokeshire (Rare Rea Issue)
1770 Lotter Map of Asia
1931 Edwin Tunis Historical Pictorial Map of Maryland
1840 Pellerin Pictorial Broadside of the Paris - Saint Germain Railroad
1795 D'Anville Wall Map of South America
1861 Beers Wall Map of Philadelphia and Vicinity
1918 Teichman Map of Shaanxi (Shansi), China
1939 Greyhound Pictorial Map of the United States
1948 Richard Pictorial Tourist Map of Kansas
1868 Swedish Royal Nautical Chart / Map of the Bothnian Sea
1770 John Speed County Map of Leicester (Scarce Dicey Edition)
1676 John Speed County Map of Merionethshire
1835 Bruguière Comparative Chart of the World's Great Waterfalls
1860 James Polar Projection of the Globe - Arctic / Atlantic Projection
1927 Canadian National Railway Map of the Canadian Rockies
1900 Chias Map of Sinaloa, Mexico
1726 Valentijn Map of the Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
1947 Lucas Company Map of Gloucester and Rockport, Massachusetts and Environs
1764 Kitchin Map of Eastern Poland and Lithuania
1934 Appleton Allegorical Map of the New Deal Distribution of Money
1967 Workers' Congress City Map of Beijing during the Cultural Revolution
1862 U.S. Coast Survey Nautical Chart / Map of the Potomac River, Maryland and Virginia
1942 SERP Tourist Map of Paris during German Occupation
1753 Jonas Hanway Map of the Russian-Kazakh Frontier
1980 Bzdurreck-Wills Pictorial Map of Niagara Falls, Canada
1934 U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Map of New England w/ Gypsy Moth Quarantine
1963 Phillips Pictorial Map of Swan's Island, Maine
1944 U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Nautical Chart / Map of Northwestern Palawan, Philippines
1981 Weaver and Sorenson Pictorial Strip Map of New England and New Brunswick
1886 Kurz and Allison View of the American Civil War Battle of Five Forks
1845 General Land Office Map of Michigan
1966 Phillips Pictorial Map of Lincoln County, Mid-Coast Maine
1855 Gilliss Panoramic View of Santiago, Chile From Santa Lucia Hill
1966 Thang City Map or Plan of Saigon, South Vietnam
1913 U.S.C.G.S. Nautical Chart / Map of the Mid-Coast Maine
1942 Geisberg Pictorial Map of South Carolina
1928 Royal State Railway Department of Siam City Plan of Bangkok, Thailand
1940 Chocolates Orthi Pictorial Map of North America
1898 / 1910 Servoss 'Daily Eagle' Map of Brooklyn
1866 Kellogg Chromolithograph Memorial Portrait of Abraham Lincoln
1895 McElroy Map of the Chickamauga Battlefield, Georgia
1838 Norie Blueback Chart / Map of the English Channel and South England
1891 Imray Nautical Chart / Map of Tasmania, Australia
1847 Ensigns and Thayer Decorative Map of New England
1974 Palm Springs Map Guide City Plan or Map of Palm Springs, California
1945 All Year Club of Southern California Map of Los Angeles City and County, California
1661 Elzevir / Clüver map of Sicily
1966 Hagstrom Map of Midtown Manhattan Theatres, New York City
1867 Mitchell City Plan or Map of Boston, Massachusetts
1866 Mitchell City Plan or Map of New York City, New York
1915 Rand Avery Railroad Map of Maine: Bangor and Aroostook Railroad
1945 U.S. Army Forces, Pacific City Plan or Map of Manila, Philippines
1955 Azar Tourist Map of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
1840 Basset Comparative Chart of the Chateaux of France
1964 Dolph and Florida State Turnpike Authority Map of Florida
1940 Lufkin and Boston Globe Pictorial Map of Boston, Massachusetts
1944 Mann City Map or Plan of Honolulu, Hawaii
1904 U.S.G.S. Topographic Map of Mammoth Springs, Yellowstone National Park
1960 Newman and Long Broadside Pictorial Map of American Civil War Battles
1913 Matthews-Northrup Map of New England Summer Resorts
1908 Walker Railroad Map of Massachusetts
1983 Trekking Map of he Annapurna Sanctuary and Kali Gandaki in Nepal
1910 Rand Avery Railroad Map of Maine: Bangor and Aroostook Railroad
1954 Polk County Commissioners Pictorial Map of Polk County, Florida
1953 Utah Bank Note Co. Pictorial Map of California, Colorado, Utah, Nevada
1934 Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce Road Map of Cape Cod
1950 Walker Bird's Eye View Map of Casco Bay, Portland, Maine
1796 Carey Map of Northern France, Belgium, and Germany
1921 Rand McNally Railroad Map of California
1955 People's Art Publishing Art Deco Map of Shanghai, China
1939 Mountcastle City Plan or Map of Cleveland, Ohio
1842 Tojo Kindai Edo Woodblock Map of the Izu Islands (Tokyo or Edo)
1912 Poole Brothers Railroad Map of the United States and Canada
1950 Pictorial Tourist Map of Lebanon
1854 Philip Map of the Crimean Peninsula / Crimea
1940 Kroll Map Company Map of Alaska
1890 Kurz and Allison View of Franco-Prussian War Second Battle of Orléans, France
1810 Heather Nautical Chart or Maritime Map of Suffolk, Norfolk, Lincolnshire
1916 Irving National Bank Map of New York City Freight Terminals
1944 Chapin Map of Burma / Myanmar during World War II
1823 Atkinson Nautical Chart of the Entrance to Portsmouth Harbor, England
1955 Steimatsky Pictorial Map of Jerusalem
1886 Silas Farmer Map of Woodmere Cemetery, Detroit, Michigan
1688 / 1697 Coronelli Globe Gore: Grand Banks, Azores, and Cape Verde Islands
1936 Showa 11 Administrative Map of Taipei District, Taiwan w/ manuscript
1933 Cook City Plan or Map of Victoria, Central, Hong Kong
1861 Johnson Map of Cuba, Jamaica, and Puerto Rico
1934 Kenneth Morang Pictorial Map of Cape Cod, Massachusetts
1866 Dockham Map of Essex County, Massachusetts
1867 Weyss Map of the Civil War Battlefield of Cold Harbor, Virginia
1934 Direccion General de Correos y Telegrafos Map of Yucatan, Mexico
1582 Braun and Hogenberg View / Map of Weimar, Germany
1893 Kurz and Allison View of the Civil War Battle of Williamsburg, Virginia
1885 Matthews Northrup Map of Virginia and Kentucky: Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad
1941 Taiwan Governor Office Map of the Malay, Sumatra, and Singapore
1970 Automobile Club of Southern California Map of Los Angeles and Vicinity
1921 Crow City Plan or Map of the Foreign Settlements, Shanghai, China
1920 Japanese Map of the United States, Mexico, Caribbean, and Central America
1741 Homann Heirs Map of France
1904 Meiji 37 Maeda Panorama Map of the Liaodong Peninsula, Russo-Japanese War
1968 Esso City Plan or Map of Saigon, Vietnam during the Vietnam War
1911 William Fox / Edward Codwise Map of the Catskill Mountains
1925 Routledge View Map of the Columbia River Highway, Oregon
1820 Royal Danish Archive Nautical Chart of the Skagerrak and the Kattegat
1937 Minguo 26 Beiping Xidan Yinnan Map of Beijing Suburbs, China
1870 Foerster View of the Hudson River from West Point, New York
1908 Cendoya y Busquets Map of the Alhambra, Granada, Spain
1967 Estoril Tours Pictorial Map of Macau, China
1753 Bellin Map of The Straits of Magellan, Chile, South America
1926 Horne City Plan or Map of Summerall Park Heights, Tavares, Florida
1933 Go Printing View / Map of Mount Fuji, Japan
1922 Yoshida Koijūrō Tokyo Peace Exhibition Map / View of Ueno Park
1881 Meiji 14 Rikugun Bunko Map of Vietnam and Cambodia / Indochina
1943 Stanley Turner WWII Pictorial Map of the United States
1856 Bachelder View of Lynn, Massachusetts
1904 Yamada Rikizaburō Map of Manchuria: Russo-Japanese War
1850 Marzolla Map of the Caribbean or West Indies
1936 Li Changfu and Shi Zhonghua Map of Indonesia, Philippines, Indochina, Malaya, Burma, Thailand
1889 Kurz and Allison View of the Naval Battle of Lake Erie (War of 1812)
1691 Coronelli Map of the Mughal Empire or Northern India
1904 Tokyo Nichi Nichi View / Map of Korea, Manchuria, Japan: Russo-Japanese War
1834 Sumner Map of Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont
1749 Homann Heirs Map of Chinese Tartary
1863 Johnson Map of World Meteorology, Rainfall, and Plants
1873 Beers Map of Hunters Point (Long Island City), Queens, New York City
1990 Government of the Bahamas Pictorial Map of the Bahamas
1956 Anderson and Moulder Road Map of Barbados
1962 Pictorial Map of Big Bend National Park
1886 Sharbau Map of Zimbabwe, Mozambique, and Malawi
1927 Nihon Meisho Zuesha Map of the Five Lakes of Mt. Fuji
1893 Kurz and Allison View of the Civil War Battle of Winchester, Virginia
1952 Russian Wall Map of Africa
1939 Pakay Pictorial Map of Manhattan, New York City
1878 Grossi Political Cartoon of Russia as Pantagruel Having Nightmares
1878 Williams Township and Railroad Map of Massachusetts
1907 Scarborough Map Company Map of the World w/Steamer Lines
1750 Schreiber Double Hemisphere Map of the World
1937 Ishida Eisuke Manga Propaganda: China, Japan, Korea; World War II
1954 Showa 29 Satirical Map of Mount Fuji, Japan as PM Shigeru Yoshida
1866 Van de Velde Wall Map of the Holy Land / Israel / Palestine
1976 Lehua Tours Pictorial Road Map of Hawaii
1772 Vaugondy / Diderot Map of Asia, Alaska, and the Northeast Passage
1952 Neal Cartoon Pictorial Map of Tokyo, Japan
1970 Aziz Hatami Pictorial Road Map of Iran
1966 Bureau of Economic Geology Geologic Map of Big Bend National Park, Texas
1733 / 1781 D'Anville Map of the Rio De La Plata Watershed
1870 / 1960 Katzakian Bird's Eye View of Lodi, California
1974 Transportation Map and Railway Map of China
1904 Meiji 37 Maeda Panorama Map of the Liaodong Peninsula, Russo-Japanese War
1914 Hammond Road Map of Long Island w/ Brooklyn and Suffolk Co.
1982 Defense Mapping Agency Chart or Map of STS-3 Space Shuttle Orbits
1970 Moffett Bird's-Eye View Map of Greater Los Angeles, California
1930 Philip Tourist Map of India (w/ Monuments)
1892 Survey of India Wall Map of Burma
1875 Meiji 8 Japanese Map of the East Indies and Southeast Asia
1858 Wüllerstorf-Urbair Map of St. Georgs Channel, Nicobar Islands, 'Novara' Expedition
1858 Wüllerstorf-Urbair Map of Sawai Bay, Nicobar Islands, 'Novara' Expedition
1935 Gauer Pictorial Map of Jerusalem, Israel
1932 Walter M. Gaffney Map of Cape Cod, Massachusetts
1863 Johnson City Plan or Map of New York City and Brooklyn
1889 Hering Map of the Greenwich Village, New York City
1895 Suzuki Shigeyuki Map of Taiwan
1909 Gamy / Montaut View of the Dirigibles Parceval and Gross, Cologne, Germany
1919 Kelly and Walsh Manuscript Draft Map of Shanghai
1812 Ishida Jihe Japanese Map of Kyoto, Japan
1884 Andriveau-Goujon Map of Southeast Asia and East Indies
1940 Sakuragi and Kanaya Bird's Eye View of Hakone National Park
1933 Automobile Club of Southern California Map of Santa Monica and Beverly Hills
1930 Aala Automotive Union Guide to Honolulu
1974 Department of Irrigation, Hydrology, and Meteorology Map of Nepal
1885 Large Bacon Pocket Map of Ireland
1910 Nakamura Fusetsu Around the World Sugoroku
1939 Hagstrom City Plan or Map of Hoboken and Jersey City, New Jersey
1934 Dolph and Stewart City Plan or Map of Atlantic City, New Jersey
1941 Miyahara Natural Resource Map of Thailand during World War II
1930 Map of the Walled City of Beijing
1778 Hyakuga Map of Kyoto and Yamashiro Prefecture
1891 Alexander Black Map of Mornington Peninsula
1739 Bretez / Turgot Map of Paris
1938 Salloch / Augustin Pictorial Map of New York City
1929 Aala Automotive Union Guide to Honolulu
1893 Bosqui Map of Vista Del Mar, or Sutro Heights in San Francisco
1850 Derby Map of Riley's Travels in the California Gold Region
1891 Roy Pictorial Map of Paris, France and its Monuments
1905 Tōyō Confectionary Map of Manchuria, Russo-Japanese War
1907 Dell's Electric Railway Map of Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Indiana
1933 Eaton Pictorial Map of New England and Summer Broadway Theaters
1951 Liozu Pictorial Map of North America and Central America
1943 Lord Pictorial Map of East Asia and Southwest Pacific during World War II
1938 Koyama Kichizō View of Qingdao (Tsingtao), Second Sino-Japanese War
1938 Friedman Cartoon Pictorial Map of Florida
1915 Munsell Chase City Plan or Map of San Francisco, California
1874 Canal Commissioners Map of New York State Canals
1978 Spurrl 'City Character Print' View Map of San Francisco, California
1944 Turner Map of Europe, Africa, and Asia During World War II
1906 Barritt Serviss Star and Planet Finder
1820 Luigi Rossi Chart of Maritime Merchant and War Flags
1940 Bergelin Propaganda Map of the British Isles, Northern France, and the North Sea
1923 Land Survey Bureau Map of the Destruction Caused by the Great Kanto Earthquake
1842 Laurie / Purdy Blueback Nautical Chart of Brazil
1796 Carey Map of Asia
1970 Florida Keys Printing and Publishing City Plan or Map of Key West, Florida
1966 Civic Education Service Pictorial Map of World Exploration
1885 Atkinson Map of Western China
1878 Overview of German Mission Stations in Guangdong Province, China
1914 Simonek and Company City Plan or Map of Recife, Brazil
1757 Vaugondy Map of South America
1916 British Ordnance Survey Map of German East Africa, Dar es Salaam
1878 Il Papagallo Satirical Depiction of Russo-Turkish War of 1877–1878
1692 Jaillot Map of Luxembourg
1748 Llobet Wall Map of the Kingdom of Seville / Sevilla, Spain
1942 Colonial Institute of Japan Map of the Philippines
1796 Carey Map of the West Indies
1845 General Land Office Map of Wisconsin
1968 Southeast Asia Printing City Plan / Map of Saigon, South Vietnam
1975 Mountain Group Pictorial Map of Sarasota, Florida
1858 Wüllerstorf-Urbair Map of Nangcovri Harbor, Indian Ocean, 'Novara' Expedition
1858 Wüllerstorf-Urbair Map of Komios (Arrow) Bay, Indian Ocean, 'Novara' Expedition
1934 Direccion General de Correos y Telegrafos Map of Jalisco, Mexico
1938 Foreign Office Propaganda Bird's Eye View of Manchukuo
1889 Bourgade Map of Paraguay
1834 Depot de la Marine Nautical Chart or Map of the United States East Coast
1854 Millar Promotional Map of Iowa City, Iowa
2014 Bell Pictorial Map of Vero Beach, Florida
1953 Griffith and McCarthy Tourist Map of St. Petersburg, Florida
1851 Tallis / Rapkin Map of Southern India
1913 Crow City Map or Plan of Tianjin / Tientsin, China
1986 Datz Pictorial Map of Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts
1931 Bruggner City Plan or Map of South Bend, Indiana
1845 Lauvergne View of Ships Stranding in the Hawaiian Islands
1942 Hardin Map of Kentucky Celebrating the Kentucky Sesquicentennial
1936 Dallas Morning News Pictorial Tourist Map of Texas
1845 Lauvergne Early View of a Lūʻau / Luau, Hawaiian Islands
1909 Wood and Smith Wall Map of the Adirondacks, New York
1953 All-Year Club Pictorial Tourist Map of Southern California
1983 Rockwell Pictorial Map of Oyster Bay and Locust Valley, Long Island, New York
1933 Postal Atlas of China Map of Southern Jiangsu (Kiangsu) Province
1933 Postal Atlas of China Map of Zhejiang (Chekiang) Province
1973 Terman Tectonic Map of China and Mongolia
1946 Huntington Town Planning Board Wall Map of Huntington, Long Island
1800 Dezauche / De l'Isle Map of America
1936 Fuchida / Kodansha Map of European National Defenses, World War II
1937 Wakimizu / Hinode Global Map of National Defenses, World War II
1867 Norie and Wilson Nautical Chart or Map of the Canary Islands and Madeira
1938 Tōyō Kyōkai Map of Natural Resources in China, World War II
1820 Berka View of Buenos Aires, Argentina
1944 Currents Events Map of Europe and Allied Advance during World War II
1845 General Land Office Map of the Iowa Territory
1970 Carta Jerusalem Pictorial Tourist Map of Bethlehem, Israel
1873 Sampson and Davenport City Plan or Map of Albany, New York
1845 General Land Office Map of Indiana
1934 Eddy Bird's-Eye View Map of Hoover (Boulder) Dam, Lake Mead, and Environs
1985 Pipia Pictorial Map of Walnut Creek, California
1957 Westermann Pictorial Wall Map of South America
1910 Japanese Map of the Administrative Divisions of the Philippines
1873 Weller Sketch Map of Southern Taiwan (Formosa)
1797 Laurie and Whittle Map of the Bay of Bengal
1975 Vietnamese Ministry of Education Wall Map of Vietnam during the August Revolution
1914 Southern Pacific Railroad City Map or Plan of San Francisco, California
1882 Howe Bird's-Eye View of the Point of Pines, Revere, Massachusetts
1968 Bureau of Economic Geology Map of the Big Bend Region, Texas
1987 Ayriss and Lewis Pictorial Literary Map of Los Angeles, California
1938 Map of the Battle of Hankou (Wuhan), China; Second Sino-Japanese War, World War II
1873 Gilpin Geological Map of North America Mountain Systems
1923 Holt Map of Jordan and Syria and Parts of Iraq, and Israel / Palestine
1905 Brooklyn Daily Eagle Map of Hawaii and Puerto Rico
1955 Survey Department Map of Malay Peninsula, Malaysia, Singapore
1955 Farrell Pictorial Map of Newburyport, Massachusetts
1938 Map of Guangdong and Central Yangtze, China; Second Sino-Japanese War
1795 Dutch Edition of Cook's Map of the Friendly Islands (Tonga)
1838 Bradford Map of Georgia
1945 XIV Corps Newsprint Map of the Philippines and Solomon Islands
1845 Lithograph of Nuʻuanu Pali, Honolulu, Hawaii
1662 Blaeu map of the Northern Italian region of Emilia-Romagna
1607 Mercator/Hondius Map of the Roman Campagna
1842 Mather View of the Harlem Railroad Tunnel
1842 Mather View of the Entrance to Howe Caverns, New York
1955 Sandford Pictorial Map of the Bronx Zoo, New York City
Munster City View of the Siege of St. Quentin, France
1953 Bush Pictorial Map of the United States
1987 Grant 'Beat Generation' Map of the United States
1924 Tourist Map of New South Wales, Australia
1852 Logerot Pictorial City Plan or Map of Paris, France
1598 Münster View of Lisbon, Portugal
1938 U.S.G.S. Map of Palawan Island, Philippines; World War II
1809 Harris Geographical Game Map of the World
1845 Meyer Map of Arkansas
1920 Moro Map of Chaco Province, Argentina
1852 Meyer Map of the Western United States
1933 Map of the Empire of Japan, including Korea, Taiwan, and the Ryukyus
1818 Laurie and Whittle Case Map of Central Europe
1827 Map of the Maldive Archipelago
1827 Cary Case Map of Wales
1854 Wyld Map of the Eastern Balkans and Black Sea During the Crimean War
1725 Homann Map of the Turkish Empire
1910 Japanese Map of Dalian, China
1735 Homann Heirs Map of Corsica During its Revolution
1960 Florida Board of Parks Pictorial Tourist Map of Florida
1986 Wolnick Pictorial Literary 'John Steinbeck' Map of the United States
1933 Postal Atlas of China Map of Fujian (Fukien) Province
1933 Postal Atlas of China Map of Guangdong (Kwangtung) Province
1680 Jansson Map of the Northern Dvina River in Russia
1896 Walter Watson Map of the Berkshires, Massachusetts
1906 Northern Pacific Railway 'Pointer' Dog Map of the Western United States
1935 Yardley Satirical Pictorial Map of Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, Maryland
1876 Carter Map of New Hampshire Election Districts
1890 Dosseray Wall Map of Europe
1895 Shimizu Bunzo Meiji Map of Tokyo, Japan
1744 Bellin Map of North America (w/ Florida and New England)
1968 Hammond Infographic Map of the World's Oceans and Marine Exploration
1970 Metsker Map of Clallam County, Washington (Olympic Peninsula)
1961 Courtland Smith Pictorial Map of Long Island, New York
1933 Postal Atlas of China Map of Jiangsu (Kiangsu) Province
1933 Postal Atlas of China Map of Central Manchuria, Manchukuo
1935 U.S. Forest Service and National Park Service Wall Map of Glacier National Park, Montana
1946 Southern Map Company City Plan or Map of Atlanta, Georgia
1662 Jansson Map of Ancient Gaul
1948 Wendt Andry Pictorial Tourist Map of Louisiana
1929 Survey of India Map of Baramulla and Anantnag Districts, Jammu and Kashmir
1829 Tanner First Edition Wall Map of the United States w/ Memoir
1932 California State Automobile Association Highway Map of California
1937 Fuchida Tadayoshi Map of China; Second Sino-Japanese War, World War II
1929 Waterlow and Sons Map of the Ancient Sites of Iraq
1864 Howell Map of the U.S. Civil War Battles of Totopotomoy or Bethesda Church
1942 Asahi Shimbun Map of Burma, India; Burma Campaign, World War II
1931 Spanish Army Map of Tenerife, Canary Islands
1908 Miwa Itsujirō Map of Tokyo Railway and Streetcar Network
1878 Fujii Tomitarō Map of Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture, Japan
1879 Bailey / Hazen View and Map of Boston, Massachusetts
1878 Felipe Folque 'Best' Large-scale Map of Lisbon, Portugal
1919 Riedel City Plan or Map of Fort Wayne, Indiana
1948 Harty Map of New England Ski Resorts
1938 U.S. Hydrographic Office Map of the North Pacific Prevailing Winds
1956 Chambre de Commerce Map of Saigon, Vietnam
1968 Dagosta Pictorial Map of the American West
1969 Civic Education Service Map of Israel, Sinai, and the War of Attrition
1933 Postal Atlas of China Map of Chahar, Inner Mongolia
1933 Postal Atlas of China Map Index Map
1940 Covarrubias Pictorial Map of the Pacific and Native Transportation
1940 Covarrubias Pictorial Map of the Pacific World and its Native Dwellings
1966 Map of the People's Republic of China; Cultural Revolution
1876 Toudy View of Fairmont Park, Philadelphia
1875 Map of the City of Providence, Rhode Island
1945 World War II Pictorial Route Map of Italy, France, Germany (36th Infantry Division)
1849 Johnston Library Wall Map of the World w/Texas at fullest
1840 Walker Folding Wall Map of the World w/Republic of Texas
1940 Lindgren Pictorial Puzzle Map of Utah
1941 Snow Pictorial Map of Boston Harbor and Massachusetts Bay
1796 Carey Map of Africa
1952 Glaubke Wild Bill Hickok Pictorial Treasure Map of the United States
1909 Clason City Plan or Map of Salt Lake City, Utah
1962 François ten Have View of Bali, Indonesia
1936 Diazio Road Map of Cochinchine, French Indochina
1914 C.F. Weber / Punnett Map of Mendocino County, California
1888 Dosseray Map of the Pacific Ocean and Oceania
1957 Westermann Pictorial Wall Map of Antarctica and the South Pole
1988 Ayriss Pictorial Literary Map of Paris, France
1981 Aragones Pictorial Map of the United States for Mad Magazine
1931 Cormack Pictorial Map of Mother Lode Gold Region: California. Nevada
1912 Egreja Map of the Parque da Pena (Pena Park), Sintra, Portugal
1813 Cradock and Joy Map of the United States and British Canada
1875 Renault and Buquet Foulard Map of Paris (on linen)
1716 Homann Map of the Black Sea and Ukraine
1888 Dosseray Map of Asia
1971 Ch'en I-jen Map of the Penghu Islands (Pescadores), Taiwan
1858 Holley Lithograph of 'Young America' Steam Locomotive
1867 Matsudaira Norikata Map of Siberia and Alaska - seminal map!
1924 Rand McNally Road Map of Utah
1926 U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Map of Alaska Surveys
1933 Sewah Studios Pictorial Map of Ohio (The Chicago World's Fair)
1988 Ayriss and Ladner Literary Map of the American Southeast
1938 Reg Manning Pictorial Map of Arizona
1900 Walker Bird's-Eye View and Map of Narragansett Bay, Massachusetts
1939 U.S. Navy Hydrographic Office Chart of the Aleutian Islands and the North Pacific
1640 Tavernier Map of North Africa of the Roman Empire
1574 Ruscelli/ Gastaldi Map of Poland and Hungary
1969 Smyrl Pictorial Map of South Carolina
1639 / 1680 Jansson Map of Bohemia
1951 Thiriar Pictorial Map of the Belgian Congo
1635 Bünting/ Hasaert Woodcut Map of the Peregrination of Israel
1635 Bünting/ Hasaert Woodcut Map of the Holy Land
1860 Set of 12 Postcards of Arrondissements in Paris, France
1878 Grossi Political Cartoon of Europe Navigating the Congress of Berlin
1932 Geokartprom Map of the Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic
1945 Survey of Egypt City Plan or Map of Cairo, Egypt
1856 Norie Map of the Andaman Islands, South Burma, and Thailand's West Coast
1811 Carey / Barker Map of the Russian Empire
1758 Bellin Map of Barbados
1956 Robertson Diazotype Map of Southern California Placer Gold Deposits
1939 Cram Wall Map of Texas
1673 Montanus view of Fort Maurits, Brazil
1719 Chatelain Map of the Empires of Turkey and Persia
1796 Dalrymple / Barrow Map of Tchu-san (Zhoushan), China; Macartney Mission
1614 Munster View of Florence, Italy
1659 Blaeu Map of Southern North Jutland
1716 Homann Map of Transylvania (Romania)
1762 Lattré map of the Fortifications on Gibraltar
1926 Japanese Round the World Pictorial Map and Sugoroku Gameboard
1948 Roger Selchow Map of North Greenwich, Connecticut
1923 Auto Club of Southern California Map of Los Angeles Speed Limits
1870 Stanford Map of Abyssinia (Ethiopia); British Expedition
1958 Hopkinson Pictorial Map of Northern Wyoming
1956 Robertson Diazotype Map of Arizona Placer Gold Deposits
1724 Valentijn Charts of the Sangihe and Talaud Islands, Indonesia
1954 Texas General Land Office and Eltea Armstrong Map of Texas
1659 Blaeu Map of the Southern Islands of Denmark
1946 Skacel Cartoon Map of Florida
1720 Chatelain Map of the Western Roman Empire
1909 Stanford Case Map of Canada
1680 De Wit map of Tartaria and China
1606 Hondius Map of Central Africa and the Course of the Nile
1949 Seymour Pictorial Air Route Map of the World in Hemispheres for B.O.A.C.
1858 H. V. Poor Railroad Map of the Eastern United States
1979 Soviet Geodesy and Cartography Map of the United States
1896 Comissão Map of Chiromo, Shire Highlands (Mozambique / Malawi)
1889 Comissão de Cartographia Map of Mozambique (Portuguese East Africa)
1896 Comissão Map of Maputo (Lourenço Marques), Mozambique, and Environs
1806 Wallis City Plan or Map of London, England
1905 Comissão de Cartografia Map of Central Angola (Portuguese West Africa)
1941 New York City Tunnel Authority Map of the Queens Midtown Tunnel
1924 Rand McNally Spanish-language Map of Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay
1945 U.S. Army Forces, Pacific City Plan or Map of Manila, Philippines
1942 Steimatzky Pictorial Hebrew Map of Jerusalem
1962 Office of Civil Defense Evacuation Map of Forth Worth, Texas
1903 War Office / Ordnance Survey Map of Boran (northeastern Kenya)
1949 Jones Literary Pictorial Map of the United States
1786 La Perouse Map of the North Pacific
1786 La Perouse Map of Port de Français (Lituya Bay), Alaska
1913 U.S. Geological Survey / Fuller Geologic Map of Long Island
1913 U.S. Geological Survey Topographic Map of Long Island
1892 Aoki Tsunesaburō World Map
1846 Wyld Map of Ireland
1780 Raynal / Bonne Map of Guinea
1780 Raynal / Bonne Map of Arabia and Abyssinia
1780 Bonne Map of Tartary or Central Asia: Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Tibet
1740 Bellin Map or Plan of the Bay of Bengal
1851 U.S. Coast Survey Chart or Map of the Mississippi River Delta, Louisiana
1880 Magnus View of the Elevated Railroad at Bowery and Canal Street, New York City
1948 Shope Pictorial Map of the Western United States (Oregon Trail)
1814 Thomson Map of Poland
1815 Thomson Map of Korea and Japan
1932 Wylie and Van Leer Pictorial Map of the United States and American Literature
1941 Massachusetts Committee on Public Safety Broadside of Bomb Attack Preparation
1940 Rambeau Pictorial Map of California and its Citrus Groves
1879 Meyer Map of Elizabethtown, New Jersey, During the American Revolution
1853 Thayer Pictorial Wall Map of the United States
1944 U.S. Navy Map of Iwo Jima
1832 Amos Lay Wall Map of the United States
1849 Perthes / Berghaus Map of the River Systems of the Americas
1831 Dower Map of Peru and Bolivia
1972 Jak Smyrl Pictorial Map of the Grand Strand, South Carolina (Myrtle Beach)
1847 Perthes / Alt Ethnographic and Linguistic Map of South America
1956 Robertson Diazotype Map of Nevada Placer Gold Deposits
1733 Homann Heirs Map of Southern South America (Paraguay, Chile, Argentina)
1893 Royal Geographical Society Map of the Mombasa-Lake Victoria Railway
1891 Railway Publishing Company City Plan or Map of Brooklyn, New York
1885 Service Geographique Map of Tonkin, North Vietnam, Indochina
1853 Vuillemin / Langevin World Map with Vignettes and Diagrams
1893 City Plan or Map of Sioux City, Iowa
1795 Heather Blueback Chart of the West Indies, Antilles
1930 U.S.S.R. Travel Company Pictorial Map of the Caucasus
1831 Teesdale Map of the Pacific Ocean
1940 Ford Hopkins Tea Room Pictorial Map of Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin
1956 Robertson Cyanotype Map of Oregon Placer Gold Deposits
1876 Seelstrang / Tourmente Communications and Transportation Map of Argentina
1898 Poole Brothers Railroad Map of Washington and Oregon
1875 Bradley Geological Map of the Eastern United States and Canada
1893 Crocker and Southern Pacific Railroad Map of the United States
1793 Stedman / Conder Map of Guiana
1851 Wyld 'Gold Rush' Map of Southeast Australia: New South Wales, Victoria
1855 Cruchley Folding Wall Map of London, England
1886 Edmonds 'First Transcontinental Railroad Map' of Canada / Canadian Pacific
1949 Crocker First National Bank Pictorial Map of San Francisco, California
1982 McDonald Pictorial Map of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
1930 Birds-Eye View of the Meiji Shrine, Tokyo
1761 Map of Pomponius' Mela's Africa
1953 Robuck Pictorial Map of Oahu, Hawaii
1977 McGuinness Pictorial Map of Lake Tahoe
1753 Jefferys Map of Callao (Lima), Peru and Chart of Adjacent Coastline
1957 Propaganda Map of Southeast Asia, India, Philippines: The Colombo Plan
1904 Kashima Map of East Asia; Russo-Japanese War
1833 Andriveau-Goujon City Plan or Map of Paris, France
1930 University of Iowa Bird's Eye View Plan of the University of Iowa
1866 Guangdong Atlas Maps of Hong Kong, Macao, Pearl River Delta
1944 'Yank' Magazine Pictorial Map of Paris, France
1945 Salmon City Plan or Map of Jerusalem
1809 Dirección de Hidrografía Map of the Mouth of the Nassau River, Florida
1938 Ruth Taylor United Airlines Brochure, Pictorial Map of the United States
1965 Rosemary West View of Golden Gate Park, San Francisco
1845 Butler Land Office Map of Florida
1909 Caspar Map of Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1754 Depot de la Marine Map of the Southwest Coast of Africa
1865 Admiralty Chart of St Pierre Island (Miquelon) w/ TransAtlantic Cable
1969 Gurvin Pictorial Map of New York City for Norman Mailer's Mayoral Campaign
1746 D'Anville Wall Map of North America
1852 Roderick Nevers Map of Connecticut and Long Island
1865 Hassenstein Map of the White Nile, South Sudan
1874 Petermann Mineral Map of the Caucasus Region
1864 Petermann / Hassenstein Map of Eritrea
1874 Petermann / Hellfarth Map of Sofala, Mozambique
1956 Robertson Diazotype Map of Northern California Placer Gold Deposits
1920 Clason Road and Rail Guide Map of Washington State
1966 Bemporat City Plan or Map of Buenos Aires, Argentina
1936 McCaffrey and Alaska Steamship Company Map of Alaska
1878 Rand McNally Railroad Map of U.S. and the Chicago, Burlington, and Quincy R.R.
1949 Steimatzky Pictorial Map of Jerusalem
1834 Smiley Map of the Holy Land, Ancient Israel
1867 Depot de la Marine Nautical Chart or Map of Saint Martin Bay, Ile de Re, France
1847 Fatout Pictorial Map of Paris, France
1921 General Land Office Map of Colorado
1927 T'ung Shih Heng Map of Shanghai, China
1893 Rand McNally Map of the Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul Railway
1862 Nicholson Civil War Map of Virginia and Maryland
1958 Loftus Intermountain Novelty Company Pictorial Postcard Map of Utah
1855 Pacific Railroad Survey View of Mt. Shasta, California
1857 Pacific Railroad Survey View of Mt. Jefferson and Black Butte, Oregon
1873 Murray / Weller Map of Aden, Yemen
1761 Buy de Mornas Celestial Map of the Principal Stars and the Milky Way
1725 De l'Isle/ Buache Map of Saint Domingue / Hispaniola
1970 Map of Kathmandu, Nepal
1897 Van Damme Map of Argentina Telegraph Lines
1770 Seven Years’ War Manuscript Map of Dunkirk, France
1953 Ebner Pictorial Tourist Map of Karnten (Carinthia), Austria
1761 Buy de Mornas Diagram of the Earth's Orbit and its Seasons
1831 Dower / Teesdale Map of the Near East; Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Armenia
1910 Rand McNally Montana Pocket Map
1720 Chatelain Chart of Historical Empires and Nations Before the Common Era
1941 Stene Highway Map of Texas
1712 Wells Map of Asia Minor, Israel, Palestine, Syria, Jordan and Iraq
1831 Dower / Teesdale Map of Tasmania
1858 Bernardo Estrada Map of Isabela de Sagua (Sagua la Grande), Cuba
1581 Ortelius Map of the Duchy of Austria
1894 Rockhill Map of China, Tibet, and Mongolia
1929 Lithograph of a 18th Century Manuscript Map of Nuevo Santander, Mexico
1874 Sudo Manuscript Map of Shanghai Port and Vicinity, China
1781 Buache de Neuville Map of the World on Polar Projection (Arctic)
1873 Martin de Moussy Map of Paraguay
1822 Fores City Plan or Map of London, England
1912 Bacon Wall Map of the World and Chart of Useful Knowledge
1950 U.S. 54 Association Strip Map of U.S. Highway 54
1931 Ruth Taylor White Pictorial Map of Oahu, Hawaii
1935 Union des Villes Pictorial Map of Luxembourg
1882 Williams Railroad Map of Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island
1920 Smith City Plan or Map of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1570 Ortelius Map of Hungary
1830 Nautical Chart of Oresund Strait: Denmark and Sweden (near Copenhagen)
1849 Collinson / Admiralty Chart or Map of Fujian and Taiwan (Formosa)
1894 Ely / Colton Map of the Adirondacks, New York
1949 E. Lewin Epstein Limited Israeli City Plan or Map of Yafo / Jaffa, Israel - PROOF STATE
1968 Pan American World Airways Route Map of the World
1581 Ortelius Map of Switzerland
1903 Britton Map of Golden Gate Park, San Francisco
1965 New York Convention and Visitors Bureau Pictorial Map of Manhattan, New York City
1867 Farrell View of the 'Meeting of the Waters', Vale of Avoca, Ireland
1940 Map of Beijing under Japanese Occupation, World War II
1925 Reading Railway Map of New Jersey and Pennsylvania
1930 Yoshida Eight Scenic Views of Japan
1846 Cierci View of Singapore City Chinese Campong
1886 Beers Wall Map of Brooklyn, Queens, and Nassau County, Long Island
1925 Yoshida View of Gifu, Cormorant Fishing on the Nagara River
1900 Herdliczka / Köke Physical, Topographic Map of Croatia
1606 Hondius Map of West Africa South of the Niger River
1716 Homann Map of Sweden at the End of the Age of Greatness
1561 Ruscelli Map of Cuba, Jamaica, the Caymans and Haiti
1885 Pre-Construction Broadsheet View of the Statue of Liberty
1962 Uganda Department of Lands and Surveys Atlas
1755 D'Anville / Bolton Wall Map of Africa
1858 Kiepert Map of the Gulf of Mexico, the West Indies, Central and South America
1700 Pierre Mortier Nautical Map of the Indian Ocean
1831 Dower / Teesdale Map of Brazil and the Guianas
1922 Yoshida View of Hot Springs and Mt. Fuji, Shizuoka, Japan
1895 Rand McNally Wyoming Pocket Map
1795 Carey / Barker Map of Poland, Lithuania, Eastern Europe
1898 Stewart / Earnshaw Map of Cincinnati, Ohio and Vicinity
1910 Wagmer Infographic Cycling Map of Bohemia / Czech Republic
1873 Bufford Real Estate Map of Lagoon Heights (Oak Bluffs), Martha's Vineyard
1889 French Bureau Topographique Map of Tonkin, Vietnam, Indochina
1770 Jefferys Map of Amelia Island, Florida
1836 Woodbridge Wall Map of the United States w/ Republic of Texas
1774 Benard / Carteret Maps and Charts of the Admiralty Islands
1787 Bonne Map of Ancient India in the Time of Alexander the Great
1754 Bellin Map and Chart of the Gulf of Guinea
1845 Lauvergne View of Singapore Countryside
1845 Lauvergne View of Singapore near the Straits of Malacca
1945 Army Information Branch Newsmap of Japan and China - Atomic Bomb Issue!
1967 Vorobyov Cold War Soviet Propaganda Broadside of the Soviet Union
1910 Vini Spumanti Ajmar Art Nouveau World Map Wine Advertising Broadside
1897 Stanford Map of Northern Pakistan and eastern Afghanistan: Peshawar
1970 Pictorial Tourist Map of Florida
1950 National Survey Company Map of Mount Desert Island, Maine
1831 Dower / Teesdale Map of the Eastern Hemisphere
1794 Carey / Lewis Map of Canada
1946 Army Information Branch Pictorial Wall Map of Iran
1872 Harper's Bird's-Eye View of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1844 Missionary Double Hemisphere Pictorial Map of the World
1946 U.S. State Department Map of Germany Post World War II Allied Occupation Zones
1775 Mannevillette Harbor Chart of Port Louis, Mauritius
1767 Herbert Chart / Map of Pirate Havens Île Sainte-Marie and Antongil Bay, Madagascar
1875 Platen Wall Map of Chatham County (Savannah), Georgia
1744 Harris / Bowen Map of Siberia, Bering's Expeditions
1795 Carey / Barker Map of Ottoman Europe (the Balkans, Greece) and Hungary
1960 Yumori Kamaya Brochure, Nikkō National Park
1895 Stadelmann City Plan of Basel, Map of Surroundings
1788 Bonne Map of Cuba, Jamaica, the Bahamas
1949 Rand McNally Wall Map of North America
1716 Hermann Moll Map of West Africa
1661 Elzevir / Clüver map of Italy
1920 Macfarlane Map of Montreal
1795 Carey Map of South America
1941 Maroc Presse City Map or Plan of Casablanca, Morocco
1774 Benard / Carteret View of the Santa Cruz Islands, Solomon Islands
1774 Benard / Carteret View and Chart of Mas Afuera (Alejandro Selkirk Island), Chile
1949 Map of Montserrat, near Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
1832 Young / Carey and Lea Miniature Map of Mexico, Central America
1965 Derdeyn Pictorial Map of the French Quarter (Vieux Carre), New Orleans
1746 Kip Map and Chart of the Guinea Coast, Sierra Leone, West Africa
1948 Pranger Bird's-Eye View of the Yakima Valley, Washington
1967 British Admiralty Nautical Chart of Doha, Qatar, Persian Gulf
1881 Russell Cyanotype Route Map of the Boston and Albany Railroad
1896 Jörgensen Map of British Columbia, Canada
1928 Kelly and Walsh Map of Shanghai w/ development of Concessions
1550 Münster Map of the Holy Land and Cyprus
1963 193rd Infantry Brigade Pictorial Map of Panama and the Panama Canal Zone
1872 Petermann Map of Borno, Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad
1939 United Press Broadside Map of the World and Pictorial History
1640 Blaeu Map of the Duchy of Mantua, Lombardy
1888 Curtis Real Estate Map of Buena Vista, Hancock County, Maine
1875 Meiji 8 Japanese Map of Bangkok, Thailand (Siam)
1842 Lapie Map of the United States with the Republic of Texas
1864 Currier / Ives Print of the Battle of Atlanta, U.S. Civil War
1915 Downs Bird's-Eye View of Cape Cod, Massachusetts
1867 Chromolithograph Broadside of George Washington as a Freemason
1747 Astley / Mead Map of Tibet
1852 Walling Map of Andover, Massachusetts
1845 'Ginormous' Civelli Wall / Case Map of Italy
1858 Walling Wall Map of Cape Cod, Nantucket, Martha's Vineyard
1588 Münster Map of the Siege of Metz
1970 Phillips Pictorial Map of Penobscot Bay, Maine
1581 Ortelius Map of the Duchy of Milan
1791 Johnson and Dalton Map of the Ancholme River in Lincolnshire, England
1700 Wells Map of China and Tartary (w/ Siberia)
1811 Russell Map of China
1930 Osaka Mainichi Shinbun World Map Sugoroku
1880 Laurie Blueback Nautical Chart of the South Pacific, New Zealand, Australia
1945 American Automobile Association City Plan or Map of Miami and Miami Beach, Florida
1791 Barrow / Parkyns View of Marylebone, London
1943 Schmidt Pictorial Map of Colorado
1593 Braun and Hogenberg View of Barth, Germany
1945 Aviation Supply Office Map of United States Commercial Airline Routes
1729 Homann Map of Akershus, (near Oslo), Norway
1595 Mercator Map of the North Black Sea Coast
1973 Auerbach Pictorial Map of the University of New York at Stony Brook
1902 Providence, Fall River and Newport Steamboat Co. Chart of Narragansett Bay
1862 U.S. Coast Survey Map of the Savannah River and Wassaw Sound
1832 Phelps Map of the United States
1960s Chung-to Lo Relief Map of Hong Kong, China
1950 Reis- und Handels-Aktiengesellschaft Pictorial Map of the World with the History of Rice
1944 Fore Map of the World and the Future of Air Travel
1944 MacMillan World War II Pictorial Route Map of Western Europe (France, Belgium, Holland)
1756 Bellin Map of Boston, Massachusetts
1862 Currier / Ives Print of the Battle of Baton Rouge, U.S. Civil War
1850 Handtke / Flemming Map of the Western United States
1944 U.S. Senate Committee Map of the United States Industrial Centralization
1783 Lodge / Millar View Map of Boston, Charleston, and Battle of Bunker Hill
1682 Frederick De Wit Map of Scandinavia
1801 Depot de la Marine Nautical Map of Florida, Cuba, Bahamas, Santo Domingo
1870 Stillman View of Giant Sequoia Trees, Calaveras County, California
1695 Van Keulen Map of Florida, Cuba, and the Bahamas
1793 Russian 'New Atlas' Map of the West Indies, Gulf of Mexico, Florida,Caribbean
1595 First Edition Mercator Map of the Arctic (1st Map of the North Pole)
1964 Dinnerhorn Restaurants Pictorial Placemat Map of Southern California
1858 Marmocchi / Bonatti Map of China
1858 Marmocchi / Poggiali Map of Southern Africa
1858 Marmocchi Map of Russian America, Alaska
1785 Zatta Map of Paraguay and the Neighboring Countries
1858 Marmocchi / Cattaneo Map of Central Asia
1913 Melvin and Murgotten City Plan or Map of San Jose, California
1980 Jill Walker Pictorial Tourist Map of Barbados
1827 Carey and Lea Map of Peru, German Edition
1838 Lapie Map of the Republic of Texas and Mexico
1782 Janvier Map of North America (Sea of the West, First Edition)
1799 Viero / Sandi Map of Venice and its Lagoon
1883 Stanford Map of the Isthmus of Kra, Thailand (Siam) and Burma
1884 Schell / Harpers View of Philadelphia City Hall
1935 Desimoni Italian Pictorial Map of New England
1785 Hogg Chart of Cook Inlet and Prince William Sound, Alaska
1749 Oppelt Engraving of Atlas Holding up the Heavens
1749 Oppelt Star Chart
1840 Chart of the Course of the Comet of 1832 (Biela's Comet)
1834 Dépôt de la Marine Nautical Map of St. Pierre Island
1930 Rand McNally Indexed Folding Map of New York City
1798 Bertuch German-language Map of the Moon
1893 Kurz and Allison View of International Naval Review, New York City
1946 Army Information Branch Newsmap of the World and the Nascent United Nations
1640 Blaeu Map of the Diocese of Stavanger, Norway
1719 De Fer / Coquart Map of Pamplona, Spain
1866 Dépôt de la Marine Nautical Map of Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
1925 Walker View Map of Boston Harbor, Boston, Massachusetts
1879 Rogers / Daniels View of Cape Ann, Boston, North Shore
1889 Kurz and Allison Chromolithograph View of the Battle of Tippecanoe
1950 Eddy Bird's Eye View Map of Lake Tahoe
1981 Jacobs Pictorial Map of St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands
1933 Kaiser Persuasive Pictorial Map of the United States
1890 Kurz and Allison Print, Battle of New Orleans, War of 1812
1646 Merian Map of China, Korea, and Japan
1645 Visscher Map of Biblical Jerusalem
1987 Horsey Satirical Map of the World According to Ronald Reagan
1887 Imray Map of the California: Mendocino to Cabo San Lucas
1910 Gies Pictorial Bird's Eye View / Map of the Niagara Falls
1966 Boucher Placemat Map of Block Island, Rhode Island (Surf Hotel)
1588 Munster Map of Switzerland and the Source of the Rhine
1880 Texas General Land Office Map of Jackson County
1968 North American Press Bird's-Eye View Map of San Francisco, California
1945 Dolph City Plan or Map of Savannah, Georgia
1979 Walt Disney Productions Pictorial Wall Map of Disneyland
1938 Map of Penang, George Town, Malaysia
1909 Columbus Lithograph Co. Railroad Map of Ohio
1830 Pigot Map of England and Wales
1570 Ortelius Map of France
1896 Knapp / Postal Telegraph-Cable Co. Calendar Map of the United States
1804 Reinecke Map of Southeast Asia, India
1920 Waterlow Telegraph Map of the World
1955 White Cartoon Original Art, Chinese Civil War, Taiwan (Formosa)
1635 Blaeu map of Prussia
1725 Seutter Map of Hungary
1932 Chinese Manuscript Map of Jilin Province, Manchuria, China
1930 Triboulet 'Isle au Trésor' Pirate Board Game Map
1849 Dyonnet and Leroy City Plan or Map of Paris, France
1751 Anson Chart of Map of the Philippines
1898 Kurz Allison View of the Destruction of the Battleship Maine, Havana, Cuba
1894 Fukuda Sino-Japanese War Sugoroku Game
1873 Stringer / Dercum Map of Cleveland, Ohio
1856 Burritt Map of the Solar System w/ Relative Magnitudes and Distances
1833 Burritt / Huntington Map of the Heavens or A Celestial Planisphere
1882 Weldin / Rand McNally Map of Pittsburgh
1954 Clarke Pictorial Map of Nebraska Celebrating the Nebraska Territory Centennial
1947 Lindgren Humorous Pictorial Map of Lake Tahoe
1953 White Cartoon Original Art, Communist Influence in Laos
1884 Walker Road Map of Essex County, Massachusetts
1830 Fried Map of Transylvania, Wallachia, Romania
1944 Italian Fascist Anti-American Anti-Roosevelt Broadside Deriding Hypocrisy
1845 Woodbridge Wall Map of the United States w/ Republic of Texas
1846 Ciceri View of Singapore Harbor and City
1861 Kitchell Wall Map of New Jersey
1961 White Cartoon Original Art, Cuba-Soviet Relations
1957 White Cartoon Original Art, Alabama Voting Rights
1905 Walker Trolley Map and View of New England Centered on Boston
1896 Stanford Map of London Railways
1843 Mitchell Map of U.S.-Canada Border Region
1721 Delisle and Van Verden Map of the Caspian Sea (first accurate map of the Caspian)
1801 Italian Map of the Carolinas, Eastern Seaboard
1890 Kartographisches Institut Map and Views of Lake Garda, Italy
1780 Bowles Map of the World in Two Hemispheres
1945 Cleartype American Map Co. Folding Map of Manhattan
1920 Gallup Map Company Map of Kansas City, Missouri
1928 Oobuchi Map of Ise, Japan's 'Holy City'
1854 Beyerlein Folding Map of the United States
1895 Sanyo Shimbun Map of Taiwan or Formosa
1824 Tanner Map of Ohio and Indiana
1852 Whitefield View of Williamsburg, Brooklyn
1866 Holmes Map of Gramercy, Rose Hill, and Kips Bay, Manhattan, New York City
1763 Mount and Page 'English Pilot' Chart or Map of South Carolina
1936 Jolly Lindgren Pictorial Map of Yellowstone Park and Jackson Hole
1814 Thomson Map of Arabia, Egypt, and Abyssinia
1945 Army Information Branch Newsmap, Year 8 of the Second Sino-Japanese War
1814 Thomson Map of Mexico and Texas
1892 Sugiura Map of Yokohama, Japan
1840 Toussaint City Plan or Map of Paris, France
1857 J. W. Hill View of Boston Harbor
1884 Bacon Map of Sudan, Mahdist War
1945 4th Marine Division Intelligence Section Map of Iwo Jima and Landing Information Sheet
1814 Thomson Map of the World on Mercator's Projection showing Exploratory Routes
1817 Thomson Map of India with Nepal (set of 2 maps)
1817 Thomson Map of the United States: Mid-Atlantic, New England
1969 Hallwag Pictorial Map of Space Exploration
1878 Vivien Chart of the Sun, Moon, and Earth, Seasons, Phases of the Moon
1950 Infographic Map of France and the Marshall Plan
1817 Thomson Map of the Southeastern United States: Georgia, Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky
1597 Wytlfiet Map of Chile
1904 Romanian Army Geographic Institute Map of Prahova, Romania
1937 Clement Serveau Pictorial / Historical Map of Paris w/City Walls
1855 Ensign Bridgman and Fanning Wall Map of the United States
1828 Crawfurd / Walker Map of Southeast Asia - first accurate map of Thailand!
1855 Reed and Barber Map of the United States - unrecorded state
1788 Manuscript View of Georgetown, Penang Island, Malaysia
1924 Clason City Plan or Map of Los Angeles, California
1796 Barrow Plan of the Old Summer Palace (Yuanmingyuan), Beijing
1793 Barrow / Parish Chart of Turon (Da Nang) Harbor and Environs, Vietnam
1796 Alexander View of the Putuo Zongcheng Temple, Rehe (Chengde), China
1793 Parish Map of the Bai (Hai) River and Road to Rehe, China
1796 Alexander View of the Great Wall of China at Gubeikou
1900 Manuscript Map of Ceylon (Sri Lanka)
1814 Thomson Map of North America
1887 Reynolds Pocket City Plan or Map of London, England
1839 Depot de la Marine Map of the East Indies: Malay, Singapore, Java, Sumatra, Borneo
1844 Colton Map of West Point, New York
1771 Bowles Map of North America (Sea of the West)
1856 Fisk / Russell Declaration of Independence Broadside
1696 Mortier Map of Siberia, Central Asia, China, Korea and Japan
1879 Sizer / Baldwin Map of Mining Claims Near Leadville, Colorado
1850 / 1860 Manuscript Map of Saigon on back of rare Shanghai Chart
1852 Colton Commissioners' Plan / Map of Brooklyn and Williamsburg
1777 Le Rouge / Mitchell Map of the Colonial Era United States
1953 Rand McNally Road Map of Florida
1774 Bonne Map of Southern Brazil, Northern Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay
1813 Thomson Map of North and South America
1947 Smith Map of Lake Tahoe, California and Nevada
1903 Scarborough Company Map of Eastern United States w/Cuba
1730 Calmet View of Nebuchadnezzar's Siege of Jerusalem
1814 Thomson Map of Southeast Asia (Singapore, Thailand, Malay)
1903 Scarborough Company Map of Western United States w/Philippine Islands
1948 Lee Pictorial Map of Cambridge, England
1948 Lee Pictorial Map of Oxford, England
1814 Thomson Map of Australia, New Zealand and New Guinea
1982 Briggs Pictorial View of Hong Kong and Kowloon
1552 Münster / Ptolemy Map of Morocco and Algeria
1958 Hokkaido Bijutsu Panoramic View of Asahikawa, Hokkaido
1954 Autographed Plan of Dr. Albert Schweitzer's Compound, Lambarene, Gabon
1936 Maston Travels Pictorial Map of the South Pacific
1682 Visscher Map of Northern Spain and the Basque Region
1882 Daly Map of the Malay Peninsula
1882 Daly Map of Perak, Malay Peninsula
1930 Printers Limited Map of Singapore City
1936 Printers Limited Map of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
1964 Survey Dept. of Malaya Map of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
1854 Dodge Map of New Hampshire (First Edition)
1868 Eldridge Nautical Chart or Map of the Chesapeake Bay
1804 / 1904 Map of the Ouachita River, Arkansas, Louisiana
1939 Map of the Western Part of Long Island Sound by Rolf Klep
1931 Ruth Taylor White Pictorial Tourist Map of Maui, Hawaii
1814 Carey / Bower Map of North America
1675 Ogilby Road Map, London to Montgomery, Wales
1581 Ortelius Maps of Padua and Apulia in Italy
1836 Belmas / Tardieu Map of Pamplona, Spain During the Napoleonic Wars
1787 Tardieu Map of the Russian Empire
1748 Bowen Map of Africa
1867 Bartlett Pictorial Map of London
1662 Blaeu Map of the Northern Dvina River in Northern Russia
1701 De Wit map of Northern Italy during the War of Spanish Succession
1949 John Sparks Infographic Chart or Histomap of Evolution
1814 Salt Map of Abyssinia: Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia, Djibouti
1862 Colton Map of the United States during the Civil War
1858 Wyld Map of Australia
1906 Tate City Plan or Map of Des Moines, Iowa
1794 Carey / Lewis Map of Maine
1890 Bacon Bird's-Eye View of the Holy Land / Israel / Palestine
1711 Schenk Flag Chart (including early Flag of New England)
1948 U.S. Navy Hydrographic Map of United States Naval Air Reserve Bases
1948 Belgian Tourism Commissariat Pictorial Map of Belgium and Luxembourg
1954 Admiralty Navigational Map of the Strait of Bali
1849 Greenleaf Map of the West Indies
1760 Gibson / Gentleman's Magazine Map of North Polar Region
1671 Ogilby / Montanus view of Pernambuco, Brazil
1917 McGill-Warner Railroad Map of the Western United States
1886 Colton Map of Wyoming, Colorado, and Utah
1919 Soteriadis Ethnological Map: Eastern Balkans, Greece, Western Turkey
1585 Mercator Map of Switzerland
1744 Edge / Churchill Map of Spitzbergen with Whaling Vignettes
1875 Tilden Pocket Map of Connecticut - amazing condition
1939 Selchow Pictorial Map of Greenwich, Connecticut
1979 Suren Yeremian Map of the Kingdom of Greater Armenia in the 4th Century
1919 Gale and Polden Flag Chart of the British Empire and the World
1890 Whitney / Ashley City Plan or Map of Spokane, Washington
1876 Bailey Bird's Eye View of New Bedford, Massachusetts
1856 Colton Map of Western Africa
1720 Chatelain Chart of Noble Coats of Arms
1945 Army Information Branch Newsmap Map or Taiwan / Formosa
1814 Thomson Map of Asia and Australia
1646 Joan Blaeu County Map of Wiltshire, Noting Stonehenge
1730 Homann Map of the Republic of Venice
1889 New Zealand Survey Department Map of the South Island, New Zealand
1814 Thomson Map of India w/ Ganges
1904 Welcke Lithograph View of New York's Murray Hill Neighborhood in 1879
1943 Pranger 'Ashore in San Diego' Pictorial map of San Diego, California
1866 Vignes / Lemercier Map of the Dead Sea and Environs, Holy Land
1866 Buchner'schen Buchhandlung Map of the United States of America
1858 Walling Wall Map of Piscataquis County, Maine
1664 Boisseau Map of New England and Canada (1st to identify all 5 Great Lakes)
1976 Monroe County Advertising Map of the Florida Keys and Key West
1980 Japanese Hong Kong Macao Tourism Brochure
1817 Thomson Map of Persia and Afghanistan
1849 Greenleaf Map of the United States
1922 Armour Food Source Map of the United States
1926 Poole View of the Gulf Coast from New Orleans to Florida
1596 Magini Map of Southeast Asia
1890 Bacon View Map of South Africa
1800 Bowles and Carven Map Folding Road Map of England and Wales
1926 Admiralty Nautical Map of North Vietnam: Hanoi, Ha Long Bay
1931 Admiralty Nautical Chart of the Approaches to the Yangtze River, China
1642 Blaeu Map of Russia, with the Cartography of Issac Massa
1718 De l'Isle map of Scandinavia and the Swedish Empire
1876 O. H. Bailey View of Norwich, Connecticut
1945 Rojo Garcia Map of Havana, Cuba
1816 Thomson Map of Alaska and the Bering Strait
1817 Thomson Map of the South Pacific and Polynesia
1967 Salmon City Plan or Map of Jerusalem
1931 American Geographical Map of the Queen Maud Mountains, Antarctica
1928 Canadian Pacific Pictorial Map of the Canadian Rocky Mountains
1950 Miller Pictorial Map of Cape Cod, Massachusetts
1725 Allard map of England and Wales
1956 J. B. Jannot Chocolates Menier Pictorial Map of the World
1659 Nicolas Picart and Jodocus Hondius Carte á Figures of Asia
1960 Anscombre Pictorial Map of Plants and Animals of North America and Asia
1956 Byck Map of Savannah, Georgia
1857 Totten / Harrison Map of Panama: Railroad and Canal
1909 Rummell View of St. Lawrence University, Canton, New York
1791 Depot de la Marine Nautical Map of the Azores w/ Coastal Views
1874 U.S. Coast Survey Nautical Chart / Map of New York City Harbor
1949 War Office Map of Hong Kong
1953 General Drafting Pictorial Tourist Map of Florida
1985 Heuberger Topographical Map of Mount Everest
1863 Admiralty Nautical Chart of the Gujarati Coast and Mumbai (Bombay)
1935 Chase Pictorial Map of the United States
1945 Newsmap of Japan and the Strategic Bombing Campaign
1932 Showa 7 Japanese 'World Adventure' World Map and Game
1838 Brown and Parsons Pocket Map of Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island
1898 Kahler Aquatint Bird's-Eye View of Buenos Aires, Argentina
1677 Nicolas Visscher Map of Spain and Portugal
1876 Bailey and Hazen Bird's-Eye View Map of Lowell, Massachusetts
1892 Roux Chromolithograph Map of Missions in Malabar, India
1904 Kisaburō Ohara Satirical Octopus Map of Asia and Europe
1636 Hollar View / Map of Siena, Italy
1761 London Magazine View of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (after George Heap)
1892 Bailey View of Suffolk County, Long Island, New York
1848 Foreman and Brown Bird's-Eye View of New York City from Williamsburg
1819 Binns Broadside Declaration of Independence
1904 U.S.G.S. Topographic Map of Mammoth Springs, Yellowstone National Park
1962 Denny's Souvenir Placemat Map of the Western United States
1707 Kip View of Chepstow Castle, Wales
1950s Vittier Pictorial Map of U.S. Highway 395, the Three Flags Highway
1948 Jones Pictorial Map of Kodiak Island, Alaska
1914 Hammond Road Map of Long Island w/ New York City
1895 Department of Lands Map of Railways in New South Wales, Australia
1895 Heston Map of Atlantic City, New Jersey
1806 Darton and Harvey Map of North America
1861 Prang View of Old Feather Store, Dock Square and Faneuil Hall, Boston
1878 St. Louis Texas Short Line Railroad Broadside: St. Louis to Texarkana
1910 Richard Rummell View of Dickinson College, Pennsylvania
1951 French Socialist Party Propaganda Map of the Gulags in the Soviet Union
1932 Frank Randolph Southard Pictorial Wall Map of China
1814 Lapie / Tardiue Large Scale Map of South America w/ masterful engraving
1611 Bongars / Vesconte Crusader Plan of Jerusalem
1904 Service Topographique Chantereau Heliotype Map of Saigon, Vietnam
1878 Hardee Map of New Orleans, Louisiana and Vicinity
1774 Hawkesworth / Benard View of Canoes Off Tahiti
1753 Hanway / Gibson Map of Central Siberia
1950 George Philip and Son Map of the Royal Nairobi National Park
1943 Office of Strategic Services Map Information Section Skeleton Map of Asia
1826 Cruchley Pocket City Plan or Map of London, England
1730 Homann plan and view of Gdansk, Poland
1796 George Nicol Map of Macao / Macau, China
1840 Blunt Nautical Chart or Map of New England and Nova Scotia
1570 / 1601 Ortelius Map of Russia / Tartary
1936 Frank Dorn Pictorial Map of Beijing or Peking, China
1970 Ridgway WWI Archive: Downing of the 'Red Baron' von Richthofen
1841 Phelps and Ensign Wall Map of the United States
1950 Orange Blossom Trail Association Highway Map of Florida
1873 Weller Map of Maghian, Western Tajikistan
1740 Tirion/ Albrizzi map of Tartaria, after Strahlenberg
1904 Rand McNally Map of Mexico showing the Sonora Copper Mines
1574 Ruscelli Map of Western Africa
1878 Hayden Geological Map of Central Wyoming
1831 Dower / Teesdale Map of Southern Italy and Sicily
1949 Washington State Department of Highways Pictorial Highway Map of Washington
1976 Buffington and Gohl Pictorial Map of Ann Arbor, Michigan
1882 Smith Map of Philadelphia
1867 Hickenlooper Plat Map of Prospect Hill, Mount Auburn, Cincinnati, Ohio
1880 Viele Map of Upper Manhattan (Washington Heights, Fort George, and Inwood)
1930 Shanghai of To-Day Photo Book (50 Photos)
1917 Hanot Pictorial Wall Map of the World Fur Trade
1837 Moor 'Notices of the Indian Archipelago' with Maps: Coleman's Singapore, Penang, etc.
1937 Shope Pictorial Map of Montana
1929 Poole Brothers Map of Alaska and Alaska Steamship Company Routes
1960 Russian San Francisco and Los Angeles, California City Plans
1977 Mandala Trekking Map of Mount Everest and Vicinity
1938 Army-Navy Y.M.C.A. Map of Manila, Philippines
1981 Bibler Pictorial Map of the Monterey Peninsula, California
1947 Hebrard Pictorial Map of Peru
1969 Barbara Remington Map of Tolkien's Middle Earth (Lord of the Rings)
1962 Peking Review Set of Maps on the Sino-Indian War
1891 French Bureau Topographique Map of Tonkin, North Vietnam, Indochina
1906 Garrison Map of Goldfield, Nevada Mining Claims
1947 Japan Travel Bureau Bird's-Eye View of Hiroshima
1882 Holmes Map of Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City
1873 Gifford and Bancroft Bird's-Eye View Map of San Francisco, California
1943 Dade County Newsdealers Bird's Eye View Map of Miami Beach and Miami, Florida
1950 Sheets Pictorial Historical Map of Northern California
1924 Bain 'E-Z Guide' Map of Oakland and East Bay Cities
1958 Nelson Pictorial Map of Guam, Marianas Islands
1902 National Publishing Company Map of Vermont
1954 Offset Iberia Lima Pictorial Map of Lima, Peru
1929 Anderson and Arnquist Pictorial Map of Arrowhead Region, Minnesota
1950s Spanish-Language Pictorial Propaganda Map of the United States
1950 Manuscript Pictorial Map of Tenaya Lake, Yosemite National Park
1913 War Office Map of China and is Railroads, Telegraphs, and Treaty Ports
1887 Darke / Gast Bird's Eye View of Salt Lake City, Utah
1849 / 1886 Firks View of San Francisco, Early Days of the Gold Rush
1591 De Bry and Le Moyne Map of Florida and Cuba
1856 Kuchel amd Dresel Bird's-Eye View of Scotts Bar and French Bar, California
1831 Bouchette / Wyld Map of Canada (Quebec / Ontario)
1954 Beach Products State 'Map-Nap' of California
1954 Beach Products State 'Map-Nap' of Florida
1961 Travelmat Place Mat Map of Highway 789 in Arizona, Colorado, Wyoming
1895 Klopp and Bartlett Stationery Map of the Pacific Northwest
1926 Bacon Map of Dublin, Ireland
1924 Canadian Pacific Bird's-Eye View Map of Canadian Rocky Mountains
1818 Grassi Informational Table on the United States of America
1948 Lindgren Humorous Pictorial Map of Death Valley National Monument
1730 Homann Map of the Kingdom of Prussia
1979 Forrest Pictorial Map of Maui, Hawaiian Islands
1900 Vigot Anatomical Model of a Woman
1873 Eggers World Numismatic Map, Vienna World's Fair
1901 Pheils Map of the World and its Time Zones
1876 Smith Lithographed Portraits of George and Martha Washington
1868 Farmer's Railroad and Township Map of Michigan
1801 Manuscript Map of Tribeca, New York City
1850 Hill / Smith Bird's-Eye View of Philadelphia
1886 Debray Chromolithograph Map of Mexico City
1672 Fryer Map of Bombay or Mumbai, India (First Printed Map of Bombay)
1753 Buache / De l'Isle Map Set Revealing a Compelling Northwest Passage
1987 Unique Media View of Los Angeles, California, and Environs
1940 Y.M.C.A. / Holliday Map of Jerusalem
1775 Mannevillette Nautical Chart or Map of the Bay of Bengal, Indian Ocean
1863 Admiralty Chart of Waters Off Burma, Andaman Sea, Gulf of Martaban
1885 Poole Bird's-Eye View of Camp Framingham, Massachusetts
1584 Ortelius Map of the Holy Land / Israel / Palestine
1930 Town Crier Pictorial Map of Cape Cod, Massachusetts
1831 Thrall Pocket Map of Connecticut
1797 Cassini Map of Middle Atlantic and Midwestern States
1930 Auto Club Road Map of Lake Tahoe and the Feather River Region, California
1961 Sahab City Plan or Map of Tehran, Iran
1871 Robinson View of Swampscott, Massachusetts
1933 Keizo Shimada Japanese Manga Pictorial Map of the World
1876 Ames Broadside Celebrating the Centennial of the Declaration of Independence
1775 Matenet / Bussière Geographical Game 'Voyage dans les Cinq Parties due Monde'
1960 Gerald Eddy Strip Map of the West Coast Highway System
1947 Way Pictorial Tourist Map of Florida
1980 Archar / Olson Pictorial Map of Kauai, Hawaii
1720 Chatelain Chart of Military and Chivalric Orders
1929 National Park Service Motorists Guide Map of Yosemite National Park
1878 Hayden Geological Map of Bear Lake, Utah and Environs
1944 U.S. Army Weapons of War Map of the Great Lawn, Central Park, New York City
1936 Jolly Lindgren Humorous Pictorial Map of Yellowstone National Park
1913 Denny Pocket Survey Map of Monterey County, California
1946 Onativia Pictorial Map of Basque Country, Spain
1898 George H. Walker and Company Map Catalog
1950 Sylvain Pictorial Map of Tahiti
1945 Ciafalo and Helstrom WWII Pictorial Map of Europe: Advanced Supply Unit
1978 Forrest Pictorial Map of Oahu, Hawaiian Islands
1948 Higgins Pictorial Map of Cape Cod
1797 Cassini Map of the Great Lakes (Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Canada)
1875 Henry Thomas View of the Battle of Bunker Hill
1845 Beaufoy / Picken View of Quebec City, Canada
1894 Burgess / Crocker View of San Francisco, California
1856 Sturtevant and Bufford View of Vineyard Haven, Martha's Vineyard
1849 Greenleaf Map of Louisiana
1849 Greenleaf Map of Mississippi
1936 John Hix Strange as it Seems Pictorial Map of Washington and Oregon
1819 Lizars Map of the United States
1945 Je Cherche and Mercier Map of Occupied Germany (World War II)
1854 / c. 1910 Le Breton View of San Francisco, California
1895 Miyako Shinbun Map of Taiwan, First Sino-Japanese War
1737 Mount and Page Map of the Bahamas, Cuba, Florida
1811 / 1759 Francis Maerschalck Survey from New York's City Hall Park to Park Row
1853 Planning Map of the Back Bay, Boston
1835 Berghaus 'Atlas von Asien' Map Chart of the South China Sea, Singapore, Malaya
1898 Franco Plan of Oaxaca de Juarez
1960 Boy Scouts of America Pictorial Map of Philmont Scout Ranch, New Mexico
1888 Whiteley and Rand McNally Pocket Map of Ohio
1816 Thomson Map of Jamaica
1905 Bureau of Soils Map of Jefferson County, Florida
1909 Bureau of Soils Map of Marianna and Environs, Florida
1905 Bureau of Soils Map of Leon County and Tallahassee, Florida
1930 View of Bayfront Park, Miami, Florida
1878 Hayden Geological Map of Green River, Snake River, and Jackson Lake Region
1817 Mollo Map of the United States
1902 National Publishing Map of the United States and Territories
1724 Homann Map of Hungary
1838 Bradford Map of Iowa and Wisconsin Territories
1816 Thomson Map of Cuba, Bermuda, and the Bahamas
1830 Anonymous Bird's Eye View of Vienna, Austria
1897 Garcia Cubas and Vega Map of the Yucatán, Mexico
1897 Garcia Cubas and Vega Map of Baja California, Mexico
1868 Dripps Map of Brooklyn, New York
1903 Scarborough Company Map of Eastern United States w/Cuba
1662 Blaeu Map of Estonia and Russia
1639 / 1694 Jansson / Valk / Schenk Map of Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Virginia
1943 Victory House WWII Farsi Propaganda Broadside Tunisian Campaign
1920 Army Recruiting Service Map of the Western Front
1798 Laurie and Whittle Nautical Chart or Map of Burma (Myanmar)
1865 Manuscript Map of Lago de Cuitzeo Region, Central Mexico
1854 Spindler View of Boston, Massachusetts
1653 Rhodes Map of Tonkin, Vietnam - first specific map of Vietnam
1985 Gousha City Plan or Map of Tampa and St. Petersburg, Florida
1838 Bradford Map of North Carolina
1941 Cleartype American Map Co. Map of the Bronx (Bronx County), New York
1817 Thomson Map of Africa
1814 Thomson Map of Barbados and St. Vincent, West Indies
1849 Greenleaf Map of Georgia
1953 Peuser Map of Buenos Aires
1838 Bradford Map of Delaware
1775 Mannevillette Nautical Chart or Map of the Coast of Burma (Myanmar)
1942 Ernest Dudley Chase Pictorial Map of South America
1971 Russ Smiley Pictorial Fishing Map of South Florida
1953 Ludwig Map of Buenos Aires and Environs
1838 Bradford Map of Boston, Massachusetts
1907 Original Blueprint of New York City's Pennsylvania Railroad East River Tunnels
1581 Ortelius Map of Transylvania
1718 Matthias Seutter map of the Kingdom of Serbia (First State)
1721 Senex Map of Switzerland
1947 Alf Cooke Map of India, Economic Production
1856 Direccion Hidrografia Chart of Cuba, the Bahamas, Haiti, Jamaica
1929 Bach Map of the Philippines
1856 Schoolboy or Schoolgirl Manuscript Map of Massachusetts
1836 Direccion Hidrografia Chart of Central Cuba
1859 Seiffert Decorative Plan of Venice (Printed to Linen)
1841 Langlois Map of Paris, Focusing on Walls and Fortifications
1782 Juan Lopez Map of the Bahamas
1766 Bellin Speculative Map of the Pacific Northwest (w/Muller Peninsula)
1830 Daniell View of Singapore
1850 Sidney Map of Duchess County, New York
1850 Reed and Barber Map of the United States - unrecorded state
1788 Bonne Map of Northern Brazil, Guyana, the Amazon
1849 Greenleaf Map of New York
1961 General Drafting Road Map and Pictorial Map of the United States
1849 Greenleaf Map of Missouri
1849 Greenleaf Map of New York City and Environs
1879 Texas General Land Office Map of Falls County, Texas
1895 U.S. Coast Survey Nautical Chart / Map of New York City Harbor
1939 Sengoku / Ishida Manga Map, Second Sino-Japanese War (World War II)
1814 Thomson Map of the United States and St. Lawrence River
1827 Carey and Lea Map of the Americas
1913 Bekins Map of Seattle, Washington
1595 Mercator Map of Denmark (First Edition)
1906 Hawaiian Government Survey Map of Lanai, Hawaiian Islands
1716 Homann Map of Genoa, Italy
1695 Van Keulen Map of the Yucatan Peninsula, Belize and Honduras
1919 Del Monte Properties Company Map of Pacific Grove, California
1896 Moore Bird's Eye View Map of Exeter, New Hampshire
1793 Vaugondy / Fry / Jefferson Map of Virginia, Maryland and Delaware
1915 World War I Propaganda Broadside Map of Southern Britain and Northern France
1954 Automobile Club Map of California 'Outdoor Play Places'
1912 Plat Map of Midfield, Texas
1878 Hayden Economic / Geological Map of Green River, Bear Lake, Jackson Hole Region
1751 Sayer View of Westminster Bridge and Abbey, London, England
1859 Arrowsmith Map of Nunavut, Baffin's Bay, Search for Franklin Expedition Remains
1874 Langley / Britton and Rey Map of San Francisco
1904 Meiji 37 Maeda Panorama Map of Korea: Russo-Japanese War
1936 Walter Riemer Pictorial Propaganda / Tourist Map of Germany
1595 Mercator Map of Transylvania (First Edition)
1927 Scheuerle Pictorial Map of Glacier National Park, Montana
1825 Schoolgirl Map of the United States
1931 Turzak / Chapman Pictorial View Map of Chicago, Illinois
1852 Stansbury Map of Utah and the Great Salt Lake, Presentation Edition
1850 Lincoln / Bufford Unrealized Plan of the Boston Public Garden
1768 Montresor Map of Nova Scotia and Cape Breton Island
1787 Bonne Map of the Ancient Egypt
1839 Lithograph Reduction of the Only Surviving Map of the Roman Roads
1868 Morrison Map of Washington, D.C.
1943 Map of Savannah, Georgia, World War II Era
1906 Kerns and Newton Map of Niihau, Hawaiian Islands
1878 Hayden Geologic Map of Grand Teton, Jackson Hole and Environs
1870 U.S. Coast Survey Map of Galveston Bay, Texas
1827 Vandermaelen map of the Straits of the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador
1815 Tegg Satirical Cartoon, British in India
1946 Polish Embassy Pictorial Map of Poland - 'The New Poland'
1854 Maury Chart of East African Coast, Madagascar
1664 Blaeu Map of the Lesser Antilles with new St. Kitts Detail
1809 Azara Map of Asunción in Paraguay: earliest printed plan of Paraguay's capital
1835 'Chinese Repository' and Map of the Pearl River, Canton, Macao, Hong Kong
1883 Julius Popper Trade Map: New Orleans to Latin America
1738 Emanuel Bowen Map of China and Korea
1912 Gamy Pochoir View of a Hydro Airplane Over the English Channel
1855 Keefer Map of Rail and Sea Lines, Europe to the Pacific
1870 Gardner Map of the Yosemite Valley, California
1920 Bird's-Eye View, Railroad Map of Japan
1815 Direccion Hidrografia Chart of the Greater Antilles and Environs
1888 Bailey Bird's-Eye View Map of Westborough, Massachusetts
1799 Vancouver Map of Alaska: Kodiak Island, Cook Inlet, Anchorage
1869 Johnston City Plan or Map of Edinburgh and Leith, Scotland
1801 Bode Constellation Chart / Map of Ursa Major (Big Dipper) (elephant folio)
1929 Admiralty Nautical Chart or Map of Hong Kong
1945 29th Infantry Division World War II Pictorial Route Map of Europe
1885 Concanen Bird's-Eye View Map of Afghanistan and Central Asia
1741 Jesuit Map of the Orinoco River Valley in Venezuela and Colombia
1780 Buache Map of the West Indies, Florida, and the Antilles
1892 Dingee City Plan or Map of Oakland and the East Bay, California
1823 Dirwald / Mollo Map of North America - unusual Transmississippi
1944 Manuscript Map of the Allied Invasion of Los Negros in the Admiralty Islands
1815 Thomson Map and Chart of the North and Baltic Seas
1841 Weiland Map of North America w / Republic of Texas
1815 Thomson Map and Chart of the North Atlantic Ocean
1954 Smith Pictorial Map of the United States
1926 Yoshida Bird's-Eye View of the Kansai Region (Kyoto, Osaka), Japan
1927 Yoshida Bird's-Eye View of Kyushu, Japan
1718 Covens and Mortier / De l'Isle Map of the British Isles
1857 Colton Map of Nebraska and Kansas Territories at Their Fullest Extent
1897 Garcia Cubas and Vega Map of Chiapas, Mexico
1800 George Dance Plan for the improvement of the Legal Quays, City of London
1888 Yoshimura Sentarō Japanese Map of the World
1842 Spooner European Traveller Map Game Board
1951 Morac Pictorial Cold War Propaganda Broadside Map of Europe
1940 Korkin Russian Lubok Satirical Look at the Battle of Port Arthur
1917 British Admiralty Nautical Chart / Map of New Zealand
1962 Transit Authority Pictorial Cut-Away Map of the New 59th Street Express Station
1887 Inoue Map of Tokyo
1932 Kobayashi Map of Shanghai showing Textile Area w/ Bund
1595 Mercator's Two-Sheet Map of Ireland
1973 Shemin / Royster Pictorial View of Nantucket, Massachusetts
1862 Sadahide View of American Ships Departing California
1849 Greenleaf Map of Southern Italy, including Sardinia
1817 Thomson Map of the Mediterranean Sea
1983 Davis Pictorial View of Waikiki, Hawaii
1849 Greenleaf Map of Indiana
1721 Senex Map of Hungary
1839 Bradford Map of New York City
1897 Garcia Cubas Map of Tamaulipas, Mexico
1897 Garcia Cubas Map of Tlaxcala
1897 Garcia Cubas Map of Zacatecas
1585 Mercator's Map of Germany
1945 Kroll Map Company Pictorial Map of Puget Sound, Washington, and Vancouver
1912 Tichnor Brothers Memorial View of the S.S. Titanic
1908 Garcia Meza Railroad Map of Bolivia
1847 Emory Map of the American Southwest
1660 Frederick de Wit 'carte á figures' Map of Europe
1770 Croisey Map of the South Indian Seat of War Between England and France
1804 Neele / Boisgelin Map of Malta and Gozo
1656 Sanson Map of Canada and the Great Lakes
1666 Frederick de Wit 'carte á figures' Map of America
1951 Stedman Pictorial Map of New Mexico
1953 Highway Strip Map of St. Johns River Trail, Florida
1816 Thomson Map and Chart of Central America
1814 Thomson Map of the English Channel, English and French Coasts
1842 Bradford Map of the Pacific Ocean, Oceania
1849 Greenleaf Map of Illinois
1957 Editrice La Scuola View of the Solar System, Lunar Eclipse, Lunar Surface
1959 Corriere dei Piccoli Pictorial View of Algeria and Tunisia w/ Oil Deposits
1561 Ruscelli/ Gastaldi map of the Dalmatian Coast
1897 Garcia Cubas Map of Campeche
1595 Mercator Map of the Isle of Wight, Anglesey, Guernsey and Jersey Islands
1936 Stene First Official Highway Map of Texas
1897 Garcia Cubas Map of Mexico City, Federal District
1959 Editrice La Scuola Pictorial Children's World Map
1888 Burgheim City Plan or Map of Cincinnati, Ohio
1912 Barker Cyanotype Map of Foothills Preserve, Los Altos Hills, California
1919 Administrateur Resident Manuscript Map of Hiking Trails Outside Da Lat, Vietnam
1877 Rand McNally Colonists' and Emigrants' Map of Texas
1916 Caspar City Plan or Map of Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1897 Garcia Cubas Map of Tabasco
1849 / 1857 Jones Map of Ancient Canals near Baghdad, Iraq
1998 Promotional Pictorial View, Los Angeles Tech Industry
1689 Coronelli map of the Caribbean Islands
1982 Huge 6-Sheet Soviet GUGK Map of Moscow, Russia
1944 Survey of India Map of Kohat (now Pakistan)
1692 Coronelli Map of Corsica
1634 Blaeu Map of Majorca, Minorca and Ibiza
1855 Magnus Map of New York City and Brooklyn - old color!
1935 Survey of India Map of Peshawar, Pakistan
1704 Mortier/ Blaeu Panorama of Naples
1513 Waldseemuller Map of Arabia
1939 Sears and Roebuck Map of the Predicted Theatre of World War II
1937 Toppan Printing Co. Bird's Eye View of Kobe, Japan and Environs
1778 Pococke / Lindeman Map of Jerusalem
1970 Roberts Pictorial Map of South Vietnam
1878 Snyder and Black Map of Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, New York
1800 Watercolor View of Istanbul
1919 British Admiralty Nautical Chart or Map of Mobile Bay and Mississippi Sound
1917 Lloyd Myers World War I Propaganda Recruiting Broadside
1959 Colonial Survey Atlas of Kenya (First Edition!)
1930 Trzaska, Evert, and Michalski Road Map of Poland
1638 Merian View of Istanbul, Turkey
1989 Huge Soviet Military Topographic Depot map of Kiev (Kyiv)
1952 Boucher Pictorial Double Hemisphere Map of the World (Unrecorded State!)
1965 Blondel La Rougery Pictorial Scuba Diving Map of the Mediterranean Sea
1861 Wyld Map of the United States during the Civil War
1933 / 1943 Kato Map of Turanian Peoples in Eurasia
1858 Sonnenstern Map of Nicaragua - first scientific map of that nation!
1993 Briggs / Player City Plan of Ankh-Morpork, Discworld
1897 Walker View Map of Boston Harbor, Massachusetts
1863 Johnson Map of California, Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, and Utah
1890 Burleigh View of Bennington, Vermont
1936 Jo Mora Vignettes of Native American Life
1916 Ordnance Survey Map of German East Africa, Mahenge Region, World War I
1947 O'Toole Pictorial Map of Cape Ann, Essex County, Massachusetts
1915 Ordnance Survey Map of German East Africa, Mt. Kilimanjaro Region, World War I
1854 Wittock Chromolithograph View of Odesa, Ukraine, in the Crimean War
1915 Ordnance Survey / War Office Map of Baghdad Region, World War I
1855 Fanning Map of New York City
1942 Survey of India Map of North-West Frontier Province, Punjab
1962 Boucher Map of the World - Red Cross 100th Anniversary
1786 Tardieu and Evans Map of the Middle British Colonies: Ohio, Pennsylvania, Kentucky
1831 Cruchley Map of London w/ Original Stitched Sleeve
1872 Fleischel Manuscript Watercolor View of Panama
1862 Colton Civil War Map of the United States Detailing Harbors
1888 Whitney Map of Pueblo, Colorado
1805 Rizzi Zannoni Proof State Case Map of Sicily - Napoleonic Wars
1807 Direccion Hidrografia Nautical Chart or Map of Florida and Bahamas
1801 Osgood Carleton Map of Massachusetts
1950 Martha Lake Souvenir Map and Guide to Starland Estates
1778 Pockocke / Lindeman Map of the Holy Land, Eastern Mediterranean
1945 Army Information Branch Newsmap Map of Japan
1829 Llyod Map of the Isthmus of Panama, Proposed Railways
1877 Largeau Map of the Sahara Desert, Eastern Algeria
1944 Army Corps of Engineers Pictorial Map of Grant Park, Chicago
1969 Sahayogi Press Map of Nepal
1932 Atwood Pictorial Map of Los Angeles for the Olympic Games
1904 Lane Trolley Map and View of New England - 1st Edition
1908 Survey of India Linguistic Map of Nepal, Tibet, and Environs
1891 Shewey City Plan or Map of St. Louis, Missouri
1788 Bonne Map of the Hawaii / Hawaiian Islands
1843 Wyld Map and Chart of the West Indies
1932 Hughes Map of Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe)
1904 Commercial Intelligence Map of China
1843 Johnston Map of North America with Republic of Texas
1872 Imray Nautical Map of Rio de la Plata, Buenos Aires Region
1838 Hood Map of the Territory of Oregon (Oregon, Washington)
1932 Survey of India Map of Western Nepal
1943 Survey of India Map of Nainital and Environs, Uttarakhand
1872 Imray Nautical Map of Uruguay and Parana Rivers, Buenos Aires Region
1827 Vandermaelan Map of the Aleutian Islands, Alaska
1721 Covens and Mortier Map of the Bay of All Saints, Brazil
1938 Survey of India City Plan of Nainital, Uttarakhand
1810 / 1910 Mendoza Solar Map of Caracas, Venezuela
1785 Zatta Map of the Philippines
1869 Vimercati Bird's-Eye View of the Suez Canal
1683 Cantelli da Vignola Map of Southeast Asia: Malay, Singapore, Thailand
1760 Seutter / Lotter Map of Saxony, Emphasizing Silver Mines
1700 François Halma Map of Asia
1795 Hérisson Map of North America and South America
1934 Survey of India Map of Nepal (1st modern map of Nepal)
1719 Chatelain Dramatic Wall Map of the Americas and the Pacific
1878 Trần Manuscript Map of Thanh Hóa Province, Vietnam
1960 International Parks Highway Assoc. Pictorial Map of U.S. Highway 385 and 85
1961 Fratelli Fabbri Pictorial View of the Mont Blanc Tunnel, France and Italy
1969 Mathis Pictorial Map of Sutter's Mill, California, and Vicinity
1925 Map of North Sydney and Mosman, Australia
1915 Clason Map of Los Angeles, Panama-Pacific and Panama-California Exposition
1967 Pictorial View of Rainbow Springs, Florida
1945 Harney World War II 84th Infantry Division Route Map of Europe
1982 Schumacher Pictorial View of Port Townsend, Washington
1734 Hendrik de Leth Battle Plan or Map of the Siege of Philippsburg, Germany
1692 Coronelli Map of Mexico
1873 U.S. Coast Survey Map of Plattsburgh and Lake Champlain, New York
1687 Van Keulen Map of the Yucatan Peninsula, Belize and Honduras
1960 Admiralty Chart of the Eastern Portion of Hong Kong
1831 Ales Map of Great Britain, Works of Sir Walter Scott
1900 American Press Association Boxer Rebellion Broadside
1926 Kahn Lithograph 'The Human as an Industrial Palace'
1894 Beers Plan and Map of Southampton Town and Village
1826 Donnet / Langlois Wall Map of France - Enormous!
1849 R. H. Pease map of the Western Finger Lakes Region of New York State
1940 Hagstrom Map of Lake Champlain and New York, Vermont, New Hampshire
1932 Poole Bros. Bird's Eye Views of Lake George and Lake Champlain, New York
1873 Wheeler Map of Southern Nevada, Boulder Canyon and Las Vegas Region
1714 Montecalerio Map of Croatia, Slovenia and Austria and its Capuchin Monasteries
1924 Natural Resources Intelligence Service Map of Canadian Prairie Provinces
1572/ 1620 Porcacchi View of Venice
1873 Wheeler Map of Northern Arizona and Environs, Grand Canyon Region
1840 Burr Map of Dutchess and Putnam Counties, Hudson Valley, New York
1606 Jodocus Hondius Map of Mexico
1853 U.S. Coast Survey Chart of Cape Flattery, Neah Bay, Olympic Peninsula
1784 Zatta 2 Sheet Map of India
1736 Seutter Map of China and Korea
1777 First Edition Separate Issue Revolutionary War Map of the United States
1886 Proof Print Advertisement for Prang's Easter Cards - ex. Last
1696 Coronelli Map of Southern China and Taiwan
1840 Burr Map of Manhattan, New York City
1931 Knapp Volvelle Map of the United States and Europe
1550 Münster View of Frankfurt an der Oder, Germany
1831 Teesdale Map of Canada and the Great Lakes
1920 Union News View Map of Boston Harbor and Cape Cod, Massachusetts
1716 Homann Map of Frankfurt am Main
1934 Karl Smith Map of the Life of Abraham Lincoln, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky
1826 Charles Smith Map of Mexico and the West Indies
1902 Walker Cycling Map of Cape Cod, Nantucket, Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts
1849 Collinson / Admiralty Chart of Jintang Channel, Zhoushan and Ningbo, China
1918 Toppan Printing Co. Map of Japanese Railways
1906 Ficke View of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire
1815 Genty Satire of Napoleon's Return from Elba
1868 Dirección de Hidrografía Chart of Georgia, South Carolina Coast
1920 Eldridge Nautical Chart / Map of Massachusetts Bay
1898 La Depeche Map of the Eastern United States and the Caribbean
1793 British Broadside Decrying the Execution of French King Louis XVI
1939 Stanford Map of East Asia: Java-China Japan Steamship Line
1861 Wyld Map of the United States during the American Civil War
1836 A. A. Parker Narrative of Texan Revolution w/ rare Map of Texas
1851 Espy Meteorological Maps / Atlas of the United States
1961 General Drafting Pictorial Map of Tampa and St. Petersburg, Florida
1917 Wanamaker Map of New York City and its Surrounds
1850 Cowperthwait / Mitchell Map of South Carolina
1931 Milwaukee Electric Railway and Light Co. City Plan or Map of Milwaukee, WI
1895 U.S. Government Map of Russia and Trans-Siberian Railway Construction
1595 Mercator Map of Ulster, Ireland
1911 Kusuyama Map of the United States of America
1870 Imray Chart of the Gulf of Siam (Thailand)
1890 Imray Chart of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, and New England
1847 Brown and Parsons Map of Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont
1869 Imray Chart of South China Sea, Coasts: Hong Kong, Hainan, Vietnam
1862 Walling / Chace Wall Map of Maine
1597 Cornelis Wytfliet Map of California and the Southwest
1774 Henry Dawkins Satirical Cartoon Map of New England after Boston Tea Party
1817 Thomson / Hewitt Map of British Islands, including Jersey, Isles of Wight and Man
1575 Belleforest Map of Ancient Rome and her Monuments
1949 Love Pictorial Historical Map of Colorado
1838 Bradford Map of Boston, Massachusetts
1848 Marie Adélaïde Delisle (Veuve Turgis) City Plan or Map of Lyon, France
1684 Cantelli / De Rossi Map of Ukraine and Crimea
1851 Ferry / Marzolla Map of Gold-Rush-Era California
1783 Lodge / Millar View Map of Boston, Charleston, and Battle of Bunker Hill
1595 Mercator Map of Ireland
1984 Wall Map of the Republic of Paraguay
1851 Wilme's 'Symbolic' Map of London
1878 Bailey and Hazen View of Lawrence, Massachusetts
1915 F. L. Anders City Plan or Map of Fargo, North Dakota
1909 Hockin Manuscript Map of New Zealand
1876 Roessler Folding Geological Map of Texas
1817 Thomson Map of Eastern Europe, Ukraine, Russia, Baltic States
1572 / 1614 Münster / Petri View of the city of Besançon, France
1897 Garcia y Cubas Map of Michoácan, Mexico
1897 Garcia y Cubas Map of Guerrero, Mexico
1844 Thayer View of Boston Common and a Washingtonian Convention
1696 Coronelli Map of Central America, Mexico and the Caribbean
1917 Union Iron Works Reverse Cyanotype Print of the U.S.S.
1879 Kitō / Ozawa Map of the Western Hemisphere
1942 Rikugun Bijutsu Propaganda Album, World War II
1849 Smith / Rowse View of Boston Common Water Celebration
1880 Iliadou Manuscript Map of the Americas
1700 Pierre Mortier Nautical Map of the British Colonies in America
1874 Holmes Map of the Upper West Side, Manhattan, New York City
1943 British Archive of a Map and Photographs to Plan for the Invasion of Sicily
1776 Brassier Map of Lake Champlain and Lake George: Scarce first state
1768 Bellin / Horrebow / Knoff map of Iceland
1814 Carey / Gridley Map of Kentucky
1935 Inland American Printing View of Spokane Region, Grand Coulee Dam
1579 / 1595 Ortelius Map of Picardy, France
1683 Nicolas Sanson Map of West Africa
1595 Ortelius Map of Gelderland, the Netherlands
1942 Visceglia World War II Italian Fascist Propaganda Map of the Pacific
1969 Van Arsdale Map of the Western and Northwestern United States
1922 Yvorra and Barlier City Plan or Map of Tunis, Tunisia
1941 Vichy French Pictorial Propaganda Map of the French Empire
1595 Ortelius Map of Brabant, the Netherlands and Belgium
1748 Bellin Map of the World
1595 Ortelius Map of Switzerland
1893 Loring Broadside for the Ancient Order of United Workmen
1896 Admiralty Chart of the Sea of Marmara in Ottoman Turkish
1799 Vancouver Map of Hawaii
1849 Imray Nautical Map of California Coast - Gold Rush!
1933 Whistler Pictorial Map of the London Stock Exchange
1598 Munster Bird's Eye View of Castello Sforzesco, Milan
1947 Tyn Cobb Map of Orlando and Winter Park, Florida
1595 Ortelius Map of Padua, Treviso, Venice, the Veneto Region, Italy
1638 Bird's Eye View of the 1631 Siege of Leipzig
1949 War Office Survey Map of the Tathong Channel, Hong Kong
1573 Ortelius Maps of Southern Austria, Croatia, and Slavonia
1595 Ortelius Map of Northern Abruzzo, Central Italy
1949 War Office Survey Map of Tsing Wu, Bao'an County (Shenzhen)
1858 Hind Map of the Red River Settlement, Minnesota, Saskatchewan, Manitoba
1901 Temple Map of Nome and Vicinity, Copper River Region, Alaska
1855 Woodford Wall Map of Hartford County, Connecticut
1630 Blaeu Map of Bermuda
1861 Ensign Pro-Union Broadside; Start of the U.S. Civil War, Fort Sumter
1723 Pieter van der Aa Bird's Eye View of Lucerne, Switzerland
1879 Corps of Engineers Map of the Civil War Battle of Funkstown, Maryland
1907 Hellgrewe Chromolithograph View of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
1862 Matz Map of the American Civil War Siege of Corinth, Mississippi
1688 Rosaccio/ Moretti Woodcut Map of Asia
1917 'Yard-Long' Photographic View of Tampa, Florida
1907 Atlas Service Map of Humboldt and Trinity Counties, California
1949 War Office Map of Nanshan, Shenzhen and Yuen Long, Hong Kong
1958 Ciferri Pictorial Map of the World
1949 Survey Department of Malaya City Plan of Singapore
1951 Lucien Boucher Air France Double Hemisphere Celestial Map of the Constellations
1949 War Office Map of Sha Tau Kok / Shatoujiao, Shenzhen - Hong Kong Border
1949 War Office Map of Sham Chun (Shenzhen) - Hong Kong Border
1943 Serizawa World Map with Insets of Southeast Asia, Japan's Wartime Empire
1962 P. Baudouin Air France Advertising Poster Map of Paris w/ Arc de Triomphe
1945 U.S. Army 'Special Strike Map' Kyushu w/ Manuscript Flight Path of Nagasaki Bombing
1971 U.S. vs. Henderson Court Martial Archive - My Lai Massacre
1880 Keppler Political Cartoon of General Hancock Firing On His Critics and Allies
1942 Avey Pictorial Map of Arizona
1924 Poole and Union Pacific Map of Estes Park, Colorado
1845 Currier View of the Crash of the Steamboat Swallow
1688 Rosaccio / Moretti Woodcut Map of Europe
1944 Turner Map of East Asia and Central Pacific
1639 Merian Plan of the 1637 Siege of Leipzig
1930 Brickhouse Studios Pictorial Map of Massachusetts
1867 Currier and Ives View of the Lakes of Killarney, Ireland
1925 Artworth Promotional View of Oceanside, Long Island, New York
1630 Willem Blaeu Map of Peru
1930 Varin View of the Post Office Building, Chicago, Illinois
1875 Currier and Ives View of Steamboat Racing on the Mississippi River
1598 Braun and Hogenberg Views of Venice, drawn firsthand by Joris Hoefnagel
1917 Fuhr Propaganda Map, World War I Sugar Rationing
1945 U.S. Pacific Fleet WWII Report Detailing Northern Kyushu, Japan - Operation Downfall
1644 Jansson Map of Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Virginia
1888 Wilson Nautical Chart or Map of Porto Rico and the Virgin Islands
1595 Mercator Map of Africa (First Atlas Issue)
1917 Falk Panoramic Photographic View of Yale University Campus
1881 Colton Map of Florida
1659 Nicolas Sanson Map of North America
1595 Mercator Map of America (First Atlas Edition)
1862 Currier and Ives View of the Civil War Battle of the 'Monitor' and 'Merrimac'
1950 Gannon Pictorial Map of North Dakota
1987 Louisiana Dept. of Tourism Pictorial Map of Louisiana in French for French Tourists
1950 Junta Nacional de Turismo Pictorial Map of El Salvador
1943 Army Orientation Course Newsmap Map of the Pacific Ocean and Asia
1683 Nicolas Sanson Map the Indian Peninsula and Malabar
1829 Burr Map of Steuben Counties, New York
1960 First Edition Bloodgood Pictorial Map of the Navajo Nation in Arizona
1938 De Dag Radio Station Map of Europe
1959 JRO Pictorial Map of Asia and its Vegetation
1867 (1878) U.S. Coast Survey Chart, Northern Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Southern Maine Coast
1866 Higginson Insurance Map of the Austro-Prussian War
1948 Perceval Map of the World and Air Mail Routes
1949 Mora Pictorial Map of Yosemite National Park, California
1851 Bufford/ Barry View of Plymouth, Massachusetts
1656/ 1679 Sanson Map of China and Korea
1692 Jaillot / Sanson Map of Africa
1855 Goth / Poppel Views of Boston, Massachusetts
1874 Volonteri Bi-Lingual Map of Hong Kong
1840 Joseph Bermann Card Game 'Sailors In Africa'
1688 Rosaccio / Moretti Woodcut Map of Eastern Europe and the Black Sea Region
1860 Reinhardt Humorous View of Lion Escape
1882 U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Nautical Map of East Penobscot Bay, Maine
1895 Kurz and Allison Portrait of Abraham Lincoln
1707 Homann Map of Catalonia, Spain
1935 UP Development Bureau Pictorial Map of Michigan Upper Peninsula
1960 Fahey Pictorial Map of Greenwich Village, New York City
1878 Laporte Map of the Solar System
1908 Nichols / Rummell View of the University of Vermont
1801 Bode Constellation Star Chart / Map of Pegasus (elephant folio)
1880 Japanese Manuscript Chart of the Human Nervous System
1859 Sadahide Panoramic View of Yokohama
1881 Stoner View of Nantucket Town, Massachusetts
1945 Army Info Branch Newsmap Map of the Battle Fronts in Europe and Asia
1854 Young Pocket Map of Europe
1933 Service Géographique de l'Armée Topographic and Historical Map of Corsica
1887 U. S. Geological Survey Map of Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts (2 Sheets)
1887 U. S. Geological Survey Map of Nantucket, Massachusetts (2 Sheets)
1853 Longley Schoolboy Map of Coasts and Waterways
1967 Chinese Anti-U.S. Propaganda Broadside Map of Vietnam
1898 International Railway Commission Railway Survey Maps of Central America
1824 Schoolgirl Manuscript Map of Illinois
1828 Milbert View of Boston, Massachusetts
1791 John Moore Map of Nautical Chart of the Baltic Sea
1840 Ackermann Satirical Print, Trial of Bill Burns, Animal Rights
1926 Bilingual Geological Map of Taiwan (Formosa)
1875 Augustus Koch Bird's-Eye View of Bangor, Maine (Stoner)
1872 D. W. Butterfield Mammoth Plate Photographic View of the Great Fire of Boston
1861 Yoshikazu Ukiyo-e Triptych of an American Steamship at Yokohama
1793 Cassini Wall Map / Case Map of Italy
1863 De Brayer Map of Paraguay
1883 Keppler Satirical Cartoon of Democratic Party Infighting
1921 U.S. Geological Survey Map of the Katalla Oil Field, Alaska
1881 Northrup Miniature Map Envelope of Lake Chautauqua, New York
1895 U.S. Coast Survey Chart of Clarence Strait, Southeast Alaska, and Environs
1838 Bradford Map of Massachusetts
1849 Greenleaf Map of Vermont and New Hampshire
1940 Maeda Bird's Eye View of Fukuoka, Japan
1912 Silk Scarf Map of Italy and its Overseas Possessions (Military Districts)
1838 Bradford Map of South Carolina
1896 E.P. Noll Cycling Map of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and Vicinity
1933 Haley / Hetherington Pictorial Map of Rhode Island and Massachusetts
1862 U.S. Civil War Unit Roster Broadside of Company C, 32nd Regiment, Ohio Infantry
1886 U.S. Coast Survey Chart of Fox Islands, Knox County, Maine
1947 White Political Cartoon in Favor of Tampa Annexation Referendum
1595 Ortelius Map of Burgundy, France
1595 Ortelius Map of Piedmont and Liguria: Monaco to Genoa
1856 Smillie and Mallory Panoramic View of Boston from Bunker Hill
1958 Odum and Sanford Pictorial Treasure Map of Florida
1788 Schräembl / Rennell map of India
1862 Colton Map of Virginia, Maryland, and the Chesapeake Bay
1886 British Admiralty Nautical Map of Manila Bay
1722 Covens and Mortier / De l'Isle's Foundational Map of Mexico and the Mississippi
1858 Hobbs Blueback Nautical Map of the British Isles and North Sea
1794 Laurie and Whittle Wall Map of Asia
1840 Schulz German Edition of LeGrande's Mechanical Globe
1880 Hejian Chinese Jesuit Qing Map of China
1854 Grieve / Indian Navy Nautical Chart of Karachi, Pakistan
2008 Hand-Drawn Mural Illustrating Engelbart's Co-Evolution Hypothesis
1892 Körber / Kümmerly Map of Bern, Switzerland
1595 Ortelius Map of Bavaria, Alsace
1850 Mitchell Map of Louisiana
1850 Mitchell Map of Georgia
1838 Bradford Map of Rhode Island
1838 Bradford Map of Philadelphia
1814 Thomson Map of Tartary (Central and East Asia)
1814 Thomson Map of West Indies Islands: St. Christophers, St. Lucia, and Nevis
1874 Carcereri Map of Khartoum and Environs, White Nile Region
1595 Ortelius Map of Lorraine
1849 Greenleaf Map of Virginia
1849 Greenleaf Map of North and South Carolina
1595 Mercator Map of Udrone / Carlow County, Ireland
1970 Sitaram Pustakalay Pictorial Map of Chitrakoot, India
1756 Bellin Map of Formosa (Taiwan)
1888 U.S. Navy Hydrographic Office Nautical Map of the Rio de la Plata
1831 Wetherall Schoolgirl or Schoolboy Map of Delaware
1845 Farnham / Morse Maps of the Republic of Texas and Upper California
1762 Janvier Map of North America (Sea of the West, First Edition)
1901 (1915) U.S. Geological Survey Topographic Map of New York City
1908 American Lithographic Puzzle Map of the World Advertising a Toothbrush
1572 Braun and Hogenberg View Map of Cairo, Egypt
1754 Rocque / Sayer Map of the Earl of Pembroke Garden, Wilton, England
1851 Wyld Map of London, England
1863 Vidal / Imray Chart of Madeira and Environs
1881 Ito Map of Tokyo with Illustrated Vignettes
1993 Manuscript Pictorial View of Izmir, Turkey
1941 Matsushima Japanese Propaganda View of Pear Harbor Attack
1974 City of Liverpool Beatles Pictorial Map of Liverpool
1883 Broadside Advertisement for Village Farm Horses, East Aurora, NY
1860 Monk / Johnson Wall Map of the World
1935 Automobile Club of Southern California Map of Death Valley and Vicinity
1921 U.S. Geological Survey of Cook Inlet Oil Fields, Alaska
1961 Salomon Map of the New York City Subway System
1956 Welt-Brooks Pictorial Map of Chatham, Massachusetts, Cape Cod
1961 Eddy Pictorial Strip Map, San Francisco to Chicago
1921 Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad City Plan or Map of Lincoln, Nebraska
1929 Omaha, Lincoln and Beatrice Railway Cyanotype Map of Part of Lincoln, NE
1897 Admiralty Chart of Western English Channel
1915 Bemporat Map of Buenos Aires, Argentina
1857 Phelps City Map or Plan of New York City
1939 Lucien Boucher Air France Pictorial Map of the World
1644 Jansson Map of Japan and Insular Korea
1646 Merian Plan of Moscow, Depicted During the Reign of Boris Godunov
1858 Walling Wall Map of Oxford County, Maine
1742 Coronelli Nolin Map of Southeast Asia (Siam, Thailand, Malaya, Laos, Vietnam)
322 Huang Tingji Map of Jinshan Shanghai - earliest known map of Shanghai
1743 / 1771 Catesby Map of the American Southeast: Florida, Georgia and the Bahamas
1944 Turner Map of the World During World War II
1792 Kitchin Map of North America
1795 Carey / Doolittle Map of Connecticut
1795 Carey / Lewis Map of Maryland, with the 'City of Washington'
1658 Visscher Map of Africa
1840 QMG Manuscript Map of Kandahar, Afghanistan and its Immediate Environs
1918 Faivre Propaganda Broadside: U.S. Entry into World War I
1895 Goldmann Map of the Witwatersrand Gold Fields, Johannesburg
1849 Greenleaf Map of Brazil
1939 Lake Champlain Bridge Commission Pictorial Map of Lake Champlain and Lake George
1815 Thomson Map of the Balkans, Southeastern Europe
1840 Greenleaf Map of Ohio
1638 Merian Plan of the Walled City of Franckenthal
1815 Thomson Map of Europe
1815 Thomson Map of Northeastern South American: Venezuela, Guiana
1574 Woodcut view of Antwerp, after Hoefnagel
1683 Mallet Map of the Bahamas
1907 Mendenhall Road Map of Wisconsin
1781 Cary Map of New England and Canada, Great Lakes Region
1683 Nicolas Sanson Map of Siam and the Malay Peninsula
1561/ 1574 Ruscelli/ Gastaldi Map of the Indian Peninsula
1945 Westring Map of Post World War II Occupation Zones in Germany
1888 Crofutt Map of the Western United States w/ Railroad Tours
1897 Garcia y Cubas Map of Morelos, Mexico
1884 Imray Blueback Chart of Spice Islands w/ Voyages Noted
1988 Mandala Maps White Print Trekking Map from Kathmandu, Nepal, to Lhasa, Tibet
1945 Army Map Service Map of Nagasaki, Japan - Printed in August 1945
1960 French Pictorial Map of Phnom Penh, Cambodia
1849 Dufour Map of North America w/ Republic of Texas
1946 Neil Jones Board 'Science Fiction' Game of the Solar System
1877 Grossi Allegorical Map of the Dardanelles w/ England as Colossus
1916 Koehler Chromolithograph View of the Williamsburg Bridge, New York City
1859 Cole View of South Boston, Massachusetts
1869 Survey of India Map of Central Asia w/ Manuscript Spycraft
1749 Nolin Wall Map of Asia
1780 Bowles / Lewis Evans Map of the Middle British Colonies
1835 Berghaus 'Atlas von Asia' Map of Java and Borneo
1753 Van Keulen 'Secret Atlas' Map of Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Pearl River, Macao, China
1972 / 1977 U.S. Geological Survey Topographic Map of Death Valley National Park
1954 Ford Dealers of New England Pictorial Map of New England
1849 Greenleaf Map of Pennsylvania
1561 Ruscelli/ Ptolemy Map of Southeast Asia
1815 Thomson Map of Scandinavia (Denmark, Norway, Sweden)
1849 Greenleaf Map of North America
1967 French Pictorial Map of Phnom Penh
1944 Chapin Map of the Pacific Ocean and Progress in the Pacific War
1883 Imray Blueback Chart of Eastern Australia and the Solomon Islands
1561 / 1574 Ruscelli Holy Land / Israel / Palestine
1598 Braun and Hogenberg Views of Archidona and La Peña de los Enamorados
1954 Monan Pictorial Historical Map of the Caribbean
1833 Ritter Map of Tibet, Nepal, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, India, Transhimalaya
1936 Geological Map of Part of the Gold Mining District, Wiluna, Western Australia
1861 J. F. Queen Union Volunteer Refreshment Saloon Donation Certificate
1915 Bouquet Map of Brazzaville and Environs, French Equatorial Africa (Congo)
1747 Bowen Map of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York, and New England
1891 Bancroft Pocket Map of San Francisco, California
1899 Graham Map of the Ralston Divide, Placer County, California Gold Country
1853 Colton Wall Map of Maine
1850 Nagakubo Map of the World, updated from 1785
1869 Holmes Map of Chelsea, 19th to 29th Streets, Manhattan, New York City
1859 Clark and Tackabury Case / Wall Map of Connecticut
1867 Sá da Bandeira Map of the Zambezi River and Environs
1589/ 1597 Bünting Map of Africa
1855 Colton / Hall Wall Map of New England
1866 Whitefield View of Boston Common
1849 Greenleaf Map of Egypt
1948 Pictorial Tourist Map of Arizona, Nevada, and Utah Printed on a Napkin
1922 Bay Publishing Co. Map of Tampa, Florida
1849 Greenleaf Map of New Jersey
1815 Thomson Map of Spain and Portugal
1903 Chias Folding Map of La Coruña, Galicia, Spain
1896 Imray Chart of the Western Pacific
1894 Norie / Wilson Blueback Chart of St. George's Channel and the English Channel
1882 Ernest W. DuBois Schoolboy manuscript map of Texas
1835 Seaton Map of the Holy Land: Israel and Palestine
1813 / 1814 Henry Cooper 1814 Folding Map of London
1750 Mount and Page Map of Chesapeake Bay, New York, New England, and Canada
1898 Kurz Allison View of the Battle of Manila, Philippines
1848 Walker Pocket Map of New York City
1595 Mercator Map of Asia: First Atlas Edition
1668 Lubieniecki Chart Depicting the Movement of Comets
1856 Walling Wall Map of Bennington, Vermont
1891 Maschek / Laemmert City Map of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
1745 Mannevillette First Edition Map of the Persian Gulf
1972 Complete Blueprints of the Historic Fort Greene Park Rehabilitation, Brooklyn
1782 Jaillot Wall Map of America
1849 Greenleaf Map of Columbia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Panama
1954 Beach Products State 'Map-Nap' of Texas
1831 Dower / Teesdale Map of the Western Hemisphere
1814 Thomson Map of Martinique and Dominica (West Indies)
1849 Greenleaf Map of Kentucky and Tennessee
1943 Imperial Japanese Army General Staff Map of Macao
1951 Annand Pictorial Map of the Bahamas
1925 Gordon Pocket Map of the South Wales Coal Fields
1939 Universal Map Co. Chalkboard Map of Asia and Europe
1693 Cantelli da Vignola Map of the Tartar Empire
1603 / c. 1640 Johann Beyer Celestial Chart of the Taurus Constellation
1603 Ortelius Map of Crete w/ Greek Islands (Vrients Edition)
1660 Jansson / Van Loon Map of China and Korea
1889 Kurz and Allison View of the Johnstown Flood, Pennsylvania
1696 Danckerts Map of Florida, the West Indies, and the Caribbean
1856 Smith Wall Map of New Haven County, Connecticut
1848 Morris and Melish Wall Map of Pennsylvania
1688 / 1697 Coronelli Gore Map: Eastern North America, Caribbean, Terra Firma
1763 Set of 4 Desnos Continents: Unrecorded First states, first plates
1879 Iwakichi Hayami Wall Map of the World in Hemispheres
1958 Shell / Philip Bilingual Wall Map of Thailand
1867 Dennys 'Treaty Ports of China and Japan' w/Hong Kong and other Maps
1856 J. H. Colton and J. Calvin Smith Map of Long Island, New York
1961 Real Estate Brochure with Pictorial Map of Cape Coral, Florida
1954 Beach Products State 'Map-Nap' of Minnesota
1849 Greenleaf Map of Africa
1814 Thomson / Kirkwood Map of Guadaloupe, Antigua, Marie Galante (West Indies)
1934 Eddy Pictorial Map of Death Valley, California
1862 British Admiralty Nautical Map of Ireland from Dublin to Wicklow
1849 Greenleaf Map of Arkansas
1917 Union News Bird's-Eye View Map of Boston Harbor: Boston to Cape Cod
1867 Beers Map of Fishkill, New York
1957 Jennings Pictorial Map of Belfast, Maine
1550 Münster View of Worms, Germany
1939 Wallingford Map of the United States as seen by a New Yorker
1976 Doane Pictorial Map of Nahant, Massachusetts
1861 Hammerschmidt Albumen Silver Print Photograph: Great Pyramids of Giza, Egypt
1860 Antonio Beato Albumen Silver Print Photograph: Great Sphinx, Khafre Pyramid, Giza, Egypt
1860 Antonio Beato Albumen Silver Print Photograph: Colossi of Memnon, Thebes, Egypt
1860 Antonio Beato Albumen Silver Print Photograph: Cleopatra's Needle, Alexandria
1922 Mori Map of Hiroshima, Japan
1861 Hammerschmidt Albumen Silver Print Photograph: Great Pyramid, Giza, Egypt
1688 Rosaccio / Moretti Woodcut Map of Africa
1735 Landteck / Homann Presentation of their Novel Universal Clock
1918 War Office Map of Macao
1924 City Plan of Tianjin (Tientsin), China
1956 Philip Map of Winston Churchill's Travels During World War II
1886 Sakai Map of Tokyo with Illustrated Vignettes
1750 'Vue Perspective' of Jeddah, Mecca's Red Sea Port
1859 Purdy / Vidal Chart of the Azores, Portugal
1906 Richard Rummell View of Princeton University, New Jersey
1589 / 1597 Bünting Map of Europe in the form of a Queen (Europa Regina)
1626 John Speed 'carte à figures' Map of Africa
1889 Goplo Photograph Portrait of American Indian 'Little Chief', Paris, France
1695 Louis de Lépine map of America, with California as an Island
1915 British War Office of Iran and Iraq
1870 Bufford Map of Rockport, Pigeon Cove, Cape Ann, Massachusetts
1635 Blaeu Map of Virginia and the Chesapeake (Hondius / Smith)
1844 Black Map or Chart of the World showing Magnetic Curves
1956 Beach Products State 'Map-Nap' of North Dakota
1954 Travelmat Place Mat Map of Highway 40 in California, Nevada, Utah, and Colorado
1832 Delamarche Map of the Settlement of the Children of Noah after The Flood
1849 Greenleaf Map of Lower Canada (Quebec)
1936 Owens Bird's Eye View of California
1973 Millsap Pictorial Map of California Historical Events
1867 Beers Map of Dutchess County, New York
1827 Vandermaelen Map of Xinjiang, China, Kazakhstan, and Mongolia
1867 Beers Map of Cold Spring, New York
1827 Vandermaelen Map of Central India
1827 Vandermaelen Map of Sindh, Pakistan
1930 Elizabeth Shurtleff Pictorial Map of Massachusetts
1818 Franz Pluth Map of the Eastern United States
1882 Broadsheet Tribute to America's Great Newspapermen
1959 al-Ghouri Map of the United Arab Republic and the Levant
1895 Compagnie Nouvelle du Canal de Panama Map of the Panama Canal
1952 Lucien Boucher Air France Pictorial Map of the World
1878 Inoue Map of Yokohama, Japan
1861 Collinson Admiralty Chart or Map of Hong Kong and Vicinity
1777 Lotter and Sauthier Map of New York and New Jersey
1848 Ord Maps of the Gold Discoveries in California (3 maps)
1799 Vancouver Map of Vancouver Island, Washington, and Puget Sound
1861 Sadahide Ukiyo-e Panoramic View of Yokohama
1742 William Mount and Thomas Page Nautical Chart of Chesapeake Bay
1949 McGrew City Plan or Map of Phoenix, Arizona
1843 Blackwell Map of Niagara Falls, New York
1550 Sebastian Münster View of Belgrade
1771 Bonne Map of Ireland
1578 Munster Map of Spain
1787 Tardieu Map of the Ohio River, Muskingum River, Scioto River, and Beaver River
1846 Bradford Map of Virginia (including West Virginia)
1726 Strahlenberg Map of Asia during the Reign of Genghis Khan
1581 / 1597 Bunting City Plan of Jerusalem
1840 Ritter Map of Bhutan, N. Burma, N. Bangladesh, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh
1705 De Fer map of Spain and Portugal
1581 Bünting Woodcut Map of the Peregrination of Israel
1966 PLA Pictorial Map of 'U.S. Imperialist Aggression in Asia'
1805 William Faden Nautical Chart of Coastal Peru
1884 Loureiro Map of Hong Kong, Macau, and Guangdon (Canton) Province
1855 J. Calvin Smith and Colton Map of the Upper Midwest
1931 Bonnerot / Perroud Map of Bouchard Père et Fils Vineyards in Burgundy, France
1895 City Plan or Map of Dartmouth, Massachusetts
1865 American School Boy Patriotic Manuscript Map of the World
1932 Cross House Map of Shanghai, China
1730 Seutter Map of Malta and Gozo with crests
1850 Colton Map of New England and New York
1874 Kunitsuru Ukiyo-e Triptych View of Yokohama's New City Hall
1871 Hiroshige III Ukiyo-e Triptych of Tokyo-Yokohama Train
1708 Cellarius Celestial Map illustrating the Spheres
1885 French Manuscript Map of Africa (6 Sheets)
1864 Yoshitora Twelve Panel Ukiyo-e Panorama of the Tokaido
1803 Duvallon Narrative on Spanish Louisiana and West Florida w/ 2 Maps
1860 Sadahide Ukiyo-e View of Yokohama Miyozaki Pleasure Quarter
1889 Imray Nautical Chart or Map of the Coast of Belgium, France, and Holland
1846 Bradford Map of Upper Canada (Ontario)
1846 Bradford Map of Lower Canada (Quebec), New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia
1752 Leach / Kitchin Map of the Middle Gambia River, West Africa
1846 Bradford City Plan of Baltimore, Maryland
1772 Vaugondy-Diderot Map of Asia and the Northeast Passage
1943 Manuscript Map of the United States from the Perspective of Texas
1917 Manuscript Political Cartoon of American-Mexican Relations
1780 Basset Optical View of Valletta, Malta
1597 Franco / Valle map of Hungary and Transylvania
1574 Ruscelli Map of Brazil
1937 Howard Newton City Map or Plan of Beverly Hills, California
1858 Edo Period Japanese Kawaraban Map of Edo (Tokyo) Fire Damage
1758 Buache Map of the Arctic after Kaempfer (Considerations)
1816 Thomson Four-Sheet Wall Map of Europe after the Congress of Vienna
1851 Justh Quirot Letter Sheet View of the San Francisco Fire of June 1851
1742 Nolin Map of the Bay of Bengal, Siam (Thailand), and India
1746 Popple Key Map of North America (Crepy)
1850 Henry Walling Wall Map of Portsmouth, New Hampshire
1844 Texas Emigrant's Guide w/ First View of Austin, Texas
1857 Thomas Devine Map of Northwestern Canada - a landmark map!
1858 Smith - Disturnell Pocket Map of New York
1816 Thomson Map of Grenada, Curacao, Trinidad, and Tobago
1846 Bradford Map of Maine, with Recent Territorial Changes
1879 Tweedy Map of the Beaver River, Adirondack Region, New York
1899 Fort Dearborn Pocket Map of the Philippines
1940 Paris Soir Map of World War II in Europe
1535 Laurent Fries Ptolemaic Map of the Persian Empire (Iraq and Iran)
1803 Blondeau Map of Upper Louisiana
1992 Scallion Doomsday Map of the United States
1704 Gerard Valk Map of Southern Italy (Kingdom of Naples)
1871 Bishop Pocket Map of Brooklyn, New York
1710 Valk and Schenk Map of Sumatra, Malay, and Singapore
1710 Valk and Schenk Map of Borneo
1755 Covens and Mortier Map of America w/ Sea of the West
1909 Imperial Gazetteer of India, Bombay Presidency Series, with Atlas Volume
1945 First U.S. Army WWII Map of Meeting Between U.S. and Red Armies in Germany
1862 Smith Map of the United States During the American Civil War
1803 Blondeau Map of Louisiana and West Florida
1781 Pouchot Map of New York and Canada: French and Indian War
1846 Bradford Map of Washington, D.C., Cincinnati, Louisville, and New Orleans
1922 Southern Railway System Railroad Map of Florida
1879 Colvin Map of Upper Ausable Lake, Adirondack Survey
1858 Lange Map of the Southwestern United States
1955 Shapiro Arkia Airlines Route Map
1816 Thomson Map of the Northern Hemisphere
1816 Thomson Map of the Southern Hemisphere
1827 Vandermaelen map of Afghanistan and the Hindu Kush
1764 Seutter and Lotter Nautical Flag Chart
1986 Russell Pictorial Map of Silicon Valley, California
1779 Bonne / Delamarche Separate-Issue Map of Asia
1799 / 1804 Phillips Map of the United States w/ Franklinia and Morgania
1847 Mitchell / Young Map of the United States
1584/1602 Ortelius Map of China and the Philippines: Original Vrients Color
1827 Brue Dissected Atlas of the World
1874 Voeikov / Petermann Climate Map of the World
1865 Petermann North Polar Projection, World Telegraph Lines
1816 Thomson Map of the Western Hemisphere
1816 Thomson Map of the Eastern Hemisphere
1929 Ljungstedt / Virginia Conservation Commission Map of Virginia
1598 Münster View of Lindau am Bodensee, Germany
1881 Urban Planning Map of Cienfuegos, Cuba
1846 Burr City Plan or Map of Manhattan, New York City
1873 Colton Railroad Map of Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island
1717 Van Keulen Nautical Map of the Northern Aegean Sea and Bosphorus
1958 British War Office Chart or Map of Singapore
1917 Jin Feng She 'Nem' or 'New' Map of Shanghai, China
1922 Erkan-ı Harbiye-i Umumiye Matbaası Map of Dardanelles Fortifications
1930 Leung Kai Fook Drug Store Advertising Map of Guangdong / Hong Kong
1889 Jesuit Havret Map of Shanghai Region: Nantong (南通), Hai-men (海门), and Chongming (崇明
1879 Jesuit Pfister Map of the Kiang-Nan Vicarate, Jiangnan Province (Shanghai), China
1789 Osgood Carleton / John Norman Nautical Map of the West Indies, Florida, Gulf of Mexico
1935 Western Map Co. City Plan or Map of Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1940 Chicago Sunday Tribune and Rand McNally Map of Europe
1868 Paine Broadside View of Ascutney Mountain, Vermont
1941 Lynde Map of Pasadena, California
1914 World War I Pictorial Cloth Handkerchief Map of the British Isles
1884 Thomas Johnson / Colton Pocket Map of New England
1776 Habermann View of New York during the Great Fire of 1776
1860s Civil War Era Sketch of Cape May, New Jersey
1878 Krebs View of the National Soldiers Home, Dayton, Ohio
1840 Japanese World Map on Mercator Projection, with Recent Discoveries
1900 Raja Ravi Varma Press View of Mecca (مكة المكرمة), Saudi Arabia
1870 World Maritime Sugoroku Game, Meiji Japan
1937 Kobayashi Map of Southeast Asia and the South Pacific, World War II
1674 Ligon Map of Barbados (French Edition of the first map of Barbados)
1682 Cantelli-Rossi Map of China, Japan and Korea
1892 Bird's-Eye View of San Leandro, California, and Vicinity
1794 Laurie and Whittle Map of Singapore, Malay, and Borneo
1867 Holmes Map of Murray Hill Farm, Midtown Manhattan, New York City
1879 Holmes Map of Times Square and Midtown West, Manhattan, New York City
1924 First Modern Map of Ankara, Turkey (before it became capital)
1831 Teesdale Map of Europe
1952 Pictorial Tourist Map of Route 66 in Arizona, Printed on a Napkin
1958 Eddy Bird's-Eye View of Las Vegas, Hoover Dam, Lake Mead, and Environs
1982 Archar Pictorial View of Boston, Massachusetts
1902 Harry H. Johnston Map of the Uganda Protectorate
1940 Takagi Tourism Map of Shanghai, China
1922 Yoshida Panoramic Bird's Eye View of Japan
1724 Homann Map of Scandinavia Following the Great Northern War
1972 American Geographical Society Map of Antarctica
1894 National View Bird's-Eye View Map of Port au Peck, Oceanport, New Jersey
1906 Dagistani Ottoman Map of the Balkans
1825 Tanner Map of New England
1848 Kikusui Large Foldout Ukiyo-e 'Road Map' of Japan
1745 Mannevillette Map of the Gulf of Siam, Cambodia, Vietnam
1839 Bedford and Smith Map of Afghanistan from Kandahar to Herat
1903 Clyde Steamship Company Map of Florida
1710 Homann / Doppelmayr Celestial Chart Explaining Planetary Motion
1887 Tsujimoto Pocket Map of Japan
1779 / 1785 Map (after Mitchell) of the British Colonies in North America
1891 Turner and Bond City Plan or Map of Chicago, Illinois
1626 John Speed 'carte á figures' Map of Persia, Afghanistan and Pakistan
1878 'La Rana' Allegorical Map of the World as a Sick Man
1860 View of the Puebla de Zaragoza (Los Angeles) w/ Popocatépetl, Mexico
1935 Survey of Egypt City Plan of Cairo, Egypt
1928 Hotel Hokke Club Map of Kyoto, Japan
1852 Grassl Map of Texas and California w/ California Gold Region and early Texas
1925 Chessman Map of Eastern Arabia (Rub' al Khali), Qatar
1721 Senex Map of the Duchy of Savoy and Principality of Piedmont
1875 Forrest Map of the West Australian Exploring Expedition
1871 Danish Nautical Chart of the North Baltic Sea w/ Stockholm
1700 Wells Map of the British Possessions in North America
1926 Sugie Fusazo First Edition Map of Shanghai w/ Bund Panorama
1830 Perrot Comparative Charts of the World's Men and Women
1776 De L'Isle / Santini Map of North America and the Arctic (Sea of the West)
1889 Ichikawa Six-Sheet Japanese World Map
1851 Tallis Illustrated Pocket Map of London
1854 Fujita Map of Hokkaido, Sakhalin, and the Kuril Islands
1923 Imperial University Map of Tokyo Fire, Great Kanto Earthquake w/index
1871 Holmes Map of the Upper East Side, Manhattan, New York City
1868 Holmes Map of Soho West (Mercer, Thomson, Spring, Macdougal, Prince)
1968 - 1969 Vietnam War Propaganda Archive (Leaflets, Posters, Banners)
1919 H. E. Newton Wall Map of the Hawaiian Islands (Hawaii Territory)
1854 Bornet Bird's-Eye View of Manhattan, New York City
1934 Annand Pictoral Map of the Byrd Antarctic Expedition
1960 Pictorial Map of the Marais and Environs, Paris
1935 Oregon State Board of Aeronautics Airways and Airport Map of Oregon
1814 Thomson Map of Southeast Asia (Singapore, Thailand, Malay)
1967 Ruiz / Oficina del Cafe Pictorial View of Costa Rica, Coffee Production
1971 Mickel Reissue of the 1898 Klondike News, Vol 1
1937 Parker Edwards Dole Pineapple Map of Hawaii
1935 Harrington Map of the Pony Express Route
1962 Rude Pictorial Map of California and Nevada
1928 Cooper Pictorial Poster of a Londoner's Transportation
1964 Blake Clark Pictorial Map of Arizona
1873 British Admiralty Nautical Map of the South China Sea: Hong Kong, Philippines, Vietnam
1832 Beaucousiu French Manuscript Schoolgirl Map of Asia (from Memory)
1897 Crocker Chromolithograph View of Santa Rosa, California
1845 Brue Map of Mexico and the Republic of Texas
1955 Clements Die Cut Postcard of Lake Tahoe
1876 U.S. Geological Survey Map of Colorado (Grand) River Valley, Colorado and Utah
1951 McCarty Pictorial Map of Sonoma County, California.
1939 Bieder Bird's Eye View of Zurich and Lake Zurich, Switzerland
1958 British Admiralty Nautical Map of St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands
1926 Saburo Ota Pictorial World Map Sugoroku Map
1892 G. Lang Wall Map of the World on Mercator Projection
1597 Cornelis Wytfliet Map of Labrador and Greenland
1943 Survey Headquarters Diazotype Manuscript Map of the Burma Campaign
1882 Eldridge Nautical Chart or Map of Buzzard Bay, Massachusetts
1626/ 1676 John Speed 'carte à figures' Map of Africa: Superb Old Color
1945 U.S. 64th Engineer Topo Map of Victoria, Hong Kong and Kowloon
1982 Peter Wolf Pictorial Map of Texas
1710 Map of Crete and the Greek Islands
1846 Williams / Mitchell Map of Texas at fullest
1893 H. S. Crocker Map of California w/ Wine Making Vignette
1872 Wyld Military Staff Map of Afghanistan - Second Anglo-Afghan War / Great Game
1840 Garneray Aquatint View of New York Harbor
1907 E. M. Beeler Wall Map of Denver, Colorado w/ railroad manuscript
1761 Desnos Wall Map of America w/ Sea of the West / Fusang
1989 Stuart Henderson Pictorial Map of Florence, Oregon
1942 W.R. Thompson Composite Photograph of U.S. Army Desert Training in California
1985 Morales Pictorial View of California Wine Country, Napa and Sonoma Counties
1934 George Nostrand Map of Brooklyn
1989 Chris King Pictorial Map of Aspen, Colorado
1923 O'Shaughnessy Street Map of San Francisco, California
1982 Peter Wolf Pictorial Map of Texas
1925 Combs Folding City Plan of Los Angeles
1795 Carey / Barker Map of Delaware
1958 Don Frank Pictorial Map of the Salton Sea and Environs, California
1892 Mary Hensman Map of Dante's Italy
1895 Promotional Map of Compton Heights, St. Louis, Missouri
1889 Stoddard Map of the Adirondacks, New York
1825 Tanner Map of North and South America
1973 Daniel Derveaux Map of the Pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela: France, Spain
1935 Huber Pictorial Map of Rhodes, Greece
1929 Transcontinental Air Transport Pictorial Map of the United States
1946 Tomson City Planning Map for Palm Desert, California
1850 Hesse City 'Gold Rush' View of Sacramento, California
1884 Jorgensen Vignettes of California, 'Pacific Coast Scenes'
1841 Giuseppe Kier Plan of City Map of Venice, Italy
1833 Hérisson Folding Wall Map of North America and South America
1801 Amos Corning Manuscript Survey Map of Tribeca, New York City
1873 Clérot Folding Wall City Plan or Map of Paris, France
1772 Robert de Vaugondy Set of Ten Maps for Diderot's Encyclopedia
1889 Stoddard Map of the Adirondacks, New York (digital)
1954 Clark Map of the North Country of Yosemite National Park
1949 Ralph Shane Pictorial Map of Warm Springs Indian Reservation, Oregon
1950 George Mathis Pictorial Tourist Map of Nevada City, California
1948 Hardy 'Aerial Mosaic' of Newport Beach, California
1945 Map of Army Air Forces Fair in Dayton, Ohio - the Future of Warfare
1885 Rand Avery Map of Lakes Winnipesaukee and Sunapee, New Hampshire
1588 Münster / Petri Map of Italy
1904 Stanford Map of Manchuria and China (Russo-Japanese War)
1776 Habermann View of the Destruction of the Royal Statue in New York
1994 Bayside Promotions View of San Francisco Bay Area Film Industry
1957 German Alpine Club Map of Mount Everest
1785 Tardieu / Crevecoeur Map of Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts
1595 / 1609 Mercator Map of Scandinavia: First French Atlas Edition
1649 Blaeu Bird's Eye View of Liege, Belgium
1814 Covens and Mortier Plan and Map of Amsterdam
1964 George Salomon In-Station Subway Map of New York City (1964 World's Fair)
1888 Roethe / Elliott Bird's Eye View of 'Hangtown' Placerville, California
1674 Jaillot Map of North America (first edition) (California as an Island)
1940 Bourne Pictorial 'Tolerance' Map of the United States
1842 Greenleaf Map of the Republic of Texas w/Grants
1971 Polish Map of Nazi Crimes in Poland
1882 Tracy Temperance Broadside: the Mississippi of Intemperance
1589 Abraham Ortelius Map of the Pacific Ocean
1905 Sherman / Ottmann Bird's Eye View of Connecticut Valley
1943 Army Information Branch Newsmap Schematic of German Infantry
1975 Chesser Physiographic Map of the Earth showing Sub-Oceanic Topography
1969 Carta Hebrew Map of Israel after Six Day War
1966 Island Workshop Pictorial Map of the U.S. Virgin Islands
1927 Nahl View of Napa Valley and Clearlake Region, Northern California
1932 Payne / Thomas Bros. Survey Map of San Bernardino County, California
1915 Thurston Map of Pasadena, California and Environs
1934 Burpitt Plat Map of Part of Johnson Estates, Atlanta, Georgia
1706 Jaillot Map of the Kingdom of Naples, Italy
1864 Imray Nautical Chart or Map of Santo Domingo / Hispaniola / Haiti
1795 Carey / Doolittle Map of Vermont
1908 Lagos / Simonetti Map of Franciscan Missions in Chile
1985 Ron Weaver Pictorial Map of Marathon Key, Florida
1848 Ensigns and Thayer City Plan or Map of New York City
1930 Map of the Walled City of Beijing
1776 Jefferys-Carver Map of Quebec with plans of Quebec City and Montreal
1842 Greenleaf Map of Wisconsin and Iowa
1885 Elliott Bird's Eye View of Santa Rosa, California
1745 Mannevillette First Edition Map of the Mergui Archipelago
1749 d'Anville Wall Map of Africa (foundational 18th century map of Africa)
1861 Stolpe Folding Map of Beyoğlu, Istanbul, Turkey (1st Map of Beyoğlu)
1935 Jones Pictorial View of San Diego County, California
1953 A to Z Printing Co. Map of Riverside, California
1871 Kellogg and Pilat Map of City Hall Park, New York City
1913 Fairchild Map of Chester Heights, Mount Vernon, New York
1910 Fairchild Map of Chester Hill Park, Mount Vernon, New York
1961 Macha Drafting Co. Map of Oil and Gas Resources in North Africa
1911 State Map Flower Company Lithograph of U.S. State Flowers
1705 De Fer Map of Mexico, Florida, and the Gulf Coast
1805 Zannoni Map of the Kingdom of Naples, Southern Italy
1883 Comissão Map of the Congo River: Capelo-Ivens Expedition
1826 Officio Topografico di Napoli Wall Map of Sicily, Italy
1854 Bornet Bird's-Eye View of New York Harbor, Verrazzano Narrows, and Staten Island
1963 Saqr Map of Qatar - Oil Infrastructure
1662 Gerritsz and Blaeu City Map or Plan of Moscow, Russia
1860 Ord Lithograph of 'President' Steam Locomotive
1930s Joseph Pinchon Watercolor Map of Paris, 1st and 2nd arrondissements.
1942 Rand McNally / Army Information Branch Newsmap of the United States
1960 Carter Pictorial Map of Panama and the Panama Canal Zone
1944 Army Information Branch Newsmap of the Approaches to Japan
1957 U.S. Coast Survey Aeronautical Chart of Dallas, Texas and Environs
1981 Archar 'City Character Print' Pictorial View of Salt Lake City, Utah
1923 Taisho 12 Warajiya Panoramic VIew Map of Osaka, Japan
1943 Serizawa Keigo Map of the North Pacific and North America, World War II
1938 Kimura Kesao Map of Greater Shanghai, Second Sino-Japanese War
1849 Admiralty Blueback Nautical Map of Fujian (Xiamen / Amoy) China
1860 Baikodo Ukiyo-e Map of Nagasaki, Japan
1868 Colton Pocket Map of Vermont w/ Railroads
1718 De L'Isle Map of Canada, the Great Lakes, and New England
1950 Lucien Boucher Air France Double Hemisphere Celestial (Surrealist)
1898 Vickroy Broadside Commemorating the Civil War and Spanish American War
1584 van Adrichem Plan of Biblical Jerusalem
1708 Cellarius / Valk and Schenk Celestial Map of the Geocentric Solar System
1854 Exene Tobey Schoolgirl Manuscript Map of Connecticut
1513 Waldseemuller / Ptolemy Map of India
1825 Tanner Wall Map of North America
1493 Hartman Schedel Map of the World
1850 Korean Woodblock Map of Korea: Haezwa Jeon-do.
1478 / 1490 Ptolemaic Map of the Arabian Peninsula
1865 Johnson Map of Arkansas, Mississippi, and Louisiana
1973 Weekend Outdoor Fishing and Recreation Map of Shasta Lake, California
1973 GUGK Map of Lake Ritsa - Sochi Region, Russia and Georgia
1935 Pictorial Map of Bobby Benson and the H-O Rangers in Africa
1947 Chisholm and Winn Pictorial Map of Boston w/ Paul Revere's Ride
1960 U.S. Weather Bureau Hurricane Tracking Chart
1890 View of the Central Vermont Railroad
1774 Benard/ Hawkesworth Map of the Society Islands and Tahiti
1942 Blondel la Rougery City Plan or Map of Paris, France
1912 Berthrong Map of Arizona
1809 Salt / Havell View of Dixan, Abyssinia (Ethiopia)
1862 Yoshikazu Ukiyo-e Map of Treaty Port Yokohama, Japan
1700 De Fer Map of Insular California and Mexico
1869 Whitehead Map of Victoria, Australia, During the Victoria Gold Rush
1570 / 1612 Ortelius Map of England, Scotland and Ireland
1959 Brannan / Britton View of Sutter's Fort (Sacramento), before Gold Rush
1870 Concanen Bird's-Eye View of Paris During the Franco-Prussian War
1860 Sadahide Ukiyo-e View of Yokohama, including the Miyozaki Pleasure Quarter
1729 / 1781 John Flamsteed Celestial Chart of Constellation Hydra
1861 Sadahide View of Foreigners in Yokohama, Japan
1893 Walker View of Vineyard Haven, Tisbury, Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts
1859 Montgomerie Survey of India Wall Map of Kashmir
1761 Rhode Map of North America, Theater of the French and Indian War
1866 Municipal Council Map of Hong Kew American Settlement, Shanghai, China
1851 Tallis Map of North America, Retaining Pre-1848 Borders
1927 Redfield-Kendrick-Odell Folding Map of Long Island
1946 / 1963 Luther S. Phillips Pictorial Map of Maine
1943 Nathan Mayo / George Way 'After Victory' WWII Promotional Map of Florida
1720 Chatelain Chart of the World's Flags and Naval Ensigns
1950 Lindgren Humorous Pictorial Map of Death Valley National Monument
1805 Cary Map of the Great Lakes and Western Territory (Kentucy, Virginia, Ohio, etc..)
1776 Lotter Map of the United States at the Outbreak of the Revolutionary War
1870 Currier and Ives Lithograph View of a Railroad Heading to San Francisco
1903 Monaghan / United Light Electric and Power Wall Map of Manhattan
1861 Walling Wall Map of Washington County, Maine
1720 Moll Map of North America (United States)
1708 Cellarius / Valk and Schenk Celestial Map according to Copernicus
1892 Survey of India Map of Nepal, the Himalayas, Tibet
1902 Underwood and Underwood Map of Yosemite Valley, California
1959 News-Journal Map of Lake Shasta and Environs
1851 Tallis Map of Canada or British America
1811 Cary Map of Poland, Prussia and Lithuania
1945 Thomas Bros. Map of San Francisco, Berkeley, and Oakland
1905 Union Printing Co. Map of the Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition, Portland, Oregon
1628 Münster Woodcut View of Islands, Ships and Monsters
1901 Boothby / Rand Avery View of Northern New England, Quebec
1949 Shane / Leno Pictorial Map of Warm Springs Indian Reservation, Oregon
1946 Guia Levi Railway Map of Brazil and Uruguay, Plan of Sao Paulo
1906 Clason Bird's Eye View Topographical Map of Gilpin County, Colorado
1775 Treskot Map of Western Siberia, Russian Empire
1840 Delahaye, Charpentier, and Dupuis Plan of Biblical Jerusalem
1677 De Wit Map of Italy
1899 Panoramic View Map 'Route of the Mormon Pioneers' (Nebraska, Utah, Wyoming)
1930 Rose Palmer Hand-Drawn Pictorial Map of Nantucket, Massachusetts
1690 Hevelius Celestial Chart or Star Map of the Pegasus Constellation
1921 T. Kennard Thomson Schematic of Proposed Dam, 'Niagara Falls Junior'
1927 / 1930 T. Kennard Thomson Proposal to Save New York by Replacing Subways
1708 Cellarius / Valk and Schenk Celestial Map according to Ptolemy
1838 Taberd Map of Vietnam - synthesis of Vietnamese and Western Cartography
1486 Claudius Ptolemy / Nicolaus Germanus Map of Ancient Egypt
1929 Promotional Map of Morgantown, Maryland
1959 Book Enterprises Map of the Solar System
1931 McCarty Pictorial View of Santa Catalina Island, California
1748 / 1849 Pease French-English Bilingual Map of Lake Champlain
1962 Haydon Map of Seattle, Washington, Century 21 Exposition
1941 Pictorial Map of the Old York Road, Eastern Pennsylvania
1935 Maryland Realty Investment Map of Cobb Island
1901 Cassoli and Bisleri City Plan or Map of Buenos Aires, Argentina
1735 Cantemir Map of Istanbul / Constantinople
1762 Lattre and Janvier Map of the World on a Double Hemisphere Projection
1857 Direccion Hidrografia Nautical Chart / Map of Jamaica and Southern Cuba
1965 Abramov and Dobrovolsky Cold War Soviet Propaganda Broadside
1889 James Meddaugh Albumen Cabinet Card Photograph of a Lakota Chief
1830 Scrip Land Certificate for the Galveston Bay and Texas Land Company
1690 Hevelius Celestial Chart or Star Map of the Virgo Constellation
1511 Bernard Sylvanus / Ptolemy East Asia
1932 Teikoku Zaigō Gunjinkai Map of Shanghai, Second Sino-Japanese War
1863 Magnus Civil War Map: 90 Miles Around Richmond (Rare)
1535 Fries / Sanuto-Vesconte Map of the Holy Land - Medieval Mapping of the Levant
1944 Pat Keely Propaganda Map Poster of Japan as Octopus grabbing Southeast Asia
1878 Stoner / Ruger Chromolithograph Bird's-Eye View of Wiscasset, Maine
1945 LeDonne Map of Europe and the 1115th Engineer Combat Group During World War II
1884 Glazier Map 'Rediscovering' the Source of the Mississippi, Minnesota
1593 Cornelis De Jode Map of Europe
1815 Bouchette Masterplan of Lower Canada (Ontario) and Lake Champlain
1928 Tourism City Plan or Map of Krakow, Poland
1955 Pictorial Promotional Placemat of Florida
1875 Fuchs View of Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas
1945 Neutze / Arimany Pictorial Map of Guatemala
1914 Kenyon Pocket Map of Oklahoma
1984 Waldmire Anti-Nuclear Broadside Map of the World - 'The Wheel of Peace and Survival'
1963 Bollmann View of Midtown Manhattan/ Subway Map on Reverse
1597 Wytfliet Map of Mexico
1603 / c. 1640 Johann Beyer Celestial Chart of the Virgo Constellation
1841 Wyld Map of China (First Opium War)
1770 Sayer / Hancock View of Niagara Falls
1759 Homann Heirs Map of the World, with Müller's North Pacific Geography
1879 Atkinson / Survey of India 'Great Game' Map of Central Asia
1522 / 1541 Laurent Fries Map of Southeast Asia
1882 Imperial Japanese Army General Staff Map of Fujian and Taiwan
1871 'Prairie Farmer' First Broadside Map of the Chicago Fire - issued days after fire!
1969 Bullock Pictorial Historical Map of Ireland
1992 Weathers Pictorial Map of Downtown Florence, Oregon
1944 Mueller Pictorial View of Los Angeles
1958 Harvey Pictorial Tourist Map of the American Southwest
1934 Hamburg American Line Brochure and Map of Around the World Voyage
1920 Bekins Map of Oakland, Berkeley, Alameda, and Environs, California
1953 C. E. Hunt Map of Palo Alto, California and Environs, Silicon Valley
1951 Meyer / British Railways Pictorial Map of Britain
1588 Petri / Münster Map of Greece
1950 French Direction Générale du Tourisme Map of the French Alps
1898 Colton Ohman Map of Cuba and Environs, Spanish-American War
1588 / 1592 Petri / Münster Map of Asia
1522 / 1541 Waldseemüller / Fries map of Central Asia and the Silk Road
1859 Kunisada II / Hiroshige Buddhist Ukiyo-e, The Miracles of Kannon
1707 J. B. Homann Map of Provence, France
1968 Holtan Pictorial View of Los Angeles
1603 / c. 1640 Johann Beyer Celestial Chart of the Aquarius Constellation
1794 Rocque Wall Map of Ireland
1897 Graham Chromolithograph Bird's-Eye View of New York City
1985 Guimarin and MacEwen Manuscript Map of San Antonio, Texas, in 1855
1819 Set of Four Depot Generale de la Marine Charts of Hainan Island, China
1610 / 1676 John Speed map of the Kingdom of Scotland
1522/ 1535 Waldseemüller/ Fries map of South Asia (Arabia to the Malay Peninsula)
1888 Pierre / Pfister Manuscript Map of Anhui Province, China
1942 Manuscript Map of Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
1975 Rockwell International 'Design Phase' Blueprint of Space Shuttle
1638 Matthias Merian Views of Ragusa (Dubrovnik) and Negroponte (Chalcis)
1570 / 1587 Ortelius and Van Deventer map of Zeeland, The Netherlands
1905 Blanchard Map of New England Electric Railways, Roads, and Railroads
1606 Hondius Map of Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Margarita
1859 Clark and Tackabury Wall Map of Connecticut
1746 / 1754 Homann Heirs Map of North America and South America
1915 National Highway Association Map of United States Proposed Highway Network
1731 Separately Issued Danet Map of America
1780 Juan Lopez Map of Barbados
1720 Neal Map of New England
1935 Iconic Denoyer-Geppert Post-Prohibition Anti-Alcohol Educational Poster
1919 Japanese Propaganda Map of WWI and Russo-Japanese War - on Scroll
1645 / 1663 Joan Blaeu map of Anglo-Saxon England
1900 Service Geographique de l'Armee City Map of Beijing / Peking, China
1971 Polish Multilingual Map of Nazi Crimes in the Voivodeship of Krakow
1972 Polish Multilingual Map of Poland and Battles Against the Nazis During WWII
1700 François Halma Map of America
1856 Colton 'Embellished' Wall Map of the World
1958 U.S. Coast Survey Aeronautical Chart of Los Angeles, California and Environs
1704 Mortier / Blaeu View of Gaeta, Italy
1860 Naymiller / Allodi Chart of Comparative Rivers and Waterfalls
1954 Dicus Pictorial Historical Map of California
1928 Regional Plan of New York City, Tri-State Region Highways
1550 / 1598 Munster Woodcut View of Venice
1880 Higgins Lithograph View of the Obelisk (Cleopatra's Needle), Central Park, New York City
1715 Renard Map of the World on a Polar Projection
1740 Seutter / Lotter Map of Mexico, Louisiana, Florida, the Caribbean
1805 Liechtenstern Map of the Kingdom of Hungary and the Grand Principality of Transylvania
1914 Johnson / Riddle WWI Comic Map of Europe: Hark! Hark! The Dogs do Bark!
1869 Bridgman Cloth Handkerchief Guide and Map of New York City
1852 Coello / Morata Wall Map of the Philippines (Three Sheets)
1654 Merian Panorama of Paris
1598 Münster View of London, England
1977 Polish Map of Chambers of National Remembrance (Izby Pamięci Narodowej) in Poland
1636 Jansson / Teixeira Map of Japan w/ Insular Korea
1858 Walling Wall Map of Berkshire County, Massachusetts (the Berkshires)
1687 Rossi / Brunacci Celestial Star Chart
1864 Korn View of Hong Kong Harbor (one of the earliest)
1979 Polish Multilingual Map of Nazi Crimes around Konin, Łódź, and Kalisz, Poland
1575 Münster / Belleforest View of Sea Monsters and Fantastical Beasts
1634 Blaeu Map of New England and the New Netherlands: First Edition!
1944 Chapin Map of Germany
1561 / 1574 Ruscelli Map of the East Indies and the Straits of Malacca
1931 Papelaria Brazileira City Plan of Salvador, Brazil
1954 Hétreau Pictorial Wine Map of the Champagne Wine Region, France
1598 Munster View / Map of Jerusalem
1954 Hétreau Pictorial Wine Map of the Bordeaux Wine Region, France
1561 / 1574 Ruscelli British Isles
1845 Brué and Picquet Map of the West Indies and Central America
1972 Ayupvin / USFS Pictorial Map of the National Children's Forest
1898 Buell Map of the Mother Lode, Stockton, California
1885 Rice Map of Saint Paul, Minnesota
1976 Carawan Pictorial Map of Key West, Florida
1925 Kennard Thomson Manuscript Map of Tidal Barrages on the Bay of Fundy
1876 Kasprzykiewicz Russian-Polish Bilingual City Plan of Warsaw
1897 Fichot Bird's-Eye View Map of Paris, France
1719 Michelot-Brémond Chart of the Island of Sardinia
1968 Polish Multilingual Map of Nazi Crimes in the Voivodeship of Gdańsk, Poland
1977 Polish Multilingual Map of Nazi Crimes in the Voivodeships of Kielce and Radom, Poland
1630 / 1641 Hondius / Jansson Map of the World
1973 Nisbet / Anderson Manuscript Geological, Oil and Gas Map of Southern California
1954 Hétreau Pictorial Wine Map of the Alsace Wine Region, France
1898 Charaire Pictorial Map of the Atlantic (Spanish-American War)
1917 Maarif-i Nezareti Folding Map of the Ottoman Empire
1720 Chatelain Chart of Ships, Ship Construction, and Naval Instruments
1893 Inoue Katsugorō Map of Japan; Meiji Era
1953 J. K. van der Leeuw Pictorial KLM Royal Dutch Airlines Route Map of the World
1846 Radefeld Map of the Republic of Texas
1732 Guillaume Danet Map of Asia - Separately issued
1540 / 1568 Munster Map of Europe (1st block)
1563 Gastaldi / Ramusio Map of South Asia: India, Arabia, Persian Gulf
1876 Joseph Warner Bird's-Eye View Map of Portland, Maine (Stoner)
1628 Angelocrator Dual Octant Projection World Map: a Unique Work
1832 Ottoman Imperial Engineering Office Manuscript Folding Map of Syria, Lebanon, Palestine
1960 Sahab Folding Road Map of Iran
1827 Vandermaelen map of the Society Islands and French Polynesia
1958 de Jesus City Plan or Map of Manila, Philippines
1972 Rigotti Map of the 72nd Troop Carrier Squadron over Europe during World War II
1898 Xanthus Russell Smith View of the Battle of Manila, the Philippines
1903 U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Nautical Map of San Francisco Bay, California
1877 Harris View Map of Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, during Washington's Encampment
1983 Zhang Six-Sheet Tectonic Wall Map of East Asia
1522 / 1535 Waldseemüller / Fries Ptolemaic map of India
1937 Iktomi Map of the Idealized Lilawaste American Indian Refuge
1657 Visscher Map of the East Indies, Southeast Asia, and Australia
1945 Soviet World War II Anti-Nazi Germany Propaganda Poster in Slovakian
1863 Stanford Map of the Seven Basque Provinces, Spain and France
1828 Elliot / Crawfurd View of Singapore - first view of Singapore!
1868 Sadahide Ukiyo-e View of Yokohama
1932 Cumine Proposal for Demilitarized International Zone, Shanghai
1679 First Edition Tavernier Map of Japan with Sea of Korea
1874 Unsen Ukiyo-e Triptych of a German Warship
1839 Bourgery / Jacob Anatomical Studies of the Lymphatic and Muscular Systems
1939 Vlaanderen Serio-Comic Map of Europe at the Outbreak of World War II
1838 Mitchell Wall Map of the World with Republic of Texas
1964 Phillips Map of Katahdin and Baxter State Park, Maine
1627 Schiller Star Chart of the Volans and Dorado Constellations
1550 Münster Map of France
1875 Jordan / Petermann Map of the Rohlfs Expedition, Egyptian and Libyan Deserts
1866 Gilmer 'Confederate Imprint' Civil War Map of Richmond and Vicinity, Virginia
1522 / 1525 Waldseemüller / Fries Ptolemaic map Sri Lanka
1682 Tavernier Map of Vietnam and the South China Sea
1939 Patterson Pictorial View of New York City, World's Fair
1897 Le Petit Journal Double Hemisphere Wall Map w/ World's Ethnicities
1914 Lehmann-Dumont Serio-Comic Map, World War I
1743 Bonfrere / Adrichem Map of the Holy Land
1914 Verlagsgesellschaft Union Serio-Comic Map, European 'Hunting Party'
1570 / 1579 Ortelius Map of Tartary: China, Siberia, Japan
1914 Elsner Serio-Comic Map, Outbreak of World War I
1906 Survey of India Folding Map of Peshawar and Environs
1727 Valentijn Map of Malaysia and Sumatra (Singapore)
1887 Burleigh Bird's-Eye View of White Plains, New York
1787 Robert de Vaugondy Pair of Separate-Issue Celestial Maps
1887 Egyptian Supervision of Public Work French-Arabic City Map or Plan of Giza
1888 Burleigh Bird's-Eye View of Saratoga Springs, New York
1932 Stene Wall Map of the Texas Highway System
1832 Berghaus 'Atlas von Asia' Map of Southeast Asia: Thailand, Malaya, Cambodia, Vietnam, Burma
1946 Dix Lawrence Pictorial Folklore Music Map of the United States
1950 Pictorial Map of Burgundy (Bourgogne) Wine Region, France
1946 Leconte Pocket Map of Paris, France showing Monuments
1887 Anonymous City Plan or Map of Rome, Italy
1946 Atlanta Map of Occupied Germany in English, Russian, French, German
1838 S.D.U.K. City Map or Plan of Venice, Italy
1919 Masson Map of Turkey Highlighting Where Greeks Live in Asia Minor
1936 Straszewiczów / 'Ruch' City Map or Plan of Warsaw, Poland
1954 Hétreau Pictorial Wine Map of the Languedoc, Rousillon, and Provence Wine Regions, France
1954 Hétreau Pictorial Wine Map of the Côtes du Rhône Wine Region, France
1570 Ortelius Map of Hungary
1629/ 1670 Blaeu Map of Guiana, Venezuela and El Dorado
1674 Bouttats Map of Crete after Boschini
1910 Japanese Map of Taiwan, w. Insets of Tamsui and Keelung
1903 Stanford Folding Map of the British Somaliland
1683 Job / Christian Ludolf Map of Ethiopia showing the Source of the Nile
1890 Colton Map of New York and Vicinity (33 Miles Around)
1915 Rummell Bird's-Eye View of Richmond College, Virginia
1789 Djurberg Map of Polynesia with indigenous name for Australia (Ulimaroa)
1826 Depot de la Marine Nautical Chart or Maritime Map of the U.S. Gulf Coast
1943 Moss Pictorial Map of the WWII Battle of Hell's Point, Guadalcanal
1522 / 1535 Waldseemüller / Fries map of Southern Africa
1910 Eldridge Chart of Vineyard Sound: Martha's Vineyard, Nantucket
1863 Endicott View of the Civil War Execution of a Highwayman, w/ Colored Regiments
1637 Jansson Map of the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf Coast (Latin Appendix Edition)
1943 F. Donald Blake Pictorial Propaganda Map Europe during World War II
1874 Hiroshige III Ukiyo-e Triptych of Yokohama Steam Train
1987 Little Barn Graphics Poster of Bromley Mountain, Vermont
1744 Bellin Map of Quebec City, Canada
1868 Ukiyo-e View of Inada, Kasama Municipality, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan
1975 Ski East / Ski dans l'Est Pictorial View of Quebec Ski Resorts
1933 Linscott Pictorial Map of Mother Goose Land
1907 Scarborough Wall Map of the World w/ Flags and Leaders' Portraits
1928 Petrov Bulgarian-French Map of Sofia, Celebrating 50 Years since Liberation
1984 Pastis 51 Map of the Paris-Dakar Rally (Europe, Africa)
1972 Phillips Pictorial Map of Upper Penobscot Bay, Maine
1865 Massachusetts Gov. Proclamation for Fasting and Prayer over Civil War
1961 Sabena Belgian World Airlines Pictorial Map of Europe
1821 Otto von Kotzebue Map of the Marshall Islands
1848 Streit Map of the United States of America, w/ Republic of Texas
1775 Sayer / Müller Map of the North Pacific, Pacific Northwest, and Siberia w/ Proto-Alaska
1736 / 1798 Charpentier / Jean Panorama of Lisbon, Portugal
1902 War Office Five Sheet Set of Maps of Eastern Nigeria
1755 / 1794 Lewis Evans Map of the Ohio River Valley / Mid-Atlantic States
1823 Zea Map of Gran Colombia: Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Panama
1522 / 1525 Waldseemüller / Fries map of Northern Africa
1870 Hiroshige III Ukiyo-e Triptych of Tsukiji, Tokyo, Meiji Restoration
1870 Sarolidi and Comianos Albumen Print Map of the Suez Canal
1978 Astroworld Pictorial Map of Houston, Texas
1627 Schiller Celestial Chart of the Hydra Constellation
1981 Jack Smyrl Signed Limited Edition Map of Holden Beach, North Carolina
1953 Forces Armees Royales Khmeres Plan or Map of Angkor, Cambodia
1870 Currier and Ives View of the American West - Rare Presentation Variant
1948 Guides Verts Map of Lebanon
1900 Joly City Plan or Map of Paris, France: 1900 Exposition Universelle
1947 Tschudi Map of World War II Campaigns in Europe and North Africa
1914 Streltsova Russian Propaganda, World War I, Battle of the Yser
1960 Cairo Map Office Transportation Map of Egyptian Region, United Arab Republic
1795 Carey / Lewis Map of South Carolina
1788 Bowen / D'Anville Map of the Gulf Coast and Mississippi River Delta
1855 Read View of the Battle of Sebastopol, Ukraine (Crimean War)
1745 De Wit / Ottens Map of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula
1658 Visscher Map of Africa
1863 Laidlaw U.S. Civil War View of the 148th New York Volunteers at Norfolk, VA
1967 Amin Arabic Climate Map of the Arabian Peninsula
1926 Wegener Map of Jiangxi, China
1775 Sayer and Bennet / Braddock Mead Map of North America
1609 Khunrath / Van der Doort Alchemy Chart
1883 Currier and Ives View of the Brooklyn Bridge, New York City
1844 Buoholzer Political Comic Broadside satirizing Polk, Clay, Calhoun, and Jackson
1723 Gerard Van Keulen Nautical Map of Florida and Cuba - rare 5th state
1860 Hiroshige II Ukiyo-e Triptych of Yokohama, Japan
1935 War Office International Map of the World Sheet North I-38 - Baghdad
1930 George F. Cram Road Map of Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts
1945 Thomas Bros. Map of San Francisco, Berkeley, and Oakland
1913 Cram / Bruner Map of Louisiana promoting Agriculture and Immigration
1818 Humboldt Map of Part of the Course of the Orinoco River, Venezuela
1890 Italian Map of Shan States, Northern Siam, and Laos
1858 Milne / Becker Map of Ningbo, China
1903 Scarborough Map of Massachusetts
1818 Humboldt Map of Parts of Bolívar and Apure States, Venezuela
1858 Milne / Becker Map of Shanghai, China
1948 New York City Golden Anniversary Map of 'Man and the Atom' Exhibition
1930 Sugie Fusazo Map of Shanghai w/ Bund Panorama
1952 Richard Yardley Pictorial Map of the Chesapeake Bay (Maryland)
1522 / 1525 Laurent Fries Ptolemaic Map of Asia Minor / Turkey
1664 / 1698 Levanto / Coronelli Nautical Chart of Crete and its Neighboring Islands
1685 Cantelli-Rossi Map of Crete, the Aegean Sea, and Greek Islands
1842 Roberts Dexlue Edition View of Ed-Deir, Petra, Jordan
1752 Anville Map of the Gulf Coast and Mississippi River Delta
1873 Robun Illustrated Comic Travelogue of a 'Western Journey'
1913 Richard Rummell View of Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts
1873 Hiroshige III Ukiyo-e Triptych View of Yorozuyobashi, Tokyo
1873 Kuniteru II Ukiyo-e Triptych View of Nihonbashi, Tokyo
1906 Hoempler Map of the Amazon River from Iquitos, Peru, to Manaus, Brazil
1835-40 Garneray Aquatint View of Boston Harbor
1789 De Wailly Map of Cité Quarter, Paris w/ Manuscript Proposal to unite Seine Islands
1935 War Office International Map of the World Sheet North I-37 - Damascus
1950 Petruccelli American Airlines Route Map of the United States and Europe
1990 Sharon Riley Pictorial Map of Bar Harbor, Mount Desert Island, Maine
1878 Deroy Père Lithograph View of the 1878 Paris Exposition Universelle
1966 Placemat Map of the United States in the Eyes of a Southerner
1945 Harmon and Damp WWII Booklet of Tinian Island, Marianas w/ 2 Maps
1985 Asian Oil and Gas Map of Reserves in the Yellow Sea, China
1818 Humboldt Map of the Rio Meta, Colombia and Venezuela
1943 Seitosha Japanese Co-prosperity Sphere Map of Hawaii
1897 Bureau of the American Republics Map of the Hawaiian Islands
1961 Katz Pictorial Map of Kibbutz Settlements in Israel (Kibbutzim) in Hebrew
1982 Defense Mapping Agency Bilingual Space Shuttle Mission Chart of Orbits for STS-7
1939 Kaneko Bird's-Eye View of Shanghai, China
1967 Judd Pictorial Map of the Yosemite Region, California
1877 Inoue Ukiyo-e View of Asakusa and Ryogoku, Tokyo, w/ Sensō-ji
1859 Sadahide Ukiyo-e View of Shimonoseki and Environs, Japan
1873 Kunsada III Ukiyo-e Triptych View of Ginza, Tokyo-Yokohama Steam Train
1775 Sayer and Bennett chart of the Gulf of St. Lawrence (with surveys of James Cook)
1913 Rummell Bird's-Eye View of Dartmouth College, New Hampshire
1965 Ballantine / Barbara Remington 'Wilderness' Lord of the Rings Poster
1765 Engel Map of North America (speculative)
1981 NASA STS-2 Guest Information Pamphlet for STS-2 Space Shuttle Landing
1875 Stern Souvenir Map and Table of the Suez Canal
1879 Colvin Map of Lower Saranac Lake, Adirondacks, New York
1988 California Division of Oil and Gas Map of Whittier, California and Environs
1916 New Wilson Hotel Map of Salt Lake City, Utah
1933 U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Geologic Map of Girdwood District, Alaska
1869 Balatri Italian-Language Map of the Suez Canal
1671 Ogilby View of Mexico City, Mexico
1898 Vallardi Italian Folding Map of the Spanish-American War
1834 Bermann / Hehl Map and Guide to Vienna
1936 Crawford Press Pictorial Map of Cape Cod, Massachusetts
1971 Los Angeles Planning Map of Western L. A. w/ Unbuilt Freeways
1961 Caltex 'Philippinescope' Pictorial Map of the Philippines
1959 Passal and John F. Kennedy Map of the United States as a Nation of Immigrants
1758 Bellin Map of the Lesser Antilles
1975 Los Angeles Planning Map of Western L. A. w/ Cancelled Freeway
1756 Pedro Gendron Map of America with the Sea of the West
1824 Melish / Klinckowström Map of the Florida and the Southeastern United States
1905 Victor Huot Map of the Andes Mountain Region of South America
1819 / 1827 Norie Blueback Chart / Map of the Cape of Good Hope and Madagascar
1838 Ewen Manuscript Map of NoMad and Koreatown, Manhattan, New York City
1925 Pacific-Southwest Trust 'Midget Map' of Long Beach, California
1939 Winters Pictorial View of Las Vegas, Boulder (Hoover) Dam, and Environs
1970 Taylor Infographic Map of Los Angeles' Traffic
1897 Poole Bros. Map of the Mexican Southern Railway
1825 Sidney Hall Map of Gran Colombia
1744 Bellin Map of the Bay of Pensacola, Florida
1850 Manuscript View of the Blue Mosque and Hagia Sophia, Istanbul
1860 Wizani View of Old Blackfriars Bridge, London
1862 General Land Office Map of Colorado Territory - 2nd Official Map
1942 Thai Pictorial Map Illustrating the WWII Pacific Theater
1895 Sagano Map of Taiwan, Japanese Colonization
1785 Hayashi Shihei Map of Ezo (Hokkaido, Kuril Islands, Sakhalin and Environs)
1878 Ruger Bird's-Eye View of Dover and Foxcroft, Piscataquis, Maine
1861 Schaus 'View' Map of the Sea of the Civil War: Maryland, Delaware, Virginia
1948 Coy Wall Map of the California Gold Region during the 1848 Gold Rush
1911 Scott's Emulsion Advertising Die-Cut Map of the World
1844 Mitchell / Young Map of the United States w/ Republic of Texas
1932 Kettlewell Manuscript Archive of 30 Political Cartoons (WWI - Great Depression)
1861-1865 Mathew Brady American Civil War Photo Archive (55 Photographs)
1939 Luis Martinez Vidaud City Plan or Map of Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
1958 Rand McNally Pictorial Map of the Solar System and Outer Space
1948 Blanton Pictorial Map of Brunswick and St. Simons Island, Georgia
1969 Louisiana Dept. of Highways Pictorial Map of Antebellum Homes in Louisiana
1975 Gowens Map of Fur Trade Rendezvous Sites in Idaho, Utah, and Wyoming
1960 Pictorial Map of East Hampton and Amagansett, Long Island, New York
1960 Aerial Photographs of Virginia City, Nevada
1971 Taylor Infographic Map of Los Angeles' Traffic, Unbuilt Freeways
1882 Roux Map of East Africa Coast, Zanzibar, Tanzania
1898 Hendges and General Land Office Map of Alaska (Klondike Gold Rush)
1943 Seitosha Japanese Co-prosperity Sphere Map of Luzon, Philippines
1907 Arthur C. Pillsbury Photograph of Arch Rock, Yosemite Stage Road
1864 Hill Lithograph View of 1863 - 64 Union Winter Quarters at Stony Mountain, VA
1811 Cary Dual Hemispheres World Map
1954 Burgess Comic Pictorial Map of Frankfurt, Germany
1744 Nicolas Bellin Map of Newfoundland
1905 Commercial Printing House Map of Los Angeles
1925 Blondel la Rougery Map of the French Riviera: St. Tropez, Cannes, Nice
1945 Hemphill's Book Stores Map of the University of Texas Campus in Austin
1930 Ye Olde Printerie Map of Hong Kong, Kowloon, and the New Territories
1799 Vancouver Map of the California Coast w/ San Francisco and San Diego
1872 Kunisada II Ukiyo-e Triptych of the Tokyo-Yokohama Steam Train
1676 John Speed Map of Carolina w/ Lederer geography
1634 / 1643 Blaeu Map of New England and the New Netherlands: Original Color!
1923 / 1947 Lobeck Physical Map of Europe
1975 Rand McNally / Fred Harvey Map the Grand Canyon / View of South Rim
1963 S.F. Examiner Manuscript 'Wallaroo' Map of Lake Merced, San Francisco
1980 Murphy Realty Map of Sanibel and Captiva
1976 Archar / Dodds 'City Character Print' View Map of New Orleans, Louisiana
1897 Garcia y Cubas Map of Colima, Mexico
1897 Garcia y Cubas Map of Puebla, Mexico
1860 Cruchley Pocket Map of London, England
1941 Phillips Pictorial Map of Mount Desert Island, Maine
1906 Arthur C. Pillsbury Panoramic Photograph of El Capitan, Yosemite National Park
1892 Imray Blueback Nautical Chart or Map of the Irish or St. George's Channel (Irish Sea)
1977 Frisco Bay Mussel Group Pictorial View of San Francisco Bay Watershed
1917 Delattre World War I French Propaganda Poster of the United States
1904 Landis Missionary Wall Map of Japan and Taiwan
1960 Ernest Dudley Chase Pictorial Map of the Hawaiian Islands
1913 Dinsmore Large Two-Sheet Map of California
1574 Ruscelli Map of New England and the Maritimes (Norumbega)
1856 Batchelder / Bufford Bird's-Eye View of Brattleboro, Vermont
1696 Pierre Mortier Polar Projection Map on Two Hemispheres
1907 Wanamaker Map - the FIRST Public New York City Subway Map
1684 Philip Lea and John Overton Map of the Western Hemisphere
1951 French Department of Tourism Map of the Loire Valley (Chateaux)
1649 Joan Blaeu view and plan of Bailleul (Nord, France)
1944 Iritz Railroad Map of Southeastern Brazil (Leopoldina Railway)
1964 Bollmann View of Midtown Manhattan/ Subway Map on Reverse
1890 Gervasio Bird's-Eye View of Massawa, Eritrea
1894 American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions Map of Micronesia
1889 French Bureau Topographique Map of Tonkin, Vietnam, Indochina
1887 Norie and Wilson Blueback Nautical Chart of Map of the English Channel
1786 La Perouse Map of the Southern Coast of Alaska
1856 John D. Bachelder View of Lewiston, Maine
1835 Burritt / Huntington Map of the Constellations by Month (4 Maps)
1939 Kodansha Map of China during the Sino-Japanese War w/manga
1862 Colton Railroad Tourist Pocket Map of New England
1913 George Geologic Map of Colorado
1868 Hoffmann / Gardner Map of Sierra Nevada and Yosemite Valley, California
1933 F.M.S. Survey Map of Singapore and Malaya (Malaysia)
1829 Crawfurd Map of Burma or Myanmar - first accurate map of Burma!
1907 Richard Rummell Bird's-Eye View of the University of North Carolina
1700 / 1726 Wells Double Hemisphere Map of the World
1660 / 1661 Cellarius Celestial Map illustrating the Spheres
1920 Directorate of Posts (Youzheng zongju) Folding Map of China
1630 Hondius Map of Virginia and the Chesapeake
1755 Jefferys and Braddock Mead Map of New England (1st Edition, 1st State)
1247 Huang Shang 'Dili Tu' Map of China - earliest Map of China!
1845 Meyer Map of Missouri - Oregon Trail Content
1943 Jylbert Pictorial Map of Gabon and Equatorial Guinea
1550 / 1592 Sebastian Münster View of Rome
1925 Owens Pictorial Bird's-Eye View Map of the Panama Canal
1858 H.F. Münster City Plan or Map of Venice, Italy
1869 Stebbins and Lloyd Map of Nebraska, Dakota, Montana, Idaho
1821 Cappiardi Map of View of Florence (Firenze), Italy
1948 Jolly Lindgren 'Hysterical' Map of Jackson Hole and Grand Teton, Wyoming
1659 Blaeu Map of the Volga River, Russia
1855 Logerot Bird's-Eye View Map of Sebastopol and Environs, Crimean War
1689 Coronelli Map of the Amazon River and Northern South America
1889 French Bureau Topographique Map of South Vietnam and Cambodia
1739 Homann Heirs / Delagrive Map of Paris and Environs
1787 Soules Map of Yorktown Showing the Final Battle of the American Revolution
1540 / 1568 Münster Map of the World According to Ptolemy
1716 Homann Diagram of a Warship and its Equipment
1876 John Bachelder / James Walker View of the Battle of Gettysburg, 3rd Day
1826 Bulla Comparative Mountains and Rivers Chart (Unique German Edition)
1787 Soules Map of Rochambeau's Revolutionary War March: Boston to Virginia
1945 Ek Anti-Fascist Propaganda Broadside of Allied Bombs Falling on Hitler
1943 Jylbert Pictorial Map of French Guiana
1901 British Admiralty Nautical Chart of Southeastern Nova Scotia (Port Medway to Lunenburg)
1757 Vaugondy Map of Japan and Korea
1623 Hondius Map of Ceylon or Sri Lanka
1818 Wallis Game Map of the World: Wonders of Nature
1894 Imray Map of East Malaya, Singapore, and South China Sea
1882 Wright and Grote City Plan or Map of Kansas City, Missouri
1911 George Cram Map of Oregon and the Oregon and Western Colonization Company
1882 Jules Sédille / Compagnie Générale Transatlantique Map of the Atlantic and United States
1550 / 1574 Munster Map of Asia
1890 Set of 11 Lithographs Views of Venice, Italy, after Carlo Naya
1987 GiG Pictorial Playmobil Game Map of the United States
1869 Ely Map of the Adirondacks (first accurate map of the Adirondacks!)
1550 / 1558 Munster View of Sea Monsters and Fantastical Beasts
1862 Kiepert / Almazan Map of Puebla, Mexico
1809 Faden Map of the United States w/ State of Franklin and American Indian Rights
1936 Danske Landmandsbank Pictorial Map of Central Copenhagen, Denmark
1898 Vallardi Map of Cuba and Puerto Rico During the Spanish-American War
1943 U.S. Army Engineers Map of Central London American Red Cross Clubs
1913 Norris Peters Map of Mississippi River Flooding in 1912
1918 Southern Pacific Map of Land Grants in the Western United States
1906 Walker Bird's Eye View Map of Casco Bay, Portland, Maine
1856 Marzolla Map of Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay
1828 H.A.C. / Crawfurd View of Bangkok, Thailand
1828 Tardieu Map of Siantan Island, Anambas Islands Regency, Riau Archipelago, Indonesia
1941 La Visceglia Italian Fascist Propaganda Map of Invasions of Great Britain
1856 Bernardo y Estrada Map of Cuba
1951 Troy Map of the World of Fabre Line Shipping Routes
1823 Senefelder Map of Strasbourg, France
1889 Ewer Map of Nantucket Island, Massachusetts w/ Old Colony Line Ad
1837 Tardieu Map of the Madura Strait, Indonesia
1942 Robinson Map of the Philippines during World War II
1928 Svornost Czech-English Map of the United States and Czechoslovak Republic
1918 World War I Propaganda Poster w/ View Map of Florida
1949 Nicouline Pictorial Gastronomic Map of Italy
1761 London Magazine View of New York City, New York (after William Burris)
1749 Vaugondy Map of Western Africa
1954 White Pictorial Map of Garden of the Gods and Pikes Peak, Colorado
1948 Blondel La Rougery Pictorial Map of Le Havre, France
1899 'Boston and Maine R.R. Map' of Maine and New Hampshire Hunting Resorts
1740 Albrizzi View of Paris
1954 Department of Conservation and Lee Carter Pictorial Map of Indiana
1588 Petri / Münster Map of Greece
1980 Travieso Pictorial View of Latin America, Eastern Air Lines
1961 Klettner Map of Brazil and Uruguay, Routes of Varig
1982 Fenlon Map of J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle Earth (Endor Continent)
1928 Pictorial Map of Germany and Its Railways
1876 City Argus Broadside Advertisement for Francis, Valentine, and Co. Printer
1935 Handy Pictorial Map of the Unites States, Paul Bunyan Folklore
1574 / 1614 Münster View of the city of Tunis, Tunisia
1925 Kenyon / Adams Pocket Plat Map of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
1959 Ernest Dudley Chase Pictorial Map of Alaska
1837 Tardieu Map of Siantan Island, Anambas Islands Regency, Riau Archipelago, Indonesia
1837 Tardieu Chart of the Eastern Coast of Lombok Island, Indonesia
1855 Neumann and Kaiser Bird's-Eye View of Odesa, Ukraine, during the Crimean War
1828 / 1849 Horsburgh Blueback Nautical Chart of Timor and Maluku Islands, Indonesia
1858 Foster Original Watercolor View of Sandy Lake, Minnesota w/ American Indians
1848 Italian Broadside Decrying the Revolutions of 1848
1851 McIntyre Wall Map of Salem, Massachusetts - in stunning original condition
1899 Dupont / Garnier Promotional Poster Advertising Wahl's 'Géographie'
1895 Vrooman Socialist Persuasive Map of New York City
1879 Wheeler Survey Map of Central Colorado
1936 U.S.C.S. Persuasive Poster Advocating Foreign Trade
1876 Bechler Map of Yampa and White River Basins, Northwestern Colorado
1945 Victor and Bate Map of Fairy Tales and Nursery Rhymes
1937 Eddy Pictorial Map of Los Angeles County Ranchos
1918 National Map Company Road Map of Oregon
1567 / 1588 Bird's-Eye View of Venice
1762 Janvier Map of North America and South America (Sea of the West)
1840 Ritter Map of Altai Krai and the Altai Republic
1751 Bowles and Sayer Bird's-Eye View of London
1720 Weigel Map of India and Southeast Asia
1792 Therbu Map of the Siege of William Henry (Lake George, NY) During the French and Indian War
1719 Chatelain Map of Mexico and Colonial North America
1751 Daniele Farlati Map of Ancient Salona (Solin, Croatia)
1859 Boardman Map of the White Mountains, New Hampshire
1561 / 1564 Ruscelli Edition of Nicolo Zeno's Map of the North Atlantic
1794 Jefferys Map of Barbados
1884 George Norris Bird's-Eye View of St. Johnsbury, Vermont
1882 Root and Tinker Broadside - Gilded Age Robber Barons
1946 Nuclear Bomb Testing at Bikini Atoll Document Archive (Map, Photos, Newspapers)
1661 Du Val Map(s) of Africa
1944 Baker WWII Pictorial Route Map of the Second Armored Division in Europe
1848 Fremont Map of Upper California and Oregon
1762 Georges-Louis Le Rouge Map of Acadia/ Nova Scotia in its First State
1776 Faden / Sauthier Map of the Hudson River and Lakes Champlain and George
1776 Brassier Map of Lake Champlain and Lake George with the Battle of Valcour Island
1775 Montresor Map of New York and Vermont
1960 Klein TWA Advertising Broadside
1946 Melville Map of Damariscotta and Newcastle, Maine, and Environs
1879 Wheeler Map of Northeastern Nevada, Northwestern Utah
1963 Luria Hebrew Map of the Philippines
1882 Rand Avery Map of the Eastern Railroad, New England and Eastern Canada
1950 Jewish National Fund Commemorative Map of Israel
1925 Brochure, Temple Terrace Estates and Golf Course, Tampa Region, Florida
1747 Gianfrancesco Pivati view of Damascus, Syria
1816 Robins / Russell Plan of London
1596 Giovanni Antonio Magini / Ptolemy Arabian Peninsula (first edition)
1842 Lapie Map of North America and the Republic of Texas
1963 U.S. Geological Survey Topographic Map of Grand Teton National Park
1756 Bellin Map of Lake Champlain, New York (German Edition)
1967 Randolph and Storm Pictorial Map of Texas Dominating North America
1889 Rand McNally Map of the Pacific Coast from San Diego to Chilkat, Alaska
1861 Magnus Broadside Portraits of U.S. Presidents, incl. Lincoln
1936 Standard Oil Mickey Mouse / Donald Duck Pictorial Map of the United States
1854 Ensign, Bridgman, and Fanning Pocket Map of Canada
1964 U.S. Geological Survey Map of Yellowstone National Park
1772 Conrad Tobias Lotter map of North America
1846 Colton Map of New York and Vicinity (33 Miles Around) First Edition
1950 City Plan Commission Plan of Detroit, Michigan
1967 Pictoral Map of San Francisco Epitomizing the Summer of Love
1635 / c.1642 Hessel Gerritsz / Willem Blaeu map of the East Indies
1903 Charles Schreyvogel Lithograph of Custer's Demand, Sheridan's Indian Campaign
1811 Horsburgh Blueback Chart of the Indian Ocean and Coasts
1787 Gongora Map of Manila and Manila Bay, Philippines
1548/ 1606 Johann Stumpf Map of Europe
1935 Service Géographique de l'Indochine Wall Map of Phnom Penh, Cambodia
1928 Terezia and Janos Pictorial Zoological Wall Map of Asia in Hungarian
1928 Florida Grower Pictorial Promotional Map and Brochure, Florida West Coast
1970 Canada Department of Energy Centennial Map of the Northwest Territories
1788 La Perouse Map of the Kuril Islands
1795 Carey Map of Italy
1860 Stevens U.S. Pacific Railroad Survey Map of Montana
1950 Service Geographique Pictorial Tourist Map of Cambodia
1702 Johann Degler / Heinrich Scherer Allegory of the Mogul Empire
1883 Hubbard Map of Moosehead Lake, Mt. Katahdin and Environs, Maine
1716 Bodenehr / Stridbeck Comparative Map of America and the Pacific
1892 Walker Folding Map of Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard, Nantucket and Vicinity
1857 U.S. Coast Survey Chart or Map of Plymouth Harbor, Massachusetts
1889 Montes De Oca Ramirez Map of Costa Rica
1707 J. B. Homann Asia (First Plate)
1627 Schiller Celestial Chart of the Triangulum Constellation
1628 Münster / Petri View of Gdansk, Poland
1773 Mount and Page Map of Jamaica
1980 Briggs Pictorial View of Hong Kong and Kowloon
1899 Otis Map of Central Luzon, Philippines, during the Philippine-American War
1815 Lesueur / Boullanger Map of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
1939 Ernest Dudley Chase Pictorial Map of the World Wonders - Signed
1928 Terezia and Janos Pictorial Zoological Wall Map of Africa in Hungarian
1787 Picquet Map of Charleston illustrating the Siege of Charleston
1595 / 1628 Mercator Map of America
1596/ 1598 Giovanni Antonio Magini / Ptolemy maps of Africa and Asia Minor
1954 Direction Generale du Tourisme Map of French Chateaux (Castles)
1960 Armour Pictorial Food Source Map of the United States
1898 Walker Map of Narragansett Bay and Rhode Island
1962 Prem Educational Chart of the Flags and Aircraft Insignia of the World
1800 George Burn / Laurie and Whittle Nautical Chart of the Thames River Entrance, England
1945 Mackechnie Pictorial Route Map of the 42nd Infantry Division in WWII
1707 J. B. Homann Africa (First Plate)
1930 Whitney-Graham Railroad Map of the Northeastern United States
1950 Wijga Ethnographic and Wildlife Pictorial Map of the World
1853 Direccion de Hidrografia Nautical Chart or Map of the Canary Islands
1888 Dépôt de la Marine Map or Chart of the Malay Peninsula and Singapore
1855 Colton Wall Map of Maine
1953 Nils Hansell Pictorial Map of New York: The Wonders of New York
1647 Dudley Nautical Chart of the Pacific w/ Coast of California
1960 Romanian Tourist Pictorial Hunting Map of Romania in German
1882 Hubbard Map of Aroostook County, Northern Maine
1956 Friedlander City Plan of Tel Aviv and Environs
1871 Colton Pocket Map of Virginia and West Virginia
1940 Culverwell Pictorial Map of White Mountain National Forest, New Hampshire
1929 Yoshida Bird's Eye View of Korea
1873 Gisborne / Hill Mining Map and Chart of Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia
1899 French Bureau Topographique Map of Tonkin, Indochina, North Vietnam
1700 Petrini Map of the British Isles (unrecorded first state)
1777 Desnos / Deharme Wall Map of Paris, France
1776 Joseph Des Barres Nautical Chart of Buzzards Bay and Vineyard Sound
1866 Municipal Council Maps of Shanghai, China (British Concession, American Concession)
1798 Dépôt de la Marine Nautical Map of Vietnam
1902 National Publishing Company Map of New York State
1960 Pictorial Economic Map of Alicante and Murcia, Spain
1895 Hourst / Bluzet Map of Timbuktu and Environs, Mali
1957 Geographia and 'Daily Telegraph' Pictorial Map of Antarctica
1916 Griesedieck Manuscript Artwork of the German WWI Offensive at Verdun, France
1853 Dépôt de la Marine Nautical Map of the Coast of China: Hong Kong / Macau
1851 Case Tiffany and Company Map of the United States
1927 British Admiralty Nautical Map of Barbados
1708 De l'Isle / Schenk Map of South America
1900 Langhans Map of Afghanistan and Environs, 'Great Game' Imperial Competition
1865 Spamer View of the United States, U.S. Civil War
1950 Thiriar Pictorial Map of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
1883 Griswold Chromolithograph Advertisment 'Big Trees of California'
1921 Survey of India / General Staff Confidential Report and Maps of Waziristan
1930 'White Empress' Steamship Promotional Poster Map of the Pacific
1708 De l'Isle / Schenk Map of North America
1927 Kitabhane-yi Sudi Map of North and Central America
1745 Seale Map of North America w/Insular California
1882 C. J. Corbin Bird's-Eye View Map of Corning, New York
1906 War Office Folding Map of Yunnan Province, China
1889 GTC Exposition Universelle View of Paris w/ the Eiffel Tower
1787 Delamarche / Vaugondy Map of Asia - fine slipcase
1700 Paolo Petrini Map of North America
1787 Delamarche / Vaugondy Map of North America and South America - fine slipcase
1686 Gerard Valck Map of the World
1717 Rare Petrini Map of Southeast Asia and the East Indies
1862 Mitchell Map of the Pacific Northwest: Washington, Oregon, Idaho
1862 Mitchell City Plan or Map of Boston, Massachusetts
1980 Henry Hird Map of St. Augustine, Florida
1862 Mitchell Map of the United States w/Confederate Arizona
1890 Vorzet Map of Pamlico Sound and Albemarle Sounds, North Carolina
1980 Hofmann Pictorial Map of (West) German Health Spas (Rheuma-bäder )
1980 Hofmann Pictorial Map of (West) German Health Spas (Herzbäder)
1965 Tahiti Tourism Bureau Pictorial Tourist Map of Tahiti, French Polynesia
1926 Hawkins Urban Planning Map of Sebring, Florida
1894 Bellier / Pacific Steam Navigation Co. Map of South America
1932 Spofford and Freedman Supervue of New York City and the Port Authority Building
1927 Hamburg-America Pictorial Map of the West Indies
1707 Homann Map of Poland-Lithuania, the Baltic States
1864 Dufour Map of the United States, Mexico, West Indies
1797 Cassini Map of the Eastern Coast of the United States
1873 Brosius Bird's-Eye View of Utica, New York
1955 Thiriar Historical Pictorial Map of the Congo
1735 Homann / Maas Map of the Caspian Sea, Persia, Uzbekistan
1606 / 1613 Hondius Map of South America
1891 Hyatt Plat Map of Astoria, Queens, New York City (Ditmars and Steinway)
1939 Tokyo Nichi Nichi Shimbun Map of 'Round-the-World' Circumnavigation Flight
1899 Lenepveu 'Musée des Horreurs' Antisemitic Broadside of Alfred Dreyfus as a Hydra
1969 New York City Transit Authority Wall Map of the New York City Subway
1875 Bailey Bird's-Eye View of Danbury, Connecticut
1881 Knaubner Bird's-Eye View of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
1668 Belgrano / Rostagno Plan of Candia, Crete during the Great Siege of the City
1811 Humboldt Map of Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, and Florida
1840 Daussy Nautical Map of the Philippines, Celebes, and Maluku Islands
1842 Derfelden 9-Sheet Map of the East Indies (cased in red leather)
1846 Mitchell Map of China
1842 Greenleaf Map of Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island
1842 Greenleaf Map of the East Indies: Borneo, Java, Sumatra, Thailand, Vietnam
1914 Kenyon Road Map of Iowa Published for the Iowa Mutual Tornado Insurance Assn
1846 Mitchell Plan or Map of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1846 Mitchell Map of Virginia and West Virginia
1846 Mitchell Map of Illinois
1842 Greenleaf Map of Vermont and New Hampshire
1842 Greenleaf Map of Maine
1846 Bradford Map of Tennessee
1846 Mitchell Map of the World in Hemispheres
1842 Greenleaf Map of Australia and New Zealand
1842 Greenleaf Map of Alabama
1846 Bradford Map of New Hampshire
1846 Mitchell Comparative Chart of the World's Mountains and Rivers
1846 Mitchell Map of Washington D.C. w/Georgetown
1890 Vorzet Map of Corinth, Mississippi, Winchester and Suffolk, Virginia
1890 Vorzet Map of Charleston and Charleston Harbor, South Carolina
1846 Bradford Map of Michigan
1846 Bradford Map of Maryland
1940 Gargiulo Pictorial Map of Africa
1846 Bradford Map of Iowa and Wisconsin
1573 Ortelius Maps of the Tyrolean Alps and of Istria
1550 Sebastian Münster View of Riga, Latvia
1795 Harris / Carey Map of Rhode Island
1904 Hausermann Map of Catholic Missions in Mainland Southeast Asia
1545 / 1572 Munster Map of Bohemia (Czech): Earliest Acquirable Bohemia Map
1842 Greenleaf Map of Oregon Territory and British Columbia
1909 Spofford View of New York City from the top of Singer Tower
1856 Anti-Slavery Map of the United States and the Potential Spread of Slavery
1799 Vancouver Map of the West Coast of North America - California, Vancouver, Alaska
1690 John Seller Nautical Chart of Ireland, the Irish Sea, and St. George's Channel
1735 Landteck / Homann Presentation of their Novel Universal Clock
1630 / 1638 Jansson Map of the East Indies: landmark in Australia and Philippine Geography
1952 Pan American World Airways System Map
1990 Armenian Traveler's Encyclopedia Panoramic Map of the Armenian Highlands
1990 Roberts Pictorial View of Mammoth, California and Environs, w/ Yosemite, Mono Lake
1936 Florida State Road Department Road Map of Florida
1947 Ewing Pictorial Map of Gallup, New Mexico: Native American Theme
1890 Vorzet Map of Richmond and Eastern Virginia
1890 Vorzet Map of Eastern Virginia: Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania, Wilderness
1942 Rand McNally / Union Pacific Military Map of the United States
1977 Alseth Pictorial Map of Moloka'i, Hawaii
1943 Aluminum Company of America and Petruccelli Map of the World
1933 Freedman Bird's-Eye View SuperVue Map of New York City Promoting the Hotel Edison
1851 Stulpnagel Map Eastern Africa, Arabia and Persia
1948 T.W.A. Pictorial Airline Route Map of the World
1955 Samara Pictorial Tourist Map of Damascus, Syria
1934 Transportation Office Map of Guerrero (Acapulco), Mexico Postal Route
1878 Panoramic View of Sydney Harbor, Australia
1730 Homann Map of Southern Italy
1885 Bulla Pictorial Tourist Map of Rome, Italy
1876 Richards Map of the Gold Fields of New South Wales
1861 Vandermaelen / du Graty Map of Paraguay
1882 Dutton Map of the Grand Canyon, Arizona (4 sheets)
1893 Massaloup and Gorjean Map of the Kingdom of Romania
1880 Colton Pocket Map of Long Island, New York
1880 Reizenstein Manuscript Map of New Orleans in 1849: Flood of Sauvé's Crevasse
1880 Reizenstein Manuscript Map of New Orleans Fire of 1788
1665 / 1689 Frederick de Wit Double Hemisphere Map of the World
1775 Sayer and Ross Map of the Mississippi River from the Gulf of Mexico to Fort Chartres
1973 Joshua Tree Natural History Assoc. Map of Joshua Tree National Monument
1963 U.S. Forest Service Map of Lake Tahoe and Environs
1945 Mann and Armitage City Plan or Map of Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii
1993 Belgaryan Tourist Map or Yerevan, Armenia
1890 Vorzet Map of Virginia (incl. West Virginia) and Maryland, U.S. Civil War
1627 Schiller Celestial Chart of the Lupus Constellation
1827 Vandermaelen Map of Eastern Iran and Part of Afghanistan
1949 Gadbois and Ritter Cartoon Pictorial Map of the U.S.N.T.C. Great Lakes
1574 / 1599 Ruscelli Edition of Nicolo Zeno's Map of the North Atlantic
1885 Iron Mountain Railway Map of Arkansas Land Grants For Sale
1897 Gillam Political Cartoon Satirizing America's Economic Woes
1695 / 1740 Gerard Hofstede van Essen Panorama of Palmyra, Syria
1640 Blaeu Map of Northern India, Nepal, and Pakistan
1878 Turner Map of Sichuan and Yunnan, China and Tibet
1899 War Department Spanish-American War Wall Map of Puerto Rico
1866 Spanish Direccion de Hidrografia Map of Florida
1952 Walt Disney Pictorial Map of Never Never Island from Peter Pan
1936 Spofford Artist's Proof View of the Triborough Bridge, New York City
1902 French Investment Map of Johannesburg, South Africa
1697 Standrart Map of Africa (one of the first maps engraved by Homann)
1540 / 1574 Munster Map of Africa
1947 Lindblad Pictorial Map of Australia, New Zealand, and Indonesia
1886 Imray Blueback Nautical Map of Argentina, Chile, Antarctica
1696 Jaillot-Mortier Map of Asia
1897 Lahiff Geological Map of the Mother Lode Belt, California
1937 Boucher Pictorial Air France Route Map of the World
1789 Dezauche / De L'Isle Map of the United States and Canada
1561 / 1599 Ruscelli / Rosaccio Double-Hemisphere Map of the World
1863 Colton Textile Missionary Wall Map of Palestine
1920 Capranesi Propaganda Map of Italy for 6th National Loan
1974 City of Liverpool Beatles Pictorial Map and Souvenir Fan Pack
1635 Blaeu Map of China, Japan, and Korea (Korea as an Island)
1650 / 1659 Jan Jansson Map of the Pacific Ocean w/ Insular California
1522 Laurent Fries Ptolemaic Map of the Arabian Peninsula
1876 Yoshitora Ukiyo-e View of the Dai-Ichi National Bank Building, Tokyo
1587 Bünting Map of Asia as Pegasus
1665 / 1689 Frederick de Wit Double Hemisphere Map of the World
1863 De Brayer Large-Scale Case Map of Paraguay
1981 Forrest Pictorial View of the Hawaiian Islands
1706 Jaillot Map of Brittany, France
1678 Sanson Map of France and her Prizes from the Thirty Years' War
1940 Hagstrom Map of Midtown Manhattan Theaters, New York City
1956 Tomson Pictorial Map of Apple Valley, California
1985 Baeza Pictorial View of Key West, Florida
1980 Suren Yeremian Map of the Ancient Armenian Kingdom of Urartu
1962 Philips / Vastenhoud Map of the World, for Short Wave Radio Enthusiasts
1885 J. H. Brown View of Union Attack on Fort Sumter, U.S. Civil War
1863 Collinson / Admiralty Nautical Chart / Map of Guangdong Coast, China
1916 Halsted and Aderente U.S. Army Recruiting Broadside Before U.S Entry Into World War I
1897 Britton and Rey Map of Golden Gate Park, San Francisco
1846 Blunt Blueback Nautical Chart of the Atlantic Coast of the United States
1826 Depot de la Marine Nautical Chart or Map of Bay of Campeche, Mexico
1877 Colton Map of the United States West of the Mississippi
1931 Frank Dorn Pictorial Map of Fort Sill, Oklahoma
1861 Colton Map of Missouri at the outset of the Civil War
1774 Cook Map of New South Wales, Australia
1896 Morton and General Land Office Map of the New Mexico Territory
1745 Mannevillette First Edition Nautical Chart of the Gulf of Aden
1922 F.M.S. Map of British Malaya (Malaysia)
1941 Fraser Map of the World Marking British Naval Bases
1848 Kiepert Map of the Arabian Peninsula
1843 Beiling Map of Palestine or the Holy Land
1756 Bellin / Depot de Marine Vexillology / Flag Chart
1631 Jansson / Hondius Map of Africa
1948 Menting KLM Royal Dutch Airlines Route Map of the World
1968 Brown / Jackson Bilingual Map of the Southern Hijaz, incl. Mecca and Jeddah
1851 McIntyre Wall Map of Newburyport, Massachusetts
1588 Livio and Giulio Sanuto Map of Morocco and Marrakesh
1957 Yeh City Plan of Taipei, Taiwan
1588 Livio and Giulio Sanuto Map of Egypt, Libya and the Lower Nile
1600 Matthias Quad Map of North America
1647 Dudley Nautical Map of Hispaniola, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands, West Indies
1570 / 1593 De Jode Map of Scandinavia
1942 AAA Pictorial Road Map of Florida
1744 Bellin Map of the River Approach to Quebec City, Canada
1873 Beers Map of Riverhead, Suffolk County, Long Island
1710 J. B. Homann Map of the British Isles: England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales
1768 Vaugondy Map of Denmark
1688 Frederic De Wit Map of Hungary
1914 Southern Pacific Map of Land Grants in the Western United States
1936 Bigelow Pictorial View of Ohio Wesleyan University Campus
1939 Richard Edes Harrison Map of New York City
1940 Royal Hungarian Institute of Military Cartography Map of Transcarpathia
1671 Ogilby / Montanus View of Fort Caroline (Jacksonville, Florida)
1833 Tardieu Chart of the Anambas Islands Regency, Riau Archipelago, Indonesia
1936 Mickey Mouse Globe Trotters Club Map of the World advertising Sliced Bread!
1869 Vaux and Olmsted Map or Plan of Prospect Park, Brooklyn, New York
1671 Ogilby / Montanus View of St. Augustine, Florida
1860 Hobbs Blueback Chart of the Bay of Biscay
1946 Hotchkiss Wall Map of Denver, Colorado
1927 Admiralty Nautical Chart / Map of Singapore Strait East
1710 J. B. Homann Map of Sicily and Sardinia, Italy
1812 Tardieu Map of New England and British North America (Canada)
1908 Spofford Set of 4 Views of New York City from the Singer Tower
1950 Hungarian Police Annex Propaganda Map of Korea, Korean War
1851 Lloyd Map of New South Wales, Australia
1635 Willem Blaeu / Anders Bure Map of Scandinavia
1825 Tanner Map of Ohio and Indiana
1900 Raja Ravi Varma Press View of Masjid al-Haram (اَلْمَسْجِدُ ٱلْحَرَامُ
1944 Army Map Service Map of Congressional Districts in the United States
1804 Ainslie City Plan or Map of Edinburgh and Leith, Scotland
1719 Jaillot Map of North America - last edition!
1789 Conder Map of the American Colonies, Anburney's Account of the American Revolution
1630 De Laet Map of Florida and the American Southeast
1880 Kanamori Yasuke Rubbing Eastern Hemisphere Mandala
1587 / 1589 Ortelius Map of America (English Colonies in North America)
1522 / 1535 Lorenz Fries Map of the World
1688 Coronelli Map of North America (2 Sheets)
1593 Cornelis De Jode Map of North America
1593 Cornelis De Jode Double Hemisphere Polar Projection World
1880 Sherif Abd al-Muṭṭalib Manuscript Map of Medina (Madinah), Saudi Arabia
1665 Kircher Map of Underground Oceans Below the Alps
1945 Hagstrom Map of New York City and its Tourist Attractions
1890 Vorzet Map of Shiloh, Forts Henry and Donelson, U.S. Civil War
1890 Vorzet Map of Kentucky, Tennessee, and Environs, U.S. Civil War
1942 Royal Hungarian Institute of Military Cartography Map of Székely Land, Transylvania
1595 Mercator Map of Southeast England, including London (First Edition)
1932 Candrian Map of San Francisco and San Mateo, California
1710 Homann First Edition Map of Central Italy, including Tuscany, Florence, Rome
1840 Perrot Textbook on Mapmaking and Map Drafting
1944 Albert Richard Pictorial Broadside Map Promoting U.S. Military Aviation
1882 (1884) Poole Brothers Map of Yellowstone National Park, Northern Pacific Railroad
1944 Navy Education Service Map of the Mediterranean and North Africa / Map of Southeast Asia
1710 Homann Map of Catalonia, Spain
1900 Otis Map of Northern Luzon, the Philippines - Philippine-American War
1900 Otis Map of Southern Luzon, the Philippines - Philippine-American War
1886 Burleigh Bird's Eye View Map of East Pepperell, Massachusetts
1945 83rd Infantry Div. WWII Pictorial Route Map of Western Europe w/ Booklet and Letter
1945 Bachrach Motor Company Map of Manila
1843 Blachford Blueback Nautical Chart or Map of the English Channel
1873 John Holmes Cadastral Map of Chelsea and Hell's Kitchen (Manhattan), New York City
1808-23 Maine Sailor Cypher Lesson Books (Mathematics, Navigation, Banking)
1990 Armenian Traveler's Encyclopedia Pictorial Map of Yerevan, Armenia
1936 Danske Landmandsbank Pictorial Map of Nordsjaelland, Denmark
1985 GUGK Pictorial View of Yerevan, Armenia
1956 Geographia Map of Fifth Avenue Coach Lines Bus Routes, Manhattan, NYC
1972 Survey of Kenya Route Map of Kenya and Northern Tanzania, w/ Kilimanjaro
1890 Vorzet Map of Nashville, Tennessee, Galveston, Texas, and Barshear City, Louisiana
1890 Vorzet Map of Yorktown and Williamsburg, Virginia, Peninsula Campaign
1940 Nesbitt Pictorial Map, Monterey Peninsula, California
1710 Homann Map of Greece and the Balkans
1983 Andrade Pictorial Map of Los Angeles for the 1984 Summer Olympic Games
1932 National City Bank of New York Pictorial Map of New York City
1710 Homann Map of the Kingdom of Hungary
1986 Chris King Pictorial Map of Jackson Hole, Wyoming
1700 / 1710 Homann Map of Denmark
1946 Willmarth Pictorial Tourist Map of the Western United States
1978 Muller / Swiss Cheese Union Pictorial Cheese Map of Switzerland
1874 Imray Nautical Map of Rice Ports of India / Burma / Myanmar
1603 / c. 1640 Bayer Celestial Chart of the Boötes Constellation
1603 / c. 1640 Bayer Celestial Chart of the Auriga Constellation
1849 Greenleaf Map of Wisconsin and Iowa
1603 Ortelius Map of Cuba, the Caribbean, and Northwestern Mexico
1859 Fitz Henry Lane View of Gloucester, Cape Ann, Massachusetts
1875 Roe and Colby Map of Camden and Rockport, Maine
1757 Seutter / Lotter Map of the Northeast with a View of New York City
1564 Camocio and Forlani Map of Crete, Greece
1748 Cuevas 'Valle de Mexico' Book and Map on flood control in Mexico City
1938 Richard Edes Harrison Map of Robert Moses' Works in New York City and Long Island
1903 Le Cointe Map of the Middle-Lower Amazon River, Trombetas River, Brazil
1710 Homann Map of Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia, and Lusatia
1939 Hagstrom Map of New York City, w/ Never-Built 'Battery-Brooklyn Bridge'
1710 Homann Map of Iberia (Spain and Portugal), War of the Spanish Succession
1710 Homann Map of Portugal w/ Brazil, War of the Spanish Succession
1930 Japanese Y.M.C.A. Map of San Francisco, California
1862 Currier and Ives View of the Civil War Naval Battle of Plum Point Bend (Mississippi River)
1590 / 1603 Ortelius View of The Paradise of Tempe at the foot of Mount Olympus
1707 Eberhard Isbrand Ides / Johann Baptist Homann Map of the Russian Empire
1702 / 1710 Homann Map of the Netherlands, Southeast Asia, and New York
1954 Baille Pictorial Map of the World Tracing Voyages of French Warships
1871 Fichot Bird's Eye View of Paris Burning during the Paris Commune
1900 Aece Hage / Rand McNally Chromolithograph View of Jerusalem
1911 Britton and Rey Chromolithograph View of San Francisco and Grizzly 'Undaunted'
1611 Bongars / Vesconte Map of the Middle East
1780 Bowles Map of North America and South America
1604 Villalpando Plan of Jerusalem
1849 Smith Wall Map of the Pennsylvania Anthracite Coal Fields
1902 F. W. Falls Chromolithograph View of Long Island, New York
1929 American Geographical Society Wall Map of Antarctica
1864 Moore Geographical Atlas for Confederate Children, published in Raleigh, S.C.
1880 Eckhoff Official Map of the Territory of Arizona
1835 Williams Map of Artificial Harbor for Proposed Canal around Niagara Falls
1951 Liozu Pictorial Map of Ile-de-France, with Paris
1796 Barrow Map of the Grand Canal, China, during the Macartney Mission
1969 Nanhua Publishing Bilingual Pictorial Map of Taiwan
1540 / 1556 Münster Map of Poland and Hungary
1892 Ozaki Bi-Lingual Map of Yokohama, Japan w/flags
1906 Stanford Issue of John Arrowsmith's Map of Southeast Asia and the East Indies
1623 Mercator / Hondius Map of the British Isles
1873 Meiji 6 Gaiko Oya Map of the Eastern Hemisphere
1891 Overend Print of a Football / Soccer Match - The Association Game
1947 Arnold Humorous Pictorial Map of California and the United States
1931 Observatoire Central de l'Indochine Map of the China Sea to Track Typhoons
1760 Grimmel / Seutter Map of Lake Ladoga, Gulf of Finland, St. Petersburg
1861 Admiralty Civil War 'Blockade Runner' Map of the Savannah River, Georgia
1911 Folding Map of Istanbul and the Bosporus Straits
1804 Direccion Hidrografica Nautical Chart or Map of the Virgin Islands
1936 Social Security Board Broadside Promoting the Social Security Program
1810 Pair of Anonymous American Schoolgirl Manuscript Maps: United States and World
1851 / 1849 Dufour Map Pair of North America and South America
1710 Funck / Homann Table of Distances in Europe
1710 Homann Map of Southern Germany and Austria: War of Spanish Succession
1939 Romer Pictorial Resource Map of South America
1908 Ludwig Transportation Map of Argentina
1926 Japanese Times New York City Guide
1919 Stanford Map of Russia and the Trans-Siberian Railway
1862 Andriveau-Goujon and Vuillemin Map of the United States and Mexico
1823 Tanner Map of Kentucky and Tennessee
1950 Lizarraga Advertisement, Trans Mar de Cortes, Baja California
1957 Sekai Bunka Pictorial Manga World Map w/ Bikini Atoll Atomic Tests
1944 Psychological Warfare Propaganda Leaflets dropped on Japan, World War II
1782 Brion de la Tour Map of Menorca and the 1781 Franco-Spanish Invasion
1932 Jichisan Shōkai Bi-Lingual Large-Format Map of Shanghai, China
1755 Nicolas Bellin Map of North America
1922 War Office Map of Hong Kong and the New Territories
1853 Presdee and Edwards Wall Map of Ludlow, Vermont (Okemo Mountain)
1952 Hubbard Pictorial View of Jack London Square, Oakland, California
1707 Homann Map of Northern Italy - Genoa, Milan, Parma, Verona (First State)
1909 Mason McDuffie Promotional Cadastral Map of Northbrae, Berkeley, California
1945 Bennett Pictorial Map of Luzon, Philippines
1911 Arthur J. Elder Bird's-Eye View Map of the University of Kentucky (Richard Rummell)
1916 Mellis Diazotype Map of Eastern Oregon
1970 Baynes Map Map of Middle Earth for Tolkien's 'Lord of the Rings'
1980 Petroleum News Map of Oil in the South China Sea, Southeast Asia, and the Philippines
1932 Gillespie Pictorial Map of the Mount Hood Loop, Oregon
1933 E. Karolyn Ries Pictorial Map of the Oregon Territory
1897 Arros Family Tree of Queen Victoria (Diamond Jubilee)
1597 Wytfiet Map of Anian (Alaska, Pacific Northwest)
1952 Denoyer-Geppert Literary Pictorial Map of the United States
1848 Edmond Blunt Nautical Chart or Map of Florida and the Bahama Banks
1848 Foreman and Brown Bird's-Eye View of New York City from Williamsburg
1776 Jefferys-Holland Map of New York, New Jersey, Vermont, Hudson Valley
1608 Matthias Quad Atlas (Finest example! Ex. Lord Wardington)
1938 Koyama Kichizō View of Suzhou, Second Sino-Japanese War
1903 Woodward and Watson Map of Oakland, California and Nearby Cities
1935 Asahi Shimbun Japanese Map of Ethiopia, Abyssinia Crisis
1872 Currier and Ives View of the Great Boston Fire
1948 Randolph and Storm Pictorial Map of Texas Dominating North America
1820 Dépôt de la Marine Nautical Map of the Faroe Islands
1846 British Admiralty Nautical Chart or Map of Xiamen (Amoy), China
1598 Sebastian Petri Map of Africa after Ortelius
1794 Laurie and Whittle Broadsheet, The Glorious First of June
1918 Propaganda Booklet w/ Maps Setting the North Italy Border
1979 Cuellar Pictorial Map of Northern California, Farm Workers / Chicano Movement
1945 Jo Mora Pictorial Map of California
1998 Salman Abu Sitta Map of Palestine and the Nakba
1777 Croisey Map of the Russian Discoveries in Alaska and Bering Strait
1924 Los Angeles Highways and Frederick Law Olmsted Traffic Plan
1720 Gerard Van Keulen Map of the Pacific Ocean and Americas
1778 Zatta 12-Sheet Map of the United States (Revolutionary War)
1548 Gastaldi Map of New England
1647 / 1661 Dudley Map of North America East Coast
1738 Lempriere / Toms Map of Bermuda - landmark mapping of Bermuda
1685 Roggeveen Map of Bermuda (First Nautical Chart of Bermuda)
United States
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