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Copyright © 2025 Geographicus Rare Antique Maps
Digital Image: 1646 Joan Blaeu County Map of Wiltshire, Noting Stonehenge
Digital Map Information
Geographicus maintains an archive of high-resolution rare map scans. We scan our maps at 300 DPI or higher, with newer images being 600 DPI, (either TIFF or JPEG, depending on when the scan was done) which is most cases in suitable for enlargement and printing.
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You can use your digial image any way you want! Our digital images are unrestricted by copyright and can be used, modified, and published freely. The textual description that accompanies the original antique map is not included in the sale of digital images and remains protected by copyright. That said, we put significant care and effort into scanning and editing these maps, and we’d appreciate a credit when possible. Should you wish to credit us, please use the following credit line:
Courtesy of Geographicus Rare Antique Maps (http://www.geographicus.com).
How Large Can I Print?
In general, at 300 DPI, you should at least be able to double the size of the actual image, more so with our 600 DPI images. So, if the original was 10 x 12 inches, you can print at 20 x 24 inches, without quality loss. If your display requirements can accommodate some loss in image quality, you can make it even larger. That being said, no quality of scan will allow you to blow up at 10 x 12 inch map to wall size without significant quality loss. For more information, it is best consult a printer or reprographics specialist.
If the high resolution image you ordered is unavailable, we will fully refund your purchase. Otherwise, digital images scans are a service, not a tangible product, and cannot be returned or refunded once the download link is used.
Joan (Johannes) Blaeu (September 23, 1596 - December 21, 1673) was a Dutch cartographer active in the 17th century. Joan was the son of Willem Janszoon Blaeu, founder of the Blaeu firm. Like his father Willem, Johannes was born in Alkmaar, North Holland. He studied Law, attaining a doctorate, before moving to Amsterdam to join the family mapmaking business. In 1633, Willem arranged for Johannes to take over Hessel Gerritsz's position as the official chartmaker of the Dutch East India Company, although little is known of his work for that organization, which was by contract and oath secretive. What is known is his work supplying the fabulously wealthy VOC with charts was exceedingly profitable. Where other cartographers often fell into financial ruin, the Blaeu firm thrived. It was most likely those profits that allowed the firm to publish the Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, sive, Atlas Novus, their most significant and best-known publication. When Willem Blaeu died in 1638, Johannes, along with his brother Cornelius Blaeu (1616 - 1648) took over the management of the Blaeu firm. In 1662, Joan and Cornelius produced a vastly expanded and updated work, the Atlas Maior, whose handful of editions ranged from 9 to an astonishing 12 volumes. Under the brothers' capable management, the firm continued to prosper until the 1672 Great Amsterdam Fire destroyed their offices and most of their printing plates. Johannes Blaeu, witnessing the destruction of his life's work, died in despondence the following year. He is buried in the Dutch Reformist cemetery of Westerkerk. Johannes Blaeu was survived by his son, also Johannes but commonly called Joan II, who inherited the family's VOC contract, for whom he compiled maps until 1712. More by this mapmaker...
John Speed (1542 - 1629) was an important English historian and cartographer active in the early 17th century. Speed was born in Fardon, Cheshire and apprenticed under his father as a tailor. Though his heart was never in tailoring, Speed dedicated himself to this profession until he was about 50 years old. During all the time, Speed dedicated his spare time to research as amateur historian and mapmaker - even preparing several maps for Queen Elizabeth. In London, Speed's interest in history lead him to join the Society of Antiquaries. Eventually he befriended the wealthy Sir Fulke Greville, who sponsored his researches and eventually freed him from the haberdashery profession. Working with William Camden, Speed eventually published his 1611 Historie of Great Britaine. Though this history itself was amateurish and of minimal importance, Speed's inclusion of numerous maps of British Cities and town was seminal. In many cases these plans were the first maps ever issued of their respective subjects. Later, turning his attention more fully to Geography, Speed published the magnificent atlas Theatre of the Empire of Great Britaine and, just prior to his death, the 1627 A Prospect of the Most Famous Parts of the World. These were the first British world atlases and have a landmark position in the history of cartography. These atlases continued to be published well after Speed's death. Learn More...
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