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Copyright © 2025 Geographicus Rare Antique Maps
Hilary Nicholas Nissen (1813 - August 25, 1877) was a British stationer, politician, sheriff, and businessman. Nissen founded the firm Nissen and Parker at 43 Mark Lane, London. Parker we have been unable to isolate. The firm is best known for servicing the London financial market, printing bank notes, checks, certificates, drafts, maps, and books. By 1867, they became Nissen, Parker, and Arnold. By the early 20th century, the firm changed to Nissen and Arnold. At its height, the firm serviced nearly 2000 banking and mercantile establishments. Nissen served as a London Sheriff in 1863 and 1864, about whom the following satirical poem was composed and published in the 1864 Eleventh Londoniad,
And here I was a new artistic strainNissen was also a master of the Fruitierers Company, a kind of London guild, initially associated with the fruit industry, that can trace its roots to the 14th century.
For Hilary Nicholas Nissen of Mark-lane,
Whose fam'd house the first in Middlesex is,
Lo! His Improvement in Book Indexes;
I T' incorporate in th' Londoniad
Throught; but see th' great advance my hero made.
He the great triumph of th' age has shared -
Note, his Paper Chemicaly Prepared.
The great Art Controvertist hail; I hear
His name resound in either hemisphere,
And that few, if any, have such a brain
As the prime hero of science in Mark-lane.
Cheque-printer, him we first in England rank,
His name's in ev'ry public, ev'ry private bank;
But need I through the vast Catalogue range,
of 43, Mark-lane, near to the Corn Exchange'
It can never fall to my lot again,
To have Lord Mayor and Sheriff with such heart and brain.
Copyright © 2025 Geographicus Rare Antique Maps | Geographicus Rare Antique Maps
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Copyright © 2025 Geographicus Rare Antique Maps